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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Ouch, that's not a pleasant mental image. I was pretty lucky in the end; not too many people in there thankfully. Also like many things once I got naked I wasn't worried anymore, as I just had to get on with it!. ----- Gym last night completely kicked my arse. Not entirely sure why; I wasn't really doing anything extra, but it was hard! Went something like this: 5min Row warm-up - 1,296m DB side raise/front raise/curl/press - 6kg x 4 x 6 Squats - 40kg x 4 x 10 Cable lat pull down - 65lbs x 1 x 15 55lbs x 3 x 15 Incline Bench - 35kg x 4 x 10 Pull ups - 4, 2, 2 Core: a. Leg extensions - 5kg x 4 x10 b. Russian twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 As I said this really got to me - I could barely string a sentence together by the time I got home. A chilled evening was called for, so made dinner (chicken kievs and cauliflower cheese. A bit of a lazy one, but I did learn to make cheese sauce from scratch for the first time), played Super Mario World, and watched Mysteries of Laura. Did manage to get in 20 press-ups for the mini, and my daily dare (40 shrimp squats). Smoked 6/8, to bed at 11pm. In other news, I may have talked myself into doing my first OCR... I was idly looking at races and saw that Warrior Run Brighton (http://warrior-run.co.uk/) is literally 30 minutes away from my house. Pretty certain I'm going to do it, just need to decide whether to do the 7k or the 14k. I've talked a friend into running with me, but she completed a marathon this year so think I'll need a bit of running training to keep up with her! I'm hopeful at least that I might be a bit better on the obstacles to balance it out. In honour of this decision I went for a run before work this morning instead of going swimming. Started a sub-65 minute 10k plan on Runkeeper (which is 16 wekks long. And Warrior Run's in 12 weeks. Oh well!). Called for 2 miles slow, which turned out to be 18:56 for the 2mi. Including cool down 2.4mi in 25:51. Splits: NAME PACE CLIMB 1 mi 9:27 -19 2 mi 9:29 -17 3 mi 16:48 36 Snooker tonight, and need to also find time to get in push-ups for the mini and the daily dare... which is spider push-ups... Week 3 Stats at W3D2 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 2/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 2/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 1/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 90 push-ups Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30 sec L-sit (no EC), 40 Shrimp Squats (EC)
  2. My cat decided to walk underneath me while I was doing mine, does that count? It's more hindering than participating though to be fair...
  3. Got to 70 over the course of yesterday. Will try and match that today, but it is gym day.
  4. Updated my own stats yesterday: Height: 5'10" Weight: 10st10 (150lbs) Body Fat %: 15.71% Body fat is a bit higher than I would like it. In part that's due to the fact that I'm intentionally eating more to try and fuel workouts and muscle growth. I am also snacking a bit too much with this though. The other part of this is that I'm doing less cardio than I was a month ago, with swimming less and also less opportunity to play badminton of late. I'm not too concerned at present, but will make more of an effort to track this going forward to make sure it doesn't get out of hand. Last night ended up being nice and chilled. Spent an hour or so playing Super Mario World on the SNES with Mrs, then caught an early night. Before bed I did go for a walk down the road, as much for an excuse to smoke (7/8) away from the house than anything else. The walk was nice, but I don't want that to develop as a new smoking habit. Was tucked up in bed by 10:30, which is a rarity, Alarm didn't go off this morning, and although I half woke up on time I didn't go for a swim. After how bad it felt on Monday I'm going to stop putting pressure on myself to swim this challenge and just see what happens, but I will keep tracking it here anyway. Gym night tonight, which is always good news . Our shower's broken at home though, so I'm going to have to shower at the gym tonight. Think they're all open showers, so naked in a room full of other naked men, not looking forward to that bit... Week 3 Stats at W3D1 Down with the Sickness - 1/7 Until It Sleeps - 1/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 1/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 1/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 70 push-ups Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 30 sec L-sit (no EC)
  5. Wow, looks like you've made some excellent progress this challenge this challenge, and definitely collected some good information to go forward. And you've found the best kind of exercise; exercise you enjoy doing; well done mate!
  6. Couple of things I forgot to say earlier: When I went out for my walking meditation on Saturday I found a nice long field to walk up and down the edge of. And there were literally hundreds of rabbits there. As I walked down the field they disappeared in to the hedge to my right when I got within about 20 feet of them, so it was like a wave of running rabbits, extremely cute! I did get up to swim this morning. Really didn't feel like going, to the point where I got changed and spent 5 minutes standing in the cubicle trying to psyche myself up to go and get in the pool. Don't know why I don't want to do this recently, but I need to figure it out. Anyway I did mess around in the pool for 15 minutes, which is better than nothing. Rest day today (apart from daily dare and pushups for the mini) so relaxing on the sofa for the moment, after a smoked mackerel biryani courtesy of Mrs. The daily dare today was an L-Sit (http://darebee.com/hive/daily-dares/221578-dd-4-july-2016-30-seconds-l-sit ), which I definitely can't do. There's a nice progression tutorial on there though, so this is a new goal for me!
  7. I'd say a second is quite good to be honest! Managed a minute with my feet down, but nothing with raised feet. Think I'll be making this a future goal too!
  8. Jarric

    Killing Boars

    Glad to hear you're recovering well! How's the PT going?
  9. Congrats on the weigh loss milestone man! And good luck for the competition this week!
  10. It's taken me far too long to catch up with you, sorry! Hope the holiday weekend is going well; you're amazing with all of the stuff you've been doing this challenge!
  11. Weekend Round-up Friday evening I did get in to do my workout. Completely bombed on the warm-up row; for some reason my legs were killing me by half way through. Other than that was a good session though and I increased my squat to 40kg for 4x10. Also increased my incline bench to 30kg, but only managed 2x10 and had to drop back to 25kg for the other 2x10. Made pasta with lamb ragu and feta cheese for dinner, then went out Friday night and caught a bit of a band, and met up with one of my best mates that I hadn't seen in a few weeks. Nice evening, not too excessive on the beer front. Also, despite the drinking I only smoked 8 for the day (having 1 less at work really made the evening easier), and I got to bed on time. Saturday was a chilled day. Got a couple of bits of housework done; washing clothes, putting clothes away, putting away some paperwork to be filed later. Went out for some walking meditation for the mini. It was quite relaxing, but I'm still not feeling that "in the moment" thing. I have definitely felt that before in a mosh pit. And sometimes I can get into it playing snooker which means I play really well and really naturally. I'd love to work out how to just turn it on to improve my snooker if nothing else, but I can always hear my own thoughts when I'm trying to mediate, which is really distracting. Something to keep working on I think! Anyway; picked Mrs up from work. We had an early dinner (she cooked chicken schnitzel with potatoes, capers and tomato) and watched TV. Then we decided to be total slobs, went and bought some beer and a load of snacks, and spent all evening curled up in front of the TV drinking and gorging on junk food. Did unfortunately decided to stay up late watching TV, so sleep goal failed. Smoking I did have 2 at home, which is against the rules. But as I very rarely drink at home, and as I only smoked 6/8 for the day, I'm calling this one a pass. Sunday went into town, got some box files so that we can sort out all the paperwork we've been hoarding. I also weeded (most of) the garden path and mowed the back lawn. Between weeding and mowing I stopped and had a cigarette in the garden, in the sun. This is exactly the kind of association I'm trying to break; smoking just because I'm in the garden, so I have to fail myself for the day. I did have 8/8 though. Gym went something like this: 5min row warm-up: 1,253m DB side raise, front raise, curl, press - 6kg x 4 x 6 form improving, but I still need to watch my left shoulder to keep it from raising Squats - 40kg x 4 x 10 Lat pull down machine - 60lbs x 4 x 15 Incline bench - 30kg x 4 x 10 just barely got through these Core: a. Leg extensions - 5kg x 4 x 10 b. Russian Twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 Dinner was teriyaki chicken (made by me), then off to work at the club. Was a seriously busy night, absolutely knackered by the time I finished. Got back at 23:25 and decided to boil eggs for breakfasts, and by the time that was done I was so tired I felt sick. In bed by 00:10. Week 2 Stats at W2D7 Down with the Sickness - 4/7 Until It Sleeps - 6/7 Iron Man - 2/2 The River - 0/3 Kuss Mich - 7/7 Wasted Years - complete I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 4/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 74 mins meditating Darebee PvP - MTWTFSS - 100 squats (EC), 20 Push-ups with rotation (EC), 400 backfists (EC), 50 plank twsts (EC), 50 bridges (EC)
  12. Oo, I like push ups! Gonna shoot for 50 per day, so 350 for the week. Also, not that it's a competition or anything, but looks like our ship got the most meditation done last week. Good job all!
  13. Oo, looks like fun! Did this for a week in the last mini and tried to set a new PR in one set at the end, so will have to try and beat that at the end of this one!
  14. ^what Tank said. I'm sure you'll find/work out a program that works for you, but definitely mix it up if you're not enjoying this one
  15. Yeah, meditation's a new thing for me too; still finding out what I do and don't like. How was your very early morning?
  16. Did 36 minutes of walking meditation this afternoon. Can someone chalk it up for me; my phone's not happy with the spreadsheet.
  17. Did the first set of wall sit yesterday, then went out and didn't get back until after midnight so I missed the second For the plank twist things, is that 25 each side or 50 each side?
  18. Well done still getting some exercise in, it's definitely a skill to adapt when life gets in the way.
  19. Jarric

    Bker respawns

    Welcome to Bree! And congrats on hitting the big plates on your squat!
  20. Hah! Brilliant! Very true! Think I need to get more metal into my everyday life That's excellent! Don't envy them trying to get the paint out of their hair though!
  21. Sounds like the Zombies, Row! is still great then! Sorry you're so busy at the moment; adulating sucks sometimes.
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