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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Hi all, sorry I'm late! Just joined the forums and wanted to get straight into the first challenge rather than wait for next month. About me here if you're interested. My Quest To be fitter, healthier and to look better naked. Challenges Staying in the Gym (10XP) - Just started in the gym in January, so my mission is to go at least twice a week for the duration of the challenge (will be aiming for 3 times rest of life permitting). Trying Yoga (10XP) - Never something I'd considered before, but I read the four starter yoga poses on NF, and decided to give them ago on Wednesday. Short exercise so the mission is 3 times per week for the duration of the challenge. Caffeine Cut-Back (10XP) - No tea after 4pm daily. I'm horrible at getting up in the mornings, and if I don't then I don't have time to swim before work, so this is a little experiment to see if not having caffeine late in the day improves my sleep any. Level Up your Life Parle en fançais (15XP) - Complete daily French goal on Duolingo every day for the duration of the challenge. Will keep you posted on how it goes. Thoughts/suggestions always welcome.
  2. Hi all, I've just started reading NF and the forum, and it seems like a great community so I thought I'd join you lovely people if you'll have me! So, a couple of year's ago I was ticking along, desk job, badminton once a week, swimming occasionally, not a big eater (but certainly a big drinker!), home cooked meals most nights. My fiancée teased me a bit about my beer belly, but I never worried too much about my weight/fitness. The sometime in January 2015 my mum got a new fitness app, and asked me to help her with it because the BMI was showing her as seriously underweight (turned out she'd put her weight as something like 140oz instead of 140lbs; not the most tech savvy woman my mother!). Anyway, I went to weigh myself just out of interest and whacked it into the BMI calculator; 5'10'', 12st10 (or 5'10'' 178lbs or 175cm 81kgs). And the calculator said: OVERWEIGHT Now I know that BMI is not a definitive guide to health, but I'd always been a skinny guy and would never had've imagined myself as overweight. The pit in my stomach at that moment told me that I couldn't keep going the way I was going, it was time to change. So I started calorie tracking. I wouldn't go on a diet, I'm a firm believe that diets don't work long-term, but I wanted to see what was going wrong and what I could change. So I switched crisps at lunch for more fruit. I stopped with the "Two for Tuesdays" pizzas from Dominoes (2 extra large pizzas for me and the Mrs, of which I would eat half a pizza on Tuesday night, another half for Wednesday lunch and another half for Thursday lunch). Most importantly I decided to stop drinking beer I didn't want. I knew I wouldn't (and still haven't) give up going out with friends on the weekends, or having a few beers when I play snooker on a Wednesday. But I did stop having beer in the house. I stopped drinking the "long day at work" beers, the "can't leave just two in the fridge" beers and the "I'm thirsty and it's there" beers. I also ramped up my exercise; badminton twice per week, swimming 2-3 mornings per week, and body weight training 2-3 times per week at home. By August I'd lost 2 stone, and was down to my ideal weight at 10st10 (150lbs or 68kgs). But I knew it wasn't the end; I was lighter but I still had a small beer belly and very little muscle mass. So I started running with the Mrs. She lasted about two runs before giving up, and I made it about 6 weeks before deciding that I really can't stand running. At the end of November I had a gym induction, but then December hit and with one corporate do and Christmas party after the other, and fitness took a bit of a backseat. So now I'm here. I've started going to the gym 2-3 times per week, still playing badminton twice per week and swimming 2-3 times. I'm calorie tracking again (I love it actually; I'm a complete numbers geek and recording my life gives me a perverse excitement!), and looking forward to doing more. Will join the 4-week challenge shortly, and see where I can go from there.
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