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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Thank you for the help guys; I'll find some time later to sit down and do a lot of reading/video watching. There's definitely going to be a lot of running in my future! Got a Runkeeper plan which has me out 4 times per week, so hopefully that should do me @mr_willes I'm doing Warrior Run in Brighton on October 2nd, the 14k length. @Charlie_Quinn yeah, just started bouldering. Only going once a fortnight at the moment so will try to push it to every week.
  2. Sorry you had a bad day, but it's excellent that you still got out for a run!
  3. Thank you Rurik and Tank for putting together an amazing challenge this month!
  4. Had this song stuck in my head all day for some reason... So, where did I leave off the last post? As yes, Italian food was eaten and much beer was drunk Saturday night. Stayed up late, smoked far too many cigarettes (13 I believe), but had a really good time. Sunday morning I didn't feel too bright, but a bacon and egg breakfast and an hour or so of Super Mario World sorted me out. I also had a really tight hip - I think on of the outer tendons, so I stretched it as best I could over the morning. Then off for a run in drizzly not-that-pleasant weather. As mentioned, Runkeeper called for 4 miles slow, so I did this: 1 mi 10:39 -18 2 mi 10:12 22 3 mi 10:20 -27 4 mi 10:44 8 5 mi 16:09 15 That makes that my longest run ever, and to be honest I felt like I could have survived another 2 mile lap at the end. My hip was slighly better after the run too, which was nice. I've never been good at or enjoyed running, so I'm very surprised at how well the first week's gone. After this though it was lazy weekend time. I did start to get things done - washing was done, another load put away, but then my lack of energy combined with Mrs not wanting to move off the sofa defeated me. Did give me a good chance to catch up on some threads on here though . Worked at the club in the evening, home at about 11:30, boiled some eggs for breakfasts and in bed by 00:30. This morning I had to go and order some new tyres for my car, and I'm picking them up on Wednesday morning so limited swimming time this week. Will be doing my prescribed runs for Runkeeper though, so that's now less of an issue. Tonight I'm hopefully going climbing again, but with Mrs this time. If she changes her mind it will be gym day, so either way should be a good evening. Week 3 Stats at W3D7 Down with the Sickness - 4/7 Until It Sleeps - 6/7 Iron Man - 3/2 (including 1 climb) The River - 1 swim, 4 runs = 5/3 Kuss Mich - 7/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - 3/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 303 push-ups Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30 sec L-sit (no EC), 40 Shrimp Squats (EC), 80 side kicks (EC), 40 knee-to-elbows (EC), 5 minutes raised arm hold (EC), 20 swipers (EC)
  5. Yeah, 5 full weeks, 35 challenges, 70 points on offer (if you include the impossible L-sit!). Puts me at 44/70, so 63%. Not too bad with a week out.
  6. Looks like you've had a really good challenge overall . Life threw you a curve ball in the final week and you Rangered up and made the most of it by learning something new, nice one!
  7. Seriously well done on this challenge, and glad you're coming out of it with such a great attitude!
  8. Firstly, I'm extremely late on this but Happy Birthday! With the question about feeling sexy, as a guy I have never though of myself as feeling sexy. For that matter, I can't think of having ever heard a man describing themselves as feeling sexy in a non-comedic scenario. Not to say that men can't be sexy, I almost certainly have described another man as sexy at some point, but I don't really know what feeling sexy is. I've definitely had times though when I've looked in the mirror and thought I looked attractive, but I'm not sure that that's quite the same thing? I was actually thinking of running the challenges you're doing in my next challenge, but seeing some of this stuff it's thrown up later on I'm really not sure now.
  9. I've never thought of tracking calorie burn PRs before, totally gonna do that! And well done on yours! Also, really good job on the snack wars
  10. All of that in one week, and you still kicked arse in the daily dare PvP!! You have seriously killed it this challenge!
  11. 360, that's excellent man! I'm tapping out too, only 303 for me but I did start throwing in declines and diamonds so not too disappointed.
  12. Ok, I'm tapping out; 303 done for Lizzie this week. Tried for a max set, and only hit 17 - very disappointing as my current PR is 27. Going to chalk it up to overworking this week and try again in a few days.
  13. With the deload (I know it's over now but still) you just have to remember that the best training for you at that point is not training, so you need to apply just as much determination and effort to not working out as you usually do to a workout! I know that it's not that simple, but it's worth bearing in mind. One of us, One of us, One of us! Good luck in the competition today man, looking forward to hearing about it!
  14. Hope your run today goes well!
  15. This comment made me try decline push-ups for the first time, so thanks for the motivation
  16. I'm fine on food, but need to start gearing mine towards OCR prep. If anyone's got any good plans/resources on that please send them my way.
  17. Swipers done with EC. Last one for the challenge - final score 44. Goal was Gold, which is 45, so a little disappointing but could have been worse. Next month Titanium!
  18. To ally agree with you about not eating when you're full just to try and hit a number; definitely the right call.
  19. Well done on the exercise, sounds like a great week for that! And it does sound like you're making progress with getting up, so something to build on for the next challenge?
  20. Congratulations on everything you've gained this challenge; especially the chin-up!
  21. Got in 30 last night, can someone change mine to 270 please? Tried declines as I should probably make it harder on myself past 200, they hurt!
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