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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sunday finished at a cracking score of 29 with the two workouts and the meal prep - very happy with that. Challenge Wrap-Up Overall things have gone really well this challenge. First, the numbers: Week 1 - 120 Week 2 - 60 (in 3 days) Week 3 - 65 (in 6 days) Week 4 - 156 Total - 401 So week 1 was an excellent week riding into the challenge, and although the number looks low week 2 was great too as I only got to score on the three days before heading to Download. Week 3 was a bit more of a challenge, I didn't recover from Download as quickly as I would have liked (and it does require a lot of recovery anyway) - I feel like I ought to train for next year in some ways! I got a bit down on myself for that and made some bad choices over the week. Thankfully on Week 4 I started to get my head in the game and had a couple of excellent days to pull me out of the challenge strong. It's still not as consistent as it needs to be - there were a lot of missed workouts and double-up days, but it definitely feels good to be back at it and the consistency should come. I pre-set a "perfect score" for the challenge being 20 actions/day, so subtracting Download days that's 460 for the challenge. 401/460 = 87%, which means of the 50XP available for the challenge I earn 44 . Thank you all for following along and supporting, I now have a lot of catching up on the end of other people's challenges to do. Next time on Jarric... I'm not stopping now, so despite the two week break I'm still starting a new challenge today and I plan to post it tonight. If the new forum isn't up by then (I assume it won't be) I'll just start the new one in this thread.
  2. They were, thanks! I must admit I often think of you when I'm out running now, knowing how much you run helps put my mileage in perspective! Good to know. I think I'll stick with the narrative for the most part in that case
  3. Jarric

    Xena Re-Vamps

    Fantastic job on this challenge (or challenge so far in the case of the first 2 goals!).
  4. So the rest of Saturday was good, played a load of Battlefield One with Hopalong, played snooker and went to The Captain's housewarming. Drank a load, sang, danced, it was a really good night. Unproductive day points wise with only 10, but it was good fun and I've been picking up plenty of points earlier in the week. Today, apart from the hangover, it's been pretty good. We went top rope climbing this morning which was fun, though not a patch on bouldering, but at the moment Hopalong can't boulder so it was good to be able to do this together. After some intense relaxation I dragged myself out for my "long" run - 6 miles slow - and it actually felt pretty good. I did have to stop and walk when the path got very overgrown and I got pretty cut up on some brambles, but not a problem. And now I've cooked a lovely dinner: With that and the leftovers as prep, and some boiled eggs for breakfasts for the next few days, it's been a pretty productive day all round.
  5. Hope your weekend's going well man. Glad you're settling into the new job ok, it sounds like a good challenge.
  6. I don't really have time for an update right now, but I've been neglecting this place recently and I feel awful about it, so I'm making time for a quick write up. Hopefully on Sunday I'll have time for some forum cardio so I can catch up with everyone else before next challenge! Thursday I did ALL THE THINGS. Full morning routine and then went and lifted (deadlifts ). Working sets were 75kg (~165#) for 8, 8, 10. Stopped at the grocery store on the way home to buy fruit and came out with fruit and nothing else, which is a bit of a win in itself. Cooked lamb meatballs with rosemary potatoes and honey carrots for dinner, and then went out for my run. Plan was 2 fast miles, with slow 1/2 miles either side and between them, was hoping to hit sub 9 minutes on the miles, 8'45" as a stretch goal. They came in at 8'15" and 8'23" respectively, which I'm massively happy with! Not only that but it felt great and after the workout I carried on jogging towards home because I'd literally gotten into my stride (I now understand what that phrase means). A bit of adulting rounded out the day for a massive 34 points. Friday was quieter - got up late so no gym . Generally hit all the basics - walking to work, pre-prepped meals for breakfast and lunch. Went for 1 beers straight after work with WW and then home where she whipped up a quick carbonara. I did get the daily dare in (2 minutes uneven plank, it was surprisingly easy) before heading off to the pub to watch a band with my Dad. Had an alright evening though the band weren't great, drank more than I planned and finished the day with a, not totally terrible, 14 points. Today I got up and hit Parkrun. I ran the whole thing for the first time in a while which felt good, and I think I got sub 28' which is back where I need to be. Off to see Captain's new house tonight for his housewarming, which should be a good laugh, and then booked in to have another go at top rope climbing tomorrow. Question - I'll be running a similar format to this next challenge. What would people rather read, a list of all my points scoring like my last posts, or more of a narrative like this one?
  7. I didn't realise until I read this, but I think my challenge is doing this for me too. By only listing my achievements I make every day feel like a list of accomplishments even if it didn't work out as planned. That's a cool thought. Also, good on you to facing into the idea of surgery - it's scary but you'll be able to do cool stuff again
  8. Wednesday - W4D3 I was sensible yesterday, and although I went out for snooker I stopped at 4 pints and left by 21:45. That was surprisingly difficult, particularly as I had to stop a friend as he was ordering me another, but I feel like this morning was easier as a result. Also, it meant I got stuff done before bed. Points: Brushed Teeth Hayfever meds Checked bujo Walked to work Leftover pork chilli for lunch Updated bujo Updated here Walked home Slow cooked chicken, cannellini and orzo soup for dinner -----------------Snooker---------------- Walked past TV, and turned off as soon as WW went to bed Daily dare - 2 minute O-Hold (this is not as exciting as it sounds) - done with EC [+2] Boiled eggs for breakfasts Set up bujo for Thursday day Affirmations in mirror Laid out work clothes Teeth brushed Hayfever meds No caffeine after 4pm No soda all day For a total score of 21. So far so good for this week! ====== This morning I still woke up with a head full of cotton wool, but I got up on time and went to the gym! Plan is still to run tonight if WW doesn't mind me disappearing off, and then tomorrow morning I'll be in the gym and back on plan.
  9. Oh it's excellent! (Though you might have to remind me I said that come winter! Or just next time it rains.)
  10. Wedding and honeymoon both sound epic, glad you had such a good time man! Also good stuff on cutting out the booze, no matter how much it improves your mental state it certainly won't hurt your weight loss efforts.
  11. I'm so late seeing this! Huge congrats man, I had no doubt you'd qualify but seriously well done! And an hour off each time too!
  12. W4D2 - Tuesday Walked to work with WW (which is beautifully alliterative) Boiled eggs for breakfast Leftover parsnip risotto for lunch Updated here Updated bujo Walked home with WW Made pork chilli for dinner, plus two portions of leftovers [+3] Got out for my run about 9 - 3 miles plus 3 sprints up hill - I felt a bit sick/acidy all the way round, but otherwise it felt good to be out. It was also nearly cool enough to run being so late, which helped. [+5] Daily dare when I got in - 2 minutes of T-jumps to really kill my calves - with EC [+2] Stretched Took some photos for the bujo PvP Laid out work clothes Laid out workout clothes Set up bujo for next day Affirmations in the mirror Teeth brushed Hayfever meds No caffeine after 4pm No alcohol all day On time all day Excellent evening for a total score of 27! This is what a week is supposed to look like! This morning I woke up feeling really groggy and like my head was full of fluff - it was awful. Slept in about as late as I could so no lifting. Plan for tonight it to leave snooker early and at least relatively sober, and get an early night. Then I can get up tomorrow and workout, and maybe have time to workout again tomorrow evening.
  13. Thank you! I saw this about half an hour before I went out for my run and I think it helped! Yes, do it! I missed my workout this morning, so I'm seriously considering actually doubling up on lifting and running tomorrow.
  14. Cheating a little and dumping a few bits here as I started a new journal last week! Challenge tracker (I lost my orange highlighter ) And a cheeky 3 in 1:
  15. Monday - W4D1 I didn't get out of bed on time, so no workout again (part of the reason I was so down when I wrote yesterday's update). I also had snooker in the evening which knocked a few hours out of my day. Here's what I did do: Brushed teeth Hayfever meds Walked to work with WW (did I mention how much I love walking to work recently?) Boiled eggs and a banana for breakfast Leftover roast pork sandwich for lunch Updated bujo Updated on here Walked home with WW Balance practice (still standing on one leg, but also stole some GMB stuff) WW's parsnip risotto for dinner Daily dare (at about half 11 when I got home) - 40 glute bridges - with EC [+2] Affirmations in mirror TV left off when home Packed leftovers for Tuesday Bujo set up for Tuesday Running clothes laid out Work clothes laid out Hayfever meds Teeth brushed No alcohol all day For a total score of 21! Even without a workout I'm on track for my goal with anything over 20 . This morning I again woke up late, so I didn't run. I am going to run tonight after dinner, and don't let me forget it!
  16. Thank you! Water, sleep, lift, run. Got it! Thanks! Thank you, particularly the bolded bit made me smile. You're right, this is what we do! I know! Can't wait for both, we're gonna have so much beer fun!
  17. Hey, hope the work handover stuff isn't ok and that you're still doing well
  18. Week 3 Round-Up Things have not been going great with updating on here, or on keeping up with the challenge stuff in general for a number of reasons. The Good Came back from Download safely and started to go into recovery mode. On Thursday I was invited out by some suppliers to play Lazer Tag - it was hilarious fun and given how much we were sweating and running around I could almost call it a workout! Friday was WW's graduation (which was pretty boring but I'm really pleased she finished with distinction and she's really excited). Friday night I went out with colleagues who had been at our summer party and had a great time there. Saturday afternoon I played snooker with Hopalong, and then we barbequed and chilled in the sun all afternoon and evening. Sunday I went round to my dad's for a father's day roast dinner. The OK I managed to get in Parkrun Saturday morning. God only knows how as I felt like death from the Friday night out. I managed to convince myself that as I had to drop WW at work I might as well drive in my running gear, just in case I decided to run afterwards, and that just about did the trick. Sunday I got badgered into doing Body Pump with Marathon Girl, and somehow went along with it. Again the effects of Sunday's barbeque took their toll and it was all I could do not to be sick throughout, but I am feeling a little sore today so it probably did some good. The Bad I only got in two proper workouts all week, and they were both with hideous hangovers. I accept that I needed a bit of recovery from Download, but then a combination of positive events that took me away from home and lack of planning and preparation lead to me not hitting much all week. I have drunk far, far too much over Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I'm feeling weak and tired as a result of this (and the consequent lack of sleep), and increasingly I'm smoking when I'm drunk. All of this with Tough Mudder less than 3 weeks away and I really can't afford to keep it up. Now Now it's time for me to knuckle down, get some mileage under my legs before Tough Mudder and get back to the regularly scheduled lifting program. Thus far this challenge I hit 120 points in week 1, 60 points in week 2 (tracking only 3 days), 65 points in week 3 (tracking 6 days). For week 4 I'm going all out for at least 120 points to get back to where I was in week 1. Or if you prefer a visual representation of the challenge so far:
  19. It was excellent! Recovery week didn't really have enough recovery unfortunately - more below. Sounds like a plan Maybe they are. Or it might just have been a bad gig - Serj said something about needing a lot of help singing from the crowd, which I thought might be implying he wasn't feeling 100%. Thank you! That's a shame - I've always had a laugh watching Motorhead! And is it me, or does he look a bit like Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein now?
  20. Ah yes, that makes things so much easier, thank you for all your help Love the 80s pose btw.
  21. Ok, I've got Half Lord of the Fishes next. Where do these names come from??
  22. Great article. I'm saving this for next time I have to explain the concept of planning against self-control to someone!
  23. I'm back! Download was absolutely incredible. Weather managed to keep dry all weekend and even gave me a little sunburn, and I got to spend all weekend sat in a field drinking All The Beer, eating All The Bacon (spending all the money) and generally having a good time. Friday the first band we caught were MOSES, who were pretty cool despite all looking about 12 years old. Highlights included Sabaton, who were somehow even better than I expected, getting near the front for Five Finger Death Punch, and jamming out to a load of RATM tracks courtesy of Prophets of Rage. Headliners were System of a Down and, although they were great, I had somehow expected more of them - they kind of just played the songs and then finished pretty abruptly. Saturday I got to have a good laugh with (at?) Alestorm, before running over to dive into the mosh pit for The One Hundred. It didn't take long in there to realise I don't bounce quite as well as I used to, and I genuinely decided in that moment that for next year my training plan has to include strength and resilience to be able to survive more mosh pits at Download! Caught a little bit of NXT Live! and The Devin Townsend Project, before finishing off with Rob Zombie on the second stage. I had intended to head over for a bit of Biffy Clyro, but Rob was just too much fun so I stayed with it to the end. Sunday started with an all-too-short set from The Dead Daisies (protip: check these guys out if you like Motley Crue or Thin Lizzy, most of them were in one of the two at some point). Then a huge 4 bands (for me) on the main stage: Airbourne, where I rocked out in a slightly tamer mosh pit, Steel Panther who, well if you've seen Steel Panther you know what to expect there, Alter Bridge were musically on point, but unfortunately didn't have the crowd with them as I think most of the front were just waiting for the headliner, Aerosmith. Aerosmith were, I have to say, the band of the weekend. I'm not even a huge fan, but this is the third time I've seen them and every time they play to the crowd, bring everyone together and knock it out of the park. Since I've been back I've mostly been recovering from the drink, the sleep deprivation and the general exhaustion, but aside from being yet to hit the gym I'm mostly making good choices and trying to keep up with things. Will probably be a bit later in the week for that update when I have a bit more to say! ETA: @Salinger you got here before I could write it up
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