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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Good luck with the work; see you in the next challenge!
  2. Cheers mate. Health wise didn't go too well. Pizza and beer on my birthday Thursday, a few business drinks on Friday followed by a night out with friends getting totally leathered, and then Saturday caught up with some old friends and got totally slaughtered again! So rubbish goal wise but all good fun. So goal wise I'm here with it: New Gym Program - Managed this. Went Monday for the new program, and then Saturday for my twice per week. Should get back to three times per week from this week. Body Balance - Yep, only going once a week on Mondays, so the birthday didn't affect this. Swim More, Swim Better - First week failed. Only made it in Monday (normal swim) and Tuesday (drills). Went this morning so will do better this week. Sleep - Failed this on my actual birthday, gonna let myself off for that one. Got my Fitbit so will be interesting to see the sleep tracking now! Parle plus en français - Failed this as well. I've already missed 3 days this month, so will have to make sure I don't drop any more.
  3. Ah, that's cool. Lovely country too.
  4. Good first goals, nice and clear. What language are you learning?
  5. So I probably should have put an exception in my challenges for this week... It's my birthday tomorrow, so no swimming, and having missed swimming yesterday and leaving early for meetings tomorrow I'm going to be stuck at twice this week. I also strongly suspect that I will get to bed a lot later than planned tomorrow. Still, will do my second gym session at the weekend, and will make time for Duolingo, so my other goals are looking ok.
  6. Great challenge, loving the storytelling. Good luck for the challenge!
  7. Great goals, will be following along again this month.
  8. Good stuff, will be following along again! My favorite recipe for getting veggies is an omelette. Take any food (really, anything), fry it til it's cooked, then chuck some mixed up egg on top and let it cook through. Bacon, mushroom and onion's a good way to start, but I made one out of a leftover chilli the other week. Just throw in whatever you like.
  10. Great challenges, will be following along! I did the same as you when I started calorie tracking; just tracking, no targets. It worked really well for working out what in my diet was causing me issues (pizza and beer; go figure!). I also found I started enjoying the tracking in a weird way, so I'm still doing it. Agree that the "can't be bothered to put this in my phone" thing is a great incentive to not eat junk. What are you using as a tracker?
  11. So, went to see a trainer at the gym yesterday and he was pretty happy with the routine I have, but showed me some other exercises I can add in. I'm thinking of alternating between my current workout and a revised version. I've put the list below, any advice would always help! Current workout (with current weight, sets and reps): Inverted Row - body - 4x10 Lunges - 44lbs - 4x12 (2 sets forward, 2 sets back, alternate legs) Chest Press Machine - 55lbs - 3x15 Barbell row, twist, shoulder press - 33lbs - 4x8 Bastards - body - 2x13 Possible alternate workout: Cable Lat Pulldown - ?? - 4x8 Lunges - 44lbs - 4x12 Standing cable chest press - ?? - 4x8 Triceps pushdown - ?? - 4x8 Bicep Curls - 18lbs - 3x8 Tricep extensions - 13lbs - 3x8 Bastards - body - 2x13 Also, did my swimming drills today (and only nearly drowned about a dozen times!). As promised, this was the routine: **200m Breaststroke warm-up** **Breaststroke Drills (100m each)** Two-Kick / One-Pull Drill Two-Pull / One-Kick Drill Breaststroke Pull / Dolphin Kick **Freestyle Drills (100m each)** Fist Swimming Side kicking Fingertip Drag Single Arm (R, L) Drill **200m Backstroke** Also planning on adding some butterfly to this, but ran out of time today.
  12. Cheers. It was a bit nerve-racking going in there, particularly as out of about 30 people I was the only man! Reasonably hard work though and I quite enjoyed it. Thankfully I'd booked the first three sessions before I got to the first one, so no excuse to back out this month!
  13. Good solid goals, will be following along again. I wish you luck in your battle with the dreaded Peanut Butter Ninja.
  14. Hi all, so I'm staying in rebels for now and trying to build on my first challenge (here) My Quest To be fitter, healthier and to look better naked. Challenges New Gym Program (10XP) - After a good few weeks in the gym, I'm meeting a trainer tonight to put together a new training plan. Will post the new workout when I have it if anyone's interested. Challenge is to run the new program at least twice per week (bonus 5XP for 3 times a week every week). Body Balance (10XP) - So I did a little home yoga stuff last month, and now I've booked myself and my partner in to "Body Balance" (apparently a mix of yoga and tai chi?) on Mondays. Challenge is just to go to this every week, but I may throw in some stuff at home as I get used to it. Swim More, Swim Better (10XP) - Swim at least 3 mornings per week before work, with at least one "drill day" (bonus 5XP for 5 times a week on at least two weeks). Will post my drill routine on here once I have it worked out. Went for a swim this morning so already started on this (if you hadn't noticed today will be a busy day!). Sleep (10XP) - No tea after 4pm daily (again, I know this was in my challenge last month), plus in bed by 11pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursday. I'm also (hopefully) getting a Fitbit Charge for my birthday on Thursday, so I should be able to track my sleep better. Parle plus en français (15XP) - Same as last month, but I've upped my Duolingo goal from 20XP (2 challenges) to 50XP (the highest setting; 4-5 challenges). Complete daily French goal on Duolingo every day for the duration of the challenge. Once again will keep you posted. Also, guess the computer game reference in the title for your chance to win a totally imaginary prize!
  15. End of challenge round-up: Staying in the Gym All good, at least 2 times per week and 3 most weeks. Trying Yoga Missed one day one week I think (need to keep track better), so that's 3/4 or 11/12 depending on how you look at it. Caffeine Cut-Back Missed 3 times, and started on the 4th anyway, so that's 22/25. Parle en français Missed two in the past week (no excuses, I just plain forgot!). Started on the second so 25/27 in total. Will put up my next challenge shortly, and link to it below in my sig.
  16. How annoying! Guess it gave you an extra excuse to go shopping though? And yeah, in the UK. I'm in Sussex, not too far from Brighton. You?
  17. Had a couple of irritating fails this week. Wednesday I didn't do my Duolingo (no reason, no excuse, I just completely forgot about it). And then yesterday at work at about half 4 I went to the loo, came back and someone had made me a cup of tea. I'm far too British to throw away a cup of tea someone else has made for me, so there's that. Still, gym tonight will complete that goal, gonna reward myself by booking an appointment with a trainer for next week. Will do yoga afterwards so I can complete that one before the weekend too. It's starting to get a bit easier, but I imagine the classes will still kill me!
  18. Yeah, spent a lot over Christmas and just after on clothes. Does feel nice to be buying small sizes and have them fit!
  19. Yes, that would be great, thank you. I've been learning French off and on for ages, so any help would be much appreciated.
  21. Congrats on the gym, looks like you're smashing the exercise! Hope you had a good time at the party too, if so it's worth if for a rare high calorie day.
  22. Three week update: Staying in the Gym Went Tuesday and Saturday, so all good. Going to book in an appointment with a trainer soon to get an updated gym programme together for next month. Trying Yoga Failed, unfortunately. Only went Tuesday and Saturday (after the gym both times). On the plus side I've booked in for me and the Mrs to attend a yoga-esque class on the 29th, so that'll be interesting to try out. Caffeine Cut-Back Failed this one too; a mate at work offered me a tea at quarter past three on Friday, and I didn't actually get it until gone 4! So I drank it anyway... at lest I don't get up early to go swimming at weekends! Parle en français Still going well. Once again I broke my streak by completing it drunk after midnight (Friday night), and once again I'm still going to let that count.
  23. Thanks for the support guys, it really helps actually.
  24. So the latter half of this week is being a bit rubbish. I'm meeting all my goals on here (technically), but struggling a bit otherwise. Yesterday I had a very stressful day at work, and drank 5 cups of tea (I still stopped by 4pm by downing the last one, but it's not really in the spirit of the challenge). Then I went home, had a huge meal followed by a delicious (and highly calorific) valentine's desert from my fiancée. Then out to play snooker, during which I had 6 pints of Guinness, a scotch egg and 4 little finger sandwiches. Then I stayed up 'til gone 1 in the morning watching TV. Somehow got up and went swimming this morning, so that's something at least. Have badminton tonight too, but then I'm missing the gym tomorrow night to go out with a friend so I'll have to find some time and make sure I slot in one session over the weekend.
  25. Bear in mind that to lose weight calories in just has to be lower than calories burned. So it you are exercising a lot more (and consequently burning more calories) then you may find you can stick another 100 calories in your budget and still lose weight. Hard to estimate a calorie burn for your gym workouts though, so it's all a bit trial and error.
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