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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Have a great time on your holiday! Good call to just chill and make the most of the time you have away.
  2. Glad to have you ====== Update 4/28 Bujo updates 4/28 Got up on time this morning, despite quite a few beers at snooker last night. The motivation to get out and run was harder to come by however, so I spent a while procrastinating. I did choose a half marathon training plan on Runkeeper whilst I was procrastinating so that might help. The run itself felt rubbish so I cut it off half way through and walked home in the rain - at least I went out in the first place. Work was good, had a fun client meeting, did some grocery shopping this evening, and now it's Critical Role time
  3. Happy (belated) Nerdiversary mate! Also, is my maths deceiving me or I am right in thinking you've lost a third of your starting body weight in one year? That's huuuuuge man.
  4. This could be a motivational poster on its own man. You're gonna be fine.
  5. My wallet (or possibly WW) is going to kill me, but I am so damn up for this! Yes, join us, do it! You better not be teasing me Wolfman. I was thinking a Ranger of Rangers. It's a pretty versatile word
  6. Seriously? I thought I was going to die afterwards! I never thought I'd say this, but @mr_willes is the only one of you lot that isn't totally mad Also, Yeti, having a favourite tree (and a Scots at that) may well be the most rangerly thing I have ever heard of
  7. Heya, really really sorry to hear about your mum, and sorry I wasn't around to say so at the time. I hope the wake goes well. It's tough to be one of the hosts at these things, but you'll get through it, just make sure you allow yourself time to escape from it if you need it. Spreadsheet, to give yourself 0 or 100%: =IF(SUM(firstcell:lastcell)=0,0,100) Where firstcell:lastcell is all the boxes for the day. (So it's the range of cells, would look like A3:A11 for example) Spreadsheet, to give yourself the bonus percentage: =(SUM(firstcell:lastcell)-1)*100
  8. You don't have to call it tea - I certainly don't intend to! That's gonna be so cool, I can't wait to hear about her exploits. We're gonna need a sound bite of your dwarf voice I think judging on her intro! Love the new pic too. It's a tough one but I think it's gonna look great.
  9. Update 3/28 Bujo complete 2/28 Meal prep and bujo writing did indeed happen last night. This morning I got up and went to the gym (yay!) OHP, top sets were 4x5 at 35kg (~77#) - felt heavy but good. Assistance sets felt the best they have in a long time, so I'll be increasing the weight on those. Lunch was pasta I made the other day, and a ham and cheese sandwich I bought when I realised I was still hungry. Nothing much else to report really. Gonna try and catch up on here briefly before snooker tonight.
  10. Hi! And thank you! Yeah, technique helped a lot with that! In all seriousness I just haven't been keeping up with pull-ups enough since then :/
  11. ...... What? I'm not drooling! Who said I was drooling!? (Seriously, that looks incredible man) This sounds like a very good plan!
  12. Congrats on the weight loss milestone man. With the worry about gaining it all back, just remember that your magic bullet is consistency - you have worked at this for a long time to get where you are and the level of consistency you've built can't be derailed just like that, it's a pretty solid foundation.
  13. 3 peaks challenge? That will be awesome! It's on my bucket list to tackle at some point too. Re: the introvert couple thing, iagreewithtank (TM) , it's good to have someone that understands why you want to hide in a quiet room for a while. I also find it helps me sometimes that one of us has to stand up and get things done, so one of us gets pushed into being brave when things need doing.
  14. Well apparently I've been writing that update for a while, because I'm sure your post wasn't here when I started! Thanks for nudging me
  15. Update 2/28 Bujo updates: 1/28 Got home last night and did some pull ups and the daily dare, in the interest of having done something for the day. Went for 5x4 on pull ups, actually managed 4, 4, 4, 3.5, 2.5 - a bit of lost strength from where I was but not as bad as I expected from not keeping up with this. A quick carbonara for dinner, slightly late to snooker (something I need to make more effort to care about) but thankfully it was a quick match so I was home around 10. Spent some time updating my bujo, putting the washing out and making pasta for lunches. I also made a weekly spread for the first time, just for the hell of it: I then spent far too long messing about on Instagram, and went to bed at half 11. This morning I overslept again so no run. Out for a team lunch at work - I had a very nice Tai curry and a lunchtime beer. After work I got out for the run I missed this morning, 3 miles plus 3 20 second sprints - felt really good actually. I wish I could always run in the evenings rather then the mornings but time is an issue. And now I'm off to prep some breakfasts and update my bujo
  16. You really should, they were exceptional! No worries, I think I did the same to you! I'm going to come find your thread soon too Glad to have you! They were really tender actually, which surprised me. I wouldn't have the slightest idea what to do with trotters though, apart from make stock with them? Maybe? Heya, nice to see you 3 whole posts? She must be slipping Hi . Yeah, let's hope it's a good plan for both of us - I think it's kind of working so far.
  17. Loving the idea of weird training, so following along for that. Hope your luck improves soon
  18. That's exactly how I feel! Well done on the distance PR Jon, you're gonna be in great shape for your race.
  19. Thank you x Thanks, I hope so Good to have you man. ===== Update 1/28 (Bujo 0/28) This weekend WW and I were away camping with Hopalong and MG. We went to a medieval jousting event on the Saturday which was pretty good fun, and other than that mostly ate and drank a lot. Also got to try pig's ears at a pub near the campsite, which were awesome (a bit like crackling but better)! Yesterday was then spent recovering on the sofa - I think we totted up 9 hours in front of critical role and did very little else, although I did write this challenge. A very lazy day in all and we went to bed about half 9. Despite the early night I still slept in the morning rather than hitting the gym. Hopefully I well rested enough not to do that again this week. Snooker tonight so won't be able to make that up today, but I will find time to fill in my bujo quickly at some point this evening.
  20. Wow, that looks interesting. A marathon's a long way though, so I'm gonna focus on getting us all good and drunk at Dirty Weekend for now
  21. Glad you had a good time at the party, and well done to you guys for winning!
  22. So last challenge started well, but the last couple of weeks I've been in a real funk and I don't really know why. Life just seems like a great deal of effort at present and I'm making bad choices. Well, I'm making lazy choices anyway, like staying in bed instead going to the gym or ordering pizza rather than cooking a meal. I don't know why, but the will power needed to merely continue to exist seems excessively demanding at present, so I need something for this month that's simple and low key and keeps me going. To goals! Account to Myself - 10XP Update my bullet journal every day. This is good to keep me organised and doing all the life admin I need to sort out, and it shouldn't be too much to do briefly each evening. Account to You - 10XP Update this thread every day. Just knowing that I'll be reporting what I do, good and bad, to your guys will hopefully give me motivation to make better decisions. Or at least get off the sofa and make some decisions. Also it means that I can connect with you guys better and hopefully have time to check in on everyone's threads. And that's it! I'll be starting on Monday because that's when I start challenges and I'm not wholly sure why this one starts on a Saturday. Wish me luck.
  23. Having now actually read the narrative, I really liked it. Looking forward to the rest of this challenge now. Hope you enjoyed your party!
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