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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. thank you - perfect week complete!
  2. Well done on going three times this week - I find that the best way to not be sore from workouts is to not stop working out! I think as you get back into going 3 times per week you'll ultimately find it better. This is great progress from a solid challenge, well done!
  3. Hope you have a fantastic trip Sky! I'd quite like to see this, if that's ok, it sounds like fun.
  4. A good end to the week so far. Friday morning was Crossfit - reverse lunges, overhead squats, L-sit pullups, and I capped off with a a few glute-ham raises. My arse now hurts Rest of the day was cool, work was quieter and had a chilled evening. All goals hit and calories kept fairly low. Yesterday I went out for a 5 mile run early, then WW and I went with my parents to the Science Museum. The main reason was an exhibition on the history of codes, cyphers and GCHQ (Government Communication Headquarters - a UK intelligence agency that's sort of the equivalent of the NSA, and has it's routes in the work to crack the Enigma code in World War II). It was really interesting, and we got a chance to wander around the rest of the museum too, which was fun. Watched the rugby in the evening #coybig #shouldertoshoulder All goals hit again and calories were a little higher, but still under 2,800 so pretty ok. Today is the last day of this challenge, and so far I've been bouldering and watched the women's rugby - Ireland vs Wales #coygig #shouldertoshoulder - and now watching the men's France Ireland game. Bouldering was great fun too, lots of tough projects that I want to come back and try some more. I should hit all of my goals today, which I think would give me a perfect final week.
  5. Looking forward to seeing this challenge, it builds so logically on the last one. KETTLEBELLS YOGA BABY RUCKING (Yes, that was exactly what I thought).
  6. Well done on thrashing this challenge mate. Sorry to hear about the Seminary closing, but I think you have a really heathy response towards those who have closed it.
  7. Good call on the ice cream - I had an ice lolly last night and was pleasantly surprised that it was ~200 calories less than I was expecting. Hope your weekend is going well.
  8. Yesterday was a good day. WW had to work a little late, so I went home and started cooking without her. I did Salmon Salad with Orange-Miso Dressing - basically fried salmon, quinoa, rocket, mange tout, orange, avocado, spring onions and coriander with a dressing of freshly squeezed orange juice, miso paste, rice vinegar and vegetable oil. Got it out of a recipe box and it was damned delicious, so I'll be making it again in the future. We went grocery shopping and spent lots of money re-filling the fridge, I did some hangboarding when we got home (still with limited success at this stage), and did my stretches before bed. All of that had me running a little late, and I got to bed just before 11. Teeth were done, calories tracked at 2,563, 4/4 on everything for the week so far. Average calories are looking to be a bit lower this week than they have been in previous weeks, it would be useful data if the scale shifts in proportion but I know a one-week sample isn't the greatest. Either way I'm looking forward to zero week planning and trying to set a calorie target and strategy, and finalise my other goals. As it's the necromancy challenge I also want to look back over my oldest posts to see how far I've come, and (belatedly) write a road map for 2020.
  9. Well done on keeping consistent with this - consistency is more important than how long each workout is. Hope your daughter's fracture heals up quickly, and you find out the root cause.
  10. That sounds truly disgusting, well done on getting it done.
  11. Sorry you've had a tough week, thank fuck it's Friday! I can see you getting kipping HSPU fairly quickly; it's as much technique as it is strength. What's your push press like at the moment? There's quite a bit of crossover between the two movements.
  12. Yesterday was a good day. Work did not run late, so I got to walk home with WW at a normal time. Dinner was quick, but not low calorie. WW threw together a tin of chopped tomatoes with gnocchi, pesto and paneer cheese. It was delicious and came in at 764kcal, so not too bad. I did most of my stretches before snooker too, so that set me up well for the evening. You'll be amazed, dear reader, to know that I was not moderate with my drinking. I randomly remembered how much I love Guinness, so I had 5 pints of it (though I did say no to a 6th). That adds 1,190kcal to my day for a total of 3,499kcal. I'm wondering how best to address this going forward; do I - Have a lower calorie target 5 days per week, and a higher one on a couple of days I normally drink Have the same target every day, and eat less on drinking days to compensate Have the same target every day, and drink less A combination of 2 and 3 Ultimately all options could give me the same weekly average calories, which is really all that matters, I'm just wondering what would be the best fit for me. Anywho, after snooker I did my last couple of stretches and got to bed just before midnight. ===== Crossfit this morning was pretty chilled. We started with 4 rounds for time of a 200m run and 7 muscle ups (scaled to chest to bar for me), and then had some ring dips and lots and lots of leg stretching. My lower body mobility has had a massive breakthrough in the last few days, not sure if that's all of the hip stretches paying off, or whether it's just that I didn't run at the weekend and haven't done any really heavy leg stuff this week (or maybe a combination of both). Tonight I need to go grocery shopping, and will otherwise chill in front of the TV.
  13. fair enough. If I can keep remembering to write like that it might be helpful for people. Also for me when I skim my own challenge to remember stuff!
  14. Well done on the massive runs dude. Just keep that downward trend going and you'll be fine.
  15. Yesterday was a good day. Work ran late as I got a call with some last minute work to do, but D&D was cancelled as our GM was ill so it wasn't too hard to stay late. I cooked a quick carbonara and settled down in front of the latest Critical Role. It was incredible, thoughts in spoiler: Did all my exercises, did my teeth, and got a decently early night which was nice after a busy work day. Calories were kept very reasonable at 2,290. ===== This morning I got up and out for a 6 mile run. It was actually supposed to be 7 miles, but I left a bit late and was going pretty slowly so I cut it a bit short. Got to break in my new shoes though. Tonight is snooker which is always a challenge to get all of my exercises done beforehand and to keep calories down with the beer I'll be drinking. We've planned a quick, low-ish calorie dinner, which should hopefully help on both counts.
  16. My forearms do ache today! Nothing too bad, but I keep being reminded that I've been working hard!
  17. FTFY I think I'd just treat myself to good food, good beer and a good movie, all guilt free. That to me sounds like a fine date.
  18. Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was fun (and tough). We had 10 rounds of 60 second intervals - 100m ski followed by max handstand pushups. 100m ski takes about 25 seconds (for me), so about 35 for the pushups. My best was 8 in one round, and after 10 rounds I hit 57 total. Using 2 ab mats for height on them, but that's still a lot! Followed that up with l-sit practice and glute bridges. Work was really busy as I had a meeting and a bit report to finish, ended up working a bit late but getting it done. In the evening I made puttanesca risotto and ate it in front of Critical Role. Hip exercises were done, teeth were done, calories were tracked at 2,411, so all goals met for the day. Crossfit this morning was good fun again, and really hard again. The workout was: 5 rounds for time 5 cleans (I did 50kg) 50ft handstand walk (I did 30 handstand palm raises After that we had tempo front squats - I worked up to 70kg triples. My wrists are now really sore from handstands two days in a row and the front rack position work today, but tomorrow is running so that should give me time to recover. Tonight is D&D and we'll be continuing to try and avoid our untimely deaths in a crypt under an abandoned house. Probably with limited success. Oh well, it's no fun if your life isn't on the line! Also, I'm experimenting with highlighting stuff in bold, á la @Raxie, am I doing it right?
  19. You know, that's just too much fun to not say yes to!
  20. So Friday night was really great fun. We ate posh food, listened to slightly dodgy entertainment, talked the toot and drank far, far too much. I got home at 2.30am, slept on the sofa until 6am, then went to bed until about 2pm! So Friday I didn't brush my teeth in the evening as I didn't go to bed in the evening. No goals got hit Saturday as I recovered from Friday night, but I got to sleep a lot and watch Wales stuff Italy and Ireland beat Scotland in the rugby, so very happy with all of that. Sunday I skipped my run again and slept and watched rugby some more. Also watched High Rollers in the evening, which is getting really good right now. I did go bouldering, so with that as exercise I technically hit all of my goals. /Technically/. Scores for the week: Hip rehab: 6/7 Tooth care: 5/7 Exercise: 4/7 (2 fails, 1 miss) Calories 4/7 (3 misses) For the week I averaged 2,974kcal, and my weight didn't change. 2 very high days brought that up massively. Data is good though.
  21. Oh that's damn suave. Oh why thank you Thanks! (I'll never be that cool though) (ETA: as cool as ZZ Top, not the guy in the video) Well they should be. And they should have a spit attack... http://bernietheflumph.blogspot.com/2016/01/llama-d-5th-edition.html?m=1
  22. Ask and ye shall receive.
  23. I'd love to try parkour! Don't think there's anything around me though (and to be honest I'm scared to check because I don't have space in my schedule for it!)
  24. Lol, no. Snooker Wednesday night was good - I played the best I have in a long time and absolutely annihilated the bloke I was playing. I did however drink 5 pints and put myself to 3,876kcal. I went home and did all of my stretches, but having dawdled through those after snooker I got to bed at 1am. Yesterday I woke up for Crossfit at 6am, thought better of it, booked out of my class and went back to sleep. I really should (and could) have taken steps to get to bed earlier on Wednesday, so I'm pretty annoyed at myself about that. Otherwise yesterday was good; I did all of my stretches when I got in from D&D, teeth were brushed, and calories were 2,532 (though I get no points for tracking them, because they're higher up the ziggurat than the exercise I missed). D&D was great fun. We're on out way to raid the Black Tower which is definitely going to be horrifically difficult. On the way we came across a shrine to Lamashtu which I just had to loot, so we walked in to take a look around. Imagine my surprise when a secret door opened and a lamia (think a lion centaur) stepped out. Imagine my further surprise when three more secret doors opened, revealing another lamia and two adult red dragons! We actually had a fairly successful go at destroying them all. I now have the ability to turn my snake animal companion into a dragon. so he was going toe to toe with the others and suddenly being incredibly combat effective. Our gnome ranger actually finished off both the dragons with her ability to fire a million arrows per round. And our hobgoblin kineticist shouted at one dragon so threateningly that it spent most of the combat running and hiding! Then we proceeded down the corridor and immediately came across a trapped area where enemies can fire spears out of hidden holes in the floor. We don't know what the enemies are yet, but we'll find out next session! Tonight I have a formal dinner, which should be good fun but will definitely be a heavy night. I've done most of my hip rehab stuff so need to finish that quickly tonight before I get into my tux.
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