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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I think going back to your second challenge is a great idea, looking forward to following along Also, the new character sounds badass.
  2. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep. Jarric takes his usual from the barman and drinks deeply. A feeling nags at the back of his mind, but he pays it no mind as he converses with the strange looking gentleman sat next to him at the bar, finishes his drink, and orders another round. The scratching feeling in his mind persists, and eventually he allows that internal voice to inform him that something has changed. Looking around, the guildhall seems a lot brighter than usual, and there appear to be far fewer corners. Nonetheless the beer hasn't changed, and the company is as strange and exciting as ever, so he pays it little mind as he turns back to continue his conversation.
  3. I use Runkeeper - it's free (though it will nag you to buy additional features) and you can program custom time or distance intervals on it which it will announce for you. For some reason the talk of tapes didn't feel dated, but Woolworths O.o
  4. I need to come back and read the narrative, but I just wanted to say that this theme is a thing of beauty!
  5. Thank you both guys, you really made that weekend for me. I am absolutely certain that this can be arranged. Thanks man, right back at you. Hopefully we'll get a chance soon.
  6. Following along again mate, looks like a good plan for the challenge.
  7. Challenge Wrap-Up I'm very late doing this post, which has been rather a theme for this challenge. Let's see how I did: Actions Per Day Week 0-I = 167 Week 0-II = 113 Week 1 = 132 Week 2 = 113 Week 3 = 79 Week 4 = 92 Budget Bonus = 13 Total = 709/840 = 84.4% = 63XP This started with a real bang and the first 4 weeks were really solid. The past couple of weeks however I've been really struggling with motivation. And not just motivation with challenge goals, but with life in general, which really sucks. The trouble with the actions per day format is that unless I'm writing in my bujo a couple of times per day I lose track of things, and I probably lost a lot of points just because I can't remember scoring them. I'm dropping this for next challenge, until I get to the stage where getting off the sofa doesn't feel like a huge challenge and I can focus a bit more. Running Bonus - 104.68/100 miles run = 15XP Hit this pretty easily thanks to a lot of miles at barrel of laps, and quite a few at Tough Mudder. On Sunday though I missed my long run - I could have made time for it but I did nothing and watched TV instead. I don't know how much of that is a symptom of how I'm feeling right now, and how much is just because I'd hit the goal and didn't actually need the miles. Workout Bonus - 10/10 workouts = 10XP From missing most of my workouts, I hit every one as soon as I introduced this goal. Again, this week I've now missed one workout once the goals gone, and see my comments on the running about that. Overall I know this might come across as a bit of a downer, but you know what? It's actually been a damn good challenge. I got a holiday to Ireland and to run a Tough Mudder with the awesome @DarK_RaideR, I got to do lots of running and drink plenty of beer with @jonfirestar and @Charlie_Quinn (not to mention getting to drag C_Q through the mud ), I ran a long way, I lifted some heavy things, I got to know you all a bit better with some unusual questions and with a total of 88XP earned I did indeed level the fuck up! I've decided that my budget bonus jar is going to be kept until I hit level 10, which should be in about 2 challenges time. Next challenge will be very stripped back, whilst I try and figure out quite where my head is at and get it to right itself. Thank you all for your support and the fun we've had through this one.
  8. Glad to see you're still kicking arse mate Re: suits, Next are pretty good for decent, not too expensive things. Or if you're going down the charity shop route, my recommendation would be to go to somewhere affluent and full of commuters - rich people donate nicer things but charity shops don't really charge more for them.
  9. Well done all! That's far enough between us to travel from London, UK to Warsaw, Poland, or to travel from New York City to St Louis.
  10. Makes sense to me. Though if we don't hear from Korra we could put 0s for Korra and Blaze and call it quits?
  11. Huge well done on the PB, and on starting CBT. Hope your session today went ok.
  12. I just use Runkeeper on my android phone and it's pretty accurate for me. I do start the app up while I'm putting my shoes on to let it lock on, but otherwise it's great. Thanks for setting this up! It's been really fun
  13. Thank you! I knew your expertise in the matter would support that fact. I spent a good deal of my A-levels studying snakebite too.
  14. So well done on this challenge man, you have truly crushed it.
  15. I've not spent enough time on this thread but I am powering through week 4! Two full days left and I plan to crush them.
  16. Clearly smart shoes are the key to your powers, harness them! Good luck with the comp
  17. Update I'm still counting score, even though regular updates have been stalled. A couple of things I can confirm though: Running Bonus: Crossed the 100 mile mark yesterday, woo! With a decent long run on Sunday I could actually pass 110 for the challenge . Workout Bonus: I hit the gym today for bench day, which clears my workout goal (introduced halfway through to get me back in there). Again, very pleased. My new phone arrived yesterday (got myself a Nokia 6), so I spent most of yesterday evening trying to install everything I wanted and log into all my apps. Tonight I'm having a few drinks and playing some pool with the Captain, then a lazy weekend including Parkrun, bouldering and a long run methinks. Hope everyone's ok out there! I'm just getting back into catching up with threads so hopefully I'll know soon
  18. A 6.5% ale and a 7% cider, the resulting snakebite would be 13.5%!! (Yes that's how snakebite maths works, even if you add blackcurrant, don't ask me why.)
  19. @zenLara your sketches are so cool! I like the idea of colour coding your progression too.
  20. WOOOO! As Jon said, separately. There were like 50 beers and ciders, that's enough of a challenge without making combinations! I liked this sentence. Fittingly however I had forgotten that that was what it was called.
  21. Passed 100 miles this morning . Glad you had a great trip @Xena and well done on finishing your marathon!
  22. Yeah, they were pretty dangerous. Fun, but a touch risky! And you owe me nothing, I was happy to give you a lift. I will happily accept a couple of drinks however Ahh, ok, you got me. I'm booked in for wave 11! Hype Yes, yes, join us. JOOOOOIN UUUUS! (too creepy? )
  23. That picture is amazing! Actually, both the pictures of her are, I can't wait to see what else you do with her.
  24. Ok, so Barrel of Laps was totally awesome! Got there on the Friday after a rubbish journey, to find a nice bit of rain for us to unload and set up the tent in. Thankfully @jonfirestar came to our rescue and helped unload the car, and we were soon in the beer tent. A couple of pints later @Charlie_Quinn and her hubby turned up, and we all got to sample the range of beers on offer (and in my case have far more of them than I initially intended). The Saturday dawned brightish and was accompanied by only a mild hangover. It was a really great event because it was so relaxed - we'd run a lap or two and then sit out a lap or two. The goal was to get the barrel to do 13 x 2mile laps (a marathon), so we just kept swapping out and kept the barrel moving. I even managed to have a beer and a pizza between laps at one stage (it was medicinal, I clearly needed the energy ) The obstacles were a bit weak (there were 5, and 3 of those were net crawls), but highlights were running across pontoons over the river and getting very muddy with C_Q whilst the stewards watered the net crawl. On the last lap we walked all the way round so my mate Hopalong could join in (he broke his leg at the end of last year and isn't up to running yet), and we crossed the line as a whole team around the 6 hour mark. I personally went 7 laps - 14 miles - including the victory walk, and I'm counting every last one of those towards my running goal. After a while of recovering and feeling a bit drained from it all we eventually had some caffeine and perked up a bit, enough to sing and dance to the Bon Jovi tribute band, enjoy each other's company and "sample" many more of the beers on offer. A long drive back on Sunday, and then I hit the gym for squats because I've got a streak going and imaginary XP to earn! It wasn't particularly good, but I did some stuff and most importantly I showed up. All together a great weekend and I can't wait for next year already!
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