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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. That seems like an odd combination - have you watched games or just read rules and like the ideas? For some reason that link isn't working at the moment - so I looked around and went down the same rabbit hole elsewhere! Thanks for the tips - apparently most of the people in this game are fairly new to it so I'm not really worried about looking silly. I quite like reading the rules though #geek Sounds pretty easy. Almost... too easy! *horror chord plays*
  2. Update 10/28 Bujo updates 9/28 Today is a good day. Squats this morning; top set was 75kg and I hit it for 7 reps. That's round about my body weight, so very happy with being able to do that now. Work was mega busy, and it will be for the rest of the week, but it's strangely nice for things to be a bit interesting for once. Also, I found a D&D group (well, Pathfinder actually) today. WW and I are going to go along next week and guest play a couple of NPCs in the campaign as it's already running, and then all being well we'll roll up our own characters for next time. Much excitement . I may have a little trouble reading the entire Pathfinder rulebook in 6 days, but I suspect I shall try! Also also, I went to see a very silly modern production of Romeo and Juliet with the family tonight. It was at an outdoor theatre so we're lucky the weather held out. It was pretty bizarre, with the Montagues portrayed as Mods and the Capulets as Rockers, but really very funny. And now off to bed. It to read more Pathfinder rules. Maybe.
  3. Ok, cool. That one might be a bit soon but I'll give it a look That is pretty tempting. The South Downs one should be very close to me - definitely let me know if you're doing that again and I'll probably be up for that.
  4. Oo, which Maverick Race are you doing? I can see there's a few there, including a night run in Sussex which sounds like fun.
  5. That's easing back into it?! You are a beast man. Welcome back.
  6. Oo, maybe. I was looking for something a bit more off-road-y but I would like to run one with you guys. I'll see how this training goes first!
  7. That's almost exactly the same for me. I think it's still better overall to have some days off to recover though. ====== Update 9/28 Bujo updates 8/28 I started my half marathon training plan today. Not that I have a half marathon to run, but it's a good plan to focus on. Today was 3 miles at a very slow pace, nice and easy for today. Busy day at work today, but not in a bad way. Managed to get in some pull ups when I got home, working my way back in the direction of 5x5. Got the kitchen cleanish with WW and made a lovely bolognese for dinner. Just need to make sure I prep some meals for the next couple of days and have a relaxing weekend.
  8. Definitely. I did knock quite a lot of it out a couple of years ago - prior to that I was getting home from work and having a couple of beers (read: 4 or 5) every evening. I realised how bad that was eventually and stopped having beer in the house, but there are still times like this where I definitely need to be stricter with myself. You're absolutely right. I have a horrible habit of drinking all the beer I have - both the reason I don't keep beer in the house and potentially a symptom of never having beer in the house. I know that's not the healthiest relationship to have with alcohol, and it's definitely something I need to work on more.
  9. Update 8/28 Bujo updates 7/28 Yesterday after climbing I went to grab some chips and a couple of beers with SC. Had a really nice time catching up with him, and left pretty early. Then, pointlessly, I decided to have a couple of beers on the train back from London. When I got back I grabbed a 4 pack to split with WW at dinner, and she ended up only having one so I had 3 of those. I'm seriously considering making a drinking challenge next time round - that kind of unnecessary drinking is such a waste of money and such a waste of my health. I also fell asleep on the sofa cuddled up to the cat; I don't regret that bit at all. Today is bench day so I hit the gym. Top set was AMRAP at 55kg - I got 5 reps. It wasn't entirely accurate as the guy spotting me was rubbish and kept trying to help, but I think it's about what I'd be able to do anyway. This evening was snooker and I really didn't want to be there. I don't know why but I just wanted to be away from people and sit in a quiet room alone. Obviously I lost 5-0 as well due to this, which hasn't helped my mood. Still, I am home and very soon I shall crawl into bed.
  10. Ah, now that makes a great deal more sense! No, it wasn't too bad at all. This was about half 2 on a Sunday - I guess most people are sleeping off their roast dinners at that time! A couple of people were saying they go before work in the week and it's really quiet then. Ah, that sucks. To be fair, I often go on my own - it's still pretty good fun and usually I find the community at these places pretty friendly.
  11. I love it so much! Do you not have the time to go any more then? Thank you! Very true man, both philosophies I attempt to live by. An I would have thought the eating bacon part went without saying! Bonus point for using a Heroes gif btw, that show was great. Yep, Sunday's a good day for bacon. As is Saturday. Actually, I don't think there's a bad day for bacon I went to The Arch Building One. I've done The Biscuit factory a couple of times before but never Building One, and I think it was better. They have a 150ft traverse wall or, as I now think of it, a death to forearms wall! Had loads of fun though.
  12. Happy birthday for yesterday! And seriously well done on your medal - I look forward to seeing the silver one on here next year.
  13. That was truly beautiful Tank, you almost brought me to tears (in a good way).
  14. Sounds like a great week 1, I'm very envious of all your hiking plans the weekend (and even more so for your honeymoon, I really need to find a way to do more hiking!). Didn't you get the memo, you're not allowed to post screenshots on the internet if you have more than a quarter battery left
  15. Sloth is spot on; Jon is wise and you should listen to him. If you're looking to run outside before you buy a GPS watch, there's some great phone apps out there too. I use Runkeeper, which you can set to tell you your average/current pace at regular intervals and follow that.
  16. Oh I love it! If you. An get the same one again you could always get something different to fill the space next to it?
  17. Hey dude, I'm really late to the party but looks like you're doing great
  18. Update: 7/28 Bujo updates: 6/28 Early update today coz I can. Had a chilled morning in which I have bought bacon, cooked bacon and watched TV. Now I'm sat on a train to that London to go bouldering with Space Cadet. I've forgotten my chalk which is a nuisance, but really looking forward to climbing for the first time in a few weeks.
  19. So the first 3 times I read that I saw "Things that should not be allowed in me; a bakery." and I was so very very confused. Important question: what Pokémon bumper sticker do you have?
  20. Your holiday sounds amazing! Aaall the nerd meetups; that's so damn cool!
  21. Update 6/28 Bujo updates 5/28 (guess who forgot to update yesterday - what a pillock) So the total productivity of last night ended up as DM dad jokes, 3 jam donuts, chippy dinner, critical role, pub band with a few beers. Actually, I guess I did a fair bit, just none of it much good for me! I did hit Parkrun this morning, got round I'm just over 27 minutes which is nice, and felt really good doing it which is better. Otherwise just relaxed before Bat Out of Hell.
  22. Just got out, it was really good fun, definitely enjoyed it. Turns out I don't actually know that much Meatloaf material, but still really good. Mild spoilers:
  23. I was planning on having a productive evening before WW came home, but I've just discovered Dungeon Master Dad Jokes Thank you, I certainly hope to x
  24. Update 5/28 Bujo updates 4/28 Got the gym this morning for deadlift day, which is always good. I thought it was the day I get to hit 100kg, but turns out that's next time. This week was 95kg (209#) x 4 x 5, and that felt fine, so it shouldn't be an issue to hit 100 next time. I felt really good this morning at work (maybe because deadlifts?), but then I crashed this afternoon and felt pretty ropey (this may also be explained by deadlifts). Tonight I'm gonna be hitting the local pub to see a covers band, and then I've got a fun weekend ahead. Parkrun Saturday morning, Bat Out of Hell the musical Saturday evening in London, and then into London again on Sunday to see my friend Space Cadet and do some bouldering .
  25. I have exactly this problem - if I stop mid-way through a run I end up feeling really bad and like I can't run afterwards. It sounds like you're getting past that though so that's pretty cool. Also, if you're putting in the distance a run is never a failure, it's mainly about just doing lots of it, so try not to worry too much if you don't keep up with the beeps.
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