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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Well it's day 5 of the last week of this challenge, and so far I have missed all 5 of my workouts. Yesterday I just didn't want to get out of bed - not only in time to run but at all, so I even missed my train to work and had to catch a later one. Last night I had a big corporate event to attend, and with a 2.5 hour journey home I eventually got in at 00:40. Having had less than 5 hours sleep I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep today. I need to decide what I'm doing for my next challenge, whether to go really relaxed and try not to overwhelm myself (because obviously having 4 goals is far too many :| ), or to go very regimented and strict. I'm erring on the side of the latter, but we shall see. Either way I plan to start next challenge on Monday - I've made no real attempt to follow my challenge this week so I'm calling it zero week and starting a 5 week-er.
  2. My word, it blew your mouth right over to one side of your face! I like Lyoryn, I think it feels right for the character as I picture her. I would probably naturally shorten it to Lee though. Looking forward to hearing about her anyway. Also, Ezraldo's robes look badass by the way.
  3. (side note, there is a chance that Hopalong may wear his Iron Man running gear as well )
  4. I saw this like 2 hours ago and I've had Faith by George Michael stuck in my head ever since, but I had no idea why until I looked back at this thread just now! Glad you enjoyed your brutal HIIT workout, how do you feel from it today?
  5. Yeah, I'm in. Don't want to get overwhelmed with this so just gonna go for bronze and have fun with it .
  6. As a future old white man, I'd sign this. Good news about the data for your paper though, fingers crossed you'll get that soon and have one less thing to worry about.
  7. Yeah, alright then, it will come to barrel of laps with me . Well you'll have a job topping this, but you're more than welcome to try
  8. Hey @Miw_Sher, how's it going? Hope the conference was good?
  9. Haha, to be fair it was sunny when I left so it wasn't a totally conscious decision! Thank you mate! That's a really good way to look at it, I'll try and remember that! Oo, yeah ok, I do wanna get back on that . Probably not shooting for high numbers but it is good fun. ===== So yesterday I decided to have a lie in a catch up on some sleep, and I think it was the right thing as it felt much needed. Overall I got over 8 hours for the first time in a long time which was nice, though it did mean missing my run. Last night however I got home from work late, then after some other issues got to Hopalong's for snooker even later, and consequently didn't get home until 1am. So another late night lead to another lie in and another missed workout this morning. More discipline is definitely needed going forward - I'm itching to get a workout in now. On to good stuff - Hop along and Marathon Girl got me a Superman running top and leggings, so basically I can go running looking like a damned superhero! Also sent my CV off to another recruitment company last night. Going to speak to them today and hopefully this will be a step towards getting a less stupid commute for myself.
  10. Happy liftiversary! (I, too, cannot believe you've only been lifting a year). Hope you have fun at girl's night.
  11. The daytime was really fun, yeah. By the evening I was just drinking for the sake of drinking though, which is clearly when I ought to have stopped. Definitely a lesson I need to learn, though I seem to have trouble learning it!
  12. Also on my front, right arm underneath me, left arm out or clutching the duvet, facing left. Having said that I can sleep just about anywhere and just about anywhen - I think it's my superpower.
  13. Thanks for the birthday wishes all! Well, they certainly deserved a whole lotta love. ===== Got out for my long run yesterday, and I got caught in a hail storm, ran against driving wind, nearly fell over several times in all the mud and managed to get a bit lost. It was great fun! 6 miles at just under 10'30" per mile, although the splits were wildly inconsistent depending on the terrain. Met up with friends for Sunday lunch, which was nice. Kept drinking too late into the evening though when I got home. Consequently I had an extra hour in bed this morning and missed the gym, and I'm feeling a bit deflated right now.
  14. I honestly think I may have been unintentionally training for these type of races for quite some time.
  15. Very very much this ^ Sorry to hear you've been struggling, just keep pushing through
  16. I know. I mean this guy just did the job and then went back to his workout, but almost no-one will actually say no if you ask politely. And if they do it's no big deal to ask someone else. It's just one of those stupid things one worries about I guess. ===== Had to go down to head office on Thursday for our annual company party, and I forgot my phone charger, so I spent a bit of time offline for once. It was quite nice to get to spend my travelling time reading, but a few hours without a phone reminds you how much you rely on it! Missed my run Thursday morning and slept in, so there's the one miss I seem to have each week! When I got to the hotel that afternoon I channeled the part of me that asked for a spot on Wednesday and asked for a free room upgrade when I checked in. Amazingly it worked and I got a posh top floor room . The party in the evening was good; I drank far too much but to be fair so did everyone else. Friday I'd booked the day off for my birthday, even through I knew I'd have to spend most of it just travelling home. I got to the gym for a nice long session en route - squat day and I repped out at 15 reps on a 55kg (~121#) squat. Also added some birthday bro-curls (EZ bar preacher curls) at the end for "fun". Went to my parents for pizza in the evening, then on to see a Led Zeppelin tribute band after that, was a good night . Parkrun this morning was slow as hell (I blame leg day) but I got round in 29:29. My calves are not happy with me now, so goodness knows what they'll be like after tomorrow's 6 mile run!
  17. Erm, I went to Manchester once! Aside from that it would be Donnington park for Download, which I appreciate is in fact the midlands and not the north at all. And wow, ok, maybe I won't be sampling Elvers any time soon.
  18. If the only downside of the X-Claws is the colour then I'd say buy them, then take them out and get them good and muddy.
  19. No, I have not. I've almost never been up north (well, proper north, I'm so far south I consider anything north of London the north). Seriously though, if you can find me somewhere to get Elvers I'll try them.
  20. I'm very much a switch between both person. Though it basically works out as imperial for weight, beer, milk, heights of people & long distances, and metric for short distances, other liquid measurements, gym weights (although I have been to gyms that mix and match) and temperature. Conversions I'm happy with feet and inches to m and cm and lbs to kg, but oz to g I always have issues with (and I need to use that one all the time when I cook). I also have no idea about US imperial fl oz/pint, but I'm fine with UK pints.
  21. I know! Damn social interactions! I generally just don't have a spotter and make sure I leave at least a couple of reps in the tank, but the program called for max reps so I had to bite the bullet.
  22. No worries man, I'm just excited to get there and run laps and drink beer with you guys! Oh my god I'd never heard of meatzza. I've just looked it up and damnit I'm making that soon! Tangentially - I've never seen ground chicken in the UK. I assumed it was an American thing until you mentioning it just now. I wonder why we don't have it here - we have turkey mince just no chicken. And thank you brother, I appreciate it. Thank you dude. ===== Shitty day at work, far more work to do that time in which to do it. It's 8pm and I'm finally on the train home. It's not all bad news though, because today was bench day! Work set was 45kg (~100#) AMRAP. Managed 15 reps which was better that I expected. To be brutally honest though, the hardest part of the whole workout was having the balls to ask someone to spot me so I could actually rep out without crushing myself! I don't understand why that's so hard but I'm glad I did.
  23. Hoovering. I don't mind it in a big building, but in my house it goes: Hoover 1 square foot of carpet, move that chair, and other square foot, shift that box, nudge the table, that 3 inch stretch over there, why are there shoes everywhere?, oh crap that was a cat toy, move that bag, how can a pen get stuck in a hoover, unplug the hoover and plug in on other side of room, repeat.
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