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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! Lockdown isn't too bad for me either, I'm able to work from home so I'm still working full time and still on full pay. I'm actually going into the office this week for 3 days too, because we are technically 'essential' (though in reality I can work perfectly well from home, I just want to see people!). That sucks if people weren't getting any pay when they were on furlough; how did they eat and pay rent and things? Pathfinder is fun. It's also a lot of my social life these days, but that's no bad thing!
  2. Thank you! Also, I now realise I should probably update my signature to my current challenge, so thanks for that too!
  3. Heya, how's it going? Haven't seen caught up with you here in ages. Hope you're having a good week.
  4. It's weird, steak and kidney pie sounds fancy (and it is very good), but a lot of people go weird if you tell them you're eating kidneys. I think I must have been in my late teens before I consciously made the connection between liver and kidneys as food, and live and kidneys as internal organs.
  5. Good intentions for the week Puck. You can do this - go get it!
  6. I haven't done a proper update since Wednesday! Woops! Wednesday was a good day. Crossfit was bench, where I worked up to 65kg (~143#) for sets of 5, 4 (failed 5th), 5. Then we had ring muscle ups, gymnastic taps, and cable pulldowns. I got about 7 ring muscle ups over the course of the session, and a even strung a couple together in pairs, so I feel like I can officially say that I can do muscle ups now (rather than just that I've done a couple). It actually got to the point where my dip was failing rather than the transition, which is new. In the evening I went to play snooker for the last time until at least December, as England went back into lockdown on Thursday. Thursday was a good day. First day of lockdown so I worked out at home. Started with an easy 4 mile run, and then when I got home I did AMRAP 10': 3 dips, 5 plyo pushups, 15 tuck jumps. Dips were a bit rough after Wednesday's muscle ups, but I will got 5 rounds and 10 reps. In the evening I had Pathfinder, our Mummy's Mask game. We had a couple of epic battles where I couldn't hit a barn door most of the time, but on the two occasions I did hit they were criticals that finished off the enemy I was attacking. We finished by killing a massive clockwork golem, which had an arm made entirely of angle grinders. Unfortunately that thing had dealt heavy damage to WW's warpriest, and when we killed it it exploded in a shower of whirring blades that killed her. It's the first character death for this party, and I'm not sure if we'll be able to bring her back or not. Friday was a good day. I had a day off work so I slept in late, and then spent about an hour and 45 minutes on my workout. I Did some stuff programmed by my Crossfit coach - straddle leg lifts, pseudo planche pushups, and wide stance goblet squats (unfortunately I could only cobble together a 17kg (~37#) dumbbell for these. Then I did some handstand practice: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHP30MUglIv/ Finished off with some L-sit practice and some stretching. Chilled out for most of the rest of the day, and did some D&D prep for my Sunday game. In the evening I cooked a halloumi curry, and finally did some foam rolling to actually get somewhere with that goal.
  7. yeah, apparently it's a thing that happens to me. Thank you ? Yeah, it's like no effort has been made to make the movements anatomically possible, and I kind of love that. Not affiliated, unless you count the bank account I had no idea I had with them until last week. I'm with you though, it's all very convenient. Ah, that's good, putting you in fear of death is a big part of my job as DM
  8. Absolutely agree. I was thinking how odd it was reading about all of the pies on this thread, and none of them having meat in. Or mouths, as I like to call them.
  9. It will pass, and it's really good that you know it will, I think that in itself helps. Good on you for staying here and posting. There might not be much we can practically do to help, but we're always here to listen when you want to talk about this stuff.
  10. I've never had cheese on a pie. I've had cheese in a pie, usually stilton or something else French and potent, but never on a pie. Sounds like something I should try.
  11. Wow, some of the stuff you guys have had to go through to get the medical treatment you want is horrifying. I'm so sorry. Doctors' personal opinions shouldn't affect treatment decisions like that. Glad everything is going through for you so quickly this time @spezzy
  12. Tuesday - Week 2 Day 2 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was hang power snatches - my form felt rubbish for some reason but I got a couple of doubles in at 37.5kg (~83#). That was followed by 3 attempts for time of 12 dumbbell snatches, 100m ski, 8 d-ball slams. I did 20kg (~44#) on the dumbbells and 30kg (~66#) on the d-balls, and finished in 1:32, 1:23, and 1:21 respectively. The d-balls were the hard bit - getting 30kg overhead is so much harder when it's that shape! I went out for breakfast with a few people from work and had a massive fry up, which was lovely. Well, I say a fry up, it was the ingredients of a fry up but all a bit posher. It was nice to see everyone though, before we go back into lockdown this week. Work was busy but ok. After work WW cooked sausage and mash for dinner. In the evening we had D&D, and had a nice scary combat against 6 succubus simulacra. That was followed by some roleplay that started off fun, but ended up with one player feeling quite uncomfortable unfortunately. We called the session there, and might retcon some stuff to make him feel more comfortable. I don't really understand what his issue was, but it doesn't really matter, what matters is that we change things so that everyone feels comfortable round the table. Protein was massively low, I didn't realise how much of my daily protein is in my morning protein shake (which I didn't have, as I went out for breakfast). By the time I didn realise I wasn't hungry, and didn't want to cram a load more food in to hit the goal. Teeth were done.
  13. I think I've seen a Twitch stream of some people playing Phasmophobia - it looks like it alternates between being hilarious and terrifying. well that worked out well then! I don't think we had meat shortages here. Initially it was just pasta and toilet roll. Then is was eggs, flour, and yeast as the entire country took up baking when they couldn't go to work! That was worse for me - I go through about 20 eggs on a normal week.
  14. Monday - Week 2 Day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was squats, and I worked up to 97.5kg (~215#) x 3, 90kg (~198#) x 5 and 82.5kg (~182#) x 7. I was really tempted to go for 100kg on the top set, particularly as I might not be able to do squats again for a few months, but 97.5 was the logical progression and so I swallowed my pride and did that. Following that was an 8 minute AMRAP of 4 push press (45kg/99#), 6 front rack lunges (same weight), 8 chest to bar. I managed 4 rounds and 4 reps, which I'm pretty happy with. Got some drawing done at lunch - working on a thing I was doing in September and got sidelined by Inktober. After work I cooked dinner - chicken curry with leftover chicken from our Sunday roast. Didn't put enough spice in, but it was fine. Then we went grocery shopping which was a wholly unremarkable experience, despite the lack of toilet roll and pasta showing some panic buying had obviously occurred. I'm not sure in what world the 2 things I would panic about not having most would be toilet roll and pasta, but apparently I'm in the minority. By the time we got home and put the shopping away it was time for bed, so no stretching or rolling unfortunately. Managed to get my protein in at exactly 150g from 2,616 calories, but only by drinking some extra milk before bed. Teeth were done.
  15. Thank you! Computer games for Halloween sounds good too! Did you play anything particularly Halloween themed?
  16. Sorry about the job man, but it sounds like you've already got a solid plan to find something new and I've no doubt that you'll get it sorted. Brilliant work on all of the Halloween costumes!
  17. Wow, that narrative is really well written, I could really feel Yeti's emotion in that moment. Look forward to hearing more about Scoria's backstory
  18. Well at least it's not like you sat on the sofa all weekend - all that house moving and shopping sounds like a workout! Lovely stuff! Keep it up.
  19. Yeah, it's pretty weird but I'm certainly happy about it! And thank you.
  20. So sorry for your loss NTB. I hope everything works out well for you with relationships and work, whatever that looks like in the end.
  21. Week 1 Scores Muscle - 10XP Track food and hit 150g protein per day. 4/7 - I tracked food 6/7 days, but forgot a bit about the protein requirement. I was less than 10g of protein off on the other days, so I could have achieved this had I paid more attention. That's the lesson for next week then. Wizard - 10XP Have a workout plan and stick to it. I've written a plan which basically boils down to 4/5 Crossfit sessions per week, and 3/4 runs per week, alternating between which one I do more of. There's a plan for the types of runs as well, to keep it interesting. Every workout needs to be followed by stretching to count, even if it's just 30 seconds to get me into the habit. 6/7 - I missed my run on Sunday, chiefly because I didn't want to get really muddy when I couldn't have a shower. I would have run otherwise, so happy with this. Goal for next week will still be to stick to the plan, but what the plan is changes depending on if gyms are declared 'essential services' between now and Thursday. I personally think it's unlikely, and I've got a plan for if the gym can't operate, but apparently some healthcare professionals are pushing for it here. Athletics - 10XP Foam rolling three times per week. 3/3 - did my last session at half past 9 Sunday night, but it all counts. Acrobatics - 5XP Split stretches once per week. 1/1 - Did this on day 1, because it's good to start the week with a win. That'll be the plan for this week too, though timings today may be a bit fucky. Spellbook - 5XP Draw three times per week. 0/3 - Didn't happen this week. That's ok though, I had some major life stuff going on that needed to take priority. Hopefully I will have time to do stuff this week. Prestidigitation - 5XP Teeth brushing 2 x per day, and use the electric brush and interdental sticks in the evening. 7/7 - This is easy enough, just as long as I don't forget, and the challenge helps me to not forget. Looking at week 2, I've decided it's going to be a good week. My goals all feel achievable as I'm looking at them now, and I'm happy that they will be.
  22. ^GoodDoug put it better than I could, you definitely got your workout in. Also, pizza and beer is the traditional food for home renovation, so I think you ate well too! Obviously you should try to eat well the majority of the time, but having an unusual day like this is not the same as mindlessly snacking on a regular basis, for example.
  23. Sorry man, I meant to get it going again but it's just been a mad couple of weeks. Still here to keep you accountable though! Hope things work out as well as they can with SRLF's work, and lockdown stuff in general.
  24. Vutha deals crazy damage and has a great AC. Scoria can just tank so much damage though. It would be an interesting fight.
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