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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Jarric

    Killing Boars

    It's a difficult one. I try not to keep any beer in the house (luckily Mrs isn't a big drinker) and only drink on nights out. Mind you, that's still at least 2 nights per week, so I'm not exactly a role model!
  2. Congratulations on the weight loss (and, indeed, waist loss)! And on the deadlift PR! You're doing awesome! Can't wait to hear about your strongman comp
  3. Whew, only took me about 36 hours to catch up, it's been a wild ride! That bodyweight workout you did is kick-ass (well, it would certainly kick my arse anyway!). Glad your back is on the mend too. I had lots of clever things to say at some point, but I can't remember what on earth they were now. So lets just stick with: You rock Tank, way to go on rangering this challenge and rangering your back recovery!
  4. Good stuff man. And great stuff for supporting your real life family (as well as your Ranger family).
  5. That sucks. Make sure you do take time to recover; no point pushing yourself too hard if you're already exhausted from work.
  6. Missed the high knees; didn't make time for them (and a bit of lack of motivation). 17 dares left (I think?) so need to marshal some determination if i want to make Gold! Never tried Tricep extensions like this - looks interesting...
  7. So I'm on 180 now so far, and I was going to aim for 500 for the week. Then I see @iatetheyeti an @Cryosilver are already on 600?! I need to up my game!
  8. Managed another 20 last night, and another 20 just now at my desk, so I'm on 180 total. Aiming for at least 250 by the end of today. Also, don't know about anyone else, but my legs are feeling this now!
  9. My local pool use a company called Swimtag (https://www.swimtag.net). It's a wristband you wear that detects stroke type, distance, time and stroke rate. Not sure if they do any pools outside of the UK though. I believe you can buy swimming trackers, but I've not tried any so can't offer a recommendation I'm afraid. They certainly do! http://i.imgur.com/ZFJW1QZ.gifv Ok, that won't embed for some reason. But I can't share it enough so go watch it! Cheers man! And great song, I'd actually not heard that before! Yes, Pantera, good shout! ----- Offspring last night were awesome. Go there too late for the first support band (Templeton Pek apparently?), but saw all of Bad Religion and all off The Offspring, which made for a very happy Mrs and me! Best singalong moment had to be the breakdown in this (sweary as fuck): Only had a pint an a half of beer (because we were late and I didn't want to miss the music, rather than any conscious choice, but still). On track with the smoking at 8/8. Got home shortly after 1am, so quickly made a sandwich for today's lunch, brushed my teeth and straight to bed. No swimming this morning as I had to get up and vote. Snooker after work as well so a full rest day today (probably a good thing, my last my session plus all the squats for the mini are starting to get to my legs). Must. Swim. Tomorrow. Week 1 Stats at W1D3 Down with the Sickness - 2/7 Until It Sleeps - 2/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 3/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 160 squats
  10. Oddly, I often find the workouts I'm not looking forward to turn out to be some of the best ones as well. I wonder why that is? Seriously well done on the pull-ups though. Also, great motivational song! I am the fiiiiire, I am burning briiiiighter, roaring like a stooooorm, and I am the oooooone....
  11. Changed the spreadsheet to put you on 170. That gives us a nice round 1,400 so far, and it's only day 3!
  12. Got 100 one over the course of yesterday. Busy day today so not sure what I'll be able to add, but 40 done so far
  13. Did 50 squats before my workout yesterday (then my workout included another 40 with a 35kg bar, which obviously doesn't count), then 50 more over the course of the evening. Got another 20 in when I got up this morning, and a further 20 at my desk just now. 140 added for the Cutlass! (just checked the spreadsheet, what was the goal again? we appear to be on 1,350...)
  14. Looks like I'm signing up to Spotify this week Cheers! Have seen them twice before, first time in 2004ish (wow, didn't realise it had been so long), and then a couple of years ago when they did the Smash anniversary tour. Always a good show! I have no idea why that helps, but it helps ---- Late at work and late to the gym yesterday, it was so good to be back! Went something like this: 5min Row Warm-up - 1,227m - Spriint pace at the end was rubbish, but clearly I starter faster because this is a PR! DB side raise/front raise/curl/press - 6kg x 3 x 6, 4kg x 1 x 6 Core: a. Leg extensions - 5kg x 4 x 10 b. Russian Twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 Squats - 35kg x 4 x 10 - Pulled something in my inner thigh/groin towards the end, but it seems to be fine today Lat pulldown (machine) - 27kg x 2 x 15 - ran out of grip strength annoyingly, as my arms and back were fine. Thought about going back after the bench but didn't want to wait around for it to be free. Incline bench - 25kg x 4 x 10 Also got in bodyweight 50 squats for the mini and 30s star plank for the Darebee PvP. Got in another 50 squats over the course of the evening so made a good start on the mini. Also did another 20 when I got up this morning. Smoked 7/8 cigarettes, and the last one was before leaving work at about 18:20, so passed this! I had a cigarette at work this morning after I got in, and felt really weird after about 15 hours off. I think it was a head rush, but I haven't had that in so long I forgot it was a thing! Very strange feeling. Had an easy dinner; heated up some fishcakes and potato gratin, and steamed some broccoli and carrot to go with it. While that was cooking I sliced some tomatoes to make "sun-dried tomatoes" (actually done in the oven). Completely miss planned my meal prep, so ended up boiling eggs and making a sandwich last thing before bed and missing my bedtime. In bed around 23:30. Consequently I overslept today, so I missed a swim. Gonna be really pushed to get in three this week now! Week 1 Stats at W1D2 Down with the Sickness - 1/7 Until It Sleeps - 1/7 Iron Man - 1/2 The River - 1/3 Kuss Mich - 2/7 Wasted Years - 0/1:00 I Can Only Count to 4 - (weekend goal) 0/4 Rangers Gonna Airship - 100 squats
  15. Jarric

    Killing Boars

    Look like some good solid goals to me, most importantly they're quantifiable so you can judge whether you've completed them easily. The beer thing can be tough, but cutting down is definitely a good thing even if you never quit. When I started trying to get in shape I was drinking near enough every day, so cutting out drinking at home made a huge difference to me. How much were you drinking before this challenge if you don't mind me asking?
  16. Well done on rangering week one! And glad you're managing to get so much poi time in!
  17. Misses the hopping due to lack of planning. Star planks done with EC though. I found that surprisingly easy, which makes me suspicious that I'm doing it wrong!
  18. ...and now I need to watch Trainspotting again! I forgot they were doing a sequel! Can't wait for that!
  19. Hope you have a good workout. Also, look me up on Fitbit too! Link in my signature
  20. Wow, your back/shoulder muscles are intense in that first pull up video! And congratulations on how far you've progressed with all your weights/reps on strength training, that's awesome. Loving all the art as well, looking really good
  21. That's a really good way to bring yourself to lead a good life. And I have no doubt that, because you are aware of it, this will be the case for you.
  22. Really needed this speech today, thanks Tank! Also: Sorry it's so late!
  23. Love the new mini goal (although 6am, eurgh!). Good start to week 2
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