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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Sunday - week 4 day 7 Yesterday was a good day. Had a bit of a lie in, then went out for my run. Did an easy 8 miles (12.8km), and it felt loads better than the same run last week. In the afternoon we did a bloody expensive Tesco shop, and then I did some studying. Still nowhere near up to date, but I think I'm catching up at least. In the evening I roasted a turkey thigh, and we chilled out in front of the TV. I even did a little art, and drew a rubbish donkey. Week 4 stats The documancer - 5/7 - getting back into the swing of updating here regularly The face - 7/7 - teeth brushing habit going strong The muscle - 7/7 - calories tracked. I finished the week at 18,665kcal (average 2,666 per day), and despite allegedly burning 24,850kcal only lost 0.8lbs. So I'll be reducing my target from 19,200 per week to 18,400 per week, in order to keep this moving. Still sort of hoping that in the next couple of weeks, once I reach creatine saturation, I'm going to see a sudden acceleration in weight loss. Only time will tell.
  2. Saturday - week 4 day 6 Yesterday was a good day. I had a bit of a lie in after my late night on Friday, but did go for a run and then for a climb. I got soaked on my run, and the wind was howling as I was running along the coast, but at least I sensibly wore a rain coat this time and didn't drown my phone again. Climbing was good too, I managed to flash a route that claimed to be a font 6B+, and then could barely get off the ground on another route that had the same grade - makes you wonder how they decide on the grading. I had all of the best intentions of doing some studying when I got home, but I crashed when I got back and spent a long time catching up with stuff online and just chilling out. I did eventually get to my studies at about 4, and still managed to get a couple of hours in before dinner. Dinner itself was jacket potatoes topped with spicy beef, tomatoes and chickpeas - bloody lovely if I do say so myself. We spent the evening catching up on Strictly, Last Leg, and Outsiders, and I watched the last episode of Gen V when WW went to bed. I checked in here at lunchtime, calories were tracked, and teeth were brushed. Calories should be pretty spot on this week, so it'll be interesting to see what happens with my weight.
  3. Hope the allergies clear up soon mate, and you can get a decent night's sleep.
  4. Congrats on all of the kids' achievements, sounds like they're on to great things!
  5. Friday - week 4 day 5 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was heavy farmers' carries, deadlifts, and double unders. I suck at skipping, but I'm slowly starting to get there with the double unders, which is nice. Work was busy, but I did what I could to work through stuff, and that's all I can do. In the evening WW made vegetable soup, which was lovely but also so thick I could have eaten it with a fork. We watched Taskmaster, then some more NCIS, and after WW went to bed I watched some Gen V. Had a couple of beers and a bit of a late night, so I'm a bit tired today.
  6. I agree the redesign of cars which are then only owned by the wealthy is pretty depressing - it feels like as more developed countries have made these mistakes it should give less developed countries the opportunity to learn from them without repeating them. Of course, that relies on people wanting to avoid repeating those mistakes, which is unlikely when the people making the decisions are the people who benefit. It's definitely hard to reverse engineer a city to be more public transport and walking/cycling friendly. By comparison, designing a new city with that in mind should be more straightforward, but that doesn't really solve the existing problem. Also, this reminded me of an xkcd (spoilered for size):
  7. That sounds like a really great strategy, good on you for recognising that and not pushing ❤️
  8. Hope the cat settles into her crate routine soon, that sounds like a lot of stress. This sounds like exactly the sort of really interesting book that I would never get round to reading. Anything particular that's stood out from it?
  9. Thursday - week 4 day 4 Yesterday was a good day. I don't think I slept too well, because Crossfit felt heavy as fuck. Did squats at 100kg (220#) x 3, 90kg x 5, 80kg x 7. Then a workout which was supposed to be, in 5 minutes, 500m row, 50 wall balls, max distance lunge walk. In reality I only made it to 37 wall balls before we he time cap - I'm rubbish at them and doing them in 2s and 3s before either dropping the ball or hitting myself in the face doesn't make for a fast workout. I was working from home, and still frantically trying to get everything under control. I'm actually ahead of where I was expecting to be on my urgent list, so that's really good, though I'm also trying not to look at the rest of the list as it's too overwhelming. In the evening I cooked a lamb and sweet potato tagine with the leftover roast lamb shoulder, and served it with giant cous cous. It was bloody lovely, and I've just had the leftovers today for lunch . Then I played Baulder's Gate 3 with some friends online until it was time for bed. Can't wait until I've got my PC upgraded so they don't have to wait for my laggy arse to catch up. Teeth were done, calories were tracked and only 203 over, so I've got 1,954 left in the buffer for the weekend, and I updated here at lunch.
  10. Week 4 so far I can't believe that it's week 4 already, and I'm already half way through it! Monday was a good day. We had box squats - 90kg (198#) x 3 x 5 - and then a surprisingly nasty workout of of 5 rounds, 5 deadball clean and press, 5 burpees over box. I arrived at work to 234 unread e-mails - I was expecting about that after a week off, and the number itself it quite pleasing, but it was a hell of a lot of work. I just spent the whole day clearing what I could, and managed to avoid getting stressed until near the end of the day when the enormity of the task overtook me. I resolved to set some expectations as to what I could actually achieve on Tuesday. I did very little in the evening, and slept poorly thinking about work. Tuesday was a good day. I went for a run first thing - 2 miles easy, 2 miles fast, 2 miles easy. It wasn't very fast as I was sliding all over the place on muddy ground, but it was interesting to push hard in a run for the first time in what felt like ages. I got to work and started listing my tasks, and it quickly became apparent that there was no way I was going to complete them by all of their deadlines. I sent my boss an e-mail basically saying that things weren't going to get done and I was going to have a breakdown if I tried to get them there, and she managed to take at least a few bits off my hands and share some things around the team. I've still got a stupid amount on, but at least I have a plan to concentrate on the priorities and ignore everything else. In the evening Pathfinder was cancelled, so I did bugger all. Yesterday was a good day. Bench press in the morning - high reps at 55kg x 2 x 10, 57.5kg x 10, and 60kg (132#) x 10. Then I had to go to my dad's house to help get a freezer out of his flooded cellar, so that it can be used somewhere else. I spent most of the rest of the day deciding on components for my PC. On the one hand, it kind of feels productive as I now know exactly what kit I want, I know what it currently costs, and all I have to do is sit on that information until black Friday and then get the best deals I can at that stage. On the other hand, I was obsessively agonising over this for a good chunk of the day, to the exclusion of things like studying which I really needed to get done, and that doesn't feel entirely healthy. Anyway, I did eventually do 45 minutes of study before going to bouldering (much later than planned). Because I was running late I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I picked up a couple of oven pizzas and heated them up. Even having those with a beer I still managed to come in under on calories, not sure how. Teeth were done on all three days, and calories have been tracked (46 over on Monday, 197 over on Tuesday, under on Wednesday, so I have 2,157 left in the buffer to share over the rest of the week). I only checked in here on Tuesday, and then because I was running out of time by the time I remembered I only did a tiny update about Sunday.
  11. Week 3 wrap-up Documancer: 3/7 - I started with good intentions, but then the lack of routine in the week off got to me a bit. Still working out how to be more present here; it feels hard right now. Face: 6/7 - one late night where I missed brushing my teeth, but otherwise all good. Muscle: 7/7 - I was bang on for calories last week, but managed to gain 1lb. That might be water weight from the creatine, so I've only made a small adjustment to my calories - instead of 20,000 for this week (8 x 2,500) I'll be aiming for 19,200 (8 x 2,400).
  12. Sunday - week 3 day 7 Sunday was a good day. Had a lie in, then went for a run mid-morning. The run felt bloody awful and I had to walk a chunk of it, but it goes like that sometimes. In the afternoon we went to pick up a new TV (new to us, not new new), and I got that set up. The rest of the day was spent chilling in front of said TV. WW also slow roasted a lamb shoulder, which was lovely. Food was tracked and on target, teeth were done, and I even remembered to update here.
  13. I think it's going to pull through! It took a full week to be operational, and now 5 days after that I've got some marks on the screen and the occasional glitch, but I'm hoping for a full recovery in time. Having found out that I don't have to buy a new phone or a new car, I'm now looking at upgrading my PC when the black Friday sales come round
  14. This is a bit of a wakeup call, isn't it? I had the same thoight before WW went away for a couple of days the other week, and not only did I get no more done than usual, but I also managed to poison myself Can you just say to people 'I will be going to jiujitsu at this time on this day, please plan around me?'
  15. Wow, I haven't updated since Tuesday huh? Not ideal... Tuesday was a good day. I doubled up on exercise - Crossfit immediately followed by a 6 mile run - and then did very else for the day as best as I can remember. Wednesday was a good day. I went to a tech conference which was all about innovations in technology and what we can expect to see over the next few years. It was really interesting, and I talked to some really interesting people too. I was amazed at home much more relaxed I felt going into that kind of networking situation in the middle of my week off, rather than how I would normally feel on a working day. Had a couple of beers at the networking drinks, and then headed home to heat up a burger and chips, drink more beer, and sit on the sofa under the cat. It was a really lovely day. Thursday was a good day. Crossfit first thing, then much relaxing until we needed to pick up the car from the mechanic. In the afternoon we walked to the next town over for a cuppa - it's a good hour's walk each way, so that kept us well occupied. In the evening I played Baulder's Gate 3 online with some friends, and decided that I really need to update my computer. Recommendations for a GPU would be greatly appreciated. Friday was a good day. After Crossfit we went to a local National Trust place. It was raining a bit, but the autumn colours were absolutely gorgeous so it was well worth getting a bit wet. In the afternoon I managed to do some studying (probably should have been working on that all week). Yesterday was a good day. I went for a run first thing, followed by bouldering. Spent a long time after bouldering catching up with Hopalong over tea and cake, which was really lovely - it's been a while since we've had a chance to do that. In the afternoon I did some more studying and finished one part of my assignment. Almost all of my relaxing time has been spent watching NCIS with WW. I don't know why but we've got sucked in to a full watch through - currently on series 12 (of 20 ). Wouldn't be surprised if we went on to NCIS: LA/New Orleans/Hawaii next! Food has been good - it's been a bit of an effort to keep on track with calories but I think I'll hit them this week. We've been eating a lot of recipe box meals - a massive mac and cheese hotdog, butter chicken pasta, homemade burger and chips, and we've got a couple left for next week - home made fish finger hotdogs and a basa tray bake. Teeth brushing has been kept up with apart from Wednesday, where the beer and late night disrupted my routine. I got atraight back on it on Thursday though, so that's fine.
  16. 1,000 days is incredible, sending positive thoughts for the next 1,000 ❤️
  17. Hope the conversation with your mum goes well mate. Whatever the outcome, I'm sure the trip with be more than worth the effort of explaining it.
  18. ? That's a great end of year goal - you've got this!
  19. Hope you manage to catch up on sleep this weekend - the combination of the clocks changing and 3am airport trips sounds less than ideal!
  20. Congratulations on winning the quiz! Sounds like a really good night. Not too hard I hope ?
  21. Monday - Week 3, Day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit first thing, then home for a shower and an omelette and out with WW. We decided to go visit a national trust place, but it took 3 attempts to actually find somewhere that didn't need us to book and would accept the voucher we had. Still, we had a lovely walk in some stately gardens, and a nice cup of tea with a massive slab of carrot cake. I spent thw morning absolutely exhausted, so when we got home I went for a nap and ended up spending an hour and a half in bed. In the evening WW kncoked up some spiced paneer burgers and we watched a hold load of TV. Not a super productive day overall, but I was just so tired. Food was tracked, and on track, and teeth were done.
  22. Week 2 stats The documancer: 4/7 The face: 7/7 The muscle: 7/7 Well, checking in here was pretty poor last week, due to a mixture of not having a phone for a few days and just being busy and stressed at work. Given all of that, I'm pretty pleased I kept up with calorie tracking and teeth brushing really. Food-wise I ate 22,723 kcal last week (3,246 per day average), so quite a bit over my target of 20,000 (2,857 per day). I gained about 1lb, which sounds about right for that, even if my watch thinks I burned 25,034 in the same period. This week should be easier to keep calories on track. Yesterday was a good day. Had a chilled morning, did a bit of stretching and then prepped for D&D. Then I ran our D&D game for the first time in a few months. It was really good fun, the party were chasing down some devils who had stolen an artifact, and confronted them in an alleyway. It became clear pretty quickly that this was going to be a lethal confrontation, and it was very tense as a couple of party members dropped and were dragged back to consciousness. That left the bad guys able to flee with the artifact, and the party returning to their inn to lick their wounds. I'll be interested to see what they do next time to try and get back on the trail. The rest of the day was spent doing some more relaxing, a brief walk, cooking roast chicken, and doing a bit of drawing with a new drawing guide that I picked up in a charity shop. All in all a very nice day, made nicer by the knowledge that I wouldn't be working this morning.
  23. Good luck with the move mate. When are you expecting to be heading to your hometown?
  24. Thanks guys! The ankle is already feeling quite a bit better - we're past the 'can't walk without limping' stage and on to the 'occasionally it twinges at random' stage. If I take care of it (and probably give my calves some love) I'm hoping it'll be back to normal soon.
  25. Sorry you had a rough week, but well done on making progress and nx staying positive despite that
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