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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I thought I was following this! Why was I not following this? Anyway, congrats on the exam, and on a solid week 1. And good news on the Compete Live Athens event!
  2. Cheers man, good to have you (better late than never ). Definitely going to try to lock the routine together! Great song, haven't heard it in ages. ---- Yesterday was less than perfect. Swim mentioned before was good, then work until 3pm and shoot off to catch the train up to London. Train was cancelled, next one delayed, ended up getting to the seminar in the nick of time. Beers were had, watching some of the football (thoroughly boring game so we gave up and left at half time). Got so close to meeting my smoking goal; was on 8/8 when i got home at 23:55. Decided to stay up for another beer (stupid idea) and an episode of NCIS:LA, and ended up having an extra cigarette before bed. So that's a double fail because I had too many and had one at home . Did teeth and went up to bed an hour after getting home at 00:55 - so just meeting the goal but still a late night. Between that and the beer I failed to get up this morning to swim, which means I will have to go tomorrow and Friday to meet that goal. Also as I got back so late I have no time for the Daily Dare PvP . Gym tonight, which i'm equal parts looking forward to and nervous about as it's been a couple of weeks since I last went. Hopefully all will go well. Week 1 Stats at W1D1 Down with the Sickness - 0/7 Until It Sleeps - 1/7 Iron Man - 0/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 1/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4
  3. Twice now my intro's been deleted by my phone! Third time lucky: I'm 27 years old, 5'10" and 10 stone 8. I live near Brighton in Sussex, England. I started trying to get fit around February last year when I realised I was slightly overweight, after several years of working at a desk, doing little exercise and cultivating a fine beer belly. At the start of this year I joined NF and started going to the gym, with the motivation to look better naked! Over time this has shifted to wanting a body that can handle anything that gets thrown it's way (though I still want to look better naked too). Exercise wise I love swimming, hiking and lifting heavy things. I play badminton with a mate from work. Tried bouldering a few weeks ago and really looking forward to going back. Want to try an OCR at some point. Maybe take up rugby... ...basically I'm becoming an exercise magpie #rangerbrain I live with my fiancée, who I've been with for 10 years now, and our idiot cat Bagheera. I love music and going to see bands, Marvel films, DC TV series, crime dramas. I also play guitar and bass, and keep meaning to pick it up again.
  4. 500 for the week, so 100 per day with 2 rest days? Sounds reasonable to me Wrote my introduction yesterday but my phone lost it! Will stick one up shortly. In the meantime, calling @JoshG ! Welcome aboard matey!
  5. Jarric

    Bker respawns

    Well done on passing your body weight on deadlifts! And also on Rangering week one, keep it up!
  6. Awesome job on week 1! Glad you're getting back into your SL. I hear you on the anxiety thing as well; I've had nearly 2 weeks out of the gym and I'm a bit apprehensive about going back tomorrow. I think I just don't want to find out that I've lost strength!
  7. Got up to swim today, good start to the challenge! 400m Breaststroke warm-up 950m freestyle ladder with 20s rests (50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 200) 50m freestyle sprint in 0:47 Total Distance: 1,400m Total Time: 37:47 Swim Time: 29:37 Ave. Pace: 129.7sec/100m I feel like my swimming progress is really slow, but looking at my average pace of the last year and a bit it's definitely speeding up:
  8. Awesome stuff; I know what you mean about the heat. Will find time to sit down and watch that whole show soon (maybe for one of my weekend free time sessions?). ---- So, week one is finally about to begin for me! Need to get to bed soon so I can get up to swim; just prepping breakfasts (boiled eggs) and tomorrow's lunch (cous cous and baked veg) first. Rough plan for the week: -Mon - Swim, work, work do/corporate sponsored drinking -Tue - Swim, work, gym, prep rest of week's breakfasts -Wed - Swim, work, going to see The Offspring -Thu - Vote, work, snooker -Fri - Swim, work, Gym -Sat - Stuff around the house x4, make an hour of time to catch up on stuff -Sun - Gym, prep breakfasts, work at club in evening Need some songs to pump me up for starting the week, any suggestions? I'm gonna start with this:
  9. Hope you're having a great weekend, looking forward to hearing about it next week
  10. Leg raises done with EC to a chorus of snaps, crackles and pops from my joints
  11. That was my understanding. With that in mind I went for stroll through the woods with the Mrs for another 1.65 miles
  12. A stroll through the woods today with Mrs for another 1.65 miles for the Cutlass
  13. I'm a bit late on this, but I wanted to say I think here is a great place to have a rant. It doesn't really matter if what you're posting is diet and exercise related or not; if something's bothering you and it's impacting your life in general then it's good to talk about it and get it out in the open.
  14. Looks like your rocking the full points so far, congrats!
  15. Sorry I've been rubbish at posting on here and catching up with all your threads, I need to make more of an effort to get on here this coming week. This week has been far too relaxed, really looking forward to starting this challenge now! I have only exercised once this week (playing badminton), plus a leisurely walk with the Mrs for the mini. Smoked far too much, drank more than I ought too and it's actually really starting to make me feel bad. It's going to be a bit of a trial by fire getting into the challenge routine I think, particularly as Monday I'm going straight from work up to London for a corporate sponsored piss-up (well, there's a seminar first, but then it's drinks and barbeque and watching the football (or soccer for the non-brits)). Gonna be one of the hardest days of the whole challenge to keep the smoking down I feel. Also, I'm going to see The Offspring on Wednesday! Really looking forward to it; they were a proper band of my youth and I have all of the albums so can't wait to see them. Think that deserves a song:
  16. To be fair, I felt old watching Alien Ant Farm, I'm amazed they're still going! Aww, shucks, thank you! Ouch, heard that was a bad one. Thank you! That's awesome, a bit before my festival going days unfortunately. And thank you! Thank you. Not my picture unfortunately. You're right, it wouldn't be the same if it wasn't messy! Certainly was. There's actually a fair range of bands on the line-up, depends what you want to see. Thank you, good to have you here! I know, they were excellent as well! They're so good live aren't they! And it's excellent that they're still touring. Where did you see them?
  17. Did the tricep hold, but fell after just shy of 1:30 so had to split it up and not take the EC. Plank jump-ins done, also no EC
  18. Sorry it's taken me so long to get into it guys! Managed 0.9 miles yesterday (admittedly to the pub), and have just got back from a 3.73 miles walk with the Mrs. That puts us clear of 50 miles and currently in a slim first place! I'll try and get in another walk tomorrow sometime to round it off
  19. Short walk yesterday (to the pub) of 0.9 miles, and then a leisurely 3.73 mile stroll with the Mrs today, both for the Cutlass
  20. Awesome job on the half! That's a great time! And glad your medical stuff seems to be sorting itself out
  21. I know what you mean with the weather, it's been miserable here too... Well done on still getting in the miles for the Cutlass though
  22. Loving your self-love challenge, it's such a great idea and really brilliant seeing you say so many positive things about yourself! (yes, I know I said the same thing on Flea's thread, but it's true!).
  23. I've set mine so that when I post in a thread it automatically follows it. I've never pressed the follow button and (so far) never had any threads drop off.
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