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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Definitely! Machine head didn't work so well, you get a lot of bars to one breath with thrash!
  2. Glad you're coming back strong.- it's something I'm liking about this longer challenge format; as Tank says it gives you a chance to come back to a challenge if you have a bad week half way through. On the shoes, I do wear the outer heel more than the inner heel (on all footwear, not just runnjng shoes), and I always thought that was due to overpronation. I may also be guilty of overstriding though, and I have been getting occasional pain in my heal, so it could be that too? IagreewithTank™
  3. Week 4 - Day 1 Did some yoga first thing in the morning, and I'm taking the week off from Crossfit in preparation for OCRWC. Also did some of my rehab stretches tacked on to the end of that (listening to Black Sabbath, the ultimate yoga music). I like doing morning yoga, it's a good setup for the day mentally as well as physically so I'm thinking that after this week I'll try and start each day with a quick sun salutation to wake me up before Crossfit/running/whatever. Please remind me I said this next week! Work was pretty good. Went to Hopalong's after work for some snooker - he cooked pizza so that's one variance for the week. Got back quite late but still got in the rest of my rehab exercises in and brushed before bed. Didn't get a chance to do Inktober; I think I might have to catch up on a couple of days later this week. This morning I had a similar yoga routine, except with Machine Head for the stretching bit! I seem to have pulled something in my groin, hope it clears up before Friday Tonight I'll be heating up a quick dinner before going to see Alice Cooper
  4. I usually boulder - I like the simplicity of just being able to get step on the wall and go without messing around with ropes. Sounds like you're doing pretty well if you're a novice and climbing V2's already, well done!
  5. Ok, life got the better of me last week with a bit of a cold and with stress over whitepapers, OCRWC, my US trip and work in general. This is mostly good stuff that I'm excited about, but it's all been a bit much. Regardless, I'm back and ready to roll for week 4. Whitepaper is done, OCRWC at the end of the week, lets do this!
  6. Torture? What do you mean torture? It's all good fun. The trouble with climbing is that there's so many different grading systems. For bouldering you have V grades, Font bouldering grades and British Tech grades. If you were climbing 5.x-6.x that's probably US trad climbing grades rather than bouldering grades - it's all quite confusing! Also, hi @theophilus, nice to meet a fellow runner/climber!
  7. August challenge (intro and wrap-up in one post; man I'm organised!)
  8. Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was Squats, with a nice solid 82.5kg for 3 x 5 followed by some Turkish getups and strict muscleups. At the end of the day I got a little bit of my whitepaper done (only about 20 minutes). WW had to work unexpectedly late so I also did a bit of D&D prep at home - not a lot but at least it's keeping plans on my mind. So Crossfit done for Cog, 12/12 for rehab work for Seven of Nine, teeth brushed for Kryton and for Data I didn't get rid of my loose change so I actually have £50.85 remaining of my £50 budget. Bender got to me though; it's mince pie season already and we had some in the house so I went straight for it! This morning was Crossfit again - a heavy set of 5 deadlifts at 125kg. It felt heavy too, but I know I've got a little more in the tank. Tonight is D&D; I can't remember where on earth we are with this campaign but I'll try to let you know how it goes! One other thing I forgot to mention in my previous update; I think I've paid off my student loan? It come straight out of my salary so I wasn't really sure how much I had to pay. If so I'll have a little more cash in my pocket each month, which will help with the savings.
  9. Week 1 Round-up Cog: 6/7 days exercised - 14.04 miles run for a total of 33.98 miles so far this challenge I missed my Saturday run as I was volunteering at Tough Mudder and was on my feet for 11 hours pouring drinks on a water station. It was mega hard work, much harder than actually running the race on Sunday, so it's not as thought I had a lazy day! Seven of Nine: 42/84 exercises 505 is still not good enough, but it's a step up on last week at the very least. The days I struggled most were Thursday, because I went go-karting that evening and get back pretty late, and Saturday after the TM volunteering. Those excuses won't make my hip better though. The go karting was great fun at least, out of 12 of us I qualified 8th and finished 5th. It was my time in a proper adult go kart, and I had loads of fun. I could feel myself getting better and learning the track and the vehicle throughout the session too. Bender: 6/2, including a race day So this total ignores anything I had during volunteering and during Tough Mudder, because on those days I needed tons of sugar to keep going! But what got me was relaxing with beer and mince pies and shortbread on Saturday and Sunday evenings. I needed the relaxing, but better fuel might have been advisable! Kryton: 5/7 Again this habit is proving tough to build, but I'll get there. The days I missed were Wednesday, because I got back from snooker late and quite drunk, and Saturday because I was delirious with how tired I was! Data: £11.94 remaining Very happy with this - being really busy is actually really good for stopping my spending. So life has got really busy again. I've got to write a whitepaper this week and prep for a D&D game at the weekend, and I have very little in the way of free time to do either. So I'll try and update, and maybe give you a race report on Tough Mudder, but no promises for this week.
  10. Yeah, my funds tracking is really all over the place! It makes it much easier for me just to have a set amount of money in my pocket for the week, and then to pay for everything in cash.
  11. Only just spotted these replies were here; thought I owed you guys a response! To start with it worked really well and I was mega motivated. That kind of tailed off a bit as I ran out of time/motivation to write the narratives, which then meant the goals were no longer tied to a narrative. That said it was the most consistent challenge I've had in ages, and I quite liked scoring every goal out of 20. I haven't done that again for the current challenge, but I might going forward. Thanks! I'm usually pretty good with it for long runs at home and such, it's just that bit harder at an event where you have less control over what food's available. Need to remember that for my next couple of events.
  12. What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes? Still no ideer? I read these to my other half and she threatened to divorce me. We're not even married yet! You guys are amazing together.
  13. 1 Cog: Run 6.31 miles Seven of Nine: 12/12 exercises Bender: 2 variances, 11/2 this week Kryton: Teeth brushed Data: £9.71 remaining Generally a better day yesterday, as I contemplate getting ready for week 1. Totals for the week: Week 0 Totals Cog: 7/7 days exercised (8 sessions) - 19.94 miles run - very happy with this aspect Seven of Nine: 34/84 exercises - definitely not good enough; need to up my game if I want to still have a functioning hip at the end of the challenge Bender: 11/2 - what can I say? As mentioned above I've probably still eaten better than I would have done without this goal, but that's still a lot of crisps/chocolate/doughnuts etc. Kryton: 6/7 - not bad for week zero, this habit will take a while to build Data: £9.71 remaining - definitely happy with this. Next week's budget will be £49.71 rather than £50, as it's a bit long since payday to put all of that in the jar! This week should be a straightforward one - D&D tomorrow is cancelled so I'm in Monday and Tuesday, snooker Wednesday, go karting and eating out on Thursday, and in on Friday. Saturday and Sunday are Tough Mudder volunteering & running respectively, so can't rely on the weekend to get stuff done. In other news, our D&D play by post game which inspired this challenge is going hilariously, and if you want to read it you can do that here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s1uHRELBQN1ArnI8XWR5BLKPT3xCHUowpX_qI1R2YkU/edit?usp=sharing
  14. 0.571 Cog: Crossfit Seven of Nine: 2/12 exercises Bender: 1 variances, 3/2 this week Kryton: Teeth brushed Data: £25.86 remaining 0.714 Cog: Crossfit Seven of Nine: 0/12 exercises Bender: 3 variances, 6/2 this week Kryton: No Data: £14.21 remaining 0.857 Cog: Run 8.33 miles Seven of Nine: 0/12 exercises Bender: 3 variances, 9/2 this week Kryton: Teeth brushed Data: £11.71 remaining Dropped off updating a bit for the latter part of the week. Things have generally been ok, just been busy at work and extra busy with a day out of the office (doing interesting stuff, but still). I have eaten /all the variances/ this week. WW brought a few things back from work and I've made very little effort to resist them. I did avoid any of the biscuits at work because of this goal, so it's not a total loss. I've also been terrible at the rehab exercises. A combination of late nights and lack of motivation. I thought I was doing badly on the money front too, but tracking it it turns out I'm in budget. I did buy a couple of new journals, but those aren't normal spending so don't count for this goal. Today has been a fun day, if not very productive. I've had a nice little run, spent a couple of hours bouldering, and watched a lot of D&D. Time to push on into week 1 and focus a bit more than in week zero.
  15. Yeah, you do get a lot out of those games! Spring is a long way off though
  16. Thanks for that. We call that a grill, so I was briefly even more confused when you described it as an upsidedown grill, but I'm with you now! As for dad jokes, I've heard that giraffes can grow up to 19 feet. I've never seen one with more than 4 though.
  17. I sighed out loud when I finished this. WW asked what was wrong so I read it to her; she sighed too. I think that's a sign of a good dad joke. Those tacos sound great. Love question; what's a broiler/how does one broil something?
  18. Looks like you've got some solid goals there. Following along!
  19. Looks like a fun race, well done on pushing through.
  20. [fangirling about story here] [challenge goal hype here] Looking forward to seeing this
  21. Just read the second part of the backstory, so dark! So moody! So fun!
  22. Woo, you made it! I love the term "patience saving through", I'm going to be asking my DMs to make a lot of those when sessions get silly! I also forgot that Inktober starts this challenge! Do me a favour and bug me to draw stuff when that comes around? OMG!
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