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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I know what you mean! Seems everyone's got a lot happening this challenge. And thank you Cheers man, and I plan to keep it going! Ah, I see, that makes much more sense. I know some places serve fries which are mashed and then reconstituted into shape, so I was thinking it might be something added in that process.
  2. Found you! Sorry I'm so late (but better late than never, right? ). Hope you're doing ok? Keep on keeping on and you can always message me if you need to talk.
  3. I'm glad you had such a great time man, you did amazing! It's great to read your write up abd how much it's inspired you to keep pushing yourself. Valkyrie beat me to it, but there is a TM in Ireland in July. You might even be able to meet up with a few fellow nerds if you went... Particularly on an early Saturday wave... (I know it's probably not in budget, but it would be great fun).
  4. Just when I think I can't be more amazed by you, and then you go and do it! 12 hours and 45 miles, that's incredible! So so well done. Enjoy your recovery week, you have well and truly earned it.
  5. Monday Week 3 (already??) Took hayfever meds Updated bujo Checked in on here Took the stairs at work (but only once, given Sunday's run!) Had a decent dinner - sesame pork meatballs with honey glazed broccoli and rice Prepped breakfasts x 3 [+3] Paperwork for new job Hayfever meds No alcohol all day And intentional rest day, so a pretty quiet one for a total score of 11.
  6. Thanks! Gluten's not something I have issues with, so it never even occurred to me it would be put in fries, yuck! And yeah, although it doesn't make the fries healthy it's comforting to know that they're fried potato and nothing else. I doubt our potatoes come from Idaho though Thank you!!
  7. That race sounds amazing C_Q, and you did so so well! 20 miles is a long old way and I'm properly impressed that you crushed it! I definitely want to get to this next year, and it sounds like I'd be in good company! We'll look after you. Or rather, we'll look after each other, I'm usually a pretty quiet person too. Introverts Unite! As @jonfirestar says, we'll have a weekend of getting to know each other and the beer will most certainly help!
  8. Thank you, and glad you enjoyed the recap - it was a weird day so I was hoping it would make a good story
  9. I worry about this. Then I worry about worrying about making myself subconsciously feel bad when I'm not sure I can change the subconscious effect of the data. As I'm writing this I realise I'm not being very helpful... But yeah, I understand the problem anyway! What happened on Wednesday? Wow that's a low score, I think I'd be climbing the walls with that little to eat! Anyway, given that your average calories in for the week were like 1,325 (if I'm reading that correctly?) and your average out was 2424, I really don't think you need to worry about eating a bit more on the Saturday! Particularly if a good chunk of those calories came from real food and not chocolate and beer I would think you needed the energy. How did you feel energy wise last week, because based on those numbers I'd say you're not eating enough? Aww they're so /cute/!! Can't wait to see the finished version
  10. Well I failed at my distance feat HARD last week and only hit 13.5mi*, so this week I get to double dip, hit 20+ miles and try hill sprints. I hope that my legs can regenerate. *That did include my first ever organised 10k race though, so that's pretty cool.
  11. Half-here! Sleep is good. Glad you're starting to feel better, and hope the headcrabs keep their distance.
  12. Thanks man! The only thing I was worried about with the pace was pushing too hard and having to stop/walk half way round. Thanks man. And yeah, I am, it's another milestone achieved. Thank you dude, I really am! It would have been awful! Glad they were able to give me a number to run even though I wasn't on the system, that could've been bad. Thanks man.
  13. Week 2 Round-Up Thursday A pretty quiet day, slept in so no workout. Voted after work (futile though it seems). WW made tortizzas for dinner. Score of 12. Friday Got up on time (!) and went out for a run (!) to try and get some pre-race miles in. 4 miles slow plus some sprint intervals for 5.37mi in total, over 55'40". Went out for lunch/leaving drinks with some work contacts I'm friends with. We had a ludicrous amount of meat - I'm talking a 2# porterhouse and a 2# prime rib amongst other things. Lunch turned into an all day drinking session - all good fun but it kept me on a low score of 10. Saturday Bouldering first thing and I got a few "watermelon" problems. This felt really really tough but I realise I couldn't do any of this grade a few months ago, and now over 2 sessions I've climbed 12 out of the 15 there. Progress! Ran a couple of errands, then went for an actual run. Only 2 miles to check my gear and my legs were in order for the race. A 2.5 hour drive to Bristol, a chilled evening in town and an earlyish night rounded out the day for 17 points (mostly due to the two workouts as driving and being away from home meant not a lot of points later in the day. Sunday Race day. After the race and the long drive back (getting on for 4 hours) I didn't feel like doing too much, so actually quite a low scoring day at 10 points. Overall A score of 92 for the week which blows away the 78 from week 1. Plan for this week is to get up to an average of 14 actions/day to beat my score again.
  14. Thank you! And yes, she does. Thanks! Thank you mate, I'm pretty happy with how it went. ====== So I owe you guys days worth of updates, but in the meantime... Race Report So I slept pretty badly last night, and I think it was nerves more than anything. Which felt really silly given that I know damn well I can run 10k. Nonetheless my mind was racing all night so sleep was pretty poor. Got up at 7, got fed and headed to the charity cheer point for the charity we were supporting. No-one there from the company though. I notice most people already have they race numbers on, but I've not had mine. I text a colleague to see if she knows what's going on, and she's had her number in the post. Worried, I head over to the information tent to see what's happening. I see a lot of people picking up their numbers at the tent, so no worries then! When I get to the front however I'm told I'm not on their system at all. At this point I think I'm being set up. I've seen no-one I know since I got to Bristol, I'm in a different hotel to where my colleagues say they are, and now I'm not registered for the damn race! Helpful people take my details and give me an unnamed race number, and assure me they'll sort it out. I wander off and eventually find a couple of people I know, just in time to get to the start line. I'm aiming for sub 55' here, so as I cross the start line I click my watch on and aim to cross each 1km line in 5'30". First couple of km I realise I'm going a bit fast, but in a steady rhythm and with the crowd of runners around me it's hard to pull back. At 5km I'm only a few seconds from my PR time, and I sense that with half the race to go that might not be good news. I keep up the pace for another km, but by the 7km mark my pace has dropped noticeably. I elect not not even check my watch at the 8 and 9 lines, instead just focusing on keeping going and pushing harder, as the crowds swell nearer the finish line, drummers are drumming and music is playing and everyone's pushing for a big personal finish. I cross the line in what I can see will be a decent time. That time came through later in the day. And that 55' I was aiming for? Crushed it in 52'47".
  15. Good luck today man, you're gonna have an awesome time!
  16. So glad you took the scary decision and bought that costume, you are going to look amazing in that! And, as Tank said, if you want to do it and it's a bit scary that's an excellent reason to do it. IAgreeWithTank™. Your taking stories are so cool, I'm really looking forward to hearing the next instalment. You also look great as a DM, so that doesn't hurt!
  17. Raised leg circles done, but no EC. I really need to do some work on my hip flexors.
  18. Oh, I meant nutritionally decent, it tasted great
  19. Probably the latter. I'll let you know on Sunday. Or i might not I suppose. Same here! I didn't climb that many routes, but I'd get most of the way up and then have to figure out a weird stretch or a jump or something. Or one wall that had an overhang right at the end after all the other stuff - that's just cruel!
  20. W-extensions done with EC yesterday. Also, congrats to @mom2sjm on hitting silver!
  21. Update Time! Week 2 - Tuesday Took the stairs Stairs again at lunch Updated bujo Checked in on here Healthy-ish dinner - Sausage meat hash with veg Tried top rope climbing - see thought on that in above post [+5] Prepped a sandwich for Wednesday at work No TV on when I got in Cleaned teeth Took hayfever meds Took other meds No caffeine after 4pm No alcohol all day On time all day Nice day for a total score of 19. Wednesday Took the stairs Stairs at lunch Pre-prepped lunch Lunchtime walk and stairs again Sorted out tenancy renewal Pull-up practice Daily dare - 40 W-extensions - with EC [+2] Cleaned running shoes Misc domestic rangering Cooked a decent dinner - Lemon and thyme roast chicken drumsticks with broccoli, broad beans, roast potatoes and gravy. Walked to the shop for some groceries Meal prep: 2x breakfasts, 1x lunch, 2x teas [+5] Set up tomorrow's bujo Cleaned teeth Hayfever meds Other meds No caffeine after 4pm No alcohol all day On time all day Bumper day for a score of 24! No proper workout but the meal prep and a bit of inspiration to get some domestic rangering done - partly from this challenge itself and partly from reading @EricMN's thread and deciding to get over myself - saved the day. I am now realising that I'm facing going into this 10k on Sunday having not run for 2 weeks. It'll be fine though, right? Who needs training, eh? Finally, happy Star Wars day all! May the force be with you. (I tried searching for a gif to go here, but Cortana just told me I'm not a Jedi instead of giving me any results )
  22. Perfect song choice for that burger - that's just silly! Top rope was interesting. It's a bit of a strange sensation having a 5th point of contact on the wall, almost as though I was being hauled up the wall by the rope (I wasn't, but that's the best I can describe it). It felt a little restrictive as well being tied in. I would like to go back though and get to a stage where I can try sport climbing and climb above my anchor point instead. It was also bloody knackering! Climbing a 100' wall compared to the 15' wall I'm used to, and then when you're on the ground rather than resting you're holding a rope to belay someone else. Overall it was a really fun evening though. I thought it was just put there to give a sense of scale to the other one.
  23. Really late and won't pretend I've read everything to get here, but happy birthday! You look like a beast in that photo, nice one! #breakyourselfie
  24. Great job getting out of your own head this week man, it's inspiring me to do the same.
  25. I have been so off this recently! Today's looks interesting though; must remember to try it.
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