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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sorry I've been MIA for the last few days. Definitely still looking to do this; will get it booked soon and let you guys know the wave!
  2. Nope! and I'm tagging @Jarric just so he can back me up Just think of it as a chance to test out your wetsuit before Fallout JOIN US! I'm gonna play the once-a-year "it's my birthday" card here and say you have to come Possibly controversial opinion: I get the hate for the prequels in general, but honestly I think The Phantom Menace was the best of a bad bunch. If you take that film in a vacuum it's a decent bit of light entertainment IMO. And also episodes II and III could make anything look good!
  3. Absolutely agree, there's definitely a difference between drunk workouts and hungover workouts. I'd say for running less than 5k it's probably better to be drunk, more than that hungover would work better. (I mean, clearly sober is the highest performance option, but still)
  4. Happy Birthday! Also, I may have to start a pixel a day page, it looks interesting. Do you find it useful?
  5. Oo, try not to do that man! I think you've made a good call on the ultra though; same some awesome for 2019 or you'll have no goals left otherwise!
  6. It's not often I laugh out loud reading my thread, thanks guys
  7. WW didn't object to me going for a run last night, so I went after dinner. An easy 4 miles plus 4 sprints. And then, having made up my missed run from yesterday morning I slept in this morning and missed my gym session! I need to sort out a better alarm, or more likely just a better attitude or some additional discipline. Tomorrow the plan will be to get up extra early as I need to be on a train up to London before 8am. Had a great dinner last night - WW made squash and red lentil soup with pumpkin seeds - twas excellent. I again had 1 piece of nonsense, another bit of homemade rocky road. After my run I got in my hanging, showered and flossed before bed. W1D2 Don't Eat Like a Dickhead - A single piece of Rocky Road (2/28) Hang Out - Scap pulls: 3x8, top half pullups: 5x5 (2/28) Ankle Exercises - Not today (1/12) Floss One Tooth - Done, and the other teeth too (2/28) BuJo - Done (2/28)
  8. Heya, good to have you All stolen from this article: https://gmb.io/feet/?pageid=84963 . I don't know how that would interact with your specific injury, but GMB's usually a pretty good source.
  9. Do it! I'm leaning towards 2 laps, but if you decide to do it we could always run the first lap together. @jonfirestar I can't help you on this one - money no object I'd say you should definitely run it, but with travel and accommodation that's a lot of money to drop on one race. I suppose the question is are you prepared to miss 4 smaller races to save the money to do this one? Just a thought, I suppose you can't get a discount on the ultra by volunteering at other races? That's my plan to fund most of next year.
  10. Judging by the pictures I've seen of you and @iatetheyeti at Nuclear I don't doubt it Probably a good choice for both of us man, as much as you would make a badass lycanthrope druid And thank you dude! Time to get saving for my lvl20 swag now!
  11. Pushups done yesterday with EC (glad I managed them, I had my doubts that I would) and side bends with EC today. By the way, if it helps anyone, it looks like Darebee now put all of the dares on their YouTube Channel , so if you can't work out how to do them or how to count the reps that would be a good place to look.
  12. The difference is, I can't go for a run or a hard swim whilst I'm in the shower
  13. Yesterday I slept in and skipped my gym session for no good reason. After work and snooker I got home fairly late but stayed up to do the daily dare (20 uneven pushups), my hangs, my ankle exercises and prep eggs for breakfasts. This meant I got to bed late last night but that's still no excuse for missing my run this morning. If WW approves it I might make up the run tonight after dinner. Challenge wise however things are good, and I avoided all nonsense food at work yesterday. I did however have a single piece of home made Rocky Road at the end of the day. W1D1 Don't Eat Like a Dickhead - A single piece of Rocky Road (1/28) Hang Out - Straight hanging leg raises: 5, 5, 6 (1/28) Ankle Exercises - Done routine A (1/12) Floss One Tooth - Done, and the other teeth too (1/28) BuJo - Done (1/28)
  14. Glad to have you man! Good to see you! Ouch! I don't think there's anything that could drag me into a cold shower, so I get that working as motivation! And thanks
  15. Following along man, like the goals. If you haven't read it already, I would thoroughly recommend Allen Carr's Easyway to Stop Smoking - really helped me when I quit last year.
  16. Following along, sounds like you had a good weekend!
  17. Working fine for me now. Though I suspect that my problem may have been my tablet and not the spreadsheet.
  18. Jarric sidles into the guildhall and walks up to the bar. Pint of the black stuff barkeep turning to @Tanktimus the Encourager he raises his glass An excellent speech as always, and as always it perfectly caught how I feel this week. To the grind.
  19. Yeah, it definitely sounds good. I quite like the idea in general of setting a really minimal goal as a gateway to what you actually want to do. We'll see if it works! Glad to have you
  20. Yeah, they're really useful (providing one actually writes in them). I also find it really hard to keep track of my NF challenges without writing things down. The hope is that I'll get pissed off and do the whole mouth too, but we'll see if that pans out!
  21. Zero week - flings wot i done: Ran 4 times, including a very slow 10k trail race on Saturday Lifted once - OHP on Wednesday Drank a lot of beer Friday night at a leaving do for a colleague. Then bought pizza on the way home. Had fish and chips Saturday night and a couple of beers in front of the TV Went shopping today and bought my loot for hitting level 10 - a couple of pairs of shorts, a base layer top, an outer running top and a head torch. Got to try most of it out on tonight's run. Posted this challenge.
  22. The last couple of weeks, and this zero week in particular, I've been struggling a bit. Mostly work stress, plus some best man wedding stress, plus general Christmas stress. I have also been struggling to keep up with everyone on here, and with how busy life is going to be this month I don't think I can do much better right now. I was going to follow in the footsteps of such awesome people as @Teros and @DarK_RaideR with a Diablo [Hardcore Mode] themed challenge, but I really don't think I'm up to it right now, so I will simply watch in awe when I can. Work, Best Manning and Christmas may have to take precedent this month, but there are still goals: Don't Eat Like a Dickhead - 10XP Counting calories last month worked really well, but I don't feel I can keep it up right now. Instead I plan to simply steer clear of nonsense food and calorific drinks, and most of all avoid going overboard on either. I will report any nonsense I consume here, and count that as a success as long as I don't have any excessive days. Hopefully the accountability will keep me on the straight and narrow. Hang Out - 10XP It worked last time so it's staying - stick to my plan of pull ups and hanging leg raises which sees me hanging from my pull up bar every evening (except from climbing days) Ankle Exercises - 10XP I didn't give this enough of a go last month to find out if it works, so it's coming back. Also my right ankle is giving me some trouble today and I hope I can help that. Do my ankle exercise routine at least 3 times per week - ideally during the leg raises. Floss One Tooth - 5XP I read this in an e-mail from GMB the other week and really liked it. The advice was to floss one tooth every day. The idea being that you're likely to do at least some of the teeth around it, because doing just 1 would feel silly, but even if you only do 1 sometimes the bare minimum is better than nothing. So once per day I will floss one tooth. BuJo - 5XP I find this surprisingly hard, but with so much going on I definitely need to keep on top of my journal. So the goal is to journal every day. This challenge will run from tomorrow (Monday 27th) and finish on Christmas eve. Unless I decide to keep logging over Christmas week, but we'll burn that bridge when we come to it.
  23. Thank you! It was definitely an interesting one - one day I shall actually run up that hill instead of slowing to a walk.
  24. Day 1 done with EC. Having some issues with the spreadsheet so will put it in later.
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