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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you! I think I know what's happening for my next birthday...
  2. That looks amazing! I wanna go! Also this^
  3. I remember Aftershock, I had a few good nights on that. And a lot of seriously awful ones. Does anyone remember Goldschlager? Another cinnamon shot drink but with little flakes of gold in it? God I love cinnamon.
  4. Welcome @Gravitas, good to have you! Nah, you've picked the right place to do all the things!
  5. Cheers man! Yeah, all progress is good progress, so as slow as it is at least I'm moving forward ----- New challenge is uuuuup!
  6. Body Height: 5'10" Weight: Start: 11st1 at 21/08/16 End: TBD BF%: Start: 16.96% at 21/08/16 End: TBD Running: 5k PB: Start: 28:00 at 13/08/16 End: 26:04 Longest Run: Start: 6mi (60') at 14/08/16 End: 8.74mi (which I walked a lot of) or 6.13mi in 59:58 Lifting (all 6RM, BB weights total, DB weights per arm) Squat: Start: 55kg at 17/08/16 End: 55kg at 14/09/16 DB Military Press: Start: 14kg at 17/08/16 End: 12kg at 14/19/06 (has this gone down??) Bench: Start: 35kg at 19/08/16 End: 40kg at 16/09/16 DB Row: Start: 16kg at 19/08/16 End: 18kg at 16/09/16 Attempted Week 1 Stats: Sleep - To rise - 24 burpees (over 3 mornings) To bed - 2 points (out of 3 nights) Teeth - 4.5 points out of 7 Workout - Missed one gym (Wednesday), botched one run, but did at least start it (Thursday), rest of week festivaling Non-Mowing - 11-2 behind, carrying over into week 2 Smoking - 50/180 minutes. Weights and Measures - Complete fail. Must try harder. Week 2 Stats Non-Mowing - I lost this week, so I have to mow the lawn tonight . Still, got lots done that I wouldn't usually, and Mrs did a load of things .Workout - 3 runs out of 4, which I'm happy with given the festival at the start of the week. Gym and climbing suffered from this however due to the running and lack of sleep.Weights and Measures - Did this Sunday night to get 2/4. Last result was 11st0 (-1#), and 16.45%BF (-1.13). Hopefully this downward trend will continue. Smoking - 130/180 minutes. Bad week saved by a good chunk or reading on Sunday. I'm now really starting to look forward to finishing the book and getting smoke free!Teeth - 2.5/7, MUST TRY HARDERSleep - To bed - -3/7. The weekend helped, but was not enough to get above 0! To rise - 33 burpees done Week 3 Stats Sleep- To bed - -57 I think (out of +7 ) To rise - 40 burpees for the week (still need to catch up on 30 of them) Workout - 1 Miss, 4 attempted but partially completed, 2 fully complete Non-Mowing - I won this one!Weights and Measures - Why can't I remember this is a goal?Smoking - Finished the book, and smoked my last ever cigarette on 10/09/16. 11/09/16 first day smoke-free.Teeth - 2.5/7 (I think). Must try harder. Week 4 Stats Sleep - To bed - A strong start to the week but not a good end. Still finished on +2/7. To rise - 10 Burpees total, which ain't too shabby really! Workout - Missed my long run and circuits in the gym, but otherwise a solid week. Non-Mowing - Won this week!Weights and Measures - 1/4.Teeth - 3/7 Smoking - 1 day smoke free. Challenge round-up Challenge Round-Up Looking through my stats for a month there's not a lot of green, and quite a bit of red. Not totally unhappy with where I finished, but lots of room for improvement next time around. Lets see where I got to anyway: Stick to Workout Plan - 30XP It was an ambitious plan, but ultimately I was never going to hit everything. Had some great fun climbing, I've increased my run distances and speed. Gym progress has been much worse, so this will be a focus after the OCR in a couple of weeks. Awarded - 15XP Get Free of Smoking - 10XP I've stopped, and now I just need to stay stopped. Will keep a track of this next challenge. Awarded - 10XP Weights and Measures - 10XP Utter nonsence, don't know why I couldn't remember to do this (or why when I did remember I still didn't do it. Awarded - Nil Sleep - 10XP Had some bad weeks, but I think I'm getting more into the swing of this and the last week finished strong. Will go for even more next challenge. Awarded - 3XP Don't Mow the Lawn - 15XP Well I only mowed the lawn once, so I'd say this was pretty reasonable. And the house was a lot tidier for a while. Mrs and I need to get on top on this again now, but I think we'll keep up the betting and see if it continues to work. Awarded - 10XP Clean your Teeth - 5XP I'm an idiot. This goal will be back. That is all. Awarded - Nil
  7. KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid! Ok, so I was planning on a ludicrously complicated challenge this time round (which may be on the cards still in the future), but I realised a lot of my problems may have been caused by getting overwhelmed and trying to do to much, So this challenge I'm going to KISS. Stick to Workout Plan - 30XP What? Stick to my current workout plan Why? I'm training for an OCR. Warrior Run 2nd October. And I'm mildly terrified. How? Follow this weekly plan: M: Circuit training T: Run W: Legs/Shoulders T: Run F: Back/Chest S: Short Run and [circuit training or bouldering] S: Long Run and [circuit training or bouldering] All runs are as per a Runkeeper plan I'm doing (erroneously titled sub-65 minute 10k), but I might switch out the Saturdays for Parkrun as that's generally the same length and it's nice to run with other people. Sometimes life will get in the way, and that's fine. But try to plan ahead for this to miss as little as possible. And sometimes I may get hurt or need a rest and that's fine too. But in that case I still need to do as much as I can safely, and if I can't do that focus on recovery through stretching/yoga/foam rolling. Get Free of Smoking - 10XP What? Set myself up to get free of smoking. Why? Not because it might kill me long term, oddly enough, although that clearly should be a concern. But because I know I can run faster, hike further, and feel better if I give it up. How? Read "Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking" minimum 3 hours per week (I'm a very slow reader). This book was recommended by @deftona and @mr_willes, and I've since found out that it was also the book both of my parents read when they gave up, which is encouraging. Once I've read the book I will formulate a Plan* *Plan should not merely be a plan, but should be sufficient to warrant the capital P. Weights and Measures - 10XP What? Track weight, measurements and body fat percentage. Why? Because I'm not calorie counting or on any kind of diet plan, and I need to see if I can keep getting away with just intuitive eating. How? Weight and measure myself, before bed, minimum 4 times per week. Then calculate body fat % using this handy spreadsheet. Report figures on here. Sleep - 10XP What? Get to bed at a decent time, and get up at a decent time too. Why? Because I like working out in the morning before work, for how much time it frees up and how quiet the gym is. And weekends are busy and I don't want to waste the days. How? This one's in two parts: To Bed: In bed by 11pm or within an hour of getting home, whichever later. 1 point for on time, a bonus point for every 10 minutes early, -1 point for every 5 minutes late. Goal is 7 points per week. To Rise: Up at 7am on weekdays. As punishment 1 burpee for every 5 minutes late getting up. Goal is to not do any burpees. Don't Mow the Lawn - 15XP What? Tidy up the damn house! And generally be an adult. Why? Because, whether I like it or not, I am in fact an adult and I don't want to live in a shithole. How? We have a list at home of chores to be done. Mrs and I are running our own private PvP of who can tick off the most each week, and the loser each week has to mow the lawn (which we both hate). The goal is simple, never mow the lawn! Clean your Teeth - 5XP What? Clean my teeth. Why? Because I would quite like what's left of them to remain inside my head. How? With a brush! Joking. Clean teeth minimum twice per day, minimum once with sonic brush. Floss minimum once per day. Yes, this one's back. I thought I could manage this without it being a goal, but apparently I'm a terrible human being. Other KISS rules: Follow less fewer people: I hate this rule, but truth is I've been a pretty shitty friend on here for the last couple of challenges. In my effort to do all the things and keep up with everyone else, I've actually not kept up with anyone. So I'm going to try and follow fewer people, and instead focus on actually keeping up with them. If I'm not following you this time around please don't take it personally, it probably means that I think you already have a great support structure on here and you just don't need me. Handily the people with the best support structure tend to be the ones with threads that run to dozens of pages! I've also changed my notification settings so I can now keep up with them. So if you do need me, you can tag me and there's now a fair chance I'll see it. No extra work: No PvPs, no Ranger Mini, no random push-up challenges (I seems to have done some sort of push-up challenge every month since I started here). With my plan, and a bit of badminton with a mate, I'm going to be exercising about 10 times per week. That is more than enough! Housekeeping: Measurements may be in metric or imperial, because I want to make damn sure no-one's happy all the time! As always, the challenge starts on the Monday (22/08) and runs to Sunday (18/09) For those of you wondering, yes I am doing a festival again this month. The theme's gone though as it's Purbeck Valley Folk Festival, and I don't know enough of the acts to put a theme together.
  8. Well done on the challenge man. I agree you've got a great format that seems to work. Keeping on top of things whilst travelling is always gonna be hard, especially if you can't plan ahead because you don't know what everyone else will be doing. No answers from me I'm afraid, except trying your best to plan ahead and being really strict about getting back on the horse when the travelling's over.
  9. This is madness to me. I can't drive in any direction for 12 hours without either leaving the country or drowning! Or if you're worried about people finding out you've unfriended them you can just mute them on your newsfeed and they're none the wiser. I may have done this quite a lot. Looking forward to this challenge Yeti, I think you've set yourself up well for a great month.
  10. Glad I'm not the only one *walks in and takes up residence at the bar* Pint of the black stuff barkeep, and a double of your finest scotch.
  11. Sorry to hear you're having problems man, but you'll be back home soon and I'm sure the two of you will work through it together.
  12. Following along for another exciting round of "count the PRs"
  13. Wow, I really need to wrap this up and get a new challenge together! Week 4 stats Blind Man - 11st0, 15.7% BF at 14/08/16 Final Countdown - 0/6 days, and lost count Still of the Night - 6/7 days Runnin' Wild - 4/4 Killer on the Loose - 3/2 A Better Man - 3/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg-hug (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 10 Wood choppers #22 Challenge - 8/22 Overall Round-Up The Final Countdown - 25XP This started ok in week 1, and then promptly flopped entirely. So scrapping this (the plan, not the giving up smoking) and will try something new in the next challenge. Awarded 5XP as I had a good week and at least I learnt a few things about my smoking habits in the process. Still of the Night - 10XP The reverse of the smoking goal - this one started absolutely miserably and ended really well. Part of that I think was that the early mornings made me tired enough to go to bed early, part of it was just generally settling into the habit, and part of it was ramping up my workout schedule to make me extra tired! Awarded 5XP for a strong finish. Runnin' Wild - 15XP Out of 4 for each week, I hit 3, 3, 3, 4. Given that I've never been a runner and I'm now suddenly getting up at 7am to go running, and I'm now basing our 6 miles in 60 minutes, I'm still extremely happy with this one. Awarded 15XP. Blind Man - 5XP Missed a couple of measurements, so I'm going to fail myself here. More importantly though, my BF% has steadily decreased throughout the challenge, which I'm quite happy with. I would be much happier with the way I look if I were sub-13% BF, but I don't want to try and push this too hard whilst I'm trying to eat enough to keep up with training. Basically, any downward movement is good for me right now. Awarded - 0XP Killer on the Loose - 10XP Aim was 2 sessions minimum per week. And I hit 2, 1.5, 2, 3 so all good. Next challenge will be more! Awarded - 10XP A Better Man - 15XP Thanks to this challenge I probably did more housework than I normally would, but nowhere near what my goal was. I have a new system for this next month - stay tuned! Awarded - 5XP EDIT: And that was just enough to put me up to level 5 . New challenge will be up tomorrow, I promise!
  14. Awesome job on this challenge!
  15. Pun intended? Following along again for more story and to watch you smash some new PRs.
  16. Well done on the 5k PR, and the weight lifting, and the weight gain, and so so much on the awesome story, I love it! You've totally smashed this challenge man!
  17. Congratulations on the move, hope you settle in to your new place well Also loved your entrance into the guildhall!
  18. Awesome job Tank, and congratulations on la novia! Sorry I've been so bad at keeping up, guess I just can't handle watching so much awesomeness!
  19. Workout/cooking circuit. That sounds like a very good plan...
  20. Cool? Hell no! I'm assured I look hilarious though! And given how much my mate was laughing when I landed I think that was accurate And thanks man! Thank you, that's the plan at least! Back's ok I think, a bit tight but not causing me too much bother.
  21. Excited for more OCR awesomeness and more Deadpool. Also, that last Hill in the Great Birmingham Run looks like pure evil!
  22. Just wanted to say we'll done to everyone on this challenge! I'm going to take a month off from this one I think, I kinda flaked out towards the end and I've got so much going on I don't feel I can give my all to this. Have fun guys!
  23. Awesome job on all the PRs this month man! And well done on the waist loss, that's quite a serious chunk gone!
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