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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Welcome back! My alarm goes off at 6, so the idea is if I start a run by half 6 I've got an hour to do a 4 mile run (40 minutes ish), then some handstands or hangboarding or whatever before getting ready for work. In practice I sometimes just lounge around for a bit and go out for a couple of miles when I'm almost out of time. In the last couple of years Taskmaster have had a version of the show that's edited to be a bit more family friendly and goes on before the watershed. I'm guessing they just played the wrong tape
  2. Go and make some stuff. Some of it's going to suck, and that's fine, you just put it aside and start on the next thing. In order to create stuff you love you're gonna have to create stuff in general.
  3. Echoing this^. The best exercise is the exercise that you do, and the exercise you will do regularly tends to be the exercise you enjoy. @zeroh13, question on the rows, have you tried doing them one-handed as though you're doing them two-handed? Changing from one hand to two hand changes the angle of pull quite a bit, which in turn changes which muscles are doing most of the work. I'm wondering if this version doesn't make your shoulders pop because of the different angle, or just because you're sharing the weight between your hands.
  4. Yesterday was a good day. I lounged in bed for a bit, and then got out for a quick little 2 mile run. Work was ok. For some reason I was really struggling to focus, but things are still ticking away. In the evening the lethargy continued. I couldn't be bothered to cook so WW made beans and cheese on toast, and I lounged in front of the TV. We watched the first episode of bake off, which I'm very pleased is back on the air (not least because WW's promised to bake along every week so I'm gonna get loads of treats. Next up was half of the Wendy's episode of Crit Role, for a hilarious bit of corporate shilling. Finally we watched the first new episode of Taskmaster. They bl**dy c*cked up and accidentally censorered all of the p*ssing swearing, but otherwise it was a f*cking funny show. Update counter: 13/19 (3/7, 6/7, 4/5)
  5. I'm counting yesterday's post for challenge purposes - aiming for a real low bar here just to keep posting. Tuesday was a good day. I ran in the morning, and I seem to be getting faster, and work was ok. In the evening we had our Pathfinder 2e game. Spoilers for the 2e beginner box: Yesterday was a good day. Crossfit was muscle ups, handstand holds, and some other bits, which always makes for a good session. I managed 6 single muscle ups, and started working on reducing the leg drive I'm adding to them to get more to truly strict reps. Work again was ok - month end is going to be tough but I feel like I'm making progress. In the evening we watched Questing Time, which as always was brilliant, and I had a couple of beers while hanging out in the Twitch chat. Update counter: 12/18 (3/7, 6/7, 3/4)
  6. Isn't it ironic that by adding beans you change the name from chilli to chilli with meat? I'm not sure what I would say the difference between chilli and chilli con carne is here, other than that chilli con carne sounds to me like something awful I would have had as a school dinner. Of course that could mean that the term chilli con carne just went out of fashion after I left school, and before I started cooking chilli for myself.
  7. Yeah, I'm in the UK. Again that isn't a product you would see on most supermarket shelves here - Tiptree are quite a specialist/niche brand. For reference, here's a search for 'jelly' at my local supermarket: https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/search?query=jelly That search goes so far off topic that at one point there's a pack of chocolate biscuits in the list, and it still never goes anywhere near a fruit preserve. And I've never heard of strawberry marmalade, or gooseberry marmalade, so I don't know. The definition of marmalade and jam is the difference between whole fruit and flesh only though. Ah, now I actually understand this problem! A recipe here would include 1tsp of chilli powder. Maybe 2tsp at most for something really hot, but most certainly not 100g!
  8. I knew I'd heard you talking about it, that's how it ended up on my wishlist of games to play. I'd love to play it with you at some point! I suck at it at the moment though - we're about 5/6 stages through the story mode and really struggling already I've also got an issue of playing it co-op locally that the processor in my laptop is doing crazy things - need to get on to HP/AMD and see if I can get that fixed. It runs perfectly on my main PC, just not on the laptop. And you should try rabbit if you can find it. I seem to recall seeing somewhere that it's the most farmed meat in Europe, but you never see it in the UK outside of specialist butchers.
  9. I'm not, but the thing is that here the word 'jelly' means something different - I think what I'm American English would be called 'jello'. So it would be really hard to market a jelly to spread on toast here, because that's not what most people understand the word to mean. I think jelly can have the meaning you're describing as a cooking term, but you wouldn't find jars of it on supermarket shelves. So here the difference is that marmalade is made with the whole fruit, whereas jam is made with the flesh. So orange marmalade includes the orange peel, whereas orange jam wouldn't. Yes, we would say chilli powder, rather than powdered chilli. We'd probably say ground ginger rather than ginger powder though, for some reason. Chilli as a dish is common here, but not nearly as ubiquitous as you describe it in the states. You'll get in in some generalist restaurants and pubs, but mostly you'd be looking for tex mex places if you wanted a chilli. Or you might find a chilli dog on a menu in an American themed restaurant (though honestly I don't think I've ever seen one, much less eaten one). I think you're right that as a result when we say the word 'chilli' one wouldn't automatically assume the dish over the fruit. I love the image of the difference between America and England being encapsulated by chilli cookouts vs. cakes as village fêtes - there's a comedy sketch in there somewhere. In terms of percentage, from the couple I looked at it seems that chilli powder as a spice mix contains about 80-85% chilli powder, with mild and hot mixes varying based on how spicy the base chilli is. On the pumpkin spice thing, I was very confused when that became available over here, and that's because we don't really do pumpkin pie. In fact, most people never eat pumpkin at all - we buy one a year at Halloween, cut a face in it, throw away the flesh, and that's it. I think if England had invented the pumpkin spice latte independently of the US, we would have called it a mulled latte or something similar, as those (I think) are the kind of spices you put in mulled wine or mulled cider.
  10. Yesterday was a good day, but I already recapped all of that yesterday evening! This morning was Crossfit. First squats, and I went with front squats again as I try to correct my squatmorning. After that we had a little workout - 3 rounds for time of 10 lunges, 15 kettlebell swings, and a 200m run. I went heavy for me, and used a 36kg (79#) kettlebell for the lunges and swings, and I finished in 7'31". I was one of the last to finish, but also on one of the heaviest weights, which tends to be how these go. Work was ok, I feel like I'm starting to get back on top of things. I'm not there yet, but it feels like there's light at the end of the tunnel. Update counter: 10/15 (3/7, 6/7, 1/1)
  11. We almost never have it either - I think this is actually the first time that I've had rabbit that wasn't shot by someone I know and cooked in a campfire (and even then that was when I was a kid in Scouts). Haven't had goat in ages either - there was a Lord of the Rings themed pub in Southampton called The Hobbit that used to have a van out back selling goat curry that was excellent, but it's a long time since I've been there. I think stew would work, or casserole, anything with a bit of sauce and a bit of veg. I suppose the issue with that is that rabbit isn't the strongest flavour, so it might get lost in either. Goat might come through a little better. And thank you man!
  12. I agree with the rest of your examples, but I picked this one out as I always understood that chilli powder was powdered chilli peppers. I might have been wrong all these years, but I don't think it's called that because you put it in a chilli, and it does feature in most curry/curry powders. Edit: there are a whole bunch of replies since these quotes, which didn't show in my browser for some reason. I'm going to read those now! Second edit: having seen your later reply, I went to look this up. In my local supermarket, the main ingredient in chilli powder is chilli powder, giving us either a complex double meaning or a tautology. But to your point, I had never realised that there was a meaning other than powdered chillis, and that is interesting. That's a weird one. I was going to say that nut butters are just blended nuts, whereas jams are boiled fruit with an absolute ton of sugar, but now that I've looked up what apple butter is (I think we'd call it apple curd here?) it really is much more like a jam isn't it? Edit: there are a whole bunch of replies since these quotes, which didn't show in my browser for some reason. I'm going to read those now! Second edit: I see you found an answer to this, that's interesting! And I was wrong, curd is another thing entirely. We don't really have fruit jelly or fruit butter here though, just jams, marmalades, and curds.
  13. Yesterday was a good day. We played a lot of Northgard. It's possible that some other things happened, but it seems unlikely. This morning I got up and went climbing. I felt much stronger than last week, and put in a decent session. I finished when a ripped a callous on my finger, which put a bit of a downer on an otherwise good morning. Then I came home and joined WW playing some more Northgard. This game is both real good, and real frustrating! So that's been our day. I did do a bit of D&D prep between levels too. This evening WW cooked roast rabbit, and we've been chilling in front of the telly. Update counter: 9/14 (3/7, 6/7)
  14. Yesterday was a good day. Tapas was fantastic, as it always is at our local place - it's my favourite tapas place, and it might be my favourite restaurant full stop. We had croquettes, muscles in a white sauce, fried brie, white bean stew, prawns in garlic, chorizo and chickpeas, bread, and olives. After that I had an amaretto chocolate mouse with raspberry sauce for dessert. In the evening we came home, had a couple of beers, and watched easy TV until bedtime. This morning I drove WW to her hair cut, then came home and chilled out until she was done. We met up at our local packaging free shop and picked up some stuff, popped over the road for a brunch bagel, got some rabbit for tomorrow's dinner, and headed home. When we got back I downloaded Northgard, which as it turns out is an excellent game. We've spent most of the afternoon playing it, and we're seriously considering buying a second copy so that we can play multiplayer co-op together.
  15. Yeah, we'd describe somewhere as a dump in pretty much the same way, and 'the dump' and 'the tip' are synonymous when it comes to places where you actually throw away rubbish. If you said somewhere was a dive most people would understand you, but that's definitely a phrase that I only know from American TV.
  16. Yesterday was a good day. In the evening we had Pathfinder, our Rise of the Runelords campaign. In an uncharacteristic bout of competence we killed some yeti, freed some harpies, explored a very small amount of a ruin. Set off a trap that meant we had to leave the ruin alone for a few hours, and headed over to rob a bank and/or kill an ancient blue dragon. If that doesn't sound like much for 3 hours of play, bear in mind that our achievements for last session were: leave a cave. This morning I went to Crossfit. We had squats, and I opted to do front squats as I'm trying to correct my tendancy to squatmorning. I'm going to stick with them until the end of October, and see if I can build the right muscles to overcome my posterior chain dominance. Work was good, I spent the whole day sorting out my workload so that hopefully next week I'll be in a position to get on with stuff! This evening my brother in law is over, and we're off for tapas Update counter: 7/12 (3/7, 4/5)
  17. Thank you! It was great! Thanks! And I know what you mean, it's easy to come up with a cool story, but harder to remember that your character has to be part of an ensemble cast, and has to have a reason to work with them and head towards the same goal. Ok, so a tip is a rubbish dump. Somewhere where you take stuff too big for roadside collections or that can't go in with the normal rubbish. It had never occurred to me that I don't know what the American word would be for that. A garbage dump? Waste recycling plant? Anyway, that's what a tip is, but it's also used as slang for anywhere that's a total mess. It was indeed! You know what they say about great minds...
  18. Maybe it would be worth setting aside some time to start on the corkboard? Give yourself permission to not finish in one go, but just starting my help you get on track.
  19. And in the same way that bananas are technically a type of fish.
  20. An old English coin - I can't imagine why you'd make one out of buckwheat though. I think tofu's bean curd, so I guess that works?
  21. Yesterday was a good day. First thing in the morning was Crossfit, and I increased my deadlift 5RM again - hitting 145kg (319#). I've just realised that I should weigh myself actually - I must be getting close to a 2x bodyweight deadlift. After that we had some box step-ups, glute bridges, and ab rollouts. I was quite impressed with my 30" box steps - I'll have to see how much higher I can push those. My stomach is definitely feeling the ab work though (and maybe the deadlifts)! Work was ok. In the evening WW and I stopped by a new boardgame café on our way home. It seems like it'll be quite a nice place, though I can't see the rest of my D&D group coming up to us to play as we're not exactly central. Might try a board games night there at some point though. In the evening I made some very nice homemade burgers (if I do say so myself). We watched Questing Time, and although I got a little washing done we otherwise failed to tidy the house in any way before my brother in law comes over on Friday. Guess he'll just have to accept the tip we live in! This morning I got up and got out for a run. It felt pretty strong, at an average 9'37"/mile for 4 miles. It was also beautiful out - there was a low mist over the fields, and the rising sun was vainly trying to cut through the mist and creating an orange halo in the sky. It was really nice. Update counter: 6/11 (3/7, 3/4)
  22. Welcome aboard @becromulent - excellent username by the way!
  23. It's a really fun group, and we've played together for a few years which helps (though still not quite as good as PRIDE ) Spoilered for lots of backstory: Yeah I really like it once I'm out! Thanks! And I know - it's those first few steps with water running down the back of your neck that are the worst, and then suddenly it's fine!
  24. Monday was a good day. I kept things fairly light at the gym after my exercise-filled weekend, but worked up to 60kg (132#) on bench press for 3 x 5. Then we had handstand pushups and chinups, both of which felt pretty hard but I still got some stuff done. I can't really remember when I did for the rest of Monday, which suggests it was probably fine. I know I did a token bit of stretching in the evening before bed. Yesterday was a good day. When I woke up it was pissing it down with rain, but I still got out for my run. I actually felt good when I was out there, despite the weather and being blinded by the rain on my glasses, and managed a reasonable 4 mile pace just under 10 min/mile. Work was ok, though a bit disjointed as I was in the office first thing, off the a client meeting for the middle of the day, and then worked from home in the afternoon. In the evening we went to play our first session of our new Pathfinder 2e game. My character is Hummingbird, a gnoll bard. Gnolls are basically hyena people, and are generally not well liked anywhere as they're stereotypically daemon worshippers. She's almost 7" tall and very slender, with tawny brown fur and a prosthetic left leg. I'm very much looking forward to playing more of her. The rest of our party are a lizardfolk ranger with very low intelligence, a lizardfolk sorcerer specialising in necromancy, a tengu (bird folk) thief, and a kobold champion of Shelyn. It's going to be a fun, and very silly group. Update counter: 5/10 (3/7, 2/3)
  25. Everyone else has given really good advice on food, so I would echo that. When (and only when) you have sorted out the food situation, I would consider going to the gym a couple of times on your weeks off. On weeks where you're doing carpentry you'll get plenty of strength work for now, and you don't want to be too tired from the gym for carpentry classes, but a couple of days on the other week will help you get more consistent improvement.
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