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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Exactly that! Or getting in from work "I'll just take the weight off my feet for a minute before I get on with things". 5 hours later - "I guess this is my life now"
  2. Only just seen this, awesome stuff. Totally stealing the list for my weekend!
  3. Why thank you very much. It's such a classic game; can't imagine how many hours I spent just playing Morpheus with instagib turned on, let alone all the campaigns and other messing about.
  4. So my last challenge went ok, but to be honest I lost track of what I had and hadn't done by the end of it. So I thought I would start up a battle log to help me keep track in and out of the challenges, and to preserve my meandering ramblings and drunken thoughts. Currently main goal wise I'm broadly looking to maintain weight whilst getting fitter and stronger. A few pounds either way wouldn't bother me, so that may change over time. I'm tracking food and exercise with Fitbit so will put that here together with anything else that comes up. Aside from fitness, I need to try and become a functioning adult and keep my house and mind tidy, do things that need to be done and not avoid doing useful things for reasons I don't even understand. My greatest enemies here are Dr Sofa and Count Bed who seek to ensnare me and suck all inspiration, enthusiasm and finally conciousness from my body. (Wow those are crappy villain names, someone help me out with that?) Gonna make an effort to update this daily, but for now a round up of where I've been since the challenge. Easter Monday Being a bank holiday I took the day off from trying to be productive or energetic. Have recently re-discovered Diablo III (why didn't I play this more when it came out!), so spent my morning playing that instead of exercising, and then spent 8 hours of my day playing snooker with friends and drinking beer. Together with a good deal junk food to keep us going. All good fun, and was a nice end to the long weekend. Calories: 4,004 in, 3,803 out = 201 surplus Exercise: No! Other Productivity: No! Tuesday Back to work. Forgot over the weekend to make breakfasts (I've been doing omelette muffins for the last couple of weeks), and forgot to make lunch as well. So an apple for breakfast, petrol station sandwich, crisps and fruit for lunch. Then badminton for 50 minutes, played absolutely awfully after the first game, lost 3-0 and really lost the will to carry on by the end. Got home, made a curry with leftover lamb (which was bloody good if I do say so myself), followed up with lots of Easter chocolate and more Diablo III until bed. Calories: 2,507 in, 2,906 out = 399 deficit Exercise: Badminton x 50mins Other Productivity: No! That's it so far; will let you know how today went tomorrow.
  5. Hi all, thought I'd join you lovely people for the next challenge. I'm into a mix of things exercise wise, (swimming, walking/hiking/marching, badminton, strength training, martial arts) so think Rangers is for me! Also, you guys seem really cool :).
  6. Welcome. Looks like a good start. With the 50% fast food consumption, how much/often are you eating now out of interest?
  7. Good goals, reckon you're going to smash this one!
  8. Awesome stuff, will be following along again. Also really need to see that film...
  9. Good luck with the challenge! I don't know about you but I find that hard gardening (i.e. digging and building things) is good fun and a good workout. Can't stand weeding though!
  10. Cool theme, really enjoyed following this along. Will definitely be with you for the next challenge. Re: diet tracking, I would say stick with TDEE for the time being. It's just easier to keep track of than macros rather than rushing in too fast. Also, I would have a weekly goal rather than daily to give myself a bit more flexibility for unexpected events, but it really depends what you'll stick to best
  11. Well done on the challenge! Will be following along with you until the next one's up
  12. So, quick post topic round-up: New Gym Program (10XP) - This one went well, went 2-3 times every week (for a total of 10 times in the challenge). Will definitely be keeping this up as I'm enjoying it. (10/8 - 10XP) Body Balance (10XP) - Managed two proper sessions as life got in the way a bit. Replaced one with a home yoga session however so 3/4 total. (3/4 - 5XP) Swim More, Swim Better (10XP) - Epic failure on this one. Aiming for 3 times per week I got 2, 2, 1, 3. Gonna run this again next challenge and see if I can get a bit closer. (8/12 - 0XP) Sleep (10XP) - Not too bad, managed most days (I think - need to start writing a daily log so I can track these better). Hasn't helped with how I feel or with getting up on time though, so I need to have a think on how to improve waking rather than sleeping - answers on a postcard please! (23/28 - 5XP) Parle plus en français (15XP) - Missed a few days at the start with my birthday, and over the easter weekend. Enjoying it though and learning new things, so I will definitely be keeping it up. (21/28 - 5XP)
  13. Read your respawn post and looking forward to following along on your quest. Good luck!
  14. Cool concept! I don't do parkour, just commenting so I remember to see what you put together down the line.
  15. Congrats on the house finding! How did the second run of BodyPump go? I think my local leisure centre runs that as well.
  16. Thanks Chris! Got up and swam again today, so I've finally completed a week of that challenge. Shame it's the last week; think I'll be putting the same in the next challenge.
  17. Body Balance last night completed. Opted against going to the gym first as I'm finding the yoga a bit harder than I anticipated. Failed my sleep goal last night, but still got to bed around 11:30. More importantly I did get up to go swimming, so that's two days in a row :).
  18. Excellent work so far! Good luck with Easter (think we'll all have a bit of an off day there).
  19. Thank you! Yeah, it's from the Fitbit website. Can't export the data (might be able to if you pay the Pro subscription?) so I just took a screenshot
  20. Not a bad weekend, got my Duolingo done and made it to the gym yesterday. Also, got a new alarm app and woke up on time today (let's hope it lasts!). Body balance tonight all being well, still need to find a home session somewhen to make up for the one I missed earlier in the month. Maybe over the bank holiday weekend. Last week's exercises here: As a side note, what on earth has happened to this website? It's so much harder to navigate now it's been updated. Also, have they done away with progress bars now, because my signature currently looks rubbish!
  21. That's good news! I wouldn't panic too much about your weight if you're losing belt notches
  22. Jarric

    Brulee 2.1

    Good overall then! The strength will come, definitely takes a while to build especially to start with. Just keep on working with it.
  23. Also also also, now I have my Fitbit I can put up some activity data. Last week's exercise here: I did the three walks, but not sure if they really count. They are (in order) from the pub, to the pub, to the shop for milk.
  24. End of week 2 and mid week 3 round-up (sorry I've been AWOL for a few days). Been down a bit of a rabbit hole of lethargy/depression and bad sleeping habits over the last couple of days, so things aren't going great, but hopefully I'm coming back out of that now. That's also part of the reason I haven't been able to bring myself to come on here for a while. New Gym Program - This is still going really well, and I'm amazed that I enjoy going to the gym as much as I do. I actually look forward to it, which isn't something I ever thought I'd say! 3 times last week, once so far this week, with the second tonight and a third at the weekend. Body Balance - As mentioned above I ended up doing home yoga instead for week two, and didn't have time to do it this Monday. Will find time for an extra home yoga session at some point during the challenge to get me up to the full 4. Probably this weekend. Swim More, Swim Better - Only went twice last week, and have only been once so far this week. Working on a way to get out of bed tomorrow so i can at least come back up to twice a week. Sleep - Failed another day on Monday, a combination of late snooker, beer and apathy. Still, getting there I think. Parle plus en français - Finally getting some traction on this now - 11 day streak!
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