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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Good to have you! And thanks! Damn straight I have Eeeeeeeee! Exciting! I'm so envious you got to watch it last night, I have to wait until Monday . How is it? Was it good?
  2. And in a few months you'll be able to say you're an Ultra runner, how cool is that?
  3. Update Monday night I got in 4x8 bent leg raises on the pull-up bar, and made pork chilli for dinner with enough leftovers for Tuesday lunch. Yesterday I hit snooze on my alarm twice . I still got out for my run, but only had time for 5 miles instead of the prescribed 6. Ate the pork chilli for lunch. When I got back I had the unusual experience of doing pull-ups whilst cooking dinner between (a quick carbonara), as I had to get everything done and eat before rushing off with WW to our Pathfinder game. Had a really fun night, we finished preparing out spy mission and are now undercover on a train with a family of half-orcs, an un-dismembered warrior, a gambling dwarf and what we think may be a reverse vampyre (whatever that is!). This morning I got up and hit my HIIT class (see what I did there?). It was really quite tough from a cardio point of view. Weight wise though the instructor game me 7.5kg (~16.5#) on the bar to start. Then she upped it to 10kg about a minute in because she said it looked too light. At the end she came over to me and told me to use at least 15kg next time as I'm too strong for what she gave me. Which is either a nice compliment or means I look really weak! Either way, looking forward to having another go next week and trying to do better. Made myself a beef salad for lunch again today, so I'm 3/3 on that goal. I also haven't spent any leisure money since the start of the challenge, which is great. Tonight I'll get on the pullup bar, and then I'm off out to snooker where I shall try to be sensible with my limited money. Unfortunately I do have to spend a load of money (£175) on my car today to get it partially fixed, and I've got another £175 worth of parts to buy for stuff I'm going to do myself, but that's spending I can't avoid so there we go.
  4. You were always a ranger, you just hadn't realised it yet . Good to have you. Ah, you found me! And yeah, should be an interesting year. Happy New Year! No worries, I know what you mean! I'm horrible at keeping up with everyone recently - there's too many awesome people on these boards!
  5. I don't think I'm going to do any races before Winter Nuts to be fair. But it looks like most of the other Brutal races will be in Surrey too.
  6. Following along! Looks like a good start to week 2 dude; keep it up!
  7. Ooo, those look good! And they're mostly in Surrey, which is nice and easy for me. Will definitely think about that.
  8. My mum has those, they're absolutely glorious. Me too! I spent most of my teenage years wearing combat boots. I may still have a pair for hiking/camping in. ^^THIS
  9. That course sounds brutal, well done! Especially in getting round in such a good time too.
  10. I barely remember the 90s, but I'm thoroughly supporting the fashion and music showing up here.
  11. Thank you So only 10-11 hours left to watch then? Easy! Why not watch Thursday night's episode with your D&D group, presumably they'd be into it too? Though if you do no spoilers please, I can't justify staying up when it starts at about 3am for me. Especially as I have a character creation session from a new Pathfinder group that evening . ===== Have had a good weekend - climbed on Saturday and got out for a run. Was supposed to be 5 miles but I planned poorly and ended up running about 6.5. On Sunday I got my long run in and went 12 miles, which was knackering but I'm glad to know I can make that distance. Had roast beef for dinner and put some of the leftovers together in a salad for today, so that's 1 goal ticked off for day 1. This morning I got up with my alarm and hit the gym for Bench day. It went pretty well, and I was suitably worn out at the end. I've just eaten my beef salad brought from home. Tonight I will remember to get on the pull-up bar and cook enough dinner to have leftovers tomorrow. So far, so good.
  12. Following along! Glad to hear that your wrist's nearly there now. I hope your cat's ok.
  13. Following along, love the simple, solid goals!
  14. Yeah, I now realise I didn't actually explain the title, did I? Really good to have you here! And thank you for making me grim with that response Also, I'm so excited for the start of the new campaign next week, ahhhhh! I know, right? Glad to be here. Thank you! Hopefully it'll work out well, but I'll keep you posted anyway.
  15. Good challenge, following along! With the yoga, if you can't get 1 hour in one go why not try to accumulate an hour over the course of the week? 3 20 minute sessions or even 4 15 minute ones?
  16. TBF I wouldn't inventory them, just advertise them as "Approximately 1,000 mixed Pokémon cards, being sold as a single lot only." They'd be worth less that way, but I doubt you could earn enough to make an inventory worth the time spent.
  17. Following along! That weather sounds mind-bogglingly cold - stay warm over there!
  18. Following along. Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you're ok? Definitely go to the doctor and get checked out; whiplash sucks. Your planning for the year sounds really exciting, that's a lot of really cool things to get to do in one year. That's really interesting. Being British the idea of honey in tea seems totally normal to me, but jam in tea sounds like madness! I joined my first campaign a couple of months ago at the age of 28, so I don't think you're ever too old to start. I went on Reddit r/lfg (looking for group) to start with, and from there found an online group for local games. If you have a local games store you can always ask there. I'd definitely recommend it, it's really fun and playing with a group they soon stop being strangers and start being friends.
  19. Following along! Glad your cleaning goal's going well, it was really nice to read about the family pitching in to get everything done.
  20. Are these things which are fairly readily available to buy on eBay/Craigslist etc? If so, sell them, you'll get the going rate, and if you ever need them again you can buy them back at a similar cost. For things that are that available Craigslist basically becomes free storage. I was going to say stick them on eBay as a job lit and hope for the best - even if you only get a few dollars it's better than nothing. I think I prefer @Severine's idea though if somewhere will take them. Also, your weird Lyft was seriously weird. I can't work out the motivation behind acting like that at all. Well dodged giving out your number anyway...
  21. First challenge is up: Goals (1-3 aimed toward OCRWC, LUYL aimed towards being debt-free):
  22. I look forward to it! I hope for this to be a year of many muddy hugs.
  23. Hi All, I'm Jarric, and I'll be challenging with you lovely people this time around if you'll have me. I'm planning to do a tour of all of the guilds this year, and what better place to start than here where it all began? The end of this challenge will mark 2 years on NF for me. This year I am most looking forward to doing lots of OCRs (obstacle course races) with lots of awesome rebels, culminating in the OCR World Championship in October. I couldn't have said that better myself.
  24. Jarric Visits the Rebels Hi everyone, I'm Jarric. My plan for this year involves me visiting all of the guilds, learning what I can learn, and becoming a more well rounded Ranger and a better person. And what better place to start off the year than where I started off on the forums nearly 2 years ago, with the Rebels. The other thing my plan for the year involves is hitting two goals. 1.Run in the Obstacle Course Racing World Championship (OCRWC) in October. 2.Get out of debt. So for my Rebel challenge I'll be going back to basics, and (roughly) following the formula of the recommended first challenge provided here. 1 - Meal Prep - 15XP Prep all 5 of my lunches for work every week. This can be by doing a huge batch on a Sunday and making it last, or by making a little extra each evening and taking it into work the next day. Scored out of 20 lunches. 2 - HIIT - 10XP I've signed up to try HIIT workouts for the first time, once per week starting Wednesday. Basically until now my gym programming has involved power lifting style gym work, but nothing to really get my heart rate up. I am running, but on separate days to my lifting. With my goal of going to OCRWC I need some work that's more specific to having to haul my body about whilst I'm worn out and my heart is racing. I don't know if this is the answer, but it's worth a try. Scored out of 4. 3 - Hang Out - 10XP I have a pull up bar at home, and I plan to make use of it every day. This will improve my grip strength, help my core and back strength, and therefore should improve my climbing and my ability to get over obstacles. I have a set routine, and I'll report what I end up doing as I do it, but the main point is just to get on the bar for ~10 minutes every day. Scored out of 28. Level Up Your Life - Budget - 15XP As a starting point for saving money this year, I'm setting myself a weekly budget of £50 to spend on leisure. This includes all food and drink out (but not groceries), beer, cinema tickets, entrance to any leisure activities, parking at leisure activities - you get the idea. Any coins of £5 notes left at the end of the week go into a jar, which I can crack open for fitness gear when I hit level 15. Every week should finish within this £50 budget. Scored out of 4. So them's the goals. A few points of order before we begin: I'll be starting on Monday - I never understood starting challenges on a Sunday - so I'll be running this from 8th January to 4th February. All measurements may be expressed in metric, British imperial, US imperial or Klingon. Please don't ask me how Klingon units of measurement work; I haven't the foggiest.
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