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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. O.o Neither do I! What must you think of me! I know that feeling all too well!
  2. Well done on this challenge - sounds like you've made a lot of really positive changes.
  3. Your chibi D&D party are so cute - that's a great present for your friend. Can't wait to see you crush this Terrasque! (also, @Oramac, great story! I got unnecessarily excited reading that.)
  4. Following along. I've never heard of crazy ex girlfriend but I'm intrigued now.
  5. This sounds awesome. Any room for a sorcerer in your party?
  6. Jarric

    Flea Prepares

    I hope it was a good book at least?
  7. "shouldn't be congratulating myself" nothing, 100% on 3 categories is excellent and 2/3 certainly ain't bad for the forth. You set sensible goals for you situation and you hit them, that's great! Now I'm off to see what you decided to do for your next challenge Tank said it best - you can't pour from an empty cup. We know you care, look after yourself right now.
  8. Well done on this challenge, and as much as it wasn't to plan I like that you crammed in 6 minutes of planking just for the sake of goal hitting - it shows that completing the goal meant something.
  9. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    I find it difficult, it must be even harder working around your kids? Early mornings, as much as I dislike them, are the onlt way I can get a decent amount of running in. Thanks dude! See you in the next one.
  10. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Challenge Wrap Up Soda - 14 / 15XP "A maximum of 15XP is available for this goal, and every time I drink any soda I take 1 XP damage." This went great! I took 1 point of damage for not reading the label properly on "flavoured water" which was in fact horribly full of sugar, but I didn't drink any actual soda at all. As a result my cash is stretching noticeably further (combined with the beer goal) and I feel like I've broken some bad habits I have in place. Going forward soda is no longer banned, however I won't be going back to buying it on the way to work or at lunch time, I won't be having it in the house, and I'm sticking away from caffeine after 4pm. I'm ok to have soda, but as the exception and not the rule. Beer - 14 / 15XP "A maximum of 15XP is available for this goal. As defence I have a beer blanket (see what I did there) which can take 10 points of damage before I take XP damage. I get a new beer blanket each week, so I can drink 10 beers or equivalent per week." This again went really well to the letter of the challenge, with the one beer over being my finisher's cider at Tough Mudder. The trouble with this goal actually was I had weeks where I could have come in under my 10 beer limit, but I felt I may as well drink them anyway. Nonetheless my money is going further with less beer and soda, and I've not ruined any days this challenge with being hungover. I've also had some great nights out drinking 2-3 pints which is very encouraging. Going forward I want to go into each week and each night out with a plan of what I'm going to drink, because that was my secret to success here and really helped me keep numbers down. I also want to go back to not having beer in the house, as occasionally this challenge I drank at home with WW to fill up my beer allowance. Interestingly I actually put on a bit of weight this challenge, so clearly I've been eating back the calories I'm not drinking. This is something that will be tackled next challenge. Tea - 10 / 10XP "A maximum of 10XP is available for this goal. As a defence I have a tower shield, or t shield for short (I was really struggling for a pun here) which can take 4 points of damage before I take XP damage. I get a new t shield each day, but I can only use it before 4pm, so I get 4 cups of tea per day." No problems here at all! A little bit of planning required, but apparently I need far less caffeine than I previously imagined. Going forward I'll be avoiding caffeine after 4pm, and making an effort when offered a cup of tea at work to determine whether I actually want one before automatically saying yes. And that's a wrap! Thank you so much to everyone who's supported me on this challenge, I'll post the next one sometime this week.
  11. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Thank you! Haha, honestly I was stuck at 3-4 miles for absolutely ages, and then something just clicked and running further suddenly wasn't as hard. It probably also helps that I'm going a lot slower now. And thank you so much! That means a lot . It also reminds me I need to inktober some more!
  12. By Jove you're right! I don't know how I missed that, they're even in order! *facepalm* And that makes total sense! I was imagining you rolling one at a time, and wondering why you were rolling bigger dice when smaller ones would give you the same number of options!
  13. I hear congratulations are in order, Ambassador Firestar. Well and truly deserved mate.
  14. Ok, fine, I guess that makes a bit more sense Bookmarked this so I can re-watch it as soon as I finish work! Or I could watch the whole film tonight... Hmm... Your responses have made me realise that I need to watch a lot mote zombie films!
  15. Your choice of dice confuse me, but I love your dice roll workout - looks like it should work really well. It also conjures up a rather charming image of going into a gym and sitting on the floor with a bag of dice Albufeira in southern Portugal, just for a holiday. I'm not exactly well travelled to be fair; I've never got outside of western Europe. And I stole if from someone else . Pretty sure it was @NeverThatBored?
  16. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Very true! I might just make that a challenge goal for next time round then - I'm gonna need to match up some volunteer shifts with races to make it work.
  17. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    This challenge has gone very well indeed. This weekend I've spent 3 hours climbing on Saturday and run 11 miles today (which is a training distance PR and I got it in a decent 2:02), and I am far too tired to do a full challenge report tonight. This week though I have again been soda free, I'm currently drinking my final allotted beer for my beer blanket, and I have had even less tea than my t-shields can take
  18. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Definitely in my mind to do it. I need to start planning my 2018 race calendar - is it too early to do that yet?
  19. I don't think that word means what you think it means. Shaun of the Dead. No question, I love that film! Great challenge dude, and I'm looking forward to some more good race reports too!
  20. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Oh really? Clearly we're designed to be running buddies! Yeah, Runkeeper can only say "fast", "steady" and "slow", so the plan defines the actual pace separately in the description each time - fast for these was 10'45"-11'00", but I think on the long runs the "fast" bracket is about 20 seconds slower, and for 20 second sprint intervals it still says "fast", but that means 95% of VO2 max. The plan title is sub 2:30 half marathon. Based on my 10k pace I should be able to get sub 2 hour, but I've found it really hard to up my mileage so I just wanted to get there any way I could. Then this plan finishes in time for Christmas, so if it goes well I'm thinking of starting a new one in the new year and maybe joining you at Reading half in March?
  21. Let us know! It will be interesting to see if you feel any different on Monday morning as well. The plan sounds great anyway.
  22. Jarric

    Jarric Gets Wet

    Cheers man! My record mile is 8'15", but I'm trying to stick somewhere near the program. I'm certain that trying for that kind of pace I wouldn't have lasted the full distance. I'm surprised you've not gone further though, given how ludicrously early you get up
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