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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you man! Good to have you! I think (hope) it's a good idea; it's so easy to get carried away on a challenge trying to do everything at once. Thanks! Started reading the book last night, if it's as good as it promises then hopefully this is a winning strategy. I hoped someone would pick up on the grammar too; I typed "less" and then got annoyed with myself!
  2. So this morning I set out for a 4 mile run, which is two laps of a 2 mile route, and towards the end of my first lap I was tired and my legs hurt and I'd just decided to give up. And then, in my head, And I said "I will stand". And I pushed on and smashed through the second lap. Thank you for your help this morning Tank.
  3. I'd say it definitely does. Meditating can mean all sorts of things that relax you and keep you "in the moment", it doesn't have to be sitting cross legged saying "ommm". I found heavy metal meditation really works for me, although I enjoy it so much I'm not sure it counts! Great challenge anyway, seems lots of us are trying to keep it simple this go around
  4. Awesome jumping in the lake, that's a big step (leap?)! Rangerbrain (TM)
  5. Oo, that looks like heaven. *drools* The gluten free cookies sound good too!
  6. Updated my final starting stats. Weight last night 11st1, BF% 16.96. I am very much no ok with that percentage, which I suppose is quite a good place to start a challenge. I did eat like a monster last week with Mrs away (not bad food, but I think I cooked as much as I would for the two of us and still ate it all), but I'm still hoping that's a random glitch reading and it drops back down! Also updated my 5k PB. I missed out on my best time by 2 seconds at Saturday's Parkrun (grr ), so that defaults back to the 28:00 from my first one. Anyway, on a happier note my Pokémon RUN! was really good fun yesterday. I caught a Magmar and a Kingler, and hatched a Bulbasaur and an Execute . I came this close to catching a Mr Mime, but the bugger ran off. I also did 5 miles at an average pace of 10:33, which I'm very happy with considering I stopped a couple of times to catch things. --- And now challenge day 1, we're off! Sleep - got up on time this morning; no burpees for me! Did procrastinate a bit before leaving the house, but never mind. Teeth - Yes, done this morning. Workout - Got up and slogged through three rounds of my circuit. Times were 11:19.1, 12:41.8 and 12:42.8. Not my best and almost all exercises had to be split into sets to get through it, but I came away tired and sweaty so it's definitely doing something. Also the first time I've got through 3 whole circuits (I think largely driven by knowing I was going to have to come on here and tell you all about it!). Circuit for those interested: Non-Mowing - started this yesterday, and Mrs got a massive early lead whilst I was at work. I sense tidying and bathroom cleaning in my near future. Smoking - hoping to start the book tonight Weights and Measures - Planning to do tonight (and hopefully find that last night's readings were a freak occurrence!).
  7. Don't know if this will help you, but it's something someone mentioned on here ages ago and it worked for me. Lie in bed with your eyes closed. Get comfortable enough that you won't want to move; sleeping people don't move that much. Listen to your breathing, and count each breath as you inhale. Other thoughts will come into your mind, but push them aside and concentrate on counting. If you lose count, or are at all unsure where you were, start again at 1. If you move position or open your eyes, however briefly, start again at 1. If you get to 1,000 then get up and go and have a party; clearly you are not sleeping tonight.
  8. Try not to freak out about the 3# man. Worst case scenario; you get to three weeks and it's not working, and it's easy enough to then just reduce your calorie target further.
  9. Following along. Cool that you're getting back into music reviewing, I know you have excellent musical taste from your Spotify playlists. If only I spoke Greek!
  10. Happy Birthday CQ, and well done on the record time! Enjoy those birthday beers!
  11. Happy to help P. Following along again, congrats on the new job!
  12. Wow, that does sound like an epic run! Well done! Love the goals; following again
  13. This is awesome and turning totally bizzare, I love it! Irrelevant, but do they seriously still make Club bars? I haven't had one of this in years... BRB, adding to shopping list.
  14. Yeah, it sounds bad. I remember as a kid telling my parents "Geoff's got worms, I want to go round his house", meaning the original game of course . Definitely looking forward to blasting out some music and blowing the crap out of some cartoon worms though! Also, glad you found your wallet!
  15. Following along as always! I'll be interested to see how your budgeting goes; I really need to nail down my own finances, so if it works well for you I may have to steal it in the future!
  16. Cool, I'm in good company then! Glad to have you hear my man. Thank you! It is, and to be honest I saw the new Darebee PvP go up, and @Wild Wolf's nailbiting thread, and it's soo difficult not to join! I'm also already following more threads than I meant to and I've still got a couple of people I need to catch! Still, it's less than last time so I think I've kept it manageable... ----- Challenge edited slightly - meant to say I was reading the book 3 hours per week (was thinking 6 half hour sessions), not 6 hours. I don't think I have 6 hours! 2nd post edited with current stats and lifts, so i can see how far I've (hopefully) come in 4 weeks. Will try and set a new running PB tomorrow and add that in there. ----- I'm not doing full updates until the challenge starts. Mrs has been away so getting up has been a little harder, but in general I'm getting in my workouts and runs, and things are ok. Bouldering tonight too as mate happened to be free to go, so looking forward to that!. I've also got a fun Sunday plan. My running plan has got it down as 5mi easy pace, as a break from longer faster runs. So I've planned out a 5mi route around all of my local Pokéstops, and I'm going to Pokémon RUN! my way round the whole thing. I've wanted to do this for a while, but I'm pretty sure it's going to ruin my pace so will likely be a one-off.
  17. Nice one on the running - I hate hill runs so props to you for getting through it and not walking. With the way your're going, I've no doubt in a year you'll well on top of your fitness.
  18. Well done on the challenge, even if you lost track at the end sounds like it was still a good one. And glad you're enjoying the kickboxing! Now to find your new challenge...
  19. Good luck with the OCR tomorrow! I'm sure you'll smash it as always. And hope you have a good birthday meal!
  20. Good to have you back dude! Yes please to the food porn!
  21. *ears prick up* Diablo II? Tomb Raider? Ah now that takes me back to some good gaming times! So please for you about Seattle Wolfman, that's awesome! Also, in gaming news which I am unreasonably excited about, Worms WMD comes out next week!
  22. Good to have you W07f m4|\|! Gif won't load for me . I'm guessing the human version of these guys? Who else is doing a KISS theme? I haven't caught that yet. I think a small amount of fear is healthy to keep me training , but thank you! Yeah, I like it, anything that means I don't have to do mowing is good by me! Completely this! I hope so. And I shall let you know man! Good to have you! Thanks, I rather like it!
  23. Glad I was pronouncing Darebee right (once I actually read it properly and stopped pronouncing it Dar-bee). Still don't know how to pronounce Neila though! Nonsence, your employer should be pleased to have you dancing around the place! Also, glad you had a great time with your Aikido friend! My special talents are being able to sleep anywhere, listening, drinking, and listening whilst drinking.
  24. Ah scrumpy, probably not the best way to start your night. It's a quick way to finish your night though! And ruin the following day. Maybe the day after . I can't imagine how else it could possibly have gone! On the subject, possibly the heaviest night I've ever had was in Southampton. There's a pub there called The Hobbit that serves Lord of the Rings themed cocktails which are something like 3 shots of spirits, a WKD or similar alcopop, and a very tiny amount of lemonade. The challenge is to "drink the fellowship". They also serve Jägerbombs. I think you can imagine how that can end badly! Thanks for the clarification, I genuinely didn't know what it was and thought just adding pumpkin to everything was a bit weird!
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