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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yeah, that's a fair point, I have been pretty stressed recently. Also, I am taking all the antihistamines right now (and to be honest, for about 9 months of every year). Hayfever sucks. And it was amazing! I'm sure this won't help you in buying no food this challenge, but it was approximately this recipe: https://www.gousto.co.uk/cookbook/fish-recipes/saffron-crab-clotted-cream-risotto
  2. Yesterday was a good day. Got up first thing and went to Crossfit. We started off with squats; I hit 90kg (~198#) x 3, 80kg (~176#) x 5, and 72.5kg (~160#) x 7. My 5 rep PB is 92.5kg, so I'm again happy with these weights having not picked up a barbell in months. That was followed by a horrible little workout - a 300ft prowler push at 50kg (~110#) followed by 21 cals on the air bike. It took me 2:43 and I was totally gassed out by the end of it. Weirdly I felt really weezy and out of breath for a few hours after that, like my throat closing from an allergic reaction or something. Not sure what that's about, but I should keep an eye on it. Work was good, in the office again which was nice. When I got home my new pullup bar had arrived so I put that up, and took down the other one I had bought (which I had drilled into the wall but still wasn't holding properly). The new one isn't 100% what I want, but it fits my door frame and for now that's good enough. In the evening WW cooked crab and clotted cream risotto for dinner and we watched Critical Role and The Great British Sewing Bee before bed. I did not do my teeth - mental block again - but all other goals were ticked off.
  3. Challenge update We're about at the halfway mark, so I thought it was about time I updated on my goals so far. Scores are out of 7 for weeks 1 and 2, and out of 2 for the start of week 3. Move: 7/7, 5/7, 2/2 (total 14/16) Protein: 6/7, 7/7, 2/2 (total 15/16) Teeth: 7/7, 5/7, 1/2 (total 13/16) One word updates: 6/7, 4/7, 2/2 (total 12/16 So I dropped off the boards a bit last week, when I got back to work and into a new routine, but the rest are looking ok. Teeth I missed 3 days running, which may speak to a wider level of mental tiredness, but hopefully I can bounce back from it now.
  4. Yesterday was a good day. I lounged in bed for longer than I should, reading an opinion piece about how we should learn more about unattainable beauty standards from greco-roman mythology, but eventually got up and out for my run. Having planned my run route carefully and loaded it into my watch so that I wouldn't get lost, I was very annoyed to find that a load of the footpaths had been closed for resurfacing. I worked round that as best I could, and the first 3 miles at least were good, with a fair bit of walking in the last mile. I was back in the office for the first time this year in the day. It was really nice to catch up with people, I'm drowning in work but at least now it's easier to moan about it to people! I'm only going to be in 3 days each fortnight, so it's not too intense. In the evening I walked home with WW, cooked a pork stir fry with mushrooms, carrot and onion, and chilled in front of Critical Role. I really feel like I should be doing more to sort the house out as we still have a lot of unopened boxes from the move, but I just couldn't find the energy yesterday. Maybe I'll get some done today! ETA: oh yeah, goals! Teeth, protein and check-in were all done.
  5. How low commitment are we talking? I'd be interested, but I might only be able to play one session every couple of months.
  6. Yesterday was a good day. A load of lockdown measures were relaxed in the UK, one of the most important of which (from my point of view) being that gyms can reopen. That meant that yesterday morning was my first Crossfit session since November. We started with deadlifts, and it felt so nice to pick up a barbell again! I worked up to 127.5kg (~281#) for 5 reps. My 5 rep PB is 137.5kg (~303#), so I was happy with 93% of that for a first session back. We followed that with a 12 minute WOD - 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. reps of d-ball to shoulder and toes to bar. I not well practiced with d-balls and even at 40kg (~88#) these were hard. Toes to bar were good though, I scored 7 rounds 4 reps and was pleased that after several months of not practicing kipping I could manage 7 toes to bar unbroken. Man I ache today after that first day back! Work was busy, and I feel like I spent a lot of my time getting not enough done. After work I spent some time planning new running routes from my new house. Then I washed up whilst WW cooked Swedish meatballs my favourite), and we chilled in front of the TV before getting an early night. Check-in, protein and workout were done. I was mentally exhausted in the evening and couldn't bring myself to brush my teeth. Need to get on that better.
  7. Still here, might do a proper update later, but wanted to check in and say things are ok.
  8. Yesterday was a good day. Went for a run first thing - the first one I've done starting from my new house. It was really lovely, but I do need to plan some proper routes. Work was busy, but I think I left things slightly better than when I started the day. In the evening we made the bed. And by that I mean we literally built out new bed. When we moved in we couldn't get out bed up the stairs so we've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor for the last few nights, so we got a flat pack bed frame and assembled that. By the time we had finished that it was quite late, so WW cooked mackerel with rice and broccoli, we watched a little TV, and then we came to bed. Teeth, protein, check-in, and workout all done. Today I might go for another run, I need to do some D&D prep, and I have plenty more boxes to unpack and things to put on walls.
  9. Finally caught up man. Glad you managed to get out of that toxic gaming news job, and good stuff on the workout when you couldn't get to Muay Thai. I love Darebee for how easy it is to pick a random workout and just go.
  10. Things are going well, just been very busy. Missed a couple of updates, spent my workout time yesterday sorting out my office so I could actually work, but otherwise hitting my goals. Work is also mega busy - I went back yesterday. Thank goodness I'm only working two days this week, then I have the weekend to finish sorting the house out!
  11. Thanks man - I think they're going well... Good to have you man! You're not that late - I opened your thread two days ago and I still haven't managed to read it (or anyone else's for that matter).
  12. Thank you! It's been a right slog, but we're in! * * * Yesterday was a good day. We moved the vast majority of our remaining stuff to the to the new house, now we've just got plants and pictures to go. Another long day and late night, but all for good reason. Moved a ton of heavy stuff up and down lots of stairs, so easily passed the exercise goal. Protein, teeth, and checking in were all done.
  13. Thanks! It mostly feels fun - yesterday was a bit of a slog but last night was our first night sleeping at the new house. We did have to sleep on a mattress on the floor, because our bed won't go up the stairs! Got a bed bed arriving on Thursday, a flat pack one we can take up in pieces! ===== Yesterday was a good day. Really tiring as we were moving house, and we've still got lots more stuff to move today, but we're getting there I think. Big dramas include the washing machine not working right now, our bed not fitting up the stairs (see above), and the simple realisation that we spent too much of last week painting the new place and not enough time packing boxes! In the evening WW had a terrible headache and it was getting really late, so she had a nap while I tried to cook dinner in our new oven. I made lamb meatloaf with potatoes, carrots and spring greens and a redcurrant gravy. We didn't end up eating until 10pm, and then it was time for bed! Week 1 went well for the most part - I forgot to update here yesterday and forgot to have protein one day, but otherwise it's all ticks on my tracker.
  14. Yesterday was a good day, as reported above. I forgot to have my protein shake, but teeth and checking in here were done. It wasn't the most physical day, but between packing boxes, painting, and breaking down a bed, I'm giving myself a tick for daily movement. Today has been a busy one - lots of painting, putting up shelves, and assembling storage units so we have somewhere to put everything when we move in tomorrow. I can't believe we move in tomorrow, that's scary. I also dropped the cat off at my parents' house today, as they'll be looking after him whilst we move. I must be tired because I'm missing him already, and it's only been a few hours. Off to have dinner now and then back to the house for some final cleaning and moving the first lot of books.
  15. That's the trouble, isn't it? It's so hard to only change one thing. I know if I work really long hours my knees hurt for example. Now is that because my office chair isn't suitable? Or just that I'm doing more sitting in general? Or because I'm spending more time working and have less time/energy for stretching? Or a combination of some or all of those? Anyway, I hope you manage to figure out what's helping your back now, so you can carry on looking after it when you're running again.
  16. Yesterday was a good day. Was a massive relief for the financial year to be over. Played D&D and drank a lot of beer in the evening. Ticked all of the boxes challenge wise. Today has been a good day. Did some painting, put up a curtain rail in the bedroom so I can call the bedroom functionally finished (kind of, still need to work out why the door won't close...). This afternoon we went over to a friend's house and had a barbeque, for the first time in approximately a million years. It was lovely to see people again, I really needed that. This evening we did some packing, and I'm now having a beer, surrounded by boxes, before going to bed.
  17. Yesterday was a good day. Got up early and was working by 7am. Got the call to let the carpet fitters in to the new house and met them there at 9:45. I was just going to let them in and leave, but the person I was buying a new desk off was delayed so I ended up waiting for her until half 10. Then the carpet fitters said that I should stick around until they'd finished, so I ended up there until around 11 - not ideal on the busiest work day of the year! Because I hadn't done a morning workout I decided in the afternoon to do a few greece the groove pushups and pullups. As I'd decided on it late I only got 35 pushups and 18 pullups, but I'm counting it as it's better than nothing. Work was ok in the end, albeit I was knackered I did end up finishing by about 6pm and indulging in a whisky. WW cooked soup in the evening whilst I started packing boxes of books and breaking down a bookcase. It took a while, we have a lot of books! We also watched Questing Time - hell of an episode last night. Teeth done, protein had, check in done, workout(ish) done.
  18. Thanks man, I'll try! Still not working for me . From the link text I'm guessing it's something like this?
  19. Good on you for quitting the vape dude, it's not easy but it'll be worthwhile. Hope you enjoy the movie!
  20. Hope the foot heals up quickly. Also wanted to pick out this: Do you think that's from taking some time off running, or just coincidence?
  21. Honestly, I'm tired just reading that! I don't know how you do it Wolfman!
  22. Isn't it weird, sometimes you're having a bad day and it spurs you to do something amazing that you've been stuck on? Well done Puck!
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