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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hope you feel better soon man - working out when ill sucks so kudos for getting done as much as you have.
  2. Tricep hold done in 3 sets so no EC - that was hard man!
  3. Yeah, spirits are a special kind of evil (particularly as I only usually drink spirits at the end of the night when I've run out of room for beer). It is hard to stomach enough beer on the night to get that kind of morning sick, but we we're drinking from about 1 til after midnight so that made it easier! Aww, thank you! It is pretty cool. Yeah, sunburn was definitely not helpful. Understood loud and clear though, I'll drink lots of vodka to counteract it No, it's a requirement. I believe they're asking for it on passport applications now.
  4. Well done on checking in, even where you've had a bad day. I hope it helped to share it
  5. The Final Stretch Begins - Week 4 - Monday Took hayfever meds Updated bujo Pull-ups: 5, 5, 5, 5, 4 - so damn close to hitting that 5x5 now! Yoga quickies Meditation (also my goal for the Rangerpool mini, which inspired me to finally give this another shot) Affirmation in mirror with superhero pose - just trying something out here Home-cooked meal - leek and potato pie Washed and hung clothes Laid out work clothes Packed workout clothes Hayfever meds Brushed teeth In bed on time Not late all day No alcohol all day Total score: 15 So I'm definitely actually ill, and I might have also still been recovering from Saturday's antics, but I didn't feel great. Spent an extra hour or so in bed so no workout, but even in my weakened state I managed to make up a decent chunk of points. Note to self: If you want to get to bed on time, tell WW that time and she might just make you stick to it.
  6. Cheers man! It was pretty awesome. I don't know if it's to do with how drunk I have been in the past, but more that if I'm going to be sick I'm sick on the night itself. When I was younger that used to be anything beyond 5 pints! It's a bit more now but this is still the first time I've been fine on the night and sick in the morning.
  7. Week 3 Wrap-Up Friday Got up and went for a run - was supposed to be 3 miles plus some sprints but after 2.5 miles I stopped and walked the last 0.5 home. At this point I'm definitely getting ill which sucks . After work I got in pull-ups, the daily dare and a couple more yoga quickies. Total score for the day: 15 Saturday A very busy day, but very quiet points wise. It was Hopalong's birthday, and we went out for archery and axe throwing. Archery was great and something I'd definitely get into if I could afford another expensive hobby. We figured however that we could make a few throwing axes using Hopalong's forge, so that might be a thing in the near future. The afternoon was spent barbequeing and drinking lots and lots of beer, and getting very sunburnt in the process. Total score of 6 Sunday I had poisoned myself so badly on Saturday that I was actually sick Sunday morning. I've never in my life been sick the morning after (though I have on a night out) so that was pretty worrying. I did drink a stupid amount and possibly the cold and sunburn did not improve matters. Things slowly improved as the day went on. We went to a Pink Floyd museum exhibition in London in the day which was really interesting - I ended up in there for 2.5 hours just taking it all in. Afterwards we went for a Sunday Roast in a local pub. By the time we got home it was about half 6 and I was just done, so an evening on the sofa with Critical Role it was. Total score: 5. Week 3 Total score was 73, which is my worst so far. It's funny, it didn't feel that bad of a week, but when I look back I did very little Tuesday (missed workout, watched Guardians 2 after work), and Wednesday (missed workout, drinks after work), and then I wrote off the weekend when I could have gained points back with workouts and meal prep. Still I had fun, and I got back in the gym for a first time in a long time, so not all is lost. Target for this week is an average score of 12 every day, so a total of 84 for the week.
  8. Thanks man! I was hoping someone would pick up on that
  9. Speed and distance feats did not go so well, but I'm going to her straight on my mindfulness! I've actually been thinking about mindfulness a lot lately...
  10. Did no-one actually get this? Disappointed - that's an awesome tune!
  11. Happy birthday man! One day I'll have enough races under my belt to have an awesome blanket like you! That's seriously impressive! ...what dude?
  12. I initially read this as /the/ box rather than /a/ box, and I was wondering how the hell that counted as scaled!
  13. 60 second squat hole done with EC - actually felt pretty easy. Feels like I'm come a long way from the time I used to struggle with a 30 second wall sit.
  14. Well I can get it to work on my phone, but that might be a Windows Phone issue! Will give it a go when I next get on my computer.
  15. Words are hard! Glad you're doing ok. Good luck for graduation
  16. Hope you're doing ok this week *hugs*. Glad the neck pain is at least not an issue now.
  17. Thursday of Week 3 So I got up, not entirely on time, and actually went to the gym! So glad to be back. Between what felt like an awful hangover (although I'm starting to think I'm also getting ill as well) and all the strength I've lost from not going in it was a pretty rough session. Bench day to start my 8s phase of Juggernaught, and Rx was 5x8 at 47.5kg (~105#). Hit the weight, but only for 8, 8, 6, 5, 5. Still, got in and did the thing and I can feel the DOMS in my boobs today, so +5. Stretched after workout Pre-prepped breakfast Pre-prepped lunch Updated journal Daily dare - 40 bicycle crunches - with EC [+2] Tried a couple of Yoga with Adrienne's "yoga quickies" (because everyone loves a quickie). Put away lots of washing Home cooked meal - WW's signature parsnip risotto Read and signed tenancy agreement (so I will continue to have somewhere to live) TV off early Set up journal for Friday Clothes laid out Gym kit laid out Teeth brushed Hayfever meds Other meds In bed around 10pm Bonus: Full evening routine [+2] A massive day for a total score of 27! It's amazing how quickly one can stack these things up if one puts their mind to it! Today will hopefully be pretty solid, weekend will be trickier as I'm going to be crazy busy, but I'll make it work as best I can.
  18. Which one? I feel like I've had a few recently Haha, thank you! Thanks! You're right, and I will try to remember that.
  19. Holy smokes, this picture, seriously! And the video even more so! You look so damn strong and so capable and, well and hot! Embarrassingly my mind went here instead: So, how can I steal this playlist for future use?
  20. Knee to elbow crunches done with EC. That was suspiciously easy...
  21. Week 3 Tuesday Hayfever meds Pre-Prepped breakfast Updated bujo No alcohol all day And that was it! Got up late so no workout, and once I got home we went out, grabbed a McDonalds and went to see Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 2. Was a great film and had a really nice evening, but this was definitely a day I could have squeezed more points out of. Score of 4. Wednesday Pre-prepped breakfast Updated bujo Walked to the shop for veg Home cooked meal (I made enchiladas) Made extra enchiladas for Thursday's lunch Again woke up late and no workout. My downfall however was that, being a lovely sunny day, we decided to cut out of work for a quick pint at 3. That pint became 3, and after ducking back to the office it became a 4th, a later train home, a very late dinner an not much else! I also had a couple of little bottles of beer at home, and between all of that I feel surprisingly rough today. There have been some good things today regardless, but that's for tomorrow's update. Wednesday score was 5, putting me on 20 so far for the week. In order to hit week 2's numbers I now need to average 18 points a day. It's a tall order, but I can definitely give it a shot!
  22. Well I try! I will remind you! The intentional rest day was good, the following unintentional ones not so much ^Very much this!
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