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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. That is a huge win mate - it's easy to hit goals when you have the energy and motivation, but the dedication to keep showing up when you're not feeling it is what makes lasting change.
  2. To be fair I posted this before day 1, which I think it some kind of a record too Oh it makes me cry too! What's worse is that it's my own silly fault for wanting to work out before work Thanks, good to have you! ...I didn't notice that until you pointed it out. And there I thought I was being all original! I'm going to go ahead and watch this when I get home, and not on a busy train. Thanks, I'll keep you posted on if it actually works! I think the plan is sound anyway (*touches wood*). Thanks! And welcome Thank you!And I'm sure you'll make it fun Yes, a drink to that indeed, for both of us! [insert clever robotic reply here]
  3. Wow, you've done so well this challenge and this year, I'm seriously impressed.
  4. Love the Spiderwoman t-shirt! Well done on getting through the race, even if it didn't feel the best.
  5. Glad you're feeling better! Also just looking at Eric's WOWs gets me out of breath, so 2/3 of that through illness is pretty good I'd say!
  6. Pint of the dark stuff barkeep, and keep 'em coming.
  7. Good luck today if you do go for this man. I know you know your own body, but just be careful - you don't want to make the knee and worse.
  8. Jarric - What the Robot Does So last challenge totally fell apart, although at least partially due to circumstances outside of my control. For a couple of reasons I have a lot of stress going on of late and feel like I'm playing life on hard mode a bit, so it is time to be robotic about this, and hit my goal not because I am motivated, but because I'm disciplined and because that's what this robot does. I'll be running this challenge for 5 weeks to give me a longer focus, particularly as I've basically had a week off in week 4 of the last challenge anyway. As a new tracking tactic, I will be running an HP bar. For each goal I will expect 80% or higher of myself, and then have the HP bar for the remaining 20% before I die... horribly...) Boot Procedure - 10XP What? Get out of bed in the morning! Why? Because I can't have a good day if I don't start my day. And because that's what this robot does. How? Weekdays up at 05:30, do not hit snooze. No exceptions. 25 days, 20% leeway = 5HP - [O][O][O][O][O] Do the Robot - 15XP What? Follow my exercise plans. Why? Because it's building me into a stronger person and helping me towards my bigger goals. And because that's what this robot does. How? Lifting MWF following Juggernaut method, Running TTSS following Runkeeper "sub-55 minute 10k" plan, Bouldering 1x per week. (In the event of injury, and exercise may be substituted for yoga, stretching or a recovery exercise). 8 workouts per week = 40 workouts, 20% leeway = 8HP - [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel - 15XP What? Eat good stuff, not bad stuff. Why? Because I can't deal with tracking at the moment with everything I have going on, but this is a good way to get me correctly fuelled to workout and build a strong body. And because that's what this robot does. How? No processed food at least 5 days per week. This follows my unique definition of processed, which confusingly does not include bread. It does however include all pre-made meals, chocolate, crisps (chips), chips (fries), biscuits (cookies) and cake (unless I bake them myself). Focusing just on foods, so drinks get a free pass for now. Only attempting to hit this 5 days per week, so I start with 10HP plus a 20% leeway on the remaining 25 days = 15HP total - [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Shutdown Procedure - 15XP What? Establish a proper bedtime routine. Why? Because I get up silly early and I need a proper night's sleep and proper planning to set me up for the morning. And because that's what this robot does. How? Follow this routine: TV off by 10pm (if home after 10pm TV does not go on) Set up BuJo for following day Set out work clothes and workout clothes for the morning Brush teeth In bed by 22:30 or within 45 minutes of getting home, whichever later. 35 days, 20% leeway = 7HP - [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting - 10XP What? Write in my bullet journal every day. Why? Because I have a lot going on, and I need to keep track and keep organised. Journalling helps me feel in control. And because that's what this robot does. How? Write in journal every day at least once (on top of the shutdown procedure prop), and keep every day updated. 35 days, 20% leeway = 7HP - [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] ====== That's all folks - I'll try to keep it interesting! Starting HP for later use Boot Procedure [O][O][O][O][O] Do the Robot [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Robot Fuel [O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Shutdown Procedure [O][O][O][O][O][O][O] Error Reporting [O][O][O][O][O][O][O]
  9. No, that's understandable. In GSCE science a couple of friends and I challenged each other to remember the periodic table - so someone would say a number and another would have to name the element. This game ran for 2 years. I don't know why, but 27 and Cobalt was always the one that stuck in our heads and made us laugh (we were extremely geeky 15 year olds!).
  10. Cheers for the support man. Of the two days I was talking about there, the Thursday I was just moping and really should have got up. The Friday I agree though, I just needed the sleep. You're right that I struggle to see sleep as being as important as it is, and when you phrase it like that it sounds so silly! And thanks, I don't think I am going to dial things back too far - I think I need structure and rigidity right now to not let myself go out of control mentally. Well I quite like Jarric becomes Superman anyway ===== Got my run in - 7mi in 69'15" - pace 9'52"/mi. I was supposed to do it between 10' and 10'30" pet mile but to be honest I was having too much fun (God, who am I?). That's officially the furthest I've ever run without stopping or walking. Clothes have been culled (and I even drove to a recycling place and got rid of them immediately), WW mowed the lawn and made lunner wraps, I'm currently in the midst of sorting my breakfast eggs and boxing up my chilli for lunches. Challenge is written and I should post it in the next hour or so.
  11. I asked WW this. She pointed out that I only like having things like volume controls on even numbers. Actually it's weirder than that. Some numbers are ok and some aren't. Like, 9 is fine because it's square, and 27 is fine both because it's a cube and because it's the atomic number for cobalt. I'm going to stop there! I also like staircases to have an even number of stairs, but I think that's because I always climb them two steps at a time.
  12. Thank you! Love the t-shirt, though I'm not sure I'm quite worthy of pulling that one off yet! Thank you doubly. ====== Bouldering competition was a really good laugh yesterday. I managed 16/20 climbs in the end (13 on the first attempt, the other 3 took a few tries). Compared to some of the people there it's a pretty rubbish score, but it was just a load of fun. Mission now though is to get to a point where I feel ready to enter the open comp next year - not with a thought of winning because those guys are mentally good but just to the point that I would be able to complete enough to enjoy it. Today is the last day of the challenge I guess. I'm not going to do a round up, but if anyone wants to propose a title for this I'd love to hear it (the sillier the better). Stuff I will do today: • 7 mile run (as soon as I've finished typing this) • KonMari my clothes • Mow the lawn • Type up my next challenge • Boil eggs for this week's breakfasts • Make a giant chilli to have for lunch all week • Make wraps for lunners for the week (to eat on the train home from work)
  13. Well done on crushing this challenge (though we all knew you would, because that's just what 2017 Def does ).
  14. Took my birthday running gear out for a spin this morning: It was great actually, people were talking to me and cheering "Come on Superman!". Just got my time through - 5k in 26:35, which isn't too shabby for me.
  15. Thank you. Yes, we can get through together this and we will. That's good advice too, I'll promise to follow it if you do. That your a badass strongman? Seriously, if that was the event I think you'd be a lot better at it than me! And thank you for that man, I appreciate it. Cheers mate. And thank you, a bit of luck would be handy!
  16. Thank you, it's appreciated. Thanks. You're right; I need to have a good look at my priorities and decide what's really important right now and what can be left for a less stressful time. Thank you dude, it means a lot. Thank you, I really appreciate that. Thanks Flea. ===== Because I like to have lots going on at once, I have more news. I've got a job interview booked for Thursday next week. No idea about the role yet really, but it's much closer to home so hopefully might be what I'm looking for. Also, tomorrow I'm going to enter a bouldering competition (they have two running, a fun one and a proper one, I'll be going for the fun, easy stuff!). That should be a cool event, looking forward to it. And now I need to have dinner, and then go and watch Ireland thrash Wales and get good and drunk.
  17. That makes sense to me - I'm certainly not competing to win (...yet). 1. As C_Q said, it gets pretty muddy over here! 2. I have no idea how to tell how long I have left on the shoes. They were only cheap Karrimor ones, and though they look a bit rough they have plenty of tread left. Ultimately if it's going to damage me to run in them I can always get new shoes on the credit card, I just don't want to if I don't have to. I didn't realise that about the model numbers, good to know, thanks. That's some really useful advice to think on. Good point. So at the moment I've booked the following: Warrior Run in April - going to be stupidly muddy in places, mostly directly before or after the areas I'll be swimming in 6' deep steams. TM Ireland - as beautiful as summer is in Ireland (I believe they had it in a Thursday last year) I think we can assume it's going to be really muddy. Barrel of Laps - I'm guessing hardish trails, but really not sure I'm also looking at: MH Survival of the Fittest - urban race so hard standing Warrior run in October - see above. So it's not that many muddy races this year - I could quite probably get away with the Cheviots you mentioned at least for this year. Other (silly) factors affecting my judgement: • If I get the X-Talons I'll be excited to use them loads, but I won't be able to that much • The trail talon GTX (which has the Goretex upper) ia currently sold out, so I'd have to get the normal (and not as pretty) trail talons or wait for the gtx to come back into stock.
  18. So I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure, but the bad news I got the other week? My Mum found a lump on her breast. Got the biopsy results back today and yes, it's cancer. I really fucking hate this time of year. Good news is it appears to be very small (9mm/ 3/8"), and they seem to have caught it early. Plan is for an MRI soon, surgery to remove it in the next 4 weeks, and then chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy for the rest of the year. Hopefully this explains why I've been a bit useless and depressive these past couple of weeks. But I won't allow myself to use this as an excuse - I still intend to resume normal service on Monday as I mentioned this morning. Thank you all for bearing with me and supporting me as I floundered through this challenge, it does really mean a lot.
  19. Opinons everyone! I've got a bit of birthday money to spend on shoes, but I can only afford one pair. Do I go for proper full on trail shoes, of which I don't have any but will probably only use 4/5 times this year for OCRs? Or do I get road/hard trail shoes for general running and training? My current trainers are road shoes and they're starting to look a bit tired. For reference, I'm pretty much looking at these: https://www.inov-8.com/trail-running/x-talon-212-mens-trail-running-shoes-black Against these: https://www.inov-8.com/trail-running/trail-talon-275-gtx-mens-trail-running-shoes-grey
  20. To be fair I think OHP is the first lift that everyone stalls. Shoulders are just such small muscles to build (when you compare to how quickly you can build legs for example). Sounds like an excellent day! Hope climbing was good.
  21. Thanks! And you too! I think it's just a combination of work stress and other stress, which I'm not dealing with particularly effectively at the moment. Still, sleeping better and exercising should make me feel better, so that's no excuse really!
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