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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! Thanks, and me too. She seems pretty glad to have it out of the way. Yeah, hopefully so! Thanks man! ====== Not much to update today. Pull ups happened last night, glad I'm still doing those (now up to sets of 5, 4, 4, 4, 4). Slept in again this morning, but I'm starting to feel like I'm catching up on sleep a bit at least. With the interview tomorrow I've got a late start, so no excuse not to go for a quick run.
  2. Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel bad bringing that up
  3. I find the same thing. There was a conversation about this on here a while ago. I think someone suggested that if you are kicking or moving things with your feet you would use your dominant leg. Because if this you might then learn better balance strength on your non-dominant leg, as you would usually be standing on that one whilst manipulating things with the dominant leg. I think it's quite an interesting theory.
  4. Hi Muir, hope things are going ok. Know we're here if you need to talk.
  5. Sorry to hear things have been rough for your Mum. With the funeral stuff, I don't know how feasible it is but could you talk to her about it? Lots of people plan their own funerals and whilst I'm not suggesting that she might have the best idea of the kind of thing she wants. Not an easy conversation to have, but equally if you're both up to it it might be quite cathartic to face up to things in that way. Hope you're doing ok today.
  6. Good stuff, I thought you would be! I disappeared for a couple of days and came back to find lots of people gone, so I thought I'd check
  7. Thank you! I did feel quite rangerly doing it If there's not then there certainly should be. Thank you, I certainly hope so! Thanks! It was good fun. And thank you for the kind words. ===== Job news: Last Friday's telephone interview called and they do want me for a second interview next week. So now I have a second interview for Job A Thursday this week and a second interview for Job B Thursday next week. They both seem pretty good so hopefully one will be a good fit.
  8. Hi Yeti, hope things are picking up for you - sending good thoughts you way.
  9. Thanks all, sorry I've been quiet the past few days. Challenge wise I think I'm pretty much done - I've not really been exercising or concentrating on any of the rest of it, so while I'm going to keep up with the best of intentions I think the challenge theme is done. What I've been up to: Work trip was fine - ended up being a heavy night on the Thursday with work people. Interview went well I think, so now I'm waiting to see if they call me back for an interview in person. They did ask about my availability for it, so I can only think that that's a good sign. I also have another interview lined up on Thursday, so hopefully things will go well there. Saturday went to watch the Rugby with WW, her brother and his girlfriend. It was a good match and a good day out all round really. Hopalong has got himself a blacksmiths' forge, so Sunday morning was spent forging pieces and welding them together to make a spit roast (basically we were making claws that attach to the bar and go into the meat, so that the meat turns with the bar rather than the bar just spinning in the middle). This was followed by a barbeque at Hopalong's to test out the spit. Huge amounts of meat and beer we're consumed. Yesterday was Mum's surgery to remove the lump from her breast, so I spent much of the day sat in the hospital. All went ok and she's home now recovering, next step is waiting on results to see if they got it all or if it spread. Funny week now as I have 2 days work, a day off for that job interview and then Easter, so I'm just going to try and do the best I can with it.
  10. I think these guys have covered it, but I think we all sabotage ourselves to an extent. I know I won't have beer in the house, or chocolate, crisps or biscuits, because if they're there I will have them and I won't enjoy them. I'll just mindlessly consume the stuff if it's there. I also struggle with wanting to clear my plate, so I do my best to make sensible portions in the first place so even when I finish it I won't be over eating. I swear the further down the fitness road I go the more of it is about preparation and the less about what you do in the moment.
  11. Wow, when you said you were buying a couple of weights I didn't realise it would be so much! That's awesome, you can do so much with that setup. Also, I like the daily menu section idea. And maybe subsequent pictures of said food?
  12. Thanks! You'll be back to them soon enough - and at least you injured it doing awesome stuff, so that's pretty cool. ====== Tomorrow I have to drive to Bristol for work - should be 3 hours or so in the car depending on traffic. That means no morning workout as I have to leave by 6am to have a reasonable chance at doing some work in the day. Evening workout won't happen as I have to socialise with the Bristol crew (well, I feel I ought to anyway, it's good to be part of the team). Basically I have to take a point of damage tomorrow on exercise and I can't think of a way around it. I'm staying in Bristol so I'll take my running gear and at least have a run along the river on the Friday before work. Then a busy evening of telephone interview for a potential new job, drive home, round parents for Dad's birthday and out to see a band with him in the evening. Not sure how much updating time I'll have before the weekend (it'll either be none or shitloads), but will try and keep up with you guys.
  13. To be fair, having never run 10 miles I can't relate. I'll report back in a few weeks when I hit that kind of distance.
  14. Tuesday - W3 D1 Boot Procedure Fail - turned my alarm off and went back to sleep for over an hour. Do the Robot Not done because I didn't get up in time - fail. I did manage my pull-ups (I'm up to 5 sets of 4 now) and 40 leg raises for the daily dare. Robot Fuel Passed this - ate fairly sensibly all day. Pictured - a very late dinner: Shutdown Procedure Fail again. I worked late, sorted my car out with my dad, did pull ups and daily dare and then started cooking. By the time I ate it was quarter to 10 and I just did not feel like turning the TV off and getting ready for bed straight away. I wish I had now as I woke up late again this morning, and that might just be linked to my bedtime. Error Reporting Done, still need to set up a new challenge tracker and some month pages for April. HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][X] Do the Robot [O][O][O][X] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][X][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O]
  15. That sounds like really good fun, I'm adding it to my list of games to download. Unfortunately that list is forever growing but still . At some point I may have to make gaming time a challenge goal.
  16. Congrats on the PR man, sub 1 hour for 10k is a big milestone!
  17. Makes sense - I have my long run on Sunday so even when squats fall on Friday I at least have one day between the two. It could interfere with Parkrun on the Saturday but as it's only 5k I can just run that slow (if I can resist trying to compete with people).
  18. That's awesome that you've managed to start a mini-gym at work! Let us know how it goes, it definitely sounds fun!
  19. These are really good for breakfasts in my experience. If you're even lazier than that (like me) then boiled eggs. I do a batch of 9 hard boiled, peel and bag them and eat over three days as breakfasts (usually with onion salt or mixed spice as seasoning). I also have a couple of glasses of whole milk per day (not specifically to up protein, although it does that, but I just like milk).
  20. Sorry to hear about the work stress. I'm sure you'll get on top of your work systems though, you work from home a bit anyway so presumably you are semi used to it? You could always try a pomodoro type plan if you do need some more rigid structure to your day? This seems like an oxymoron.
  21. Yeah. I'm running the 4 lifts all on separate days but only training 3 days a week, so a "week" of the plan actually takes a week and a third. That in itself is fine but then when I miss a day I'm just pushing everything on - with my current reliability I think the 10s phase is going to take 8 weeks instead of 4!
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