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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. ...Brian Foster? Love the story - I'm so excited reading this
  2. Everyone has already given some great advice on this, I would just add to pick something that excites you! I did a lot of running and gym work leading up to my first OCR because I was both really excited to run it and somewhat terrified of trying to run 14k. In the end I had a great time and was must fitter for it.
  3. Just a basic lunch - egg mayonnaise, tomato and spinach baguette plus a bucketload of fruit. Wait, do you guys not have jaffa cakes over there? Oh my god, I'm so sorry man...
  4. Thank you! I've been struggling to work out what resentment means for me or thinking of anything I resent, and you're definition really clears it in my mind.
  5. Ah, I can see it now! Great gif. Spike is by far the best part of that show.
  6. Monday - W1D1 Good Blood: 2,604kcal in, 4,371kcal burned, 1,767 deficit. 104g of Protein Hang Out: Bent leg raise x 4 x 8 Superhuman Speed: Nope 0/12 Vampyre Diaries: Yep! 1/28 Went to a friend's for dinner before snooker last night, which turned out to be pizza. That probably explains the low amount of protein. Snooker last night was good fun, but left me getting back late. When I got in I wanted to go to bed, but I also wanted to get cracking on this challenge! Ended up doing my leg raises and drinking some milk to try and get more protein in and getting to bed about midnight. I also forgot to mention that I weighed myself yesterday at 11 stone 12 (166#, ~75.5kg), so that's my starting point for the challenge. ===== This morning I got out for my run, 4 miles plus sprints for a total of 5.27 miles including the walk home. Tonight is Pathfinder night after a week off, and I'm excited for it .
  7. I can't see the gif for some reason . Have this anyway:
  8. Hnngh!! *ahem* yes, do want, that's great. and 62#, what a beast! I also want this - so glad I'm eating whilst reading your thread! I can confirm, this is the most fun you can have on a 2 mile run by far!
  9. I can honestly only think of one person to put on this list. I'm not sure what that says about me. I could write an essay about why he's there though.
  10. Well you'd be wrong, but werewolves are still pretty cool . Really cool pic man. Ok guys, I'm definitely gonna watch this soon, promise!
  11. Fair enough, maybe I won't worry too much about getting back into it then. Ok, I'll put it on the list!
  12. So as I totally failed to post anything in zero week, here's a quick update of that. Last week was the top weights on this round of Juggernaut. I wrote down in my bujo what weights I was on at 1st December last year, and this is how they compare to this past week: Bench: 32.5kg (~71#) --> 60kg (~132#) for 3 reps (PR) Squat: 55kg (~121#) --> 85kg (~187#) for 3 reps (PR) OHP: 27.5kg (~60#) --> 40kg (~88#) for 4 reps (rep PR only) Deads: 75kg (~165#) --> 115kg (~253#) for 4 reps (PR) So my bench has finally hit big boy plates and is heavier than my squat was then, and my deadlift has passed 250#. Nothing massive about these increases over 11 months, but I'm pretty damn happy with them. The weekend was a killer, on Saturday I went bouldering, then had lunch, ran 5 miles, showered and changed, got a train to London, went out partying for a friend's birthday all night, crashed on a couch for less than an hour, and then travelled home getting back about 10am. Sunday was largely spent napping and trying to deal with lack of sleep/hangover/exhaustion from activity. That meant I missed my long run, so I'm gonna be starting the distance PvP this month from a pretty tough position (not that I expect to win anyway, but still!). I did manage to write up this challenge and get in enough meal prep to give me a hope of eating success on day 1. ===== This morning I really didn't want to get up and go to the gym. I dragged my feet a lot but in the end went anyway and put in a workout. It's deload week and I was very glad of that! Tonight is snooker, so I don't know if I'll get in time to use the pullup bar before I leave. I'll certainly give it a go though.
  13. Thanks man! I've not seen this one, I'll have to check it out. Thank you! Great gif too. Thanks. I only watched the first few episodes of True Blood - is it worth me trying to get back into? Haha, that's excellent. And the only way I want that film in this thread
  14. It's Halloween this month, so I thought I'd dedicate this challenge to the coolest of supernatural horrors, the Vampyre. Good Blood - 15XP What? Track calories and macros Why? I've put on a fair bit of weight over the last few months - some muscle and some fat, and I'm starting to feel a bit uncomfortable with the amount of fat I'm carrying. Not to mention that carrying unnecessary fat is pretty inefficient for my climbing and running. This goal nicely coincides with finishing the heaviest lifts on my first cycle of Juggernaut, so I shouldn't have to panic too much about losing lifting fuel. How? Track all food in Fitbit. I will be aiming for a minimum 1,000kcal deficit (due to Fitbit's generous allocation of calories burned) and a minimum 150g of protein, but marks are just awarded for the tracking, not hitting the numbers. Hang Out - 10XP What? Use my pull-up bar or climb every day. Why? Because it should significantly improve my grip strength and my climbing in general, and I want to push some big climbing improvement right now. How? Follow this plan: M - Hanging Leg Raises 4x8 T - Scap Pull 3x8, Top Half Pullup 5x5 W - Hanging Leg Raises 4x8 T - Scap Pull 3x8, Pullup 5x5 F - Hanging Leg Raises 4x8 SS - Climb one day, other day Scap Pull 3x8, Alternating Chinups and Hammer Pulls (don't know the right name for these) 6x5 total Superhuman Speed - 10XP What? Ankle strength exercises Why? To help prevent injury and to keep me running. I've been struggling with sore/weak ankles for a while and I want that to stop. How? Run my ankle strength routine (lovingly stolen from GMB) at least 3 times per week. Aiming for MWF but I can make it up on other days if life gets in the way. Vampyre Diaries - 5XP What? Use my bullet journal Why? Because it keeps me on top of the stuff I have to do, and makes me feel a bit less like an overwhelmed child pretending to be an adult. Also because the goal title was too good to pass up! How? Write in my journal every single day. Bonus Goal - Start planning out my race calendar for next year. Not a SMART goal, but I aim to work on this this challenge. And that's it! I'm very tired today and struggling with getting this together, but I wanted to get something posted. Because of that it's very short of gifs, so please post your favourite vampyre gif, or a gif from your favourite vampyre film or TV series.
  15. Awesome, I didn't realise that! Clearly you have to unlock him now. Well done on a solid run Wolfman!
  16. Following along for the OCR madness!
  17. Awesome challenge dude! And all the running, that's awesome! Looking forward to seeing you rock this one Wolfman!
  18. That's an awesome excuse to carry a medal with you! Well done man, sounds like a cool race.
  19. Sounds like an excellent evening plan. You're gonna do great this challenge.
  20. I know, but there's plenty of other races (for now at least) with half pipes - I think you'll get yours soon enough. Oo, exciting! I'd love to make it to this.
  21. Misery loves company I think - people feel a bit guilty about eating snacks so they like to get others involved to validate their own choices (I don't think it's conscious or malicious, but I think that's what's behind it). Stick with it and people will get the idea that you don't eat snacks at work and will eventually stop asking.
  22. Shambles in, late as usual... Pint of the black stuff Barkeep.
  23. If we move the date you should count the whole thing. Even with your Deadpool super regeneration powers you'll still have to recover from the full distance, so you should get credit for the full distance. As a general thing, I have no preference on start date (I didn't even read the dates in the title initially!).
  24. Yaaaarghagahhehah!!! Looking forward to losing this to Ambassador Jonpool (and @Xenapool if she's joining us).
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