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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hey, I almost never exercise drunk! You stretch drunk, exercise hungover Oh, and the cider was definitely my idea :D I would gladly take the blame for your state at Dirty Weekend, except you were hammered when your coach pulled up in the first place :P
  2. I don't know . Glad you got here though. Drunken stretching did happen, and I got to bed at 1am! As you say though, it still counts! Almost all the drawing I have done has been of people. Not that I'm particularly good, but when I was a teenager that's what I liked to draw too.
  3. So it appears that if I read a post, and then you edit it to tag me in it, I don't get the notification. So I missed that you had posted a challenge. I've said it elsewhere, but I'm glad you've set things in motion mate. Look forward to seeing your gym videos tomorrow. I know that feeling all too well! Today I missed my last buzzer to end an interval, and ended up with my last rest as my fastest segment!
  4. Yeah, Pub Draw is all characters from Critical Role - all humanoid and mostly just head and shoulders (although there's a couple of bits on full body poses). Yeah, that's a risk, but I'm generally no so drunk that I'll sleep on my living room floor!
  5. Yesterday was good again: Did all my stretches in the evening in front of Crit Role and Taskmaster. Teeth were done. I wonder if having a dentist appointment in a couple of weeks is helping my motivation on this? Exercise was Crossfit. We did yoke picks, which are good fun but man they felt heavy. Top rep was 115kg. Then we had a WOD of box step ups, kettlebell swings and double unders. I got one double under in practice, and one on my last rep of the WOD, otherwise it's singles for me. Calories were tracked, and fairly low at 2,575 Work was ok, we had a meeting all afternoon which was generally very positive, but ate a lot of time. After work I came home, cooked sausage, sweet potatoes, parsnips and crispy kale - it was lovely for such a simple dinner. Then I coloured in Jester in front of the TV before stretching. I'll put some water on it tomorrow and see if I can figure out how the hell watercolour pencils work! This morning I ran, got in a decent 7 miles before work and felt much better than I have recently. It helped that I was running on pavement due to the crappy weather we had, which is always easier than going off road. Tonight I have snooker so need to get in as much stretching as possible before that, lest I have to do it drunk at midnight again!
  6. You flatter me! Pub draws good fun - they go a bit off topic sometime and it helps that I like Critical Role as they draw CR characters, but I've also got a lot better going through the YouTube videos. You should definitely get back into drawing - it's so easy to improve at this stuff now we have YouTube tutorials! Haha. Haha. NO.
  7. It's the Pub Draw stuff. I'm on episode 2 of season 2 (I think), but jumped back to episode 3 of season 1 to draw Jester again. 105 pushups /felt/ brutal and unnecessary! My shoulder hurts quite a bit now (not injured, just worked really hard!). Yeah, it's good for tropes. Chest mimics, killing rats in the tavern cellar. We even got a good old bar brawl in before they went down. I'll let you know how the format goes. So far it's working really well, but I'm only 9 days in so time will tell.
  8. Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit had a mean WOD: 7 rounds for time: 5 deadlifts 15 pushups I did 100kg on the deadlifts, and to be honest I could have gone a little heavier, but 105 pushups?! I was toast after that, and I was slowest in the class to finish (though also the heaviest deadlift, so it's not all bad). Work was busy, and whilst I did a lot I don't feel like I achieved that much. In the evening I came home and did an art lesson. I was actually re-doing an old one drawing Jester from Critical Role, but doing it on watercolour paper so I can try out the watercolor pencils WW got me for Christmas. It's amazing to see how much better this is than my last attempt is, even after only a couple of months. Stretched after that, brushed my teeth, and tracked calories at a pretty reasonable 2,806 kcal. So 4/4 for my daily goals
  9. Pretty much! And the reveal was everything I hoped for. @DarK_RaideR was in on it too, as he introduced me to that particular adventure. Haha, my work here is done! Well you did get my cherry . And thank you, you're a big part of the reason I play and DM now.
  10. That sounds familiar! I do this more when I'm feeling tired/stressed, though I've not figured out the exact trigger for it or how to stop doing it. Could you have 2 versions of each encounter depending on who shows up? Easy to have 2 tables for random encounters, more difficult for set piece combats. Or you could go full gygaxian naturalism and just kill them if they're not smart enough to run away
  11. Sorry Sunday was rubbish, but glad you had a good day today! And hopefully you won't live with a hoarder for too much longer, and then things will be easier
  12. Saturday I've already talked about, so suffice it to say that I did brush my teeth and in doing so hit all of my goals for the day. Yesterday was a great day. Got up and did a quick 2 mile run, then set about tidying the house ready for some Rangers to come over. We got a surprising amount done in the time, although there's still a lot more we could have done. The challenge now is keeping the place looking nice. Our D&D game was awesome. Spoilers for the Madness of the Rat King module (which I can finally reveal the name of now they've played through it): Goals wise I hit everything yesterday, though calorie tracking was a bit more abstract due to snacking whilst gaming I think I got pretty close. That leaves me at the end of week 1 with 7/7 on all of my goals. Calorie wise I averages 3233kcal per day, and the scale is 2# lighter than it was a week ago. I assume that's a fluctuation and that I won't get away with continuing to eat that much, but it'd be great if I could!
  13. Welcome back guys! Well naturally, they knew it was you who was asking after them.
  14. Good to see you today mate, looking forward to you posting your challenge tomorrow
  15. Yesterday feels like a long time ago, oddly. • Did all of my stretches in the evening, and got a reasonable bed time for a weekend • Teeth done • Exercise was Crossfit - after a lot of lower body work recently it was finally an upper body day. We had muscle ups, and I managed 2! 2 in 5 attempts to be fair, but I didn't think I'd get any before I lost some of my Christmas weight so mega happy with that. Followed that up with a WOD of dips, elevated ring rows, and situps. • Calories tracked - 3,035kcal; fairly high thanks to a fairly large (but delicious) dinner of pork belly roll with apple sauce and chips, and a handful of chocolate coins for desert. Did some D&D prep for the game I'm running on Sunday for WW, @Charlie_Quinn, @jonfirestar and @Rhovaniel and now I'm feeling really excited for it (though always a bit nervous). Today I've been really tired, despite getting over 8 hours sleep, which is a bit weird. We did some grocery shopping, and totally failed to tidy the house for people being here tomorrow. Went out for my run, which was supposed to be 10 miles. Gave up fairly early on and got back in a total of 6, a big chunk of which I walked. Just felt really tired and crappy. On the plus side it still counts towards my goal, and I've done my stretching and calorie tracking, so I just need to brush my teeth and I'm 6/6 on all goals so far. On that note, it's bedtime!
  16. Fingers crossed for Mr's apprenticeship!
  17. Correct. Also did you know that a d4 does a d4 of damage if you stand on it barefoot? Have fun at your game today!
  18. That's how I felt when I read American Gods - it doesn't seem to have a cohesive plot as such, it's just a ramling collection of some things that happen. And I absolutely loved that book, so I know what you mean! Awesome! So excited to see you doing this!
  19. Yesterday was a good day. No chance to do my stretches in the morning, so ended up doing them after D&D and staying up past midnight AGAIN. But I got them done. Teeth done. Exercise was Crossfit - a WOD of 15 sumo deadlifts (80kg/~176#) and 200m. Had 4 attempts at it and I was shattered afterwards. Then a few sets of 80kg glute bridges in case I had any legs left! Calories were tracked, and came in at a much more reasonable 2,616kcal. So, l promised some D&D stuff... Tuesday - Mummy's Mask I will tell you what happened in our Thursday game, but you'll have to wait. Because suspense! I mean, also because I've run out of lunch break, but mainly suspense!
  20. A 1km sandbag carry? That sounds hideous, don't tell my coaches that that's an option! Yeah, I'm prioritising the rehab stuff over sleep. Which is probably the right choice, but I would like to sleep a bit more! No worries, message me this evening to remind me, say lunch time your time, and I'll send them over. D&D stuff to follow in the next post It was a fun one! I'd love to do more strongman stuff, it's so much fun. Maybe at some point I'll find a strongman gym to go play in.
  21. Had meetings yesterday so couldn't check in, so here's a 2-day update: Hip rehab - done and done. I didn't do it Tuesday when I got home as I suddenly realised I hadn't printed my D&D character for that night (we levelled up last session), so I ended up doing them when we got home and staying up past midnight. Wednesday I got to leave home slightly late for my meeting, so I got all the stretching done in the morning. The exercises and foam rolling I did drunkenly when I got home from snooker, and went to bed at midnight. Teeth - done, done, done, done. All good so far. Exercise - Running Tuesday yesterday ( as mentioned) and Crossfit yesterday - 100ft sandbag carry (worked up to 100kg (~220#)) and squats (worked up to 85kg (~187#) x 5) Calorie counting - yes, and I hit two high scores for the year back-to-back - 3,756 kcal then 3,991 kcal. The former was due to almost a whole pack of dark chocolate digestives at D&D, the latter due to 5 pints of lager at snooker. I have to remember that I'm just tracking, not cutting (though at this rate I'll need to cut next challenge). I've got lots of people to catch up with, and I want to talk more about D&D stuff, so hopefully I'll get more time on here soon!
  22. Thanks! I had mine all printed out on a sheet by the physio, and that sheet sits on my floor in front of my TV. Happy new year! Good to see you It's weird how that happens sometimes, isn't it? Pretty sure I'd never heard of a ziggurat until a couple of years ago when I read it in a D&D campaign log.
  23. Oh, that fierce lady is definitely you.
  24. I thought I was already following here; apparently I was not! You're welcome! Have fun with it, I think it's a good goal for you. I would pay actual cash money to see that!
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