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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Money has got in the way, so I won't be making it this time round, sorry. Next year!
  2. I could really do with learning that lesson too... Great job on the leatherwork, it looks really good!
  3. Excellent! Stealing that for later use... Don't be too impressed, it comes from far to much practice being hungover! And yes, very ready for week 3. I think I'm off to an ok start too ----- Week 3 so far... Non-Mowing - I made lunch last night (potato salad, crusty bread, plus tomatoes and radishes ) whilst heating up dinner (oven pizza ). 1-0 up so far. Workout - Yesterday I had to go up to London for a work thing, so no working out in the morning. This morning I got in a run however. I was feeling really knakered and was a bit short on time (think I need to get up even earlier?? ), so cut it short to 3.64 miles. Was supposed to be an easy run, and I walked the last 1/3 of a mile, so 40'38" the time, 11'09"/mi average pace. Weights and Measures - Not yet. Should remember tonight. Smoking - 60/180 minutes. Not bad for day one. I'm now 50 pages away from stopping smoking . Teeth - 1.25/7 - missed one flosss. Sleep - To bed - trying to work out how to score this. I was really sensible last night and took a book to bed at quarter past 9! Unfortunately that book is awesome (Moon Over Soho by Ben Aaronovich - will put more info below for those interested). Long story short I was in bed at 21:15, but didn't put the book down until 00:30 at least. I suppose I just have to be honest with the sleep time and say -18 points so far. It'll be tought to claw that back to a positive number! To rise - Monday 5 mins late/1 burpee, Tuesday 20 mins late/4 burpees. 5 in total is not too bad. 0 would have been better Book stuff, spoilered for (slight) spoilers:
  4. I wondered whether your username meant you rode motorcycles, now I know!
  5. Dude that race looks awesome, well done man! Hope the calves recover soon.
  6. Well in that case, excellent Google-Fu!
  7. Dude, that holiday looks incredible! I'm not a biker, and I've never wanted to be, but I'm now surprisingly envious! Hope the Strong Viking went well!
  8. Week 2 Round up (in no particular order) Non-Mowing - I lost this week, so I have to mow the lawn tonight . Still, got lots done that I wouldn't usually, and Mrs did a load of things . Workout - 3 runs out of 4, which I'm happy with given the festival at the start of the week. Gym and climbing suffered from this however due to the running and lack of sleep. Weights and Measures - Did this Sunday night to get 2/4. Last result was 11st0 (-1#), and 16.45%BF (-1.13). Hopefully this downward trend will continue. Smoking - 130/180 minutes. Bad week saved by a good chunk or reading on Sunday. I'm now really starting to look forward to finishing the book and getting smoke free! Teeth - 2.5/7, MUST TRY HARDER Sleep - To bed - -3/7. The weekend helped, but was not enough to get above 0! To rise - 33 burpees done
  9. That's an awesome meme, did you make that? I've actually got that picture on my wall at work, so if so you must be psychic! I did get my Parkrun PB, thank you. 26:04, so completely smashed my previous best of 28:00! Very pleased indeed! I hear you on the getting up thing. Luckily Mrs has work at 08:30 on Saturdays, and always wants me to give her a lift, so as long as I put my running stuff on when I get up I can't really back out! Rugby was awesome, really really great day out. First game started slow, but in the second half Saricens woke up and completely slaughtered Gloucester. Second game Quinns gave me several heart attacks before scraping their win against Bristol. Of course I drank far too much, then had a few more on the way home, and I shudder to think how much I spent, but it's all in the name of a good time! -- Sunday I had a bit of a lie in, and obviously quite a lot of a hangover. Went out for my long run early afternoon; the weather was mercifully cool and dry. Runkeeper called for 7 miles fast, but I ended up getting a bit lost! The combination of hangover, Saturday's fast park run and being frustrated with being lost meant I ended up walking after 4 and a bit miles, and probably walked a third of the whole thing in total. Final result: 8.74mi in 1:42:05. Pace: 11'41"/mi. Not too bad considering how much was walked, and it's also near enough 14k which is conveniently the length of my upcoming Warrior Run . Will try and get my week 2 round-up done shortly, but I'm on my phone on a train so that may be a challenge!
  10. I've never looked at it that way before. That's an excellent analogy Tank, and one that I'm going to have to think on further.
  11. Excellent news on the recovery man, and well done on the OHP PR!
  12. Good on you for realising when you need a break. It can be pretty hard to allow yourself to rest when you want to do all the things, but it's so important. Ready to stomp on week 3?
  13. Well done on the PRs man. Looking forward to seeing you crack a new streak on the soda in a few weeks!
  14. Quick update: - Went for a beer with a mate last night, then to see a band with my Dad. Was ok, but I was yawning all the way through! Definitely need sleep tonight! - Got to bed late again, -3 points giving me -8 now. Remember I was aiming for +7 for the week! - Parkrun this morning nearly killed me, but it was good fun and I'm fairly confident of q new PR. Just waiting on my official time. - Just did my 33 burpees as well (3x11). Didn't want a debt going into week 3 so that's good. Now I need to shower, change, and go see some rugby!
  15. Hah, well I find it funny now! That's excellent, but I think it might get ripped off the wall the first morning I woke up with a hangover
  16. Congratulations on the job! Side note, I've had In-A-Gada-Da-Vida stuck in my head since you posted about it
  17. Yesterday evening was a good one, so feeling better today . Mrs was feeling rubbish yesterday though, so whilst I didn't feel ill I'm wondering if there was more to how I felt than just the whims of my weird mind. Non-Mowing - 14-6 behind (ish?). Got home last night, made sausage and butter bean mash for dinner, went to the supermarket with Mrs. I don't get any points for those as we do them together, but it felt productive. I also found time to make sandwiches for today's lunch. Workout - After the above stuff I went out for a late run. Left about 9:15 pm, and after a bit of hip and ankle pain in the first mile it was actually really nice. Beautiful temperature once the sun had gone down, and it just felt good to be out running again. Runkeeper called for 1 mile slow, 3 miles fast, 1 mile slow. The fast felt reasonably easy, and I thought I was doing about 9'20"/mile (to be honest I would have been happy with anything sub-10'). I was extactic to find that I actually did far better: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:47 1 2 mi 9:16 0 3 mi 8:37 -19 4 mi 8:32 -3 5 mi 9:47 -17 6 mi 11:05 39 Average pace for the fast 3mi: 8'48"/mile. Total distance 5.29mile at an average pace of 9'32"/mile Weights and Measures - Finally got round to doing this! 11st1 (+/- 0) and 17.58%BF (+0.62). Not good numbers at all, but I guess that what you get when you spend your weekend sat in a field drinking cider! Hoping to bring this back down over the rest of the challenge, but I'm facing the possibility that I may have to start diet tracking again. Smoking - 0/180 minutes. Teeth - 2 points - done yesterday and this morning, but not flossed again Sleep - To bed - -5 points - so yeah, late run plus making lunches plus weights and measures does not really lend itself to getting to bed on time. 5 points down from the 0 I was on . Will try and make some sleep up over the weekend. To rise - 33 burpees - still need to be done. Only very slightly late up today, but I decided to get back into bed afterwards and cuddle up with Mrs rather than going to the gym. Not sure if it was a smart choice, but it was nice anyway. ------ Exciting day tomorrow! Up, take Mrs to work, Parkrun, pick Mrs up from work at 11, then off to watch the rugby at Twickenham! It's the London Double Header to kick off the season, so two matches back to back, and I got free tickets to it which makes it even better! Come on you Quinns!
  18. Thank you! I forgot the less metal end of the story though... I crawled across the landing into the bathroom, and laid on the floor with the door open trying to stop the bleeding and essentially stop my toe falling apart. My mother came up the stairs to see what the noise was about, and found me laying there. Note: I sleep naked. Cheers man, good to have you! I've never done an OCR before, so I'm not really sure how intense it will compared to others. Apparently it's 7km per lap, which contains 50 obstacles. I'm doing 2 laps so 14km/100 obstacles. Not sure what they class as an obstacle though as one every 140m seems like a lot? Anyway, not feeling too bad. I know I'll get through it one way or another, I just want to be good enough at it that I can enjoy it really. Still reasonably scared, I think it's the fear of the unknown!
  19. ^very much this Keep fighting the plague, rest when you need rest, you will overcome!
  20. One of us, one of us, one of us! Congrats man!
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