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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. So, last challenge was ok but kind of fizzled out towards the end. But that's fine because I'm taking a two week break as I'm off here at the weekend: Download is the biggest rock and music festival in the UK (and occasionally the biggest music festival in the UK), and it's going to be awesome. This will be my 9th consecutive year, and I just cannot wait to get there. Whilst this is the most awesome, and strangely relaxing weekend of my year, it's definitely not the most healthy. Much much beer will be consumed, very little sleep due to a combination of that beer and the sound of 100,000 partying (and wanting to party with them), whatever food is closest to hand and many many miles of trudging through mud. All in all I'm going to need a few days to recover when I get back, so I'm starting this challenge on 20/06/16, running it for four weeks, and then I'll go straight into the next challenge without a rest to get back in line with everyone. So, on to my METAL goals: Down with the Sickness - 15XP What? As with my last challenge I'm cutting back on smoking, with the intention of quitting over the next couple of challenges. Why? Because I'm starting to notice it hampering my fitness. I exercise more or less every day, I'm pretty lean, but I still get out of breath a lot quicker than my non-smoker friends. Particularly I want to be able to improve my swimming times and not get so puffed out when hiking. How? Follow these rules: I do not smoke in my car I do not smoke at home I do not smoke at the gym Maximum 8 cigarettes per day, any day. This is designed to allow me the occasional cigarette break at work, and the occasional one when out drinking, but to break the habits of smoking when I'm bored or hungry. Until It Sleeps - 10XP What? Get better/longer nights sleep. Why? My body needs sleep to recover from workouts, my mind needs sleep to recover from life, and I found that this was getting easier and I was getting up to swim more last challenge out of this. How? In bed every night by 11pm or within 1 hour of getting home, whichever later. Iron Man - 10XP What? Keep going to the gym to become strong like iron man. Why? Because I want to be strong enough that I never have to turn down an activity I want to do, or be unable to help my friends. Also I'm discovering some new muscles I didn't know I had, and it looks awesome. How? Go to the gym minimum 2x per week, sticking to my current plan. Bonus: 12 gyms visits throughout the challenge - bonus 5XP (providing main goal is hit) The River - 15XP What? Swim in the mornings before work Why? Because I want to hit some new PRs. And it wakes me up in the morning. And it makes me feel fitter in general. And it makes my shoulders look awesome How? Swim at least 3 days per week (expected to be mornings before work, but can be any time). Rewards: New prescription goggles. Bonus: +3 XP for any week where I swim 5 times (cumulative) (providing main goal is hit). Kuss Mich - 10XP Can't find a video for this. It's a Rammstein track anyway. What? Keep brushing my teeth like an adult. Why? Because otherwise they'll all fall out. And at 27 years old it's ridiculous that this even needs to be a goal. How? Brush my teeth at least twice per day, at least once with sonic brush. Floss at least once each day. Wasted Years - 10XP What? Make some time for myself to do stuff I really enjoy. Why? I seem to spend a lot of my spare time watching re-runs of old TV shows on the sofa, rather than making the effort to spend that time on something new or more interesting. I'm actually too lazy to enjoy myself at home! I also burned out a bit last challenge, so want some along time where I feel like I'm really recharging. How? At least 1 hour per week doing something alone that I actually enjoy. Could be playing computer games, watching a new show, reading etc. I Can Only Count to 4 - 15XP What? Do at least 4 adult tasks every weekend. Why? Tidy house, tidy mind. I feel better in a nicer environment. Also, these things need to be done anyway, and procrastination does not help. How? Pick any 4 things to do. Sample list in spoiler (though if something else comes up I can do that). A little housekeeping: It's hard to crowbar in songs to fit these goals, so I'm open to suggestions if you can think of better ones Challenge runs 20/06/16 - 17/07/16 as mentioned above Units may be in Metric or Imperial depending on the the phase of the moon, my waistline and your shoe size Volume will never be in US Imperial, because I don't understand why your pints are smaller than ours Song recommendations and devil horns in replies are strongly encouraged
  2. Love this challenge theme! Lord knows how many hours I ploughed into that game. Might dig it out again soon... Following!
  3. I'm in, going for Gold. I'm going to lose 5 days in the middle as I'm at a festival, otherwise I'd push for more. Alt arm/leg plank done. Did 98s in total trying to hit EC, but didn't get more than 35 in one hit. It's working, it's just that everyone was joint first until a score was entered. Now they're all rank 2! It needs and IF query so if the score is blank it doesn't rank you, but that's beyond what I can do on my phone at the moment. Also, should the title read July 7? Because that's a Thursday?
  4. Awesome challenge, love the Zombies, Row! idea. Following along. Also, meant to say on your last thread; congrats on the DL PR.
  5. I couldn't agree more! Looking forward to the next one
  6. That is a good theme tune; never heard of this so I'll have to watch those episodes. Following for more awesomeness (and for once doing it before the thread explodes into a thousand pages)!
  7. I've been fairly rubbish at the trivia, but I googled it and don't know it either
  8. Glad you had a good trip; looks like it was really cool. Adding my voice to cries for Camp NF Europe! And happy nerdiversary!
  9. You have been awesome this challenge. Hope you have a cracking vacation
  10. Well done on graduating! Hope you get over your burnout and feel better soon. And enjoy the psych convention
  11. Looks like you've totally Rangered week 4, and the challenge in general! Is your freeing goal coming back for the next one? It's really cool to see someone writing about themselves like that
  12. Stamina goal failed, sorry Team Iron Man . Also failed the bonus goal. I make a point of trying to be encouraging, particularly to my assistant at work, to my Mrs when she gets enthusiastic about something, and this week to people singing at the karaoke night I was running. I was not however mindful of the goal and I can't think of anything specific worthy of note.
  13. I'm doing Duolingo for French, and I have the same problem that I'm not sure what my motivation is. I like French, but that's about it. Totally agree with this too. If anyone finds a better language learning resource please let me know.
  14. Challenge Final Round-Up Poison Resistance I thought this would be the hardest of my challenges, so of course I met the goals perfectly all month! I've noticed a difference in my resting heart rate (as previously mentioned), and I'm starting to think more about why I smoke, rather than when ( @Evicious thanks for the tip here ). Next challenge will be building on this in a big way! Smoking - 15XP Awarded Grinding Both of these went perfectly fine until week 4, and then it all just caught up with me. Actually went to the gym 10 times over the challenge (plus climbing once, which I will include as an equivalent in future challenges), and swam 11/12 (as quoted, this is still deeply annoying!). Gym & Badminton - 7XP Awarded. Bonus XP not given. Bonus reward incomplete (though I may buy some cheap gym shoes anyway because I think I really need them). Swim - 10XP Awarded. Reward (goggles) not given. No Bonus XP. Learn a New Skill Weeks 1 and 2 I did fine with this, but just ran out of steam. Going to shelve this for the time being until I can figure out a better reason/motivation than just that I quite fancy being able to speak French. French - 0XP Awarded. Full Health Teeth goal was perfect for the month, and habit has become very sticky (to steal @Chris-Tien Jinn's unit of measurement). Ironic that I also found out I have to have a tooth removed this month, that tarnishes it a bit. Still happy nonetheless. Sleep I failed 1 day in week 2, but otherwise a perfect month. I have noticed it's slowly getting easier to get to bed and I'm starting to feel slightly better in the morning, so will keep this going. Teeth - 15XP Awarded. Sleep - 12XP Awarded. Save Your Progress Updated every day on here (although 1 or two were touch and go). Won't be making this a goal next month, will just be concious of coming on here (unless I start to slip and need to bring it back). Update - 10XP Awarded. Final Thoughts That all levels me up to level 4 on my Epic Quest, so I'm pretty happy really. The final week of the challenge was a bust, I think for the following reasons: Bouldering for the first time tore me to bits. That was also a particularly drunken weekend, which wore me down. I may have been ill late in the week? May have just been recovering still. I'm off to Download Festival in a couple of days, so I'll be taking two rest weeks, then running a 4WC starting a week late, then starting the July 4WC with no break between the two to bring me back on track (no need to make it simple, eh?). All being well I should have the challenge thread up and be able to checkout all your challenges before I go away!
  15. Missed replying to people; sorry! Do you not get gammon where you are? I'm so so sorry, you have my condolences... And thank you, not a great end but I know overall it's been a pretty good challenge! Thanks, I think you're right to be honest. Oh well, have a break now before the next one so should be good by then. Guinnessees? Guinness'? Thank you, challenge stats to follow in a mo!
  16. ^agreed. The best challenge goals are ones you can realistically stick to, so I think keeping it simple's good. Have you thought about activity goals for the vacation, or will it be active enough anyway? Just thinking that presumably you won't be making it to the activity centre that week?
  17. I've given it a go at work too. Think I might be able to make it work for me, just need to find a timer that doesn't annoy my work mate as I share an office.
  18. Wow, you've done some really awesome stuff this month! See you in the next one
  19. Saturday W4D6 continued Karaoke was ok last night; a few people got up to sing so I didn't have to do all the singing, which is always nice. Drank a few (I think 7 Guinness judging by my wallet this morning??). Finished packing everything up at 00:45, and then decided to walk home. Maybe not the brightest idea as it's 5.8 miles back! Took me 1:45, so actually got home at 02:30. Up to bed at 03:30 (ish) so bedtime goal was ironically met, and teeth were done. Smoked 18 yesterday. Next challenge will need a target to curve my weekend smoking. W4 stats Poison Resistance: 6/7 Grinding: Gym 0.5/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 102/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 12/14, Sonic & Floss 6/7 Bedtime 6/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Sunday W4D7 So it's the final day of my challenge, and it's been another nothing day really. Slept in very late (due to the long walk and late night), and have pretty much watched TV and done nothing for the whole of today. By the time I felt up to going to the gym it was too late to fit it in, but not too worried about an extra rest day as I'll go tomorrow. Off to cook dinner in a second, making chicken burger things. Then working at the club this evening. Will give a final update on challenge stats tomorrow once I have a definite for final bedtime and smoking scores.
  20. Belated stats after Friday W4D5: W4 stats Poison Resistance: 5/7 Grinding: Gym 0.5/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 102/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 10/14, Sonic & Floss 5/7 Bedtime 5/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am
  21. Awesome challenge, well done! Glad you've left the plateau!
  22. Did mountain climbers yesterday, no EC. Jeans were not the thing to wear while doing these. Well done everyone, it's been a good challenge. See you in the next one!
  23. Quick update because I put it off and now I'm out of time. Stats to follow tomorrow. Had and excellent curry for dinner cooked by Mrs; coconut cream is the thing to make it taste like really curry it seems. Friend cancelled on me last night (car troubles, these things happen) so went out for a couple of beers and a pub band with my Dad. Was really hard to keep from smoking whilst drinking, even had a couple of rounds of toast when I got home to put off the last one until bedtime. Not the best coping method but it worked; 8/8 for the day. Also got to bed an hour after getting back, and did my teeth, so something was achieved. Today I've just felt run down and tired and achy. Don't know if I'm getting ill or just an end of challenge slump or what, but not much has been done. Did trim my bush (make of that what you will...) and do the daily dare, but that was it. Gym was skipped, nothing else productive was done. Just had dinner (made sausage with colcannon), now off to the club to run a karaoke night.
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