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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Awesome,thanks for the links! Some of those southern sandstone climbs are really seriously near me - am definitely gonna try and check those out in the summer! ETA: Good to know on Top Rope and Lead climbing - I'll try and actually remember those terms this time around.
  2. I think I might make the head slightly lower - I don't think it's that long if you imagine where the chin is under the beard, but if you do that the neck seems long? I am not good at art stuff though so maybe not. Hope your rest day was good, and that you're back on it with the challenge today .
  3. Hah, thanks! I keep hearing about you playing this game, but I don't actually know what it is? Yeah, it can be nice to get a bit lost sometimes, it was good. I think I will miss working at the club, I've been behind that bar 10 years so I know a lot of people pretty well there. Some people I won't miss though, and I'm definitely looking forward to those free Sundays! ====== Monday - W3 D1 Boot Procedure Yes! Straight up with the alarm Do the Robot Yes! Got into the gym for bench day. Ironically after basically having 2 weeks off I'm coming in on deload week, but hopefully it'll help me ease back into it. Robot Fuel Took 1 variance - it was a nice day so I escaped work for a quick lunchtime walk, and ended up buying an ice cream to eat while I walked (a Magnum Double Chocolate for those interested). Shutdown Procedure I should have got myself sorted and got to bed last night after I got home from snooker at nearly midnight, but WW was up (which is really unusual that late) so I sat up with her for a bit and missed parts of my procedure. Error Reporting All good, but I need to set up a new challenge tracker and some month pages for April today. HP: Boot Procedure [O][O][O] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][X] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][X] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O]
  4. C_Q beat me to it I'd love to do outdoor bouldering at some point, but it requires some seriously expensive mats and a lot of trust in the person who's keeping them underneath you. When it comes to roped climbing I think that's called something different depending on whether you're hanging from pre-placed hooks or whether you're putting in your own hooks as you go (but I've never really done either so I could be wrong). It's all practice guys. Far, far too much practice. That and I think the knowledge that I've only my self to blame for how I feel makes me all the more determined to get on with it the next day. I've almost never been late for work with a hangover either, which is noteworthy because in my early 20s I was late for work /without/ a hangover a lot! Once again I think trying to prove myself through the self inflicted illness. Well obviously that's who I was talking about! (Psst, nobody tell D_R I have no idea who that is). Amazing! I'm so getting one of those!
  5. Quick Weekend Recap: Friday I drank far, far too much in the evening. Was a brilliant night with friends, really enjoyed myself, had a nice Thai curry, but much alcohol and an extremely late night. Saturday I got up and went bouldering. It was pretty terrible, I was barely sober at best after Friday night. But I got in an hour and a half of attempted climbing nonetheless. Then I went home and back to bed. Slept for a bit then chilled and caught up on here. Went for a run in the afternoon - 3 miles slow (which was fine) plus sprints (which nearly killed me). Grocery shopping and chilling with WW in the evening. Sunday we got up at a sensible time, went shopping for some garden stuff for WW to play with (gardening is not my forte). Long run day for me so out for 8 miles. I made it 5.5 miles in before stopping for a walk break, walk/ran the next mile and then pushed through to run the last 1.5. I was shattered afterwards, and faintly disappointed I had to walk. It was a beautiful sunny day for it though, and most of the run was woods and trails, I got lost at one point - just generally good fun . In the evening I worked my last ever shift at the club, finished my meal prep for the week and got to bed about half midnight. ====== Initial testing of Jarric 1.1 is showing positive results - up with my alarm at 05:30 this morning and currently on the train to the gym. Too early to draw any conclusions from this yet, however it is good to start as planned.
  6. Following along man. I'm hoping I get a chance to read this thread soon where I can stick some audio on, because I'm certain those entrance themes will be excellent.
  7. Just put in my total, a meagre 9,462 for the week. It's entirely in pull-ups if that makes it any less embarrassing
  8. I have no idea where I've been and why I wasn't following this, but I'm here now! Yay for new program, sounds exciting
  9. Awesome, I'll get on that - maybe today. I don't know where to go from there... Cool! I love Crowley so that works.
  10. Ok, with a recommendation like that how could I not? Should I start from the start or any other recommendations?
  11. FIFY Good luck on your race tomorrow. I'm confused about your long run problem though, surely 10k is a long run?
  12. The job move will be ok. It's hard finding your place with new people, but you'll settle in soon enough. And if it doesn't work for you then no problem, it'll pay the bills whilst you look for something better
  13. Bonus goals! Drinking was good, made it dry Monday-Thursday and now I'm having a beer on the train home to celebrate! Morning meditation didn't happen. I'll keep it in mind as an option for helping me get out of bed however.
  14. Yeah, I think the original faces were pretty creepy. It was the arms and legs that just looked too much like a bloke in a suit that were the problem. Excited for a new series though! Some day this will happen! And glad you liked it, I don't think I've written any fiction since school (and even then only for English class!). And another reference I don't get . Though Google tells me enough to know I've never watched that show.
  15. I'm a bit late on this and glad you've worked things out now, but have you told her this ^ If this comes up again tell her that this is what you're scared of. Chances are it will scare her too, and may make her feel a bit more sympathetic to your gym time. Equally though, good choice having your autumn hunts closer to home - compromise is definitely king. I have been telling people the first bit for about a year now, and I never know it was a whole quote! Borrowing this for a lot of future use, thanks!
  16. Ah, that makes sense! I'm with you. Will do! The cybermen are back? Awesome! When is the next series, I know nothing of this?!
  17. Thanks sucks. I'm prone to hip pain when I run too, the only solution I found is rest and regular stretching. I've found this stretch in particular is quite good: Ok, that was the best I could find. Basically that, but I usually lean against a wall or counter so I can get a deeper stretch without falling over. Also, I'm definitely not smiling like that!
  18. Imgur seems to work pretty well on here. Re: Negotiating, I wouldn't have thought about negotiating the salary on an entry level job. Then again my highest qualification was in playing guitar so I wasn't exactly starting with a lot of ammo! Might be different if you have a degree (or, you know, two masters )
  19. Thank you! I've never really been into writing so it was a bit unexpected for me too! I always thought million dollar man would make a good recovery challenge (despite the fact I've never seen it). Thanks mate! Thanks! I needed that.
  20. Re: breaking up with the scale, IAgreeeWithTank^TM. If, however, you really do want to lose weight, and a lower fat diet has worked well for you before, then that's the way to go IMHO. A proven track record of a plan with your body speaks much more loudly than a perfect plan for someone else. I would just ask before you go down that road however, did you feel healthy when you were doing Weight Watchers? If you felt full of energy and strength at the time then you might be on to a winner with that type of eating. Also, glad you're feeling so much better, and I hope you had fun at D&D. Also also, I scrolled down and looked at your picture before reading about it, and thought "that's a cool dwarf", so I think you've nailed the dwarfishness of him.
  21. Ok, I can't quote text because my phone's being stupid, but I think "I am The Stig" is a great name for a finisher! Also, I've looked it up and that show would be about a year after Top Gear "killed off" The Stig and replaced him with the new whiter brighter Stig, so a lot of people were wearing "I am The Stig" t-shirts around then. (I may have been a bit of a Top Gear fan as a teenager. And since then too...)
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