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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Important thing first: @DarK_RaideR has set up a thread for the campaign logs of our D&D play by post, which he runs for @Starpuck @Raxie @Wild Wolf and myself. We'll also be chatting about our characters and giving you some behind the scenes stuff. There's a lot of people who suddenly have a lot of time on their hands, so hopefully you'll find this entertaining: ====== Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was glute bridges, which I kept pretty light because right now my glutes still suck. At least I feel like I'm actually using them now, instead of compensating with my back and legs. After that we had a suitably disgusting WOD: For time: 300m row 30 kettlebell swings 30 wallballs 30 kettlebell swings 30 toes to bar 30 kettlebell swings I went 24kg (~53#) on the swings and used a 9kg (~20#) wallball. I'm really slow at wallballs, and my toes to bar get really ropey after the first set, so I ended up being slowest in the class. Suitably hard work at least! Work was ok, it's all a bit tense but at least we got an official decision that we could start working at home. I still have the choice to go into the office, but government advice is to work from home so that's what I'm going to do. It's also nice to be in control of that decision, rather than waiting every day to see if work/the government force me into it. After work WW had her gay best friend round (henceforth GBF), and he brought wine and beer. So having planned a low calorie day it was a medium calorie day - pretty sure I'm going to go over at some point in the week at this rate. We put together a playlist of Coronavirus songs, so that was pretty entertaining. Then WW and GBF went to do some baking, and I sat on the sofa and spent a couple of hours catching up on here - I never get to do that so it was really nice. Again I sat on the sofa, chilled out and drank beers. Again I didn't drink too much. Again I did not do my hip stretches or my teeth. This isn't the way I want to finish this challenge, but I'm not too worried about spending a few days adjusting to the changes in my life right now. ====== This morning I went to Crossfit, and I was feeling really weak. We had squats, and I worked up to 90kg (~198#) x 3, 80kg (~176#) x 5 and 70kg (~154#) x 7. I'm quite happy with that given how I felt, but last time be did that rep scheme I did 100kg/90kg/80kg, so it's a way off. My form was better this time at least. That was followed by yoke carries. I worked up to 145kg (~319#), which is a reasonable number I guess? Working from home today has been weird. I've definitely got a lot done, maybe more than I would have done in the office. It's been a bit lonely, but I've had a few calls so it's not the end of the world. Tonight I shall chill in front of the TV some more. Tomorrow is long run day; I've got 13 miles on the cards. Weather looks good, so that should be fun. Sunday I'll do my short run first thing, and then I'm doing a shift as a delivery driver for WW's work which will be an interesting change of pace.
  2. Thank you! Good to see another person who talks correctly A lot of British English looks French - see colour, centre, rationalise, and anything else where the American spelling removes a 'u', swaps 're' for 'er', or replaces 's' with 'z'. Yeah, I've never understood how this could look like an egg, or indeed a plant: ?
  3. Lies, @DarK_RaideR deserves all the credit for this idea. "Cute" depends on the edition... I'll hold off on a full backstory until we've got a bit of narrative posted, but D_R has done an excellent job of summing him up!
  4. Stay strong Yeti, there's a lot of shit going on right now, but you will most certainly get through it.
  5. Jarric


    How's it going? Are you still on for the tattoo appointment?
  6. Good on you for being the glue that holds your family together. Don't forget to take care of yourself first though, so that you can continue to take care of them.
  7. I don't know if you're joking or not but I love the idea of a cougarette A courgette is the correct word for a zucchini You can thank @Raxie for the bolded bits.
  8. It almost feels like the planet is fighting back against all the shit we put it through. Almost.
  9. Yesterday was a good day. I met WW from work and we walked home. By the time we'd stopped in the shop on the way home I was very short on time, so rushed to get changed and go to Crossfit. The clean and jerk skill session was really good, I feel like I learned a lot. I felt really really tired though, just emotionally and physically knackered. It's a far cry from how upbeat and energised I felt Tuesday evening, guess the world just got to me a bit yesterday. In the evening I made gnocchi with tomatoes, courgette and mozzarella. I also had a few beers, as Wednesday would normally be a night out and quite frankly I felt I needed them. Only had a couple, and came in at 2,747 so a medium calorie day in the end. That gives me another medium calorie day for later in the week (probably Sunday), and a high calorie day for my long run on Saturday. Tonight I've got a chill evening in, and we have one of WW's colleagues staying over. Tomorrow will be my first day working from home, so that will be an interesting experience!
  10. Yesterday was a good day. The Captain couldn't make it out for beers at the end, so I went home and had a free evening. WW cooked some fish with breadcrumbs and cheese, served with sugar snap peas and fine beans. It was lovely, and so low calorie that I had some snacky stuff for desert. The day came in at 2,357/3410 calories. I got my computer set up to work from home, so I suspect in the next day or so work will ask me to do that rather than coming in to the office. Got my hip stretches done in front of the TV, watching the last of Critical Role. I'm sad that they're not filming any more of this for a while, but it's no great surprise to be fair. After that we watched some Acquisitions Incorporated: The C Team - thankfully I've got loads of that to catch up on . Teeth done so 4/4 for goals, and in bed around half 10. ===== This morning I went out for my run. 6 miles that felt really really tough for some reason, but it was a good time to clear my head and the first proper run I've had since Nuts. I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to more running time. Tonight I'm going to try out a skill practice class at my Crossfit gym. I usually can't make them as I play snooker on Wednesdays, but snooker is cancelled so I get to give it a go. If it's good I might make it a regular part of my routine for a while. Tonight is clean and jerk practice.
  11. Well I'll still be working my 9-5, though from my home rather than my office soon I suspect. But without going out in the evenings, I'm looking forward to more time to focus on extra workouts, more time learning to draw, working on my French (as I've promised @deftona now), and working on my D&D campaign (or maybe a new campaign too).
  12. Glad the scale trend is going your way! Weirdly I feel like because I can't go out and do things every night I'm actually more likely to eat healthily and will have more time to hit my other goals. I know you usually have the world's most insane schedule, so maybe being forced to drop a few of those commitments for a while will actually be good for you .
  13. Yesterday was a good day. It started with Crossfit, and I managed to get 6 muscle ups over the course of the session! I haven't tried them in ages so I'm really pleased to see I've still got them. Also did lots of scales muscle up movements (chin-ups, dips, box climbs) had some walking lunges and single arm rows. After work I cooked sausages with sweet potato wedges and baked beans, and we watched some of the latest episode of Critical Role. It's their 5 year anniversary, and I can't believe how long I've been watching it for! Food was pretty much spot on at 2,339 calories of 2,410. Hip stretches were done in front of the TV. I even did a hangboarding workout for my first extra credit work in weeks! And teeth were done before an early bed time, so perfect of all goals. ===== This morning Crossfit was fun again - slam ball overhead throws, hang power cleans and farmers' carry. I kept the snatch light at 37.5kg (~82.5#) and worked on form. Farmers' carries I managed to get pretty heavy, working up to 134kg (~295#). Tonight I'm meeting with a friend for a few beers if pubs are still open, if not we'll try and find some beer in the shops and he can come round my house. So it'll be a high-calorie day, but shouldn't be a late night so I can still get my hip stretches done. ===== Coronavirus thoughts, as they pertain to my own routine, spoilered for those who've had enough of talking about this:
  14. They look gorgeous! So imagine those, but instead of being hollow with stuff in them they're entire lumps of thrice-cooked potato with stuff on top of them! It was a really fun weekend, and whilst it wasn't very healthy I regret absolutely nothing.
  15. The weekend was a good one. Friday night's Metallica tribute band were really good fun, and I drank far to much beer and shouted my way through some songs I haven't heard in ages. When I got back I stayed up far too late chatting to certain nerds about Coronavirus, it was good to vent and to compare notes with people from other parts of the world. Saturday I did not exercise. I had planned to, but I was really very hungover. Instead I relaxed in the morning, and then in the afternoon went to my local city to the pub as kind of a late birthday celebration. It was packed with people, which was really nice to see. We drank lots of beer, ate chunky chips (fries, for the Americans) which were basically each the size of a whole potato, and were covered with mozzarella and barbeque pulled pork. After much sitting and chatting and drinking WW drove me home, via MacDonald's for dinner. Needless to say it was not the healthiest day, with 10 pints of beer, several cigarettes, and an estimated 5,093 calories consumed. Sunday I felt a bit rough, but probably better than I deserved all things considered! I chilled out most of the day watching TV, did an art lesson, and generally just relaxed. It was really nice, and I did stay in my calorie goal to end the week a little stronger. Week 4 Stats Hip Rehab - 5/7 - Just the heavy drinking days missed Teeth - 4/7 - Forgot to do this Sunday, in addition to the days above Exercise - 4/7 - Blame the hangover (though I did workout on 5 days, I only score for 4) Calories - 3/7 (though I hit my goal on 4 days, I only score for 3). Average daily calories were 3,103, which is about maintenance, and accordingly my weight this morning was the same as last week's weigh in. Extra Credit - 0/3 - Didn't do this; must make time this week
  16. UK NHS guidance is to wash your hands for 20 seconds. Timing myself singing the chorus line just now I got through it 3 times in 23 seconds, so I guess 3 is about right? ETA: I'm totally going to do this every time I wash my hands now
  17. To be fair it was more that I wanted to actually finish the workout before the class ended that anything about safety . How do people hurt themselves doing toes to bar? Falling off? Yeah, two of us in Munchkin drew thief at the start, and spent the next several rounds stealing the same couple of items from each other. We came last as a result! Red Dragon Inn sounds like fun, I'll have to check it out. Also want to get the Critical Role Munchkin when that comes out, obviously! D&D quotes out of context are the best. Thank you! Yeah, it's been a fun week.
  18. Yesterday was a good day. D&D was cancelled as one player wasn't feeling well, but the rest of us met up and played board games instead. We had a good game of Munchkin (a must play for any D&D nerds), had a go a Monty Python Flux (which was very, very silly and involved a lot of stupid accents), and a quick game of Obama Llama to finish. Got home, got my stretches done even though I was mega tired, and got to bed about midnight. Teeth were done, calories were nailed at 2,409/2,410 again (still need to find that extra calorie!). ===== Crossfit this morning was hard work, but good fun. We started with deadlifts, and I worked up 130kg (~276#) for sets of 5, 3, 2. I was hoping to go a bit heavier but really wasn't feeling it - don't know if that's tiredness from Nuts, lack of sleep, or eating at a deficit. That was followed by, for time: 1km row 50 toes to bar 30 pullups I attempted to Rx this, but 50 toes to bar is absolutely brutal! I got to 30 (including a few very dubious reps) and then switched those to knee raises instead. Tonight is a Metallica tribute band; should be fun!
  19. Yeah, there's not much that tops that! That's interesting, I can imagine that it get a bit hectic at times?
  20. It will be ok. Unless you have underlying health issues with your breathing, you are not in danger. It probably won't be very pleasant if you catch it, but within a week you'll be back up and running with no problems. I know anxiety is complex, and logical arguments aren't always helpful. But seriously, it will be ok. You are incredible! One day I'll do pullups like you.
  21. Hope you manage to get a decent marathon in, and well done on the recent local route!
  22. It is good, I enjoy helping people understand complex things. What do you do? ^what Deffy said
  23. Thank you! And, thank you! I'm a commercial insurance broker, which is more interesting than it sounds (admittedly not difficult). We deal with some fairly big companies so it can be quite intimidating meeting with business owners/senior management and putting yourself forward as an expert. The people I saw today were really nice though, which helped a lot.
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