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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. It's very similar for me actually - breakfast is always the same, but lunch and dinner have to vary because WW doesn't want to eat the same food 5 days a week.
  2. I don't know how much you're bothered by eating boring food, but this is my breakfast solution: on Sunday I hard boil 15 eggs, and stick them in a Tupperware box. Every day breakfast is 3 boiled eggs, a banana, and a protein shake. It's not flashy or exciting, but I always know what I'm going to have and I don't have to make decisions in the morning. Before I even opened this thread your challenge title made me smile massively, so I think you've made an excellent choice here mate.
  3. the second bus? Took you quite a while to realise then? I'd like to think that if they were massive Bridget Jones ones you might have noticed a bit sooner
  4. Monday - Week 0 Day 1 Yesterday was a good day. Had Crossfit first thing. We started with deadlifts, but we had an extra long warmup and then only 15 minutes to work up to a heavy 5. That didn't really feel long enough, and everything else just felt a bit wrong, so I took it easy and stopped at 130kg (286#) x 5. After that was a 10 minute workout, which was much better. AMRAP 10': 1 power clean, 5 toes to bar, 100m run. I went with 60kg (132#) on the power cleans, and finished 8 rounds plus 4 reps. I probably could have finished the toes to bar and got a good way through the run, but my hands were starting to blister and I decided to save my skin rather than rushing out the last few reps. Still, it felt strong throughout; very happy with that. Work was ok, was a working from home day. I had my one snack of the day mid-afternoon; a decent serving of WW's homemade plum crumble. After work we went straight to Tesco for some much needed shopping. As tends to happen when we go shopping before dinner, we ended up picking up loads of junk food, but I at least managed to avoid eating it. WW cooked a recipe box meal - a very nice salmon curry - and we watched some Questing Time. I did a little bit of sketching for my drawing goal, just copying some of the character art on screen. No alcohol had, and teeth done in the evening to round out my goals.
  5. We'll get back to clothes fitting - it's the only way! Which reminds me, I split my shorts at Crossfit the other week. Doing squats I heard a little tear, and another little tear, and eventually split them from the waistband all the way down the back to my crotch. At least I was wearing clean pants! Obviously though, that's my amazing leg muscles and not my big ol' beer belly Hey Rho, nice to have you here! Lurk away Thank you man, it's nice to be an inspiration! There's no way I can stave you off on squats I don't think, but I'm going to give you a run for your money on deadlifts. When's your Strong Viking? Hope we can play D&D together again soon mate.
  6. Yeah, 100%! It's a stat in Call of Cthulhu I believe, and there's an optional rule for it in D&D. I don't think I've ever seen it in a computer game.
  7. Thank you! Also, thanks for highlighting it so I noticed that I wrote £RM instead of of 3RM. Guess I'm just that 1337 And don't worry, I'm sure I'll be talking about Nuts a lot in the next few weeks Thank you man, that means a lot. At the moment, none of them! I got a good bit of work in on both shrimp and pistol at the start of the year when my gym was closed, but since we came out of lockdown not so much. I can do no hand, not there with same hand yet (which I'd be more than happy with for now to be honest).
  8. This is a good stat array. I like the inclusion of sanity - it makes sense that it should be in there, but I've never seen anyone use it for their forum stats before.
  9. The 80/20 rule Hi all, I'm back! I dropped off at the end of the challenge before last when life got in the way. Mainly my work just went insane and I didn't have the mental energy to do anything other than work and exist. I've been surviving, but it doesn't feel like I've been doing much more than that for a while. Work has now started to calm down, and we three new people coming on which in the long run should mean that we don't end up quite so swamped again. There might be some initial pain as we get people trained up, but there is at least light at the end of the tunnel. At the start of the year I set out a road map for 2021. Spoilered for size: With that background, now seemed like a good time to get back to challenging, but I know I'm still going to have limited mental resources for a while. On that basis I've decided to run a challenge using the 80/20 rule, i.e. I set out my goals, and accept that 80% is good enough right now. Each goal will also be worth £30 of real money. For the percentage of my goal I complete, I get to spend that money on whatever I like. For the failure percentage I put the money as an overpayment on my mortgage. This means that I'm wagering £150 on myself this challenge. Because this is an 80/20 challenge, I'll be treating 80% as 100% for money purposes, and adjusting accordingly. * * * So let's talk about goals, and bear in mind that as long as I score 80% on these it counts as full marks. Draw every day - 10XP Drawing is good for me mentally, or at least I feel better after 20 minutes drawing in front of the TV than 20 minutes of playing mindless phone games in front of the TV. And the more I draw, the better I get at it, and that's good (and in fact, one of my goals for the year). Brush teeth twice per day - 10XP It's amazing how bad I am at this when I don't have the accountability of the forums. This is something that's easy to do when I'm feeling good, and incredibly challenging when I'm struggling. I still haven't worked out if I can reverse cause and effect, and make myself feel better by brushing my teeth, but as a minimum it would be nice if they didn't all fall out. 6 alcohol free days per week - 10XP I've put on a bit of weight over the last few months. I'm still not overweight, and I'm the strongest I've ever been so that's good, but I'm at a higher body fat percentage than I would like. It's also getting to the point where I need to lose weight or buy more clothes, and I can't be bothered to buy clothes. The best way to deal with this would probably be to track calories, but I don't have the energy for that right now. Instead I want to target the two things that I do too much when I'm stressed - drinking alcohol and snacking. Just being mindful about those things should be enough to keep my weight in check, even if I don't really lose much. For alcohol, I like drinking with friends, but one day per week is enough, and I don't need to be drinking in front of the TV in the middle of the week. Part of this goal will also be to plan when I'm going to drink at the start of the week, so that I'm not blindsided by events at the end of the week. One snack per day - 10XP Following on from the goal above, I think it's reasonable to snack a bit, but it's not reasonable to snack every time I go downstairs to get a cup of tea (I drink a lot of tea), so one thing per day sounds good. Exercise every day - 10XP This is something I pretty much do anyway, but it's just to make sure that I don't skip a workout on a weekend, or that if I have to rearrange things on a weekday I actually do rearrange them. The general plan is Crossfit Monday, Wednesday, Friday, running Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and bouldering on Sunday, but as long as I'm doing something it's all good. * * * There's a couple of things I need to be aware of going into this challenge. First, I'm off work on week 4, and I might go on holiday somewhere. No plans yet though, other than to spend the first part of the week painting the house and generally trying to sort my life out. The other thing is that at the end of week 5 I'll be running Summer Nuts. Nuts is a 7km (~4.4 mile) obstacle course race, and I'll be running 2 laps with someone from work. I've run it quite a few times, and it's always a good race, so it should be good fun and a fitting end to a challenge. Final housekeeping: In week zero I'll be testing out these goals, and actually tackling them properly from week 1. Challenge weeks start on a Monday; if you think otherwise your opinion is wrong Weights and measures could be in metric, British imperial, Russian imperial, (rarely) American imperial, or converted into animal sizes (I hit a new 3RM on squats the other week at 1 male giant panda)
  10. I would be, but I start my challenge weeks on a Monday
  11. I like how you've structured your goals into strength, balance and coordination. I also like that they all sound like fun things to do. I'll be following along.
  12. Well, I'm so late for last challenge I'm early for this one. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep. Now there's a quote to live by
  13. I've just got a single band that I got in a foam roller set, and it's one of those things that you'll always be glad you have when an exercise comes up that suggests it. With that said, I've never felt the need to buy a range of different weights. Sounds like you had a hugely successful challenge! Even with the calorie goal, you may not have hit the numbers, but you got the weightloss result you were aiming for.
  14. I've just come back and seen these posts. It's really late, but I just want to say thank you both; it means a lot guys. I'll be back properly for the next challenge tomorrow.
  15. This is exactly how I saw it too! Oh I love that - that's a great reminder to carry with you!
  16. Well done on the tracking consistency; sometimes you need to write things down for a bit to really see a pattern emerging, so it's good to hear that you found something useful you could change.
  17. Speak for yourself, I felt like a super soldier after I had the shot! Unfortunately it only lasted about 2 days
  18. I love that you've planned to have computer problems on Wednesday So when's the pullup bar going up?
  19. A wise choice, for sure. Looking forward to this one.
  20. Awesome job man! Excellent way to start a new challenge!
  21. That's a bit craft for the football - shouldn't it be a pint of Stella?
  22. They're going! Work has just drained me of any energy for anything else recently. Thankfully I have the next couple of days off. William's still going - he's taken a little damage, but he's not out yet. My replying to you has saved him a bit more damage too, so thanks for checking up on me man
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