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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. I really like the randomised approach to this. I think I may try it for my own housework - so often I do nothing when if I just set aside a half-hour slot on a Wednesday and rolled a dice I could get something done. It might not be the most pressing or useful thing, but it'd be better than the nothing I'm currently doing.
  2. Another busy day, another quick tick-box update! Yesterday was good, went to Crossfit but kept it very light. Had a beef, fennel, cucumber, and mayonnaise wrap for lunch, and broccoli, cauliflower, and cheese soup for dinner, as operating 'empty the fridge' continues. Then we decanted a load of milk into chilly bottles, fully emptied the freezer, and turned it off to defrost overnight in preparation for our new one coming Wednesday morning. Calories were tracked at only 2,486 despite having to empty the freezer of ice cream, and teeth were brushed.
  3. It's currently lunch time, when I usually update my challenge. I have instead spent most of it chatting to colleagues, and I've had some really nice conversations today, but that has left me very short on time. If I get a chance I might do a proper update later, but if not this counts for goal purposes.
  4. Welcome back Yasha, good to see you! I found a change of browser helped, if you need another option. AdBlock Browser (which is essentially Chrome) wouldn't let me on at all, so I ended up installing Edge on my phone and that works fine. Your weekend sounds like a lot of fun, and that's an awesome bird watching hat!
  5. Actual goals! Well, having hit 100% of my goals (and run a bleeding marathon in the process), it's time to write this challenge up properly. Usually, I start with my road map for the year. And let's have a quick recap of how last challenge went too: So, with an over-complicated and ultimately not very successful challenge last time, I'm going to be sticking to 3 simple goals: The documancer: update here daily [+2 SAN] The face: brush my teeth, twice daily [+2 SAN] The muscle: track food, every day [+3 CON] The plan for the rest of this year is to lose some weight - maybe 10-15lbs - and to get as strong as possible whilst doing it. I'll be cutting running down to 3 days per week (starting in week 3), and focusing on speed and power rather than distance. And I'll be increasing crossfit to 4 days per week, and settling in to 2 days per week of bouldering. All of that made me think of a concept that @Wild Wolf used to talk about of being wolflean, which conjures up a great image that really matches the getting stronger and leaning out that I'm planning to do, and that ultimately lead me to my challenge title, hungry like the wolf. I'll probably be rambling about various other things in my updates too: How to manage my time with my (still relatively) new Wednesdays off work How to balance managing calories so that I'm losing weight but still not compromising performance too much Maybe sharing some drawings - it's still Inktober after all I'll be keeping my Duolingo streak going Trying to work out why I'm so bad at being on time for stuff, and/or why I procrastinate I have one more race this year, Nuclear Fallout, which is in a couple of weeks How my new running plan (starting after that race) and my workouts are going
  6. Thank you! To be fair, keeping an eye on a learner driver for that long is exhausting, so well done to you too! I'm all for a tangent! Well, one must achieve balance Thank you, I shall certainly try. To be fair, I feel a lot better now than I would have imagined. Yeah, you're not wrong!
  7. I ran a marathon! I am now very tired. I felt incredibly sore when I finished, weirdly fine now, but I'm sure that'll be back with a vengence tomorrow. Going to spend the evening drinking beer and watching TV.
  8. Thursday - week 0 day 4 Yesterday was a good day. Went for my last shake out run before the marathon. It was 2 miles and everything randomly hurt - I've got serious taper tantrums going into this one . It'll all be fine on the day. Work was flat out again - at about 4.30pm I finally managed to start the first thing on my todo list. In the evning we went out to a little charity quiz at the local community centre, and we won! Well, I say we, mostly WW won - she's very good at pub quizzes. Got to bed just after 11 - there's been a few too many late nights this week really, but not much I can do about that now. It's been a sober week at least, which will pay dividends for tomorrow's run.
  9. I saw this on Discord early and bleary-eyed this morning, and thought 'that demon face shaded a bit flat, makes it look a bit like a mask'. So, good job, even if I was too tired to understand what was going on
  10. Well, if you write a ukulele parody called Hungry like the Possum, I'd very much like the hear it I didn't know that possums or raccoons were predators to be honest - we don't have either in this part of the world so I don't know much about them.
  11. Wednesday - week 0 day 3 A very quick update to keep my update streak going. Yesterday was a good day - I spent a chunk of time practising Dutch, a bigger chunk of time working for my current professional qualification, and a little time playing Baldur's Gate 3. Then I cleared some lamb cutlets out of the freezer, which I cooked with rosemary crushed potatoes and a lemon and herb jus.
  12. Well that's a new one on me - what an oddly appropriate title!
  13. Tuesday - week 0, day 2 Yesterday was a good day. Started with a short, easy run - 3.1 miles (5k). It felt rubbish unfortunately, probably because I hadn't slept very well the night before. Work was busy, but ok. I was working from home, so I managed to get a bunch of stuff done. Unfortunately that stuff was something which I thought I was going to get away with not doing, and that ended up taking about 4 hours out of my day. There's one side-effect to working a 4-day week, and that's that I need to get things sorted every Tuesday so that they can be looked after on the Wednesday. That means making sure everything's saved properly if someone needs to find it, and not sitting on tasks that I would otherwise think could wait until the morning. It's still 100% worth it to have the extra day off, but that end of day process is something I'm still getting used to. In the evening I cooked a beef stir fry to use up some pak choi, a pepper, some green beans, and some carrots, as part of Operation Empty Fridge. It was fine, but nothing special. The rest of the evening should have been Pathfinder, but WW was feeling ill so we called off the session and I just met up with the rest of the group to play some really cursed computer games instead. We had fun, and occasionally shouted at the ridiculousness of the nonsense we were playing.
  14. I actually laughed out loud when I read that . I guess, in a way, it doesn't feel like a big thing? Like, it feels like a big milestone, and I don't doubt that it's going to be really hard, but I'm pretty confident I'll get to the end. I've been training running pretty consistently for the last year, and I'm also confident that I could walk 26 miles with no training at all if I had to. More to the point, it feels more difficult to intentionally carve out time every day for a goal like updating here, than it does to turn up to an event that I've had booked for months. That time is booked, I don't have to steal it away from other, competing priorities. I don't even really need to find motivation to do it; I'll do it because it's in my calendar. And it will be a weight off, once those client's are actually handed over! But yeah, very much looking forward to that. Great to have you! You, Sara Kingdom, are very wise. I really like that last point actually. A good goal then might be something like 'on a Sunday, after dinner, I take 10 minutes to look at my diary for the week ahead and plan my other goals around my commitments'. That's something I massively failed to do last challenge with my climbing goal - it was something I wanted to do, but something that could not possibly work with the races and things I'd committed to. Always good to have you, friend. To be honest, I'm surprised I didn't post it when I set up the challenge This was YouTube's next suggestion for me after that, which is also a banger: I was going to posit that they are one of the only woodland predators, but I think that that only works if you exclude birds, and only works for certain locations at a certain point in time. I do imagine wolves, who have to catch prey to eat, as being hungrier than say deer, who graze on plant life. Maybe it's just that they're more obviously hungry, because they're seen charging towards the thing they want to eat with apparent urgency? Very rare to see a rabbit chasing a dandelion across a field. I'd half forgotten what I'd called the challenge, but that explains why I've had this song in my head for 2 days
  15. When you think about it, 15 minutes is pretty good. That's 1 hour 45 per week if you do it every day, which is probably enough for general health purposes if at least some of it is fairly vigorous activity. If you're think of that as a minimum, that's definitely good. That's a really good idea. I usually give up on Inktober on 1st November, but maybe I should stick at it too, and see if I can get it finished by the end of the challenge? ...I think I'm up to day 8 so far
  16. This sounds absolutely wonderful. Ah, guess that's evidence that it really does get earlier every year then, if 2002 Hugh Grant got away with it until November the sodding 19th.
  17. Am I... Am I on the first page of a Tank thread? What strange magic is this? Good on you for taking this seriously mate; sometimes a bit of less-than-great news provides great motivation.
  18. Monday - week 0, day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was a lot of fun - we spent a bit of time cycling through legless rope climbs, sandbag/deadball loads, and bench press; a nice chilled strength workout with no time limits. Then a very fast workout at the end; 3 rounds for time: 100m ski, 10 pushups. It's amazing how quickly my pushups run out in a short workout, I was doing them in 1s and 2s by the 3rd set! Still, it was a nice quick blast through in 3'14" to wrap up the session. I did try and take it pretty easy, and it'll be my only session this week as I rest before the marathon at the weekend. Work was busy, but good. My manager told me she's going to take a couple of clients away from me, without me having to ask, which is fantastic news as it might mean my workload is more manageable. (Ah, who am I kidding? I'll fill the time with something, it'll just be nice to have more time to commit to project work!) After that we had a chilled evening. WW made a chicken curry, as part of operation 'empty the freezer'. We've got a new fridge freezer being delivered Thursday next week, so our meals might be getting decidedly weird by the start of week 1 as we use up whatever's in there.
  19. Yeah, I was thinking about that when I saw Tank's comment. I'm not quite sure how I would work it though; in terms of a habit-building practice, changing your goals every week would be a pretty bad move. There's definitely an angle around autoregulation and matching your effort to your available resources (time, mental energy, physical condition), but I'm not sure what the structure would be.
  20. Thank you! The accountability is always welcome. Entirely reasonable, maybe it should be.
  21. I wish you all the best with your ongoing apprenticeship to The Nightingale.
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