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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Good luck with the doctor tomorrow man, hope they have a solution for the leg.
  2. Thanks, it does seem to be a lot of us at the moment doesn't it? This too shall pass. I sleep through alarms and/or turn them off in my sleep. I tried having my alarm on the other side of the room for a while, until one day I woke up on the floor beside it with my foot covered in blood. Turns out I had run across the room in my sleep, kicking a glass off my bedside table in the process, and had run through the broken glass in the process. All before I woke up! The best thing for me has been having the radio as an alarm, so I wake up and listen to it, think I just need to set it louder and maybe get to bed even earlier.
  3. Sorry you had a tough month, but all things considered I'd say this sounds like a pretty good outcome!
  4. Felt really crappy yesterday. All day my brain just felt foggy, I was lethargic and I just wanted to curl up into a ball. I don't know why, nor do I know what to do about it, but I hope today will be a better day. Badminton yesterday was also a bust - I just couldn't focus and felt so tired we probably only played half an hour. Also, my knee hurts, my hips have been hurting... I suspect this is down to lack of movement, so hopefully when I do get out for a run it will feel better. Sleep - To rise - 30 burpees - still need to be done. Yeah, I wok up late again today FFS! I've been getting to bed on time so I don't know what that's about, need to push for a really early night tonight. To bed - 0 points - getting to bed on time counteracted the -1 from yesterday Teeth - 1.25 points - don yesterday and this morning, but not flossed Workout - Still missing! Couldn't run this morning due to how late I woke up. Gonna try for a run this evening, if I have time before getting the really early night. Non-Mowing - 14-4 behind (ish?). But Mrs cleaned the bathroom yesterday which is very nice of her. Smoking - 0/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - To be done. I need to find some way of reminding myself to do this. Sorry for the winy post, just one of those days. Now onwards and upwards!
  5. Good luck with the interview, I'm sure you'll do great
  6. Sorry you're having a crappy day, but at least you've done everything your can on the Thing, so it's moving forward for you. And think of how good for you all that walking was; the rain just builds character . Seriously though, I hope these help
  7. Firstly, yes, Aquaman is a rubbish superhero, I just couldn't think of any underwater superhero that's actually any good (although none of them are as rubbish as Daredevil, whose superpower is being blind! What's that about? Anyway...) And you'll get the swimming improvement pretty damn quickly I reckon; you've already got the stamina from everything else you do, and the technique will come fast with some practice.
  8. You're doing so awesome Wolfman! I had so much more to say, but I've spent hours catching up on your thread and I don't even know where to begin! Loving everyone's shadow boxing videos as well, it's really cool to see you all!
  9. It sucks that you don't feel proud of yourself, but I think I speak for everyone here when I say I'm damn proud of you! That was a hard thing to do and you kicked arse! It's a tough thing to do, and I'm certainly no expert at it, but try be happy about the things you did achieve, rather than focusing on the mythical ways in which you could have done more.
  10. Aquaman? Submariner? 20,000 leagues under the sea? Congrats on finding a pool so close! You are going to be excellent at turning before long! Surely an animal companion is a level up reward?
  11. I'm sure Hellbeast has just left to terrorise someone else. Well, either that or he's gone to buy you flowers
  12. Awesome Endor pics, you look brilliant as always and the ewok costume is equal parts excellent and terrifying. Hope you feel better soon!
  13. Glad you enjoyed the Spartan, looks like you had an awesome time! Great write-up as well! With the rope climbing thing, it's actually surprisingly easy once you get the hang of the footlocking technique. You just need to tie a rope to something and keep practicing until you've got that down really.
  14. Shave and haricut had yesterday, washed my festival stuff, cleaned out my bag. Other than that a relaxing day, didn't go out to run in the end. Got to bed 5 minutes late (-1 point there), but managed this morning to get up an hour and a half late (18 burpees to be done later!). Obviously missed my gym session because of that. But I'm back at work now, and I will get back into the swing of things this week. Four and a half weeks to the OCR, so no time for slacking! I've got badminton tonight as well, so hopefully that should give me an energy boost. Week 2 update Sleep - To rise - 18 burpees (need to do these tonight) To bed - -1 point Teeth - 0.5 points Workout - Not started for this week Non-Mowing - 12-4 behind (ish?) Smoking - 0/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - To be done. There is time!
  15. Good week 1 Bro! For the meditation, if the problem is remembering could you put a reminder somewhere else in your evening routine? Like if you brush your teeth right before bed put a note on your bathroom mirror to meditate immediately afterwards? If the problem is not remembering, but actually doing it, I would cut down the amount of time and instead focus on consistency. It should be easier to develop the habit of doing it for 15 minutes a day if you get used to doing 5 minutes every day first.
  16. If I spend any longer looking at clips I'm going to end up watching this entire film in YouTube form, but I truly love this song. Haven't seen the film in years (I'll be digging it out very soon), but I still find myself singing this all the time: RIP good sir.
  17. Sorry to hear about The Thing, but it's great to hear that you're getting through it and not letting it freak you out . I know a lot of people have said this already, but please do PM me if you need to talk.
  18. Sounds like a good start to me; there's always room for improvement after all! Hope the travelling's going well.
  19. Sounds like a really intense day! It's great to recognise how far you've come, sometimes when you feel worn it out you definitely have to look back so you realise how much you are achieving. Did the Pokémon GO! help? How was the weekend?
  20. I know, I'm hoping it will work too! I didn't do the measurements, but thank you for the reminder. To be brutally honest I was slightly too scared of the result to ask the question, so I'll snap out of that and actually measure tonight! Thanks! Great to have you along. It's great, as you say I can't really lose! And because I was away this weekend Mrs mowed the lawn and we're carrying over the points to next week, so I've even got away with a tidy house for another week . And yes, clearly the internet knows best Well clearly you need to practice tennis more! And yeah, I would hope so. I actually only saw their last song, but that was obviously I would walk 500 miles so I got to tick that off proverbial the bucket list. Good to have you man! It's hard, but then again it's not really a punishment if you pick something you enjoy Absolutely! Clearly you have found your calling. Same as me! I guess our only option now is to form a transatlantic Nerd Fitness fencing team! Hah, well it worked for you then! Although you clearly would have got Gaelic Football player if that was an Olympic sport! And I certainly will! Will more than likely download it later today, but I'm putting it off because I know that will be the rest of the day gone!
  21. I'm baaack! Had an excellent time at Purbeck. This is probably the festival each year that is least about the music for me, and most about the company. Just had a really relaxing long weekend with a few good friends and many many beers. On a couple of days we walked into the nearest village, Corfe Castle, maybe a mile and a half/ two miles each way. Beautiful country walk in beautiful weather. Also went to visit The castle at Corfe Castle (yes, that's the name of the village and the castle itself) on the way home. It's a beautiful thing, even as a ruin (not my picture): The bands we did see where good, particular highlights were Moscow Drug Club on the first night, who are a very interesting band (in a good way), and The Hot Seats on the last night, who were a bluegrass band. Oddly The Hot Seats all had a look of such intense concentration that you would think they'd never played their instruments before, and yet they sounded phenominal. Beer and cider selection was excellent (and copious), all locally produced and all quite strong. I shudder to think how much I imbibed over the weekend, but it was excellent fun. As predicted exercise as such didn't happen, despite bringing my running gear on the off chance. I did however walk a lot, the highest being on Sunday where I just about cleared 24,000 steps, which equates to 11-12 miles! I also got in plenty of dancing in the form of a Ceilidh (a type of traditional barn dance, pronounced Kay-lee) during the day, and just going mad to the bands in the evening. I also got everyone doing squats and calf raises with my friend's 6 year old son on their shoulders for weight! Now I've got the day off work to recover, need to have a shave and get a haircut, and will go for a run if I'm feeling up to it. Attempted stats round-up for week 1: Sleep - To rise - 24 burpees (over 3 mornings) To bed - 2 points (out of 3 nights) Teeth - Morning done, 4.5 points out of 7 Workout - Missed one gym (Wednesday), botched one run, but did at least start it (Thursday), rest of week festivaling Non-Mowing - 11-2 behind, carrying over into week 2 Smoking - 50/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - Complete fail. Must try harder. And now to start catching up with everyone else (we're about to find out if following a few less people has actually helped!).
  22. Hope you have a great time in Endor!
  23. Were you, by any chance, a scout? That's an awesome level of being prepared wither way. That bicep is awesome as well, go you! I hope your neighbours were reasonable. On the other hand... that sounds seriously fucking metal! Seriously, it should be the tag line for a film or something.
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