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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. In that case, I'm pretty sure I had DOMS in my hips! Then that faded and my inner knee started hurting, then played badminton and that cleared up, and my ankle started hurting. Seems to have worked all the way down and out now Tuesday W3D2 continued After badminton (which I lost 4-1 :s) went home and did my Darebee PvP. Think the couple of late nights have caught up with me though, that and some other stressful stuff going on socially, as I really didn't want to do anything yesterday evening. Mrs made bolognese, which I ate, and then watched TV with her and relaxed. No Duolingo done, so now I'm 2 days behind for the week, and it's going to be a busy one so may well struggle this week. Might just have to cram it all into one or two days! Smoked 8/8, teeth were done, to bed at 11, that's about it. W3 stats Poison Resistance: 2/7 Grinding: Gym 0/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 0/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 4/14, Sonic & Floss 2/7 Bedtime 2/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Wednesday W3D3 Woke up late today (guess I really was tired). Like seriously late though; not only did I miss swimming but I was 15 mins late to work as well. Will swim tomorrow as Friday is Mrs' birthday so I won't be going then. Otherwise work's pretty quiet. Gym after work, which I'm looking forward to (taking two days off the gym now feels like a long time!). Then got some bullshit to deal with this evening, which may involve beer, so everything else will be a challenge. Hopefully if all goes to plan it might reduce my stress going forward though.
  2. Ouch! Well done for that one and well done on the gold! Will update mine now showing wipers done, no EC
  3. Weekend sounds good, congrats on the approaching milestone, that's a huge achievement!
  4. Brilliant week 2, glad you enjoyed the con!
  5. When they say 40 is that in total or each side? Done either way, but could only manage 40 total in one set so won't award the EC if it's each side
  6. Well done on all the points! Let me know how the muffin/fritter/hash brown things turn out.
  7. Quite a few big chain takeaways you can get the nutritional information online. If not, I reckon a best guess is better than a DNF for the day! Hope your gym adventure was good.
  8. Second time bounces have come up (think last one was last challenge)! Second time I've been really excited to do them! Second time I have failed to do them . Got home at ten to midnight, so no hope. Will get the wipers in today though.
  9. Monday W3D1 continued Yesterday got a bit better after my last post; work wasn't too busy so I'm getting caught up with that. Went straight to my mate's house after that, quick oven pizza dinner (not enjoying that as much as I used too...) and off to snooker. Played for a bit over 3 hours, ended up drawing 3 all any played okish, so all good. Dropped my mate home and went to the supermarket to pick up some bit while it was quiet (got there just after 11pm). By the time I got home it was 23:50. so needless to say nothing else got done after that! No Duolingo, no yoga, no PvP . Noticed the Ranger mini side quest, so did do a quick paragraph for that. Smoking was actually easier than I expected today, had 8/8. Teeth were done, and in bed an hour after getting home (00:50). W3 stats Poison Resistance: 1/7 Grinding: Gym 0/2, Badminton 0 Swim 1/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 0/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 2/14, Sonic & Floss 1/7 Bedtime 1/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Tuesday W3D2 Woke up late today (after my late night; go figure!). Left for the pool, got a call from Mrs reminding me I should have left her a set of keys so went back home, then left again. Long story short, I only got 20 minutes swimming, but it gave me a bit of time to practice short-axis drills and some days the best you can do is just showing up. My hips are really hurting today (and, to a certain extent, my arse). Can you get DOMS in your hips? If so I think I have... Rest of today will be back on track; badminton after work, will do Duolingo, Darebee (windshield wipers; my hips will just love that), try and fit in yoga, boil eggs for breakfasts for the rest of the week and SLEEP!
  10. Thank you Thanks. Yeah, they're all good fun! Glad it helped motivate you!
  11. That is interesting. The thing with most health recommendations (whether it's steps, hours training, number of fruit and veg per day or calorific intake) is that organisations need to pick a number to try and make it as simple as possible for the most people to follow. Most people don't apply a lot of thought to their health, and the sheer volume of information available can be so confusing, that it's easier for health organisations to say "walk 10,000 steps, eat 7 fruit and veg per day, eat 2,000 calories" rather than encouraging people to explore options and find what works for them.
  12. No, it's totally normal to organise stuff like that; it's neater and you know where to find what you want. It's probably not normal to be quite this excited about talking about it, but nevermind! Have you seen High Fidelity? I love to steal the idea of organising CDs "autobiographically" one day!
  13. I think you're right to ease back on your running in favour of studying. There are only so many hours in the day, so sometimes you have to drop something to prioritise the big stuff. How long have you got until the end of the semester? Is it worth holding off on planned runs and just going when the time crops up until then?
  14. ^Fixed that for you Awesome job on the weekend though. And the baby sheep and goat petting sounds amazing!
  15. Spent far too long looking for a good Pokémon pic to respond to this; I'll come back to it! Well done on week 2, looks like you did great! For remembering the flow goal have you tried setting a phone alarm (seperate to your normal alarm) to jog your memory? Also, I tried body balance a while back, how did you find it? I quite enjoyed it, but being the only guy in the class was a little weird!
  16. Sunday W2D7 continued Gym was really hard yesterday; think I've reached my limit with 4 sessions in a week! Still, got through it all thusly: 5min row warm-up - 1,183m DB side raise/font raise/curl/press - 4kg x 4 x 6 - increase weight next time Squats - 30kg x 4 x 10 - increase weight next time Incline bench - 25kg x 4 x 10 Lat pull down (machine) - 27kg x 4 x 14 Core: a. leg extension - 5kg x 4 x 10 b. v-sit russian twists - 8kg x 4 x 10 Got home, chilled out, had my beef stew (was great but I made far too little of it) and off to work at the club. Club was really quiet (not unusual) so far too many cigarettes were had and lots of snack food was eaten. Got home from work at 23:45, in bed at 00:35. Smoking was tracked; 14 smoked yesterday, and teeth done. W2 stats Poison Resistance: 7/7 Grinding: Gym 4/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 391/350XP, Articles Read: 1/1 Full Health: Teeth 14/14, Sonic & Floss 7/7 Bedtime 6/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Monday W3D1 Today feels like it's against me! Got up at a decent time to go to swimming, but then was stuck in the queue to get a wristband for almost 10 minutes so that cut my swim short. Then I got stuck behind a lorry stuck behind a cyclist on the way to work, so ended up coming half the way here at 20mph. Then I got to work and the server's down. To put that in context we had no e-mail, and 90% of my job involves e-mailing people. The other 10% is calling people, which I couldn't do because I couldn't access our database so had no list of work or any clients' numbers. So basically wasted the first hour and a half of my day doing nothing! Grr! Anyway, swim itself wasn't too bad, 1,200m in 30:46 including warm up and stretch (swim time 26:09). Going to play snooker straight from work this evening, so it's going to be difficult to stick to 8 cigarettes only; I usually go out for one after every other frame! Trying to have one less at work to add one for the evening, but whatever happens I will persevere! Also may mean that I don't get much in the way of yoga or Duolingo done, but I will make sure to do my daily dare if nothing else (5 minutes of bouncing; sounds like fun ). Time to smash through week 3!
  17. Excellent. My books are split by genre (I don't have a lot of non-fiction, so I basically treat that as a genre), then by author (but not alphabetically, I find that some authors lean more to one end of a genre or another so they go in that order, then in series, then release date (so for example with Terry Pratchett all of the discworld novels are together, and then other books are afterwards even though they were released during the discworld series). Mrs has her own book shelves for her books, but I can't fathom what system she uses. Side note: CDs are alphabetical by artist and then chronological by release date.
  18. Almost every recipe I've found for a crock pot is 6-8 hours on low, or 3-4 on high. To be honest my method is put on low before leaving for work, and then eat it when I get home
  19. Well done on week 2, definitely a good result overall. Also, I don't know about you but I find organising books really cathartic (although obviously very time consuming). Geek out: how do you organise them? Alphabetical? By Genre? Age?
  20. Awesome song, listening to it as I write this . You definitely rocked the steps last week. Here's to more cardio and better food for week 3!
  21. Side kicks done this morning with EC. Another one that makes me want to take up martial arts again!
  22. Saturday W2D6 continued Relaxed evening yesterday after my last post. Walked up to the shop again to get some sausages for dinner (which Mrs did with mustardy mash potato). Did loads of Duolingo throughout the evening (134XP) learning the "Medical" skill. Did a yoga session as well, on my own as Mrs didn't want to join me in the end. Also ate a lot of fudge over the course of yesterday, but now it's gone so no more of that! Cigarettes were counted; ended up having 12 over the course of the day. Teeth done and up to bed at 11. It feels really alien not going out all weekend and getting to bed on the same day I get up! Then again most weekends I'm pretty busy so it's not likely to become a habit anyway. W2 stats Poison Resistance: 6/7 Grinding: Gym 3/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 333/350XP, Articles Read: 1/1 Full Health: Teeth 12/14, Sonic & Floss 6/7 Bedtime 5/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Sunday W2D7 Bit more of a lie in today; got up about 10am. Makes my average time asleep for the week 7:49, week 1 was 7:58, which i think is reasonable. Got up had breakfast and went straight into yoga. It was "yoga for abs", followed by 100 side kicks for the PvP, so that certainly woke me up! Have also done chores, made a beef stew and put in the slow cooker for tonight, and done enough Duolingo to complete the week. Weekend checklist now looks like this: Mow the back lawn Strim the front lawn More weeding on the garden path Finished the whole thing! Put the washing away Do more washing and hang to dry Clean kitchen Clean bathroom Hoover upstairs Empty bins Meal prep? (may have to wait until I can bulk buy some more food) Go for a long walk Gym on Sunday Yoga Saturday Yoga Sunday Finish Duolino goal Read French article Watch Castle Hoover downstairs Hoover stairs Other than the gym session, which I'll head off to in about half an hour, that's about as finished as the list is going to get. Nothing that's left desperately needs doing, so I'm pretty happy with that. After the gym it'll be off to work behind the bar at the club, getting back late and crashing out. Then rock on week 3!
  23. Thank you! It is a good word; I use it a lot . Lagging a bit on the steps today though; hopefully work this evening will sort that out!
  24. It's already out (here at least)! Must go and watch that soon... Looks like a good training run, well done
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