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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hey, really late here but loving your goals and the Poison Ivy theme!
  2. Hi, sounds like your Epic Adventure is going really well! Firstly, that sounds like an amazing week. Secondly, how does that come out as only one workout for the week ?
  3. So you missed out on the amateur wrestler? Oh no! Just reading that has reminded me how stupid that show it, I love it! Makes perfect sense to me.
  4. Ranger feat done last week, I cooked a new recipe - sticky soy chicken drumsticks. I also tried Five Guys for the first time, which totally counts. I've checked this far too late so I'm going to struggle to hit the distance feat now, but we'll see how I go!
  5. Random thought: Week 1 my total score was 78, approx 11 points/day. Given that I got a 0 on Monday I'll need 13 actions/day to match that. That actually sounds pretty doable as long as I get a few good workouts in and get the evening routine nailed down.
  6. It's right up near the top of my trash TV list - I don't know why but it's just so watchable! ...I should really do that. Or at least add it to the todo list.
  7. Haha, that's a brilliant picture! I'll admit, that burger does look like a beast. If I ever get the funds to come over this has to happen.
  8. Yeah, I just took my glasses off for Warrior Run. My eyesight isn't great but it wasn't too much of an issue running without them. Contacts might be an option but I really don't get on with them myself. Or you can get a cheap pair of glasses for about a tenner online if you know your prescription. The only other option I can think of is prescription swimming goggles! ====== Week 1 Round Up So I haven't tracked the past few days as I've gone just through feeling too busy/not feeling like it. I've come up with some numbers but I may have dropped a fair few points because I can't remember what I've done: Friday - 6 points and nothing interesting to report. Saturday - 8 points. Went bouldering in the morning with marathon girl, and afterwards she commandeered a spare room there to take me through a yoga routine - it was good fun. Sunday - 3 points - a pretty quiet day which was mostly spent at my parents for my little sister's 21st Monday - 0 points. I honestly did nothing all day yesterday. Literally, I spent half the day in bed playing games on my phone and the other half on the sofa watching TV (all of this with WW beside me). I didn't go outside at all. I'm equal parts frustrated that I achieved nothing and happy to have had a nothing day. Tonight a chap I met in the pub is going to introduce me to top rope climbing, which sounds like fun (and will mean I get a workout at least!).
  9. I'll hold you to that if I ever make it over- that's a big claim! Exactly. Also McDonald's is 1/3 of the price, but then you get what you pay for. Now I really don't like GBK, so it's hard for me to make a comparison. This was about £16 for double bacon cheeseburger, fries and unlimited soft drink. That's a lot of money but I was in the west end, so I doubt another burger place would have been much cheaper. Hey man, good to see you. Yeah, I think that pretty much sums it up. Hi, good to have you!
  10. 4 miles per lap... 12 lap goal... *does the math* ...you are a machine! Sounds like a really fun event though, I hope you have a good time!
  11. It was seriously good. Now I want a burger, damn! Yeah, I'm sure I really don't want to know! To be fair, the initial plan was McDonalds so it probably wasn't too much worse!
  12. Hope you have a good night tomorrow - that drinking and relaxing is well and truly deserved.
  13. Thursday - Week 1 Daily dare - 10 clapping press ups - with EC (did these at 30 seconds past midnight to get them done!) [+2] Brushed teeth hayfever meds Ate pre-prepped breakfast Checked in on here took the stairs stairs at lunch pre-prepped lunch Walked from work to the London Palladium - it's about 3 miles and took about 50 minutes so I'm giving [+2] On time all day So another lie in and another missed workout Yesterday evening I went to see Gütterdammerung. It's a stage show, where they play a really bizarre black and white moving featuring some really cool rock stars acting, and then they have a live band behind the screen and at times they light up the band so they appear almost superimposed on the screen, and sometimes the band come in front of the screen and act, and they play loads of rock and metal classics, and, you know what, just google it, yeah? It's seriously odd but a really good show. I also tried Five Guys for the first time, so that's another "something new" for the Ranger mini. It was really expensive, but really nice, would definitely have it again some time.
  14. Thanks! I think the solution is earlier nights and just sticking with it until it becomes routine. It's a hard nut to crack though. Excellent! If you're journaling at the moment, I say just write down every positive thing you do and count it at the end of the day. Definitely! I'll be able to get up an hour to an hour and a half later and still get a workout in before work - bliss! Also, hopefully I'll feel slightly more motivated to start my day rather than hiding in bed as well! ===== Proper update will have to be later, but in the meantime I can officially say I'm running the Bristol 10k at the end of week 2. I've been booked in for it for ages but I'm running it with my current company, so I wasn't sure if they'd still want me to join once I handed in my notice. But they do, so that's cool - my first 10k race!
  15. It's a weird thing, isn't it? Hope you get past that quickly for your races. Also, I now realise that I hadn't checked in here yet, but loving the challenge! I know you don't have a mileage goal this month, but do we get a mileage count at the end anyway? I'm always amazed to see how far you can go in a few weeks.
  16. That sounds really interesting. I think it probably makes sense to go into post-grad pretty quickly whilst you're still in the swing of academia (then again my highest qualification is in playing electric guitar, so what do I know?). Yeah, sounds like you need to move on. There's nothing wrong in saying a job just isn't a good fit any more.
  17. Week 1 - Wednesday Took the stairs at work Checked in here Took the stairs at lunch Saw a man drop a fiver, and gave it back to him Cooked a new recipe for the Ranger mini - Sticky Soy Chicken Drumsticks with rice and veg Meal prep for two days; breakfasts (eggs), lunches (Leftover chicken) and teas (wraps) [+6] Updated bujo Set up bujo for following day Didn't turn on the TV when I got in from playing snooker Daily dare - 50 reverse lunges - with EC [+2] (did these right before midnight, and then I did today's dare right after midnight) Not late all day Total score: 17 So I'm getting up late again, and consequently missing workouts :(. Don't know what the solution is, but definitely making an effort to go to bed earlier will be a start!
  18. Good to have you! I suppose looking to move jobs is selfish in a way, but I think that's ok. You end up spending most of your waking life at work so you have to enjoy (or at least be prepared to tolerate) what you do. And although you will always have to sacrifice some time for work it's important to balance that with the things you want to do in your personal life. All of that is part of caring for yourself long-term. And a masters, that's cool, what in?
  19. Just caught up, glad to see you doing awesome as ever! That reminds me, I haven't done my April ones yet...
  20. Just done the reverse lunges with EC. Given that it's two minutes to midnight I might just wait for the clock to tick over and do tomorrow's too
  21. A wild tracking spreadsheet appears! Anyone who wants to join me on this Actions per Day lark please stick your name down Week 1 - Tuesday Brushed teeth Hayfever meds Updated Bujo Checked in on here Had pre-prepped breakfast Took the stairs Handed in my notice Took the stairs at lunch Went bouldering with a friend [+5] Encouraged said friend at bouldering - he's only been a couple of times but is moving near to the gym we went to. I think he'll improve pretty rapidly then. Chose an apple over a bag of crisps Packed gym kit for the morning No alcohol all day Total: 17 points So I slept awfully yesterday - woke up about 03:30 and was tossing and turning from then on. I'm blaming nerves about handing in my notice. Consequently I missed my run, so it was lucky I had the bouldering to make up those points instead. Notice handing went well, though unfortunately I will have to actually work my notice period rather than spending it sat at home
  22. Hey man, sorry I'm so late to the party and really sorry you had a shitty day yesterday. Hope today's looking better and the plague clears up soon. Seriously well done on the pull ups and the 10k though, I'm astounded by how far you've come in the past 8 months - it makes me want to do better.
  23. Is it just me that can't see @Charlie_Quinn's picture? Anyway, here's me wearing my latest bling on Sunday (you can't see the medal and it's horribly generic anyway, but I'm glad I got it):
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