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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yesterday was a good day: Did all my stretches very late after snooker. Only had one beer as I was driving, but didn't get to bed until half midnight still. Teeth done Exercise was that run Calories tracked - I had some food at snooker and one beer so they were a little high, but still under 3k at 2,940. Dinner last night was cooked by WW and was excellent - lamb and chickpeas with a tomato, onion and red pepper salsa served over couscous. And she did 4 portions, so I've just had the leftovers for lunch today I lost at snooker last night. Still my team won 4-1, and it was nice to chill out and see everyone (as well as spend some of my match on my phone playing D&D with certain Rangers via Discord). This morning Crossfit felt really hard. I don't know if it was the lack of sleep or what, but I really struggled. Strength section was reverse lunges in sets of 16 (8 each side). I got 2 sets at 40kg (~88#) and 3 at 50kg (~110#). Then we had a WOD: 4 rounds for time: - 12 thrusters - 200m run I only did 30kg (~66#) on the thrusters, but man they felt hard. My wrists hurt, my back hurt, breathing was hard. So a tough session, but I'm sure the next one will be better. Tonight I've got a seminar after work, and then home to relax, eat slow cooked ribs, and watch the rest of Critical Role.
  2. Congratulations on the weight loss man! Keep that trend going. I think it's actually quote interesting. I don't think there's a lot of people on this forum who live in one country and work in another, so most of us will never have to consider the logistics of something like this. (that might say more about what I find interesting than anything else I realise)
  3. So if I can ask for a hint here: have the challenge lengths changed from 4 weeks to 5 weeks in order to facilitate this exciting new announcement? Or is that just a coincidence?
  4. Well done on the squat PR, that's awesome stuff!
  5. I should have guessed! Although it would mean people don't get to see your sexy face. If I recall, the last time you got drunk and did stretches it worked out for you, so.... Keep it up, sir! Wolf There is that! Just found out I'm driving tonight actually, so may be late but won't be drunk.
  6. Yesterday was a good day: Hip stuff done in the evening in front of Critical Role Teeth done Crossfit in the morning , as mentioned in the last post. Calories tracked, and a light lunch gave me room for snacks and a low total of 2,236kcal. I'd rather have bigger meals and snack less generally, but this was just how it worked out. WW cooked fajitas last night, which were lovely, and we have some leftovers for today. We settled down in front of Critical Role and we're about half way through the current episode. I'm really loving the RP in this one, it's so cool to watch This morning I got up a bit late for my run. I still got out, but it was just over 5 miles rather than the 7 I had planned. I got all of the intervals I was planning in, so it's not the end of the world, just not perfect. Tonight I have snooker, which may well result in me having to do my stretches drunk at midnight
  7. Well done man. You have a mega busy life, so focus on the good stuff.
  8. Yesterday was a good day: Hip stuff was done in the evening when I got back from climbing, and whilst it was a bit late in the day I still got to bed around 11. Teeth were done. Exercise was great - crossfit in the morning and bouldering in the evening. Bouldering was really fun too; I feel like I didn't attempt that many climbs, but I got a few good ones done and a few right on the edge of my ability, which is cool. Need to keep that up more regularly to progress, but I don't feel I've lost much having barely been in the last few months. Calories were tracked, and came in pretty low at 2,593. A bit of mindfulness on trying to keep the number in check, but without pressure, helped here. This morning Crossfit was a complex of 3 farmers' handle pick ups, a 50Ft farmers' walk, another 3 picks and another 50ft walk. I worked that up to 129kg (~284#) which felt heavy but good. Then we had some practice at free-standing handstands and ring holds at the top of a dip position. Between that, climbing and crossfit yesterday, and some bonus arm stuff I did at home on Sunday when I was thinking about getting Con Fit, my upper body is smoked right now! Having fun with it though.
  9. FTFY I think they will, just keep listing your successes (see above reframing) and eventually you will feel successful.
  10. I didn't mention in my last update that I went for a run yesterday. Well I did, only 4 miles (which was the plan) and it felt pretty good. All goals completed so I'm 14/14 on all goals after the first 2 weeks :D . Average calories for the week were 3,219 per day, and the scale says I've put back on the 2# I allegedly lost the previous week. It's within 19kcal of the previous week's average, so this may well be somewhere around maintenance. More data needed, but in the meantime I'm going to aim from less than 3,000 kcal per day and see where I go from there. For challenge purposes the goal is just to track, the number is just an extra bonus. Crossfit this morning was fun. Tempo front squats 3-0-3. Top sets were 70kg (~154#) x 3 x 3. Then 7 rounds of 3 cleans and 7 toes to bar. My T2B disappeared quickly in the first couple of rounds and I ended up doing knee raises, but it was still a nice little WOD. Climbing tonight with marathon girl, which should be a laugh.
  11. Yeah, I'm with you, I don't get to dress up enough. That costume definitely suits your style; I can see you in that. That's a fair point, but I don't think I could walk around in skin tight lycra with Adam West's physique, no matter how accurate it was! Star trek uniform would be cool, I like that.
  12. Yesterday was a good day. I did get some beers in, and we watched Suicide Squad. Spoilered thoughts (even though it's quite old by now!): Got all my goals done, with a whopping 3,935kcal thanks to the beer. Today has been a good day too. Much chilling out on the sofa has been done, but I've also washed some clothes, inked Jester (picture in my previous post), and bought and cooked a leg of lamb. I've also bought weekend tickets for Comic Con in London this May, really looking forward to that. And it's got me thinking some things. First, should be cosplay? If so, what should I go as? My first thought is Adam West era Batman (1960's), because that'd be funny. Question for everyone reading - if you were going to Comic Con, what would you cosplay as? The second thing it had me thinking is I could set myself a challenge of getting in shape for it and cosplaying something that requires me to have big muscles and/or low body fat. My first goal when I joined the forums 3(?) years ago was to look better naked. Since then my focus has shifted from aesthetics to performance for OCRs and climbing, but it might be a fun challenge to have an aesthetic goal again. So when I write down my goals for the year getting cosfit for May might be one of them.
  13. Well done on a really good week, you've had a lot of successes in there. And good work on setting yourself up for the weekend with a tidy house and easy food. The flowers sound like a great idea, if it makes you feel happier in your home they can only be a good thing.
  14. I think that's a great approach - it's a good way to focus on doing positive things without getting overwhelmed. Good luck with it!
  15. Hey Red, good to see you! This is something I need to work on - I live a lot of my life online so it's easy to get distracted by my phone/feel like I'm missing out if I don't check messages immediately. Interestingly I don't feel like that when I'm running or in the gym, not sure why. Glad the wrist is on the mend, hope the swelling goes down soon. Time to run then!
  16. Rayla looks like a lot of fun - just from that one picture I've got a really strong impression of her personality already.
  17. Thursday was good. I didn't watch High Rollers in the end, but I did put water on Jester (I got Jester wet?). It was ok, for a first attempt, but I've got a lot to learn about how these things work. Think I'm going to ink the linework before I call her done. Really didn't want to do my stretching but dragged myself through it and hit all of my goals for the day. Calories were 2,733, which is pretty reasonable. Friday was a good day: • Still didn't really want to do my stretching, and my legs were really hurting from I don't know what (could be a number of Crossfit sessions or Wednesday's run or a combination), but I got it done eventually in front of High Rollers • Teeth were done • Exercise was Crossfit. Squats at 95kg (~209#) x 3, 85kg (~187#) x 5 and 75kg (~165#) x 7, in that order. Then the WOD was 2 attempts at a 300m ski plus a 300m row. • Calories tracked, and came in at 3,681. The 2 doughnuts at work and the chocolate biscuits at home were felt in that total. Today I got up, drove up to the downs, and did an 11 mile run. It actually felt pretty good - I walked some of the uphills but otherwise ran it, and felt pretty good. Then I went to play snooker with Hopalong, and now I'm chilling out at home for the rest of the evening. Might get some beers in, must remember to stretch. The one mistake I made was to not brush my teeth this morning. I usually do it when the shower is heating up, but I didn't shower after my run and I didn't get home until after midday. I'm going to allow it as a pass, on the basis that I'll still be brushing twice today, with the caveat that I make an effort to brush my teeth as soon as I get up on the weekends.
  18. I like lager too, particularly when it's hot, so it's not out of the question that I'd bring Stella again on a hot camping trip. The second half of that sentence would sound much more interesting if you didn't know that Stella was a beer...
  19. To be fair as I have no visual memory whatsoever I you could well be right. I just assumed I would have bought the dark stuff as I can't imagine why I would have chosen the gold instead. I also know that my local Tesco sells cans of the dark. That'd be awesome, whether it's at dirty weekend or in London. I do feel a bit old for clubs now, let alone Da Club. I haven't even been to a rock club in years. Look forward to meeting you Thirded, doesn't matter how much you drink as long as you have a good time.
  20. In addition to @Elastigirl's very good advice, you may want to look at keeping your back in a hollow body position: https://www.fitstream.com/exercises/hollow-body-hold-a6051 At the moment you back looks like arched. That's not a big deal, but as you increase the number of reps your lower back may start to hurt in that position. Also you may have more control when you are tensing your abs to maintain a hollow body.
  21. Oo no, not the gold ones! It's all about the dark stuff. (to be fair the gold is ok, just not my choice) So I take it we'll see you there? It's near Peterborough, so there's a good chance that you're closer than anyone who's planning on running it. It would actually be awesome to finally meet you.
  22. Ok, well it's still not /entirely/ my fault. And it was probably a squirrel: https://www.madsquirrelbrew.co.uk/ I'll believe it when I see it
  23. Hey Wolfman, I missed your thread somehow. Nice to see the old name back!
  24. Yesterday was a good day: Stretching was done, drunk, somewhere between midnight and 1am. I did at least have a chance to do the exercises before I went out for snooker, so it was just stretching and rolling (which is easier when you're relaxed ). Teeth done, done and done. Exercise was that 7 mile run I mentioned. Calories were tracked. Hit a new high score at 4,054 kcal (a big chunk of that was 5 pints of lager) This morning Crossfit was really tough, but really good fun: 1 to 10 chinups 10 to 1 overhead press 100ft suitcase carry Glute rolling So you run through that, starting with a 1 rep chinup, 10 reps of OHP, a suitcase carry and glute rolling, then 2 chinups, 9 OHP, suitcase carry, glute rolling etc. etc. I didn't get all the way through but I got to round 8 and I was knackered by the end. Started adding 12kg (~26.4#) to the chinups and worked down to bodyweight, and started at 30kg (~66#) on the OHP and worked up to 45kg (~99#). I got a single rep at 47.5kg (~105#) on OHP, but then backed off for the rest of that set. Suitcase carry I worked up to 69.5kg (~153#). All lots of fun! Tonight is chilling in front of High Rollers and experimenting with water colour.
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