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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Saturday W3D6 continued Not much more to report on the above as I wrote it right before I went to bed. Did finish on 20 cigarettes (perils of drinking in a field all day ). Got home at 00:50, in bed about 01:40. I'm happy I did my teeth, usually when I'm highly inebriated it's the last thing I feel like doing. Also just discovered that the last hour of dancing/jumping up and down/lifting people in the air yesterday was automatically tracked by my Fitbit as sport! 515 calories burned, average heart rate 119, peak heart rate 138! Not that it cancels out much of the day, but it's nice to know. W3 stats Poison Resistance: 6/7 Grinding: Gym 2/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 35/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 12/14, Sonic & Floss 6/7 Bedtime 6/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Sunday W3D7 Not feeling too bad today, considering the amount of drink and late night yesterday. Have run a couple of little errands and started my daily dare. It's 3 minutes raised leg hold, and it's hurting my back so not going to finish it in one go, but I will finish! Heading out to bouldering in a mo, wish me luck! Beer and barbeque this evening should be nice. Duolingo I'm writing off as a bad week and will make a better effort from tomorrow.
  2. Great workout, and congrats on hitting your weight goal!
  3. Ok, much beer has been had today, so if this makes any sense I feel like I deserve a medal. Friday W3D5 continued Lunch time beer happened yesterday, which rather relaxed me for the rest of the day. And made it hard to focus on work. Got home last night, did PvP, ordered a Chinese and watched Castle with the Mrs. Was a nice chilled evening, and good to catch up on one of our favourite shows. She decided to go to bed early so I did make bedtime & teeth. Tried to do Duolingo in the day, but clearly none in the evening. Even drinking with Mrs all evening, smoked 8/8. W3 stats Poison Resistance: 5/7 Grinding: Gym 1/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 35/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 10/14, Sonic & Floss 5/7 Bedtime 5/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Saturday W3D6 So today was mini-festival day. Did make the effort to go to the gym when I got up, went something like this: 5min row warm up 1,131m DB side raise, front raise, curl, press - 6kg x 3 x 6, 4 kg x 1 x 6 Squats - 35kg x 4 x 10 Incline Bench - 25kg x 4 x 10 Lat pull down - 27kg(ish) - 14, 14, 10, 10 Core - a. Leg extensions 5kg - 4 x 10 b. russian V twists 8kg - 4 x 10 That absolutely kicked my arse! Got back, showered and ate, and then out to spend the day at a mini/private music festival. Have spent a really good day listening to cover bands and drinking a lot, and generally having a nice time with my Dad. Stats to follow tomorrow at some point. Believe I've smoked 19 today (unless I've lost some filters), so likely will finish on 20. Also, bouldering tomorrow; really looking forward to it!
  4. Thank you! My dentist's always telling me to stop smoking. Guess I'll find out why soon enough! Will make sure I spoil her! Cheers! If I enjoy it I can see it being the sort of thing I take up regularly...
  5. That's a really good idea, didn't think of trying it for cleaning. Will definitely give that a go.
  6. Sounds like you had a good day (and a busy one!). Walking for the sake of walking is the best kind of walking. Walking.
  7. Thank you! I think it's getting easier to stick to these numbers... Thursday W3D4 continued So yesterday was nice, but not quite as planned. Work seminar and went to supermarket for food and to pick up Mrs' last present. Then ran into a chap I went to music college with many years ago, and we got talking and catching up for ages. Was really nice to see him again. Time wise though that derailed me slightly. Got home, did daily dare and had dinner (peppered steak pie with chips). Only a token effort at Duolingo was made however (25XP) as Mrs wanted to watch the final of GBBO crème de la crème with me, and then I had to wrap her presents before going to bed. So presents were wrapped and up to bed at 11. Smoked 8/8 for the day. I now realise I forgot to do my writing for the ranger mini. Will try and do the rest of the week still though. W3 stats Poison Resistance: 4/7 Grinding: Gym 1/2, Badminton 1 Swim 3/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 25/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 8/14, Sonic & Floss 4/7 Bedtime 4/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Friday W3D5 Not much to report so far. Woke up, gave Mrs her birthday presents, made her breakfast in bed of scrambled egg on toast. Then to work, cigarettes on track, that's about it. Gonna head out to the pub for a couple shortly (it's also a colleague's birthday), then this evening the Mrs wants Chinese, which will likely be washed down with more beer. Then either drinking and film or go out to drink to live music. Tomorrow there's a mini music festival going on, so another day of drinking to music there and hanging out with my Dad and my Mrs, which I'm really looking forward to. Must go to the gym in the morning first though, as it's my last chance for the week. What I'm looking forward to even more is Sunday, as we're going bouldering for a friend's birthday. Really excited to give that a try! Then off to his for barbeque and (you should have guessed it by now) a bit of drinking.
  8. *googles pomodoros* that's interesting, might have to see how I can fit that into my working day. 16050 is a lot of steps, congrats on that! Good luck with the goals today!
  9. Squat hold punches done with EC. Punching in time to the Guns n Roses version of Knocking on Heavens Door, which is an odd workout tune!
  10. I would say building a fire and outdoor cooking are probably the most important things (and the most fun things if I remember being a 13 year old boy correctly!). Barbequing on the fire, "backwards cooking" putting things directly in the fire in foil and digging a camping over are all good. Also building a basic shelter can be good fun, if you have the resources there to work with.
  11. That's a difficult one, and obviously you have to look after your wife's health as well as your own (but not at the expense of your own, which can be a fine line). Take the positives from it and try to keep moving on though. You did complete the 5k you aimed to do, and that's still an achievement. Are you still doing your Deadpool workout? If not that's something else to focus on if it still interests you.
  12. Completely forgot to add my hikes from the end of the last challenge! I must remember that this thread exists and keep posting on it! Have added 34.79 miles hiking (this was over two days in Dartmoor, 30/04/16 and 01/05/16).
  13. Wednesday W3D3 continued Gym yesterday went a little something like this: 5min row warm-up: 1,151m BB row/rotate/press - 12.5kg x 4 x 8 - increase weight next time BB Lunges - 35kg x 4 x 12 Cable chest fly - 35lbs x 4 x 8 - added an extra set to this Pull ups - 4, 2 Bastards - 3 x 13 Felt knackered throughout, and when I finished felt like I hadn't achieved much. Looking back on it though, I did everything I planned to do expect for inverted row, and I added pull ups to replace that. And I managed 4 pull ups in one set, which is twice what I thought I was capable of. 4's not a big number, but I'm determined to be proud of it! And I added a set to my chest fly! Got home and Mrs had cooked chicken thighs and sweet potato - not very exciting but it does the job. And I had a leftover thigh for lunch today. Then off to the club. Turned out to be less bullshitty than I thought; there's a lot of politics going on that I won't bore you with but I managed to be largely uninvolved with them. I did spend the majority of the evening the wrong side of the bar, but sitting around and serving the odd pint isn't too bad. Feel much better about the whole thing now it's getting resolved. 8/8 smoked, managed to stick to it even with stress and being at the club which is a good sign. I have noticed I'm eating to stop myself from smoking though. If I replaced every cigarette with a banana would that be a healthy option? Got home at 10:50, did the daily dare which was 20 towel slides (http://darebee.com/hive/checkin/195374-dd-25-may-2016-20-towel-slides if you're curious) - took me a while to work that one out. Then came on here for a bit, upstairs for teeth and bed by 11:50. Duolingo not done again. W3 stats Poison Resistance: 2/7 Grinding: Gym 1/2, Badminton 1 Swim 2/3 Learn a New Skill: Duolingo: 0/350XP, Articles Read: 0/1 Full Health: Teeth 6/14, Sonic & Floss 3/7 Bedtime 3/7 Save Your Progress: Here I am Thursday W3D4 Got up and swam today, so that's one goal complete for the week! Spent too long dawdalling at home so was only in the pool for 25 minutes, but still went. 400m breaststroke warm-up in 08:58, then 400m breaststroke fast in 08:25. Not my fastest time unfortunately. Otherwise all good so far today, although I haven't brought enough food to work so may have to pop out for a snack at some point. Plan for this evening is work seminar, pick up Mrs last birthday present and food, home for dinner, lots of Duolingo, PvP, maybe some yoga. Also remember to keep up with my diary for the ranger mini bonus. Not sure whether I'll have anything to count for the main ranger mini, but we'll see.
  14. Very true! Stealing that for future use...
  15. That's a seriously inspiring story, really impressed with how you took that on and what you're taking from it now. Also, good job with the workout; looks like a tough one!
  16. I love that line! Amazing post for the mini bonus. I've been struggling a bit to write things for mine, but yours is totally brilliant.
  17. Took me a while to find the right combination of flooring a footwear to get this one to work. Final Score: Painful lower back, itchy elbows, ruined towel, EC complete.
  18. Wow, I never realised how complex an issue running shoes were. I feel like I've learned something today!
  19. Awesome workout (again)! 4 rounds of 25 bicycle crunches would kill me!
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