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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Bicycle crunches done with EC. My core has definitely got a lot stronger over these last couple of PvPs.
  2. Thanks for the info! I'm hoping I can just monitor how I feel and take a rest day if I need it (remind me I said that when I stupidly overdo it!) My legs and arse are hurting a lot today (more on that below). Thanks for the advice man , will keep you updated when I get through the book. ----- Last night did my daily dare (1min hopping) and #22 pushups (tried declined off an office chair, had to split into sets of 9/7/6) in the office before heading out. Food yesterday was awful. As I mentioned yesterday I forgot to bring my prepared breakfast and lunch to work, so ended up buying stuff. Breakfast was a bacon roll, lunch was a bacon and egg baguette. Mate I go to snooker with usually didn't have a match, so didn't go round his for dinner and ended up getting McDonald's just before my match instead. All in all a lot of meat in bread, and nothing in the way of fruit and veg. Snooker was ok, I lost 3-2 but he's a good player and I'm still second in the league at present. Smoked 12 yesterday and broker all of my rules. Utter, utter nonsense. Week 3 stats at W3D2 Blind Man - 10st12, 15.9% BF at 31/07/16 Final Countdown - 0/7 days, 22 smoked Still of the Night - 3/7 days Runnin' Wild - 1/4 Killer on the Loose - 1/2 A Better Man - 2/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg extensions (EC), 2 min double chest expansions (EC), 1 min hopping Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 25m alligator crawls = 5 points #22 Challenge - 3/22 - decline from office chair today (9/7/6) -- This morning my legs were a little DOMS-y from yesterday's workout, and my arse was really bad (I haven't done lunges in a while clearly!). Runkeeper called for 1 mile slow, then 8x2min fast, then 1 mile slow. Decided to take the first mile über slow to warm my achy legs up properly. INTERVALS PACE CLIMB 1.00 mi 11:15 -6 2:00 8:02 2 2:00 12:56 -2 2:00 7:58 -0 2:00 10:55 0 2:00 8:52 8 2:00 10:38 -0 2:00 7:31 -1 2:00 10:01 -5 2:00 7:38 6 2:00 10:35 -8 2:00 7:45 -3 2:00 10:55 12 2:00 9:31 2 2:00 10:36 -11 2:00 9:19 2 1.00 mi 10:16 -7 4:50 18:11 11 Didn't feel too bad until I stopped running and had my recovery walk back up the hill. Then my legs and arse were killing me, and after driving to work I could barely walk at all! Ah well, DOMS pain is good pain . -- I'm off on a short holiday from Friday to Monday, so don't know how much I'll get on here to catch up with your all. I'm actually meeting up with a load of people I met on a geek summer course I went to when I was younger. It's also where I met Mrs, so she'll be coming up with me to catch up with everyone, and we're all staying in a house together like with the courses we met on; should be great fun. So plan for the (long) weekend: Tonight badminton, eat, shower, snooker Friday get up, gym (chest/arms), buy guitar strings, pack, drive to Gloucester (pronounced Glos-ter for the Americans/other countries who pronounce place names like they're spelt), drinks with geeky friends. Saturday try and get an early run in, have fun with geeky friends, drink Sunday - see Saturday Monday clean up, drive back, gym (circuits), tidy house, meal prep Daily - daily dares PvP, #22 press-ups, think about why I'm smoking. Well that was a long update! Back to work!
  3. So last night went to the gym and had a chat to a trainer about putting together a new programme. For OCR training he recommended doing circuit training twice per week to get me used to mixing cardio and strength and working my muscles when I'm knakered. He then recommended that I split my other strength training up, and do two other workouts each week; one legs and shoulders and the other chest and arms. So I want to run with that idea for the time being. Working that into my week is going to be difficult, so I've decided to try going to the gym before work on non-run days. That means my training schedule would look like this (all feedback much appreciated as I'm making this up as I go along): M: Circuit training T: Run W: Legs/Shoulders T: Run F: Arms/Chest S: Short Run and [circuit training or bouldering] S: Long Run and [circuit training or bouldering] All runs will be as per Runkeeper plan, which is generally medium length runs with some sprints in the week, short runs Saturday (and on one occasion Saturday off for some reason), and long runs Sunday. ----- Post gym I went home, cooked (cheaty carbonara thing). Managed to find time to clean the kitchen, put away washing and prep breakfasts for the rest of the week. I'm away from Friday to Monday, so won't be prepping food at the weekend, so I'm giving myself 2 points for this. Made it to bed between 23:00 and 23:01, so I'm stretching the rules here slightly and giving myself that. Smoked 5 yesterday. One good day and I can get back into not smoking at work I'm sure! Week 3 stats at W3D2 Blind Man - 10st12, 15.9% BF at 31/07/16 Final Countdown - 0/7 days, 10 smoked Still of the Night - 2/7 days Runnin' Wild - 1/4 Killer on the Loose - 0/2 A Better Man - 2/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg extensions (EC), 2 min double chest expansions (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 25m alligator crawls = 5 points #22 Challenge - 2/22 - one legged today (11L/11R) ----- This morning I got up on time (3 day streak!) and went to the gym before work for the first time ever. Remembered all of my gym and shower stuff, and in the course of that forgot all of my pre-made breakfast and lunch . Gym session was brilliant! There were quite a few people there on cardio machines but virtually no-one on the weight floor, so I could just get on with it with no-one in my way! I hate getting up so early, but I think I'm gonna like this side of it. Workout details: Leg/Shoulder Day 1km row warm-up Squats - 20kg x 6, 45kg x 5 x 6 DB Military Press - 10kg* x 5 x 6 Reverse Lunge - 28kg x 3 x 12 DB Lat raise/Front raise/clean & Press - 6kg* x 10, 4kg* x 2 x 12 - Will need to stay at 4kg until I get the hang of these Lunge jump shoulder press - 6kg* x 6, 4kg* x 3 x 6 - What an odd exercise! Again need to stay at 4kg until I get the hang of these *Each hand Smoking again not going great, but I shall persevere!
  4. That's a good idea, thanks. I am trying to be more conscious about why I'm smoking and if I really want a cigarette at a particular time, so that should help. I know, right? So annoying! And thank you, I know I've cut back a lot, just want to keep pushing forward with it. Thanks for the advice; I've heard a lot of mixed reviews on nicotine patches. Both my parents gave up using patches and promptly started again, and finally gave up cold turkey when they did quite. This is the best argument I've heard for patches though; will have to consider them. The book sounds really good, will have to have a look... Ok, you guys have convinced me. I've just ordered the Alan Carr book on Amazon. Should arrive next week . In the meantime I'm going to try to stick to my smoking challenge goals though.
  5. Managed 5 last night with very little space and probably very poor form. These are hard! @Elastigirl thanks for the video, that makes it a bit clearer.
  6. Awesome start to killing week 3 mate! Glad you're enjoying all your parties.
  7. Excellent start to week 3, you've got this!
  8. Sorry, I hoped I'd get it up before anyone tried it! It's really bizzare isn't it?
  9. You, sir, are an absolute beast! Well done!
  10. Congratulations on the interview, sounds like it went well overall
  11. Really like the story development, seems like a good setup to move forward from.
  12. Can't say much that hasn't been said already, but do what you need to do and hope you feel better soon. And drop in whenever you need us. *hug*
  13. Leg extensions were done with EC yesterday, I agree that's one of the easier ones we've had. For today's dare I had no idea what a double chest expansion was, so I found this for anyone else wondering:
  14. Yesterday was a good day. Got up on time for a start, so avoided early morning burpees . Then laid down in bed and read for about an hour, but I was awake so all good. Badminton was after work - I discovered the weekend's running/climbing combination had left me a bit stiff (not like that) and I lost quite badly - but had good fun anyway. Home, did daily dare, and I've also started another challenge courtesy of @BarbarianBassBro: I won't be going around challenging you all to this, it's not really something I personally feel comfortable doing, but if anyone wants to come along for the ride please do! I think we could always do more to address mental health issues, in all parts of the world. After this I washed up whilst Mrs made Green Tai Pork for dinner ( ), and we ate whilst watching Robot Wars ( ). Decided to get a seriously early night and went up to bed to read shortly after 9:30. Lights out was about 10:15. Only thing that was a bit of a bust was smoking - had 5 including 3 at work and 1 at the gym. Hopefully moving back in the right direction on this though, albeit at a glacial pace. Week 3 stats at W3D1 Blind Man - 10st12, 15.9% BF Final Countdown - 0/7 days, 5 smoked Still of the Night - 1/7 days Runnin' Wild - 0/4 Killer on the Loose - 0/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 2 min leg extensions Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 0m alligator crawls = 0 points #22 Challenge - 1/22 (standard) This morning I got up on time (2 days running, woo!) and went out for a run. Runkeeper called for 3mi + strides: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:45 -17 2 mi 10:26 22 3 mi 10:06 -24 0:20 5:49 -2 2:00 11:14 5 0:20 8:24 1 2:00 9:23 2 0:20 5:43 -4 2:00 10:07 -1 0:20 5:51 2 Weather was, well, you know that kind of really fine rain that barely looks like it's raining at all but gets you completed soaked? Yeah? It was that. Otherwise felt quite good, a few minor complaints from my right hip and right ankle, but nothing that concerns me. Tonight I'm seeing a trainer at the gym for a programming update, and I'll probably get his opinion on what I should be doing in terms of OCR prep, so should be good fun! Then I must get some adulting done for my Better Man goal.
  15. Did the pokecoin motivation work?
  16. OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS GAME! Ahem, sorry... Well done to the Horde this week, sorry I wasn't much help, I was a bit... off. This week looks like something I can do though, just need some space in which to do it
  17. Paris sounds amazing! I haven't been since I was a kid, but now I really want to go back! I completely feel you on the cooking thing; I generally prefer home cooked meals, but then I have to cook, and that creates washing up, and I could just sit on the sofa and wait for pizza... ugh. Looks like a great week of getting back into the swing of things though, so I'm sure you'll be fully back on track soon
  18. Couldn't get EC, let alone EEC, on the tricep hold; my best was 70s in one go. Flutter kicks done with EC though.
  19. Thank you! ----- Busy weekend, but definitely been feeling better over the course of it. Friday night was a pretty heavy one in the end, beer after work, then more beer and pub bands with Dad. Ended up going to bed late. Saturday Saturday got up about 8 to take Mrs to work, and felt very sorry for myself with tiredness and hangover. Got some washing done, printed out some new books for karaoke (which I only mention because it too my 8 fucking hours to get them printed), renewed my driving licence. So not all great for the Better Man goal, but all productive anyway. Also got a run in (once the hangover had started to subside). Runkeeper called for 3 miles plus strides. The miles felt really good, and I'm very happy with the pace. After the first sprint I felt like I was about to vomit though, so I scaled it back for the other two. NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:03 -18 2 mi 9:58 13 3 mi 9:25 9 0:20 5:24 -1 2:00 10:12 -12 0:20 6:17 -1 2:00 11:46 2 0:20 6:26 -2 Saturday night was Karaoke, which was quite good fun even though all the equipment is slowly dying, but that's all part of the fun! Again, quite a late night and quite a drunken one. Sunday Up at 09:30ish I think. Went to McDonald's for breakfast to help with the hangover, then off to the shops to pick up some much healthier food. Got back and went straight out for my long run. Runkeeper called for 5 miles today, steady pace. My aim was to maintain less that 10min/mile if possible, and here's how it went: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 9:40 19 2 mi 10:01 31 3 mi 9:14 -41 4 mi 9:35 20 5 mi 10:00 20 13:56 15:54 -3 I'm pretty happy with that - a shade over 10min/mile on a couple of the more inclined miles, but an average pace of 9:42min/mile overall. Also cocked up my route planning slightly, hence the cool-down walk being almost another mile!. After that grabbed a banana and went straight out to bouldering with Mrs (like I said, busy weekend!). Had a great time as always, managed my first pink and green climb(!) with a little advice from a helpful stranger, and totally knackered myself out . Evening was working at the club, then got home in time to quickly prep some breakfasts before going to bed. Oh, and to weight in (10st12) and measure myself (15.9% body fat), not much change from two weeks ago, which is fine. Smoking unfortunately was utter nonsense, 14 Friday, 18 Saturday, 11 Sunday. Expecting to get back on track with that this week! Week 2 stats at W2D7 Blind Man - 10st12, 15.9% BF Final Countdown - 0/7 days, 68 smoked Still of the Night - 1 days, too many burpees imposed, too few done Runnin' Wild - 3/4 Killer on the Loose - 1.5/2 A Better Man - 2/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 50 Climbers (EC), 50 Ninja Lunges (EC), 100 Shoulder Taps (EC), 2min T-Jumps (EC), 2min Fist Clenches (EC), 2min Tricep hold (no EC), 60s flutter kicks (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 61 Squat jumps*1.5 = 91.5
  20. Very much agree with this statement! Glad things are going well with your biking too.
  21. Finally caught up with you! Looks like you're handling the long days in the most awesome way. Also, gonna leave this here for when you have more Daily Dare time...
  22. That looks awesome! Excited to hear how it goes mate!
  23. Glad you're on the mend. Enjoy your run today!
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