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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Got up too late to go swimming this morning, so will have to do it tomorrow to pass this week. I want those new goggles dammit! Also a bit behind on my Duolingo (as I suspected I might be) so going to need to get some extra in this end of the week.
  2. I'd definitely recommend it. It would be mega expensive to do all the time, but the occasional session to check your form and to consider new work to add to your routine can be really worthwhile (or it felt like it to me anyway). I'm also lucky that my gym membership includes "program update" sessions, so I can book someone every 6-8 weeks to check on what I'm doing. Got a new program put together last time, which I'm going to do on alternate sessions with the current one. I leave my gym log at the gym so this is as best as I can remember: New one: Squats (starting at 30kg) - 4 x 10 Incline Bench Press (starting at 25kg) - 4 x 10 Lat pull downs (machine) (can't remember weight, possibly 30kg?) - 4 x 10 Dumbell side raise, front raise, hammer curl, shoulder press (all together counts as 1 rep) (starting at 4kg) - 4 x 6 Weighted leg extensions, followed immediately with kettle bell trunk twists (is that what they're called?) - can't remember sets and reps Old one: Lunges (currently 30kg) - 4 x 12 Cable chest fly (currently 35kg) - 3 x 8 Barbell row, twist, press (currently 10kg) - 4 x 8 Inverted row - 4 x 10 Bastards - 3 x 11 "when you're bored of playing". If I waited for that I'd starve to death in front of my monitor!
  3. I'm so stealing this; I'm like bloody magpie with people's challenges! Oo, rucking looks good! Oo, I could do bouldering! Oo, an OCR would be cool! Etc etc etc. How's the challenge so far @steffers ?
  4. That's the attitude that will definitely help you crush this challenge! How's week 3 going? Also, meant to say before but the cutting alcohol thing can make a big difference so kudos on that. It was one of the major things when I started losing weight and it worked really well for me (then again, I came from a point of drinking a LOT!). How much/often were you drinking before this challenge if you don't mind me asking?
  5. I meant to find this thread when I started hiking again this month, but somehow completely lost it when to forums changed and then couldn't find it anywhere! If it's ok I'm going to join in, an add on the 10.1 mile hike I did half way though this month's challenge. Going on a hike across Dartmoor at the end of the month, so some training needed and can certainly add some more miles then.
  6. Update list of things to possibly do: Make omelette muffins for the week's breakfasts Buy trouser for hiking (cost effective recommendations welcomed) Clean bathroom Clean and polish hiking boots Clean kitchen Hoover Sort out new tenancy agreement Wash gym and swim stuff Grocery shopping Put batteries in the clocks (why haven't I done this already?) Mow the lawn Clean out my car Take car to car wash Play Diablo III only after completing at least 2 of the above No gym today as I didn't get home in time. Speech at the conference went well though, thankfully, and it was nice to get away for a day. Just need to get up to swim in the morning and catch up on some Duolingo and I'll be on target. Also, sorry if I'm not checking in on your threads much guys; need to schedule time to come on here more I think!
  7. Side plank crunches done with EC. Think balance was my main issue with these.
  8. Got the staggered push-ups yesterday; no EC though. Really thought I could do them all, so quite disappointed. Got just under 3 hours to get the side plank crunches in; will let you know how I get on. Also, just wanted to say, infinitely sensible decision @zenLara!
  9. Long day today, so yesterday seems like a distant memory, but will try my best... Swam before work. For the Ranger mini I'm doing butterfly; I didn't realise how bad I've become at that stroke! Was initially planning to do 400m, but really couldn't. Instead I did 200m butterfly, and then 100m butterfly kick with breaststroke pull, and 100m vice versa (all after 400m breaststroke warm-up). My 200m butterfly time is now set at 08:25, which is only 9 seconds slower than my 400m breaststroke time! Breakfast was biscuits, lunch was the rest of the gammon couscous and some fruit. Got home, had some easter egg, did a tiny bit of Duolingo (12XP) and completed my daily dare (30 uneven press-ups, no EC). Then got in the car to drive up to Buckingham. stopped three times (once for some doughnuts) and took us 2.5 hours to get there. Checked into our hotel, got dinner at the only place that was open past 10 (a kebab shop). So a nice greasy burger and chips was had in the hotel room, whilst watching trash TV. Reasonably night to be in good shape for the conference in the morning. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 2/3 for week 3 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 67/350 XP for week 3 Teeth: 2/7 for week 3 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 2,532 in vs 3,610 out = 1,078 deficit Exercise: Swim 30mins
  10. Trying to come up with some ideas for domestic rangering at the weekend. I don't intend to do everything on here, but I think a list will help motivate me to at least do something around the house while the Mrs is at work/at least give me options. If you think of anything to add let me know. Make omelette muffins for the week's breakfasts Buy trouser for hiking (cost effective recommendations welcomed) Clean bathroom Clean and polish hiking boots Clean kitchen Hoover Sort out new tenancy agreement Wash gym and swim stuff Grocery shopping Play Diablo III only after completing at least 2 of the above
  11. I'm a bit late on this, but congrats to @NeverThatBored, @iatetheyeti & @Geek On Fire for hitting silver!
  12. Mountain climbers done last night, no EC (sets of 50/40/30). These were fun though; never done them before so mayhave to work them into my regular routine. Staggered push-ups sound...interesting...
  13. So I tried to do my 400m butterfly today. That stroke is a lot harder than I remember it being a few years ago :s. I won't manage this, so I'm editing my goal slightly (I know, moving the goalposts twice in two days isn't ideal). It will now be 400m butterfly practice including drills on each swim day. On that basis day 1 complete with 200m butterfly, 100m butterfly kick with breaststroke arms, and 100m butterfly arms with breaststroke kick.
  14. Forgot to weight myself yesterday, so did this morning a day late. Up to 10st11 which is hardly surprising given the week I've had. Still happy with that. Got my first swim of the week, felt good to get a longer one in after the short ones last week. Marginally improved some of my times too. 400m Breaststroke 1,100m Freestyle 1,500m total in 37:21 Breakfast was biscuits, lunch was leftover gammon with couscous and raisins (prepared late Sunday night), plus some more fruit. Foolishly caved in to a lemon flapjack/cake/biscuit thing mid afternoon. Got home to jacket potato with beans and cheese prepared by the Mrs. Quickly completed my Darebee for the PvP (120 mountain climbers, no EC) and then off to play snooker. Snooker was the cup final, and we lost 3-1. I lost our final game, which was a bit gutting, but I felt I was playing the best I have in a while. Had a few beers with the snooker, and some little sandwiches afterwards. For some reason when I got home I felt the need to have another drink, which i haven't done in ages and wish I hadn't then. Looking forward to a more sober week going forward! Did some Duolingo and got to bed about 12:20. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 1/3 for week 3 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 55/350 XP for week 3 Teeth: 1/7 for week 3 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All good Calories: 3,600 in vs 2,998 out = 609 surplus Exercise: Swim 37mins
  15. Love your motivational speeches, that was just what I needed. Honestly nearly brought me to tears!
  16. Nice work on the gardening. Hope you can still move today
  17. Yesterday was reasonably productive. Dad picked up a new washing machine for us on Saturday, so brought it over and we swapped the plumbing and dumped the old one. It's been about 3 weeks but now we can finally do washing! Bacon and egg sandwich for breakfast, then off to the gym. Met with a trainer to put together a whole new routine, which looks something like this: Squats (starting at 30kg) - 4 x 10 Incline Bench Press (starting at 25kg) - 4 x 10 Lat pull downs (machine) (can't remember weight, possibly 30kg?) - 4 x 10 Dumbell side raise, front raise, hammer curl, shoulder press (all together counts as 1 rep) (starting at 4kg) - 4 x 6 Weighted leg extensions, followed immediately with kettle bell trunk twists (is that what they're called?) - can't remember sets and reps As you can see I'm having the issue that I keep my gym log at the gym, so can't remember exactly what I'm doing! Will alternate the above with my existing workout, which is: Lunges (currently 30kg) - 4 x 12 Cable chest fly (currently 35kg) - 3 x 8 Barbell row, twist, press (currently 10kg) - 4 x 8 Inverted row - 4 x 10 Bastards - 3 x 11 After that needed to go to the wholesalers for the club. Home for a ton of easter egg chocolate, dinner of slow cooked gammon with chips, then off to work at the club. Stayed up late when I got home to sort out lunches for Monday and Tuesday, and to have a shower. In bed at 1am. Much Duolingo was done throughout the day (154 XP in total). Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 2 - 2 weeks complete Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 440/350 XP for week 2 - 2 weeks complete Teeth: 7/7 for week 2 - 2 weeks complete Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2, 1/2 for month Calories: 2,025 in vs 3,999 out = 1,826 deficit Exercise: Gym 30mins
  18. Winter is coming; I have failed House Lannister. Life kind of got in the way this week. This week: " Tully - 400m Butterfly every time I go swimming this week. I used to be able to do this stroke but I suck at it now, so would be good to try it again. " I have a bit of a time zone issue, as I went swimming this morning before the houses were announced, so it will be 400m Butterfly on all of my remaining swims this week. No excuse for not fitting this one us, as I'll be at the pool anyway.
  19. Good day today; saw a trainer and put together a new gym program. Going to be running it alternately with my existing program for the time being. Very briefly the new program is squats (so I can see what everyone here's raving about!), incline bench, lat pull down, combo dumbell thing, ab/core thing. Quick early round-up of week 2: Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 2, 2 weeks fully complete. Hiking: 1/2 for month (no change from last week) French: 440/350 XP for week 2 (smashed it with 154 today), 2 weeks fully complete Teeth: 6/7 for week 2. Assuming I brush my teeth before bed tonight that will change to 7/7, and 2 weeks fully complete. Keep track: Still completing the battle log daily. Very nearly missed it last night, but got in at the last moment. No compromises: All clear for week 2. 1 week fully complete as first week failed. Going to lay out a plan for next week, to hopefully keep my focus: At work Monday and Tuesday - finish writing/practicing speech for conference on Wednesday. Had very short notice on this and need to get it nailed. Monday swim, work, snooker match Tuesday swim, work, drive to Buckingham for conference Wednesday conference, get through speech without cocking up, drive home. Can be a gym day if I feel like it after the drive, but not set in stone. May also need to get groceries. Thursday swim, work, possibly badminton if I've booked it? Friday swim, work, gym, probably out for a beer with Dad Saturday hike, domestic rangering, run karaoke night Sunday gym, domestic rangerng, work at club All week keep tooth brushing. Duolingo aim for 50XP each day, but accept that this may be lower early week and higher late week to meet the goal. Speech practice takes precedence Mon & Tues
  20. Certainly can do! Not to mention the lack of proper sleep (not that I'm necessarily getting to bed later, but drunk sleep is not the same). I've just run through my battle log and done a quick count up. Very roughly the alcoholic equivalent of 33 pints of beer consumed this past week. That very very roughly what, 7.5k calories? Nasty... How did I used to do this every single week?
  21. Sounds like you're doing pretty well to me! Perfect on the workouts, crushing the barding... And 20 minutes Duolingo every other day is still 1hr10 a week, so 5 hours ish a month - you'll definitely make progress with that.
  22. Good luck with the surgery tomorrow, hope all goes smoothly. The way you're crushing this challenge so far I'm sure I don't need to wish you luck with the recovery!
  23. Yeah, not too bad at all, thank you! Yesterday was fun; went up to London to watch the Rugby (Saracens vs Harlequins) with the Mrs and my mother. Really nice day out, and went on from there to a friend's birthday meal. Wasn't that up for going as it made it a long day, but glad I did to see him and catch up. Bowl of cereal for breakfast before I left, and then a chicken burger and chips when I got up there before the match. The evening meal was of the pretentious variety; asparagus with prosciutto and a poached duck egg to start; pork chop with some vegetables I didn't recognise (maybe including baby garlic?) for the main, and rum baba for desert. All eating out so calorie tracking is a bit of a stab in the dark for yesterday. Also add in 4 beers at the match, and 3 more with the meal. Planned rest day so no exercise (although my Fitbit tracked all the walking around London), and no Duolingo either. Challenge goals so far: Swim: 3/3 for week 2 Hiking: 1/2 for month French: 286/350 XP for week 2 Teeth: 6/7 for week 2 Keep track: I'm here! No compromises: All clear for week 2 Calories: 2,874 in vs 3,527 out = 653 deficit Exercise: No
  24. Balance Swings done, but no EC. My hips were crunching away like anything whilst I did these for some reason. Also finally hit bronze, so halfway there .
  25. Got one hour of solo snooker in on Wednesday, but with only 1 day left I'm starting to think I won't manage this one. It rather depends on whether my other half decides to murder me when I suggest that I go off and play snooker on my own!
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