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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Single leg push-ups done with EC. I was dreading these, but actually I didn't find them appreciably harder than normal push-ups
  2. Man, super jealous of the gigs you've been to this week, they sound amazing! Have a great weekend!
  3. Cheers man! No, it's part of it's own little series (The Long Earth series) that I've actually never read. It's really good so far; less funny than the Discworld but amazingly constructed. If you're looking to start on the Discworld you could start with the first one - The Colour of Magic - but there are mini-series withing the Discworld world. Personally I would recommend starting with the City Watch books - which start at Guards! Guards! - because those are my favourites. There's a website with the reading orders/mini-series if you're interested: http://www.terrypratchettbooks.com/types/discworld-by-character/ Whatever you choose, I cannot recommend Pratchett enough - probably my favourite all time author.
  4. That explanation of Rofflenet ...actually makes a lot of sense now I think about it. Cool!
  5. I hope so! Glad to hear it makes sense to someone else anyway, and it's not just in my head . And the hype will never end! NEVER! Cheers dude. Your dogs sound like my cat, except he usually half-eats things to annoy me, then leaves the other half for me to find... No worries, good to see you! Thank you, it's working well for me! I certainly hope to have fun this weekend! ---- So a friend recommended I listed to Supersuckers, who are on the Ramblin Man line-up, and I stumbled across this little beauty. Enjoy!: Anyway... Stayed in the smoking rules yesterday, but did have one. For that one I stopped in the village on the way home from work to collect Pokéballs, but to be honest the main reason for stopping was just to smoke. Stopping on the way to/from work to smoke will be the first loophole to go next week! Gym session went really well actually, I'm very pleased. I think I've figure out that part of my problem with grip strength may be that I'm gripping the bar too hard, so it's a lack of technique rather than a lack of strength. I changed the way I'm holding it slightly and it felt much better anyway. Also booked in for a trainer session in a couple of weeks. It's only a programme update/form check session as they come free as part of my membership, but it will be good to maybe mix up the routine a bit, and also talk to him about any changes he would recommend for OCR prep. Gymming went like this: Warm-up - 200 Mountain Climbers (40 EMOM) for the mini Squats - 20kg x 1 x 10, 45kg x 4 x 10 Incline Bench - 30kg x 4 x 10 DB side raise/front raise/curl/press - 6kg x 4 x 6 Core: a. Leg raises - 5kg x 4 x 10 b. Russian twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 - increase this next time Lat pulldown - 60lbs x 4 x 15 Did my daily dare at home - 60 squat hops. Fairly quiet night after that - shower, carbonara for dinner, TV, bed. Failed to get to bed on time for no good reason; got in at 11:07 so 2 bastards earned for the morning. Week 1 stats at W1D4 Blind Man - 11st0, 16.02%BF (checked 17/07/16) Final Countdown - 3/7 days, 10 smoked Still of the Night - 0/7 days, 33 burpees imposed Runnin' Wild - 2 Killer on the Loose - 2/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 40 Sit-ups (EC), 2' raised leg hold (EC), 60sec Squat Hops (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 670 Mountain Climbers -- This morning I got up on time (yay!) so only had to do the 2 bastards from last night. I then laid back in bed and got back to reading a book I haven't read in ages (The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter). Haven't actually read anything in a while so was really nice to do. Dropped the Mrs at work and had to walk into town to get cash, so had a cigarette whilst I did that. Will be interesting to see if this makes not smoking during the working day easier or harder than usual. Out with friends tonight and then Ramblin Man all weekend, so apologies in advance if I don't get on here to catch up with you all much! Rough plan for the weekend: Tonight - do attempt daily dare (one-legged push-ups) and do some climbers for the mini before I go out. Saturday - Definitely go for a run (2mi + strides) before leaving for Ramblin Man. Also do Daily Dare, and maybe more climbers. Sunday - Hopefully go for a run (5mi steady) before leaving for Ramblin Man - depending on hangover. Also Darebee and climbers are hangover dependent. At some point do some of my better man tasks? I completely forgot about this earlier in the week, and now I'm out all weekend I doubt much will get done! Still, Mrs is on board with it so hopefully we will have a proper go at it next week!
  6. Got in another 200 climbers for my gym warm-up yesterday. Away for the weekend so not sure how much more I can add, but I'll try!
  7. Yeah, I need to find out where to get Magikarp. I only found out today that you have to catch 101 of them to evolve a Gyarados!
  8. You are rocking through this challenge, go you! You never need to feel guilty about talking about these things; remember, this is your thread and the reason we are reading it is literally because we care and because we want to know what's going on with you.
  9. Squat hops done with EC. Doing them was fine, it was getting up after that hurt! And congratulations @RocketbikeNinja and @jmk (and me) on hitting Bronze!
  10. Happy (very) belated birthday! I don't know how I got.so far behind in your thread, but finally caught up. Glad the weather's clearing up for you, still bloody hot down here!
  11. Damn, I didn't know dogs ate charcoal! That's unlucky. Did get my barbeque in last night though, which was nice to finally do! A few sausages and some beef kebabs, nicely charred! And thanks, we're all doing pretty well, aren't we? Yeah, great band. Didn't think I'd get a chance to see them this year until this came up, so really looking forward to it! Cheers mate, I'm getting there! ----- This smoking stuff may be getting boring, and I have a fair bit to say, so spoilered if you want to skip: TL;DR - I only smoked 1 yesterday, go me! Rest day yesterday so not a lot to report. Got home, had barbeque, Pokémon WENT! out for a walk with Mrs (side note: I think all conjugations of "Pokémon GO!" as a verb should the the same as the conjugations of the word "go", but in capitals and with an exclamation mark, e.g. "Pokémon WENT!", "Pokémon GOING!" and "Pokémon BEEN" ). That earned me a daily step total of 10,630, which is pretty good for a rest day. Got back, did my daily dare (2 minutes raised leg hold - ouch ouch ouch) and added 220 climbers for the mini (doing them 20 EMOM for 11' whilst boiling eggs for breakfasts). Early night (about 10:50 actually) meant no burpees to be added for this morning!. Week 1 stats at W1D3 Blind Man - 11st0, 16.02%BF (checked 17/07/16) Final Countdown - 2/7 days, 9 smoked Still of the Night - 0/7 days, 31 burpees imposed Runnin' Wild - 1 Killer on the Loose - 1/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 40 Sit-ups (EC), 2' raised leg hold (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 470 Mountain Climbers Also got up at 07:00 this morning, so no burpees today at all! Went straight out for my run. Runkeeper called for 4mi slow, so I did this: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:57 -19 2 mi 10:24 15 3 mi 10:15 6 4 mi 10:28 -5 5 mi 17:30 1 Pretty happy with the pace, pretty consistent, but the best thing is I felt fine when I got home. Like, not worn out at all. Ok, my hips are tight, but they have been for a couple of weeks now, and my ankle's a bit weak but it always is, but I wasn't even really out of breath. After my past couple of runs leaving me in a hot, red, sweaty puddle I'm very happy with this. The weather cooling down a degree or two may also have helped. I did have to rush out the door and forgot to brush my teeth this morning. I hope I don't do that again or I'll have to bring it back as a challenge goal for next month . Anyway, time I got back to work. Once again I haven't smoked yet today, so looking to stay in the rules again!
  12. Thank you! Only smoked 1 so far today and I'm about to go to bed, so that should be that
  13. Sounds like some good advice about battling the inner perfectionist. I particularly like the line about pressure to do better than your best. New one is up mate; link in signature.
  14. I've been going for the "give a knowing smile and nod" approach. Mostly I've found people respond, and at least once I've been told where to catch something cool.
  15. Woo, awesome mate! Also, thanks for the earlier suggestion of doing them 20 EMOM, just knocked out 220 whilst boiling eggs!
  16. That sounds absolutely insane. Nice one mate!
  17. Oo, plot twist! Loving the story so far . Also, congrats on the improvements in the body weight workout!
  18. Sounds like a hard earned G&T, nice one!
  19. Awesome work, smashing all your own records this week!
  20. Forgot about the plank jacks . Raised leg hold done with EC. My hips and abs are killing me now.
  21. Thanks dude, good to have you! Yeah, it's excellent mate, thanks. Cheers! Thanks! I'll either get really good at going to bed this month, or really good at burpees! I suppose neither would be a bad thing! ----- After I posted yesterday I got through until about 14:20 without smoking. then went out on an ice cream run for the office so I had one then. It's within the rules at least. Gym after work was... odd. Squats and core stuff felt really great, but everything else was ridiculously hard. Anyway, went like this: Warm-up - 200 climbers - subbed these in instead of the normal warm-up for the mini Squats - 40kg x 3 x 10, 45kg x 1 x10 (PR) DB side raise/front raise/curl/press - 6kg x 2 x 6, 4kg x 2 x 6 Core: a. Leg raises - 5kg x 4 x 10 b. Russian twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 Lat pull down - 60lbs - 15, 10 55lbs - 15 50lbs - 15 Incline bench - 30kg x 4 x 10 By the time I got home from this I was a hot, sticky mess. Went out for a walk to have my 2nd cigarette of the day. When I got back we were going to light the barbeque, but it turned out the bag of charcoal was empty! No idea why we kept an empty bag, but very annoying! So we went to the shop to get some for tomorrow, and picked up Dominoes pizza on the way home. Not the most sensible of meals, but I was well beyond the point of being bothered to cook anything else by the time I got home. Had my third and final cigarette of the day whilst waiting for the pizza. Watched the end of the season of Mysteries of Laura I've just discovered it's been cancelled, that's upsetting... The final episode of Mysteries of Laura. Anyway that finished just before 11 so I didn't end up in bed until 11:12, earning myself 3 burpees for the morning. Completely forgot about the daily dare until it was too late Week 1 stats at W1D2 Blind Man - 11st0, 16.02%BF (checked 17/07/16) Final Countdown - 1/7 days, 8 smoked Still of the Night - 0/7 days, 12 burpees imposed Runnin' Wild - 1 Killer on the Loose - 1/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 40 Sit-ups (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 250 Mountain Climbers Today is a rest day (which I think I need after how dead I felt yesterday). I decided to stay in bed an chill out as I had nothing that needed doing. Didn't get up until 08:35, so 19 burpees imposed. Did those and the 3 from last night before getting dressed and heading to work. Nothing else to report. Not smoked so far today. Nothing planned for the evening, snooker's cancelled to just chilling really. Had the leftover Domino's for lunch, and now I best get back to work .
  22. I love the way you've managed to fit the story so we'll with your goals. I'm no good as a literary critic, so I can't really offer anything, but I can say I'm really enjoying the story and looking forward to seeing what comes next!
  23. So not the best start to the challenge yesterday - got up at 07:40 and gave myself (and did) 8 burpees for the 40 minutes late up! Smoking was not great, but hopefully a step in the right direction. I had 5: ~09:00 - I was due to be early to work, so stopped off in the local village to catch the Pokéstops, and as an excuse to smoke technically within my rules. The servers crashed, so actually all I did was smoke. 14:40 - Made it through most of the working day, but getting towards the 6 hour mark on a very boring day I caved in. 17:30 - Having already failed for day 1 I decided to have one on my way out of work. ~19:20 - Had to stop to pick up stuff for dinner on the way home, so had one at the shop. Within the rules at present. ~22:30 - Went for a walk before bed to smoke and go to the nearest Pokéstop. Servers crashed again here, might be an omen? Anyway this is technically in the rules but definitely will have to close this loophole if it becomes a habit. Otherwise not much to report for yesterday; dull day at work, got thrashed at badminton afterwards. Got to bed at 11:04 so immediately earned myself a burpee for the morning. Week 1 stats at W1D1 Blind Man - 11st0, 16.02%BF Final Countdown - 0/7 days, 5 smoked Still of the Night - 0/7 days, 9 burpees imposed Runnin' Wild - 0 Killer on the Loose - 0/2 A Better Man - 0/5 Daily Dare PvP: MTWTFSS - 40 Sit-ups (EC) Rangers Gonna Warcraft - 50 Mountain Climbers --- This morning's going a little better. Still got up late at 07:30, so 6 burpees to add to the one from last night, which I did after getting back from my run. Runkeeper called for 3mi + strides this morning, which went like this: Mile Pace: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 10:46 -17 2 mi 10:54 19 3 mi 9:44 2 Interval Pace: INTERVALS PACE CLIMB 3.00 mi 10:28 1 0:20 5:11 -2 2:00 9:57 -11 0:20 5:15 2 2:00 11:57 0 0:20 5:42 -1 6:26 16:35 11 It's still horribly hot, and I was pouring with sweat all the way round, but I'm glad I did get round . This, plus the burpees, plus waking up late made me late for work, and I was rushing around like an idiot. All the more reason to get on top of my sleep soon! Also pleased to say that it's now 13:00, and I have not smoked yet today. Plan to at least make it through the working day, but even better would be the whole day . Gym night tonight, and much work shall be done for the mini!
  24. Why thank you *bows* Great to have you! Excellent! Thank you! I know; they're excellent. Have seen them once before so hyped to catch them again! Good to see you! Thank you! I certainly hope you're right on the smoking!
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