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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. OK, so I've done some work on my long list race calendar. Have a look below and let me know what I'm missing, what I need to add and anything else I should be thinking of. I doubt I'll make all of these events, but I'd like to start with a long list and narrow it down. A couple of questions first, 1. 3rd March is my birthday, and I'm going to run Nuts Challenge. I'd love to see some of you guys there so would anyone else like a stupidly tough winter event? And what distance would people want to do? 2. I seem to remember that people were looking at doing Strong Viking next year. Is this still a thing? And if so which event was it? March 3rd - Nuts Challenge - birthday event! 18th - Reading Half Marathon 23rd 24th - Tough Mudder London 5k - not really interested in running this, so it's ideal to volunteer at instead April 7th-8th- Spartan South East - likely run one and volunteer one 14th - The Reaper - could run day and night 28th - Tough Mudder London West - probably volunteer this one 29th - Wolfrun Sussex - Booked May 5th-6th - Tough Mudder London West - maybe run 1 volunteer 1 12th - Rat Race Dirty Weekend - Booked 19th-20th - Nuclear Rush - could run 1 volunteer 1 26th-27th - The Elements June 2-3 - Wolfrun Leicestershire 3 - Mud Monsters 8-10 blocked off for Download Festival 22-24 Spartan South West - mix of running and volunteering 24 World War Run 30-1 either walk London to Brighton or Ramblin Man Fair July 7-8 Tough Mudder London North - volunteer 1 run 1 13-15 Spartan - Mix of volunteering and running 21-22 Tough Mudder Ireland (probably not in reality, but it was fun last year) August 17-18 Barrel of Laps September 1-2 Nuts Challenge 1-2 Wolf Run Warwickshire 8 Nuclear Blast & Blackout 17 Only Fools Ride Horses 22 & 29-30 Tough Mudder London South - a definite as it's so close to me, both run and volunteer 29-30 Wolfrun Sussex October 6-7 Spartan Windsor 19-21 OCR World Championship November 3 Nuclear Fallout 3-4 Wolf Run Leicestershire
  2. I did indeed! I messed up a bit - I thought that it ran from 6 until 10, so though I was running late from work I thought I'd have time for dinner. Turns out they close at 10, but the competition finished at 9. I only turned up just before 8 . Still, had a good laugh and met some really nice people there, even if I only scored 81/250. I wouldn't go that far mate! I am starting to catch you in the PvP though, which I assume means you haven't updated with this weekend's mileage yet . Thanks, it's a pretty exciting idea! Not that I'll be in any way competitive you understand, I'll just be showing up and having fun. Bahahahhahaha!
  3. Well I got 9 miles on Thursday and 13.5 today - you won't keep me down Evil Deadpool!
  4. The lack of food may not have helped either to be fair? Though it's not a solution to everything it might be worth considering. If it helps, you're never as weird as you think you are. Trust me, I've been sat wondering why I even turned up to an event, feeling anxious and disconnected from reality, and no-one ever seems to remember it the following day.
  5. Maybe just shorten it - B#2 sounds like a good code name to me. Glad to hear you're starting to feel better. Fasted running will probably come ok in the end - I worry about feeling ill if I do eat before I run which gives me the opposite problem.
  6. Really glad you talked to M, great decision to get it done sooner rather than later - it must be good to have that weight off your shoulders?
  7. Thursday - W3D4 Good Blood: Done, 80g protein (17/28) Hang Out: Done (14/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope (5/12) Vampyre Diaries: Yes (14/28) Most of yesterday was in my last post, but after that I did indeed do my pullups. Only managed 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, but it was late so I'm not too worried about not getting 5x5 two weeks running. Calories were reasonable, but protein was way way low. This is where a protein shake in the morning would be good, instead of a hot chocolate in the evening! ======= This morning was deadlift day. Being 1st week of 10s phase on Juggernaut meant 5 x 10 at 80kg (~176#). Gotta love some deadlift cardio! It was a solid session, but even with an hour I still ran out of time for all my assistance thanks to those 4 tonnes of deadlift (literally). Work is still busy, and I had a meeting in London today meaning I missed half of the day in the office. On the way back now and need to turn myself around quickly to get to this bouldering competition (which I am very excited about )
  8. Jarric

    maegs rangers up

    Awesome stuff on the inch-loss - it's always good when a plan comes together.
  9. Looks good to me. Are you doing 5x5 on the deadlifts? If so that sounds like a lot of volume on your legs and lower back to do after 5x5 squats. That said you can always try it and see if it feels ok or not. With assistance I'd have a think about what's holding you back on your big lifts and be prepared to adapt accordingly (you may have done this already). For example there's no specific tricep work in there, but if tricep strength isn't holding back your bench or OHP then that's not a problem.
  10. Hope your stressful week is calming down? Sounds like you're doing really well with so much on your plate anyway.
  11. I'm honoured to be in this list mate, fantastic job on the race and fantastic write up. Also, very much this ^. See you both in October then?
  12. I watched this video last night, which may be relevant: Sorry to hear about the knee. My very generic advice would be rest from exercises that aggravate it, try and strengthen the muscles around it (if it's on the outside of the knee it could be an IT band issue as that's where that attaches, so glute and hamstring strength would help), and if it keeps hurting go and see a doctor/physio. Also, don't take medical advice from random people on the internet
  13. Wednesday - W3D3 Good Blood: Done, 136g protein (16/28) Hang Out: Sort of (13/28) Superhuman Speed: Yeah, a little (5/12) Vampyre Diaries: Yes (13/28) Yesterday evening we had a small dinner of cheesy pasta, I briefly got my ankle exercises in, and then went off to snooker. I offered to take an extra turn driving to snooker which meant I could save money and calories by just drinking water all night. It didn't stop me from eating 2 cheeseburgers while I was there, but they were almost perfectly in my calorie deficit so I thought why not? When I got home I attempted hanging leg raises, but my shoulders were killing me from the morning. Messed around on the bar a bit and also managed a 45 second dead hang before bed. ===== This morning I got up at 6 and went for a run. It was set as a slow mile, 6 fast miles with 2 minute breaks between, and then a last slow mile. I made it all and in total today I ran 9 miles before breakfast! Feeling deeply smug about that! The actual interval timing went out of the window a bit as I was lost in my own little world, but as a consequence I really enjoyed the run. This evening has been a chilled one making crab risotto and watching Critical Role. I've currently got chicken legs in the over and I've bought some microwave broccoli, cauliflower and carrot packs so that's lunch tomorrow sorted. I've also spent a lot of time working on my race calendar, as I've decided I'm definitely going in for the OCR World Championship next year. Really excited about the prospect of that! I'll be going as a journeyman as there's no way I'll hit a qualifying time, particularly as I'll still be in the 25-29 age group at that point. I'll try and post some info on my race calendar over the weekend to compare with you guys. Tomorrow evening I'm planning to enter a climbing competition, which should be really good fub. Another thing where I don't expect to compete with the big boys, but I'm looking forward to having a go anyway. Now I need to get off to do my pullups.
  14. If you ever end up on this side of the pond I'll make sure there's a space for you! Just waiting on that teleporter now... And I know, it's so annoying not knowing whether you should be doing something about it or if it will just pass. Well, possibly only that interesting for me . It a relatively new area for insurance though (read: it's not 100s of years old), so there's quite a bit of debate and innovation. That's a good idea. I've been trying to get as far from home as possible on my long runs, so maybe I should stop doing that or suck it up and get a pack to run with.
  15. The expression on your shy mage is excellent - it captures the nerves really well. And congrats on the 100# bench!
  16. Tuesday - W3D2 Good Blood: Fail, did not track (15/28) Hang Out: Yes (12/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope (4/12) Vampyre Diaries: Yes (12/28) Had a good time yesterday, the cyber liability conference was really interesting (not a sentence you hear every day!). It was a long old day though, and with buffet food and no real way to measure it I didn't track and used that as an excuse to eat like a pig. The quality of most of the food was pretty good (lots of grilled chicken and lots of salmon), but there was far too much of it. Between that, beers in the evening and no run in the morning I'm certain I was well over on calories. Pathfinder in the evening was good fun, a pretty good balance of RP and combat. We also had a new person joining us, and he seems pretty cool, so hopefully he'll stick with it going forward. We got burgers from McDonald's on the way home, which I totally didn't need, but at least after 3 beers and a cheap burger I managed to get my hanging out in. 3x8 of scap pulls and 5x5 of top-half pullups were done late before bed. ======= This morning I got up with my alarm and went to the gym. I was feeling pretty weak and failing reps that I shouldn't be failing, but it's hard to know if I've set the plan wrong or if I'm just feeling weak this week. But I went there and got a decent workout nonetheless. This evening is snooker, but before that I will make sure I get my hanging leg raises and my ankle exercises in.
  17. I'm so, so sorry man. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  18. Suggestion: copy the recipe and paste it into notepad, then copy from notepad and paste here. If the problem is that there's a hidden image or formatting that's blocking the post this should work as notepad will put it into plain text. If the problem is the content itself then I have no ideas :/ ETA: I'm willing to bet it's still not as good as @deftona's chip recipe though!
  19. That tattoo is going to look swanky Wolfman! I love the Roman numerals in that first design, in fact it's probably my favourite. Can't wait to see the pics when you start yours!
  20. Which one of you motherfuckers fucked my my alarm this morning? Well? I missed out on 6 miles thanks to that! Still, just after half way, plenty of time for me to come back and get my happy ending. I do love a happy ending...
  21. That is right behind me! You've got a solid workout schedule going on at the moment, keep it up and you'll hit 5x5 very soon. Also, I've seen videos of your pullups and you make them look much better than I do! Thank you! I actually love dressing up, so it's nice to have the opportunity to do it and try to do it well. It was a funny night playing as our characters, I'd say I'd do it all the time but getting off the grease paint and hair dye, not to mention the mascara in my beard, was a bit much! The hangover thing is all practice unfortunately - it'd probably be better for me if I was bad at it . I do actually think it's easier though to workout through something self-inflicted like a hangover than something that's out of my control though, it's like if it's my fault I feel bad I don't get to use it as an excuse or I have something to prove or something. Gotta keep ahead of you werewolves though! *flies away*
  22. "I am a good person." ======= I know we're not supposed to skip ahead, and I definitely need to make time for myself to go through this challenge because I think it would be great for my mental health, but the answer to that question came to me so readily that I wanted to have it posted.
  23. This information is probably hugely out of date, but when I was looking at the RAF about 12 years ago you could essentially do this - you could refuse consent to examine past medical records and they would instead rely on their own medical alone. Though it sounds like if you've passed the medical once it shouldn't be an issue, I thought I would mention it anyway. I'm excited to see you starting out on this new quest - may it be a great journey!
  24. I love this clip almost as much as I love the title of it.
  25. Monday - W3D1 Good Blood: Tracked, 119g protein (15/28) Hang Out: Nope (11/28) Superhuman Speed: Nope (4/12) Vampyre Diaries: Nope, looks like I forgot (1/28) Lifting yesterday morning felt rubbish, I got in and did some but it wasn't the best and I didn't hit my weights. Don't even know what was wrong. Work was a weird day - our new IT system was due to come in so of course we arrived to having no computers at all. They came on partially around 11 and fully by about 1, and I spent the rest of the day sorting preferences, filing and dealing with other people's problems in preparation for hopefully doing my actual job later this week.I don't really mind, but I'm anticipating being very busy on Wednesday. After work went straight to Hopalong's house and then straight to snooker, and got home from that around quarter to midnight. Knowing that I was in London this morning I decided to get to bed pretty swiftly, so that I could get up at 05:45 for my run before getting the train. ===== This morning I am not having a good oone.My alarm didn't go off due to sabotage by one of those dastardly Deadpools (or, I think, a conflict between the alarm and the do not disturb settings) so I missed my run . Then the ticket machines at the station weren't working so I missed my train queueing for the ticket office. Now I'm nearly in London but I'm going to be very late for the conference I'm going to - not happy. Tonight is Pathfinder which is good, but I'm going straight from London to there so praying for on time trains to help me out.
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