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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Well I know where I'm not going on holiday this year!
  2. Stealing that gif. And don't we all? Actually write it at us; it sounds interesting!
  3. That's a good idea - will remember that one when I try this tonight.
  4. Cheers man! Yeah, a little incentive can't hurt can it?
  5. Got up and swam again yesterday, so I've hit my swimming goal for week one! Going to try and exceed it if I can. Work was a bit disjointed; had a staff meeting, then lunch, then quick trip to the pub for someone's birthday (just one pint) so had a big hole in the middle of my day. Breakfast was breakfast biscuits and an apple again. I will make breakfast omelette muffins at the weekend for next week. Lunch was a cheese and red onion chutney sandwich (the 3oz cheddar may have bee slightly excessive but I wanted to use it up) plus fruit. Gym after work was good, though my shoulder and neck still ached a bit from the weekend. Went something like this: 1km rowing machine warm-up Barbell row/twist/shoulder press - 17.5kg x 4 x 8 Barbell lunges - 30kg x 4 x 12 Cable chest fly (total weight) - 35lbs x 3 x 8 Cable lat pulldown - 75lbs x 3 x 8 Bastards - 3 x 11 (Inverted plank for PvP - 60s) Came home to find my Mrs and her mother had made chicken and chorizo paella . Scarfed that down, followed by cake, then after a shower a small snack of After Eight Easter Egg. Duolingo'd (59XP), came on here for a while and watched Green Hornet (the Seth Rogan one). Never seen it before but a really good movie, very watchable. Ended up going to bed about quarter past 1 after that finished and I'd come on here for a while. It's actually getting later! Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week Hiking: 0/2 for month French: 185/350 XP for week Teeth: 3/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 3,121 in vs 3,356 out = 235 deficit Exercise: Gym x 55 mins
  6. Love the origins story. And congrats on the straight A's so far.
  7. Good challenge! Seems poignant that you finally noticed that message today. Following.
  8. Done with EC. Tacked it on to the end of my gym session which was tough; got extreme pins and needles in my hands towards the end.
  9. Yesterday was a long day at work. Had a seminar to attend so with travel that added two hours to my normal working day. Was quite interesting actually (as insurance seminars go) but restricted what I felt like doing by the time I got home. Got up and went swimming in the morning, which I'm happy about. Drill day so not a lot of distance but it makes it more interesting. Went something like this: 200m x breaststroke 100m x 2 kick 1 pull breaststroke 100m x 2 pull 1 kick breaststroke (actually alternating breast and butterfly kicks) 100m x breststroke arm with butterfly kick 100m x side kicking (alternating sides each 25m) 100m x freestyle fist swimminjg 100m x freestyle fingertip drag 50m x freestyle one-arm drill (25m right, 25m left) 50m x freestyle sprint Breakfast was a scone and breakfast biscuits again, lunch was pâté sandwich and fruit again. Got home from the seminar and cooked pork chops in a creamy mustard & cranberry sauce with potato and brocolli mash (extremely calorific and very very tasty). Quite possibly my favourite sauce, although the Mrs makes it much better than I do. Sauce is essentially from this recipe: https://www.gousto.co.uk/cookbook/pork-recipes/swedish-meatballs Then realised I still had goals to complete, so did my Duolingo (57XP), got round to the rangers mini at about half 10 (press-up practice - 10 x diamonds, claps, spidermans and wides, respectively, then standard to failure which was 14 reps), went straight into the Darebee dare around 11 (pistol squats - done with EC but ouch!). After all that I needed to sit down, chill out and go on here for a bit, so in bed just before 1am again! Still, there was a time when it would be 3am so could be worse... Challenge goals so far: Swim: 2/3 for week Hiking: 0/2 for month French: 126/350 XP for week Teeth: 2/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 2,388 in vs 2,668 out = 300 deficit 2,388 in vs 3,480 out = 1,092 deficit - My fitbit stopped working but I didn't realise - have updated with correct calories out. Exercise: Swim x 31 mins
  10. Thank you. And yeah, loving food at the moment; am in the nice position where I can eat pretty much what I like (within reason) as long as there's home cooking going on and I keep moving.
  11. Thanks for the support everyone! Third day of swimming done today, so I've made it for week one! Gonna aim for 5 days now. On track with the rest of it too, and the mini and PVP *smug face*. It occurs to me I could do with some rewards if I actually meet some of my goals this month, so I'm going with: Swimming goal: Buy new goggles if completed. I have prescription goggles but the prescription's out of date and the anti-fog coating's worn out. They're surprisingly cheap, but I've been procrastinating about buying some. French goal: Subscribe to a weekly French magazine or newspaper if I complete this. No idea what yet so suggestions are welcome. Something that's relatively light reading preferred.
  12. I used to do Tang Soo Do! Gave it up 8 or so years ago when I ran out of time/money for it. Would love to get back into martial arts at some point. What grade are you?
  13. Blacksmithing along with everything else. Truly awesome!
  14. Thank you! I'm quite enjoying the battle log, should help me remember whether I'm making my goals anyway.
  15. First pushup workout done, 10 reps of Diamonds, claps, spidermans and wide respectively, then failure on standard was 14 reps. One more workout to complete this week for the challenge.
  16. Yay, that's great news! Glad you can get back to it soon
  17. Busy day yesterday. Got up, brushed teeth, swimming, work, snooker, Duolingo, exercise, brushed teeth, bed. Actually doesn't sound as busy when i put it like that. Weighed myself in the morning: 10 stone 8 - that's 2lbs down on last week for a 2,002 calorie deficit over the week. I think that Fitbit may be estimating my calorie burn slightly on the high side... Trying to balance around 10 stone 9 for the moment so all good. It occurs to me that I have calorie deficit on here in green, and surplus in red, but I'm trying not to think of them as good and bad at the moment as I'm not aiming for weight loss. Swim was ok yesterday morning, just glad I got up and did it really. 450m breast stroke - 10:04 1,200m freestyle - 25:01 Total = 1,650m - 39m including rests Not my best time but somewhere to work from. Breakfast was breakfast biscuits and one of Mrs Jarric's raspberry and white chocolate scones. Lunch was a pâté sandwich made last night plus fruit. Dinner roast lamb pasta (again made by the Mrs). Then had a snooker match, cup semi-final. Match is best of 5, and we one 3-0 with me playing the third match. Damned if I know how I won, couldn't hit a barn door, but there we are. Followed by lots of bread and cheese at the match which I greatly appreciated (and tracked on some pretty wild estimates). Got home about 11, at which point I probably should have gone to bed. Instead I stayed up to do Duolingo for my challenge, and then at 23:40 started my Darebee daily dare for the PvP. 400 vertical punches is a lot harder than it sounds! All in one set for extra credit though. Collapsed on the sofa after that and caught up on here, made tomorrow's sandwich and ended up going to bed at 1am. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 1/3 for week Hiking: 0/2 for month French: 69/350 XP for week Teeth: 1/7 for week Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 3,138 in vs 3,462 out = 324 deficit Exercise: Swim x 39 mins
  18. wow, awesome week 0. Don't think my challenge weeks are that busy. And way to go on the brownie avoidance!
  19. It's taken me longer to catch up with this thread than I can to admit. Congrats on the squat PR! Looking forward to seeing you own this challenge!
  20. Well that was a lot tougher than it looked. Punches done with EC at quarter to midnight my time. May be on this sofa for a little while...
  21. Following along, looking forward to that origins story!
  22. Cool, looks like you've set yourself up with a great start for this one. Following!
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