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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. That sounds really good. Do you literally crack them in and microwave them? Or do you beat them first? Do you put anything else in them? (I've suddenly realised that whilst I don't own a microwave there is one at work, and my manager sells eggs as work, so this suddenly sounds like an even better idea!) Oo, exciting stuff! If in doubt with colour, neon or bright something - the more garish the better imo!
  2. Well done on your list - looks like you got a load done on top of the car work
  3. Monday - Tuesday Update Leg raises were done last night whilst cooking dinner. Dinner was honey mustard pork with lentils, was really good! This morning I woke up, decided against my run and went back to bed. My legs hurt and I'm tired and I'm feeling a bit ill and I have no idea if I should push through or rest up. Unfortunately whenever I'm in this situation is very easy for my half-asleep self to make the decision to stay in bed. Still, tomorrow is a new day and I will be getting up for HIIT regardless of how I feel. I also managed to bring yesterday's lunch today, and tomorrow I've got leftovers from last night's dinner . A few quid were spent tonight on playing snooker, nothing will be spent today and then Wednesday is a snooker match which will result in me opening my wallet a bit more!
  4. Yeah, I do. I don't think I would have even heard of it if not for Critical Role, it's apparently on over here but not on a channel I get. You're a flatterer . Speaking of drawing though, are you going to do anything Critical Role inspired with the new campaign starting? I'd love to see one of your pictures among those they show at the end! I'm going to watch episode 2 tonight after work, so I'll come back to you last question tomorrow
  5. Well done on the run man, glad to hear you're on the mend! I know you know this, but make sure to keep resting as well and not to jump back in too fast.
  6. I know, right? It's really gonna depend on what I'm planning to do with the Windsor Spartan on if I can do this. If this year's medal's as pretty though I may not have a choice!
  7. Congrats on the OHP weight, that's awesome stuff!
  8. Week 2 review 1 - Meal Prep - 10/20 - 100% so far 2 - HIIT - 2/4 - 100% so far 3 - Hang Out - 12/28 - 85.7% so far Level Up Your Life - Budget - Yes! Finished with £1.51 in my pocket, so just barely within budget. I did gain a bit of shrapnel in the week when I had to use cash to buy groceries, so in actual fact I might be in or over budget by a few pence, but I'm counting it. 1/4 - 50% so far Bonus - 4 alcohol free days this week - Done! MTTS Saturday was a good day. Went bouldering and had a lot of fun climbing with MG. They also have a slackline there and I managed to get all the way across it for the first time, which I'm very chuffed about. Between climbing and slacklining (and a tea break) I was in there for 3 hours! I went home and had lunch, and then went out running over the downs in my new trail shoes. It's pretty hilly, and the weather was rubbish with almost no visibility, but I still had a good time and managed 6 miles in 1:03 (so 10'30"/mile average) In the evening I went to see a Pink Floyd tribute band and managed to stop drinking once I'd spent my budget (which was still 5 pints, but if I wasn't concerned about the money it could easily have been more). Sunday was long run day. I was procrastinating about going out a lot, but in the end I managed to get out for a 10 mile run. The plan was 13, but I simply didn't leave myself enough time to do that. Had lunch at my parents, sorted some car stuff, and came home for pull-ups and time in fron tof the TV watching Blindspot. Monday. Today I got up and after hitting snooze (twice) I got over to the gym. I really wasn't feeling it and was pretty achy from Sunday's run, but eventually I got myself going. Getting there late I had to cut it short, but deadlifts were still done (5x10 @ 75kg (~165#)), along with floor press. I also brought lunch to work today. Well, I tried to. Rather than picking up the tub with my lunch in however, I instead picked up a tub which contains 4 slices of bacon. Suffice it to say that despite my best efforts this is my first failure on that goal I went to buy some lunch instead!
  9. Thanks! It's still just a grid really though . I can't draw for toffee but I try and use a couple of colours to make it a bit more interesting.
  10. In addition to what everyone else said (because I may have a very long long-list of races), there's Tough Mudder South on 22nd, 29th and 30th September and Wolfrun in Sussex on 29th and 30th September. There's also Tolkien Run on 3rd October. That's a trail race rather than an OCR and is a 6 hour challenge event, but look at last year's medal: Always room for more OCR fans here!
  11. Eggs are great. I usually boil and peel a load of eggs on a Sunday, and then have them ready for breakfasts (I say usually, I should do it every week!). It's a good start to the day. ^Listen to Mr_Willes, for he is wise.
  12. I love your Tomb of Annihilation story, it sounds like so much fun! I swear things like that are put in for you to purposefully derail the game. I also love young Allan, she looks so cute and so sad. Keep that streak alive!
  13. Because typing is hard, here's the challenge so far: Wednesday evening I got my leg raises in. Doing them from either a mid-point hold or the top of a pull up seems to work, but damn my abs hated me for it! The ab work at HIIT earlier in the day probably didn't help! I had a fair few beers at snooker and spent some of my budget, but nothing too mad. Foolishly however I stayed up late down a YouTube rabbit hole when I got in rather than going straight to bed. Thursday I woke up after too little sleep, heard the wind and rain beating against the house, and decided I did not want to get up early and run. After another hour or so in bed I was up and travelling up to London for a day of meetings. Lunch was provided so an easy win on that goal. Got home and finally got to watch the first session of the new Critical Role campaign, and it's so damn good! No spoilers here now, but I seriously recommend you go and watch it. Nearly forgot about my pull-ups, and wasn't really feeling it, but got in sets of 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Today I slept in again, for no good reason. I had to leave early for the dentist and that went well at least, and gave me a chance to drop home and make a pork sandwich for lunch before heading to work. Got my gym session in this evening to make up for this morning, and now chilling out in front of the TV and getting in my 4th non-drinking day this week. Tomorrow bouldering, running in my other new shoes as I can actually drive somewhere to get off road, then seeing a Pink Floyd tribute band in the evening. Sunday will be a long run, Sunday roast with the parents and meal prep for week 3.
  14. Oo, please do. I always like hearing about your game shenanigans! It is possible! Ish anyway. I certainly have runs I enjoy, and now more often than not, but I don't have fun all the time. The key for me was to stop thinking about running and just let my mind wander. That's OK, I'm constantly behind with just about everyone! Thank you! It is always interesting. It was that, combined with a lot of Critical Role, that finally got me to start playing it. I did get my bar hangs in, though my abs were none too happy about it I gave it a good shot anyway
  15. Jon an Charlie have provided far wiser advice than I can, but I will say this. What is your main goal for your running, to increase your distance or increase your speed? If it's distance I'd say starting at 4 miles and increasing half a mile each week is a great idea. If you're looking to increase your speed then setting a time and running as far as possible within it would be good (though I would suggest an hour would be too long a period to try and run for speed over). Personally I hate running for time - I like to know my route and know that once I've completed it I've done my distance. If I run for time I feel like I'm being punished for running faster because then I have to go further, and ultimately walk further home from whatever random place I end up at, if that makes sense? That's just a personal thing though.
  16. So far so good-ish for this week. Monday I went to the gym for Squats and OHP, and finally completed all my sets of squats for the first time in what seems like ages! Which is good, because I've deloaded them twice since last year and it was getting a bit daft. I brought lunch to work (admittedly it was leftover pizza from Sunday, but it follows the letter of the goal if not the spirit), and I got my hanging leg raises in. I need to find another way to do these as my bar is well too low to straighten my legs when I hang from it - I might experiment with leg raises from a mid-point hold or top pull-up hold. IDK. In the evening I had snooker so I did end up spending a few quid on table hire and buying my opponent a drink. I did however stick to tap water all night so avoided spending anything on me or drinking anything. I also won my match, thrashed the bloke actually, so that definitely helps. Yesterday was a run day, so I got to try out my new shoes: Took a pork and green tomato chutney sandwich to work (made by WW). In the evening I had our Pathfinder game, in which I tried to stop some drunk humans picking a fight with a family of half-orc, ended up beating up all of the half-orcs, and then headed back to the hotel with them before we got seen and arrested. At the end of the session one of the party asked why I didn't just call for the guards, and honestly the thought didn't even cross my mind. Monks man, good at hitting stuff but not always so hot on conflict resolution. I stuck to water again at the pub, so no money spent and no beer again. I didn't get my pullups in yesterday - no time before Pathfinder and when I got home I decided I was too tired and wimped out and went to bed instead . This morning I got up and got my HIIT workout in, and man it was hard work! It was a lot more cardio focused than the last one, which I'm clearly lacking in. Definitely got me sweating though and reminded me how much any form of jumping has been missing from my training up until now. I brought another sandwich to work today, just need to remember those bar hangs when I get home!
  17. I was going to argue with you, but you know what? It was a good week. Thank you. The bird is safer, but perhaps the goldfish is more interesting? Thank you, you are right of course. I certainly will.
  18. Well according to this article 27% is well within acceptable range for a woman, with 24 or lower being the "fitness" band, so you're really not far off at all.
  19. That's just silly - why would someone go to an exercise class and then cheat it? If they don't want to do it they can always just not turn up!
  20. Week 1 review 1 - Meal Prep - 5/20 - 100% so far 2 - HIIT - 1/4 - 100% so far 3 - Hang Out - 6/28 - 85.7% so far Level Up Your Life - Budget - No! Spent nearly £80 instead of my budget of £50. A mixed week. Friday night's bouldering comp was good fun. I only scored 80 points out of a possible 250 which I'm a little disappointed with, but generally I had a good time. Friday evening I went home and had a couple of beers with WW whilst watching Talks Machina. Then I went bouldering again Saturday morning, just in case anyone was in any doubt that I hate my forearms and feel a need to punish them . I missed my Saturday run. I could have carved out time for it if I'd have been a bit more organised, but I failed to do so. In the evening I had a 50th birthday party to go to for WW's boss, and it was a free bar! True to form I made the most of the free drinks, which left me feeling slightly jaded on Sunday morning. Sunday I was out all day travelling to and watching the first match of the Snooker Masters. It was really good fun and a really tense quality match. It did however mean that I gave Hopalong some petrol money for driving me, bought lunch out (McDonald's, eugh ) and had a couple of beers there, which is where my budget was finally blown for the week. When I got back WW had ordered Dominos pizza (double eugh ), so I ate that, watched a bit of Blindspot with WW and crashed out in bed early. No running again which was as expected, but I also missed my hang out goal as I didn't do it early enough and suddenly crashed once I'd sat down with a pizza. So extra mini-goal for this week - at least 4 alcohol free days. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and at least one other, just because I've had quite a heavy week and my body and wallet could do with recovering. Finally, I realise that I've talked a lot about Critical Role on here and many people have never seen it. So to fill you in, this clip was my first introduction to Critical Role:
  21. Oh God that sounds awesome! And I'm out doing things every night until Thursday, so by the time I watch it it'll almost be time for the following one to air . You've got loads going on though haven't you? How many games are you in/running now? Thank you! One day we will find a way to play a session with each other! I still need you to DM my first 5e game . (edit in bold above - it was too funny not to point out what I typed originally )
  22. I've actually never seen it listed on the Rat Race page. I know they did a ticket pre-sale as soon as it finished last year, so I assumed that they just hadn't listed the 2018 event yet. I'll be sad if it is cancelled . Maybe try having a specific time to do this to make it a bit more concrete? Like as soon as you get home, or a soon as you get up or something? Well done on a great week though, particularly the 8 mile run. Hope your hips are ok.
  23. Stats after W1D4 1 - Meal Prep - 4/20 2 - HIIT - 1/4 3 - Hang Out - 4/28 Level Up Your Life - Budget - £28.50/£50 left for the week So far so good-ish. Yesterday I failed to get up for my run, but it might not be a bad thing. My legs and shoulders were hurting from HIIT as you might expect, but the main thing getting me was my feet! I've never had feet DOMS before, and it's a weird and somewhat unpleasant experience. I guess I haven't actually done that much jumping in a very very long time. Last night I went to my first session with a new Pathfinder group. The couple of people I didn't already know, including the GM, seem really cool. I'm really excited about my character - I'm playing a human sorcerer but with my sorcerous bloodline as Sylvan so I get an animal companion from first level. So Loki the cindersnake will be making an appearance with me which will be a lot of fun. When I got home I attempted some pull-ups, but it being late and me having had a few beers at the game I didn't get many done. This morning I failed to get up for the gym, but tonight I'm entering a bouldering competition so I will just get my workout there instead!
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