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Everything posted by Jarric

  1. Yesterday was a good day. In the morning I went for a 4 mile run and then did a brief bit of handstand practice. Protein, teeth, and updating here were done. Work was incredibly busy, just thanks to the time of year and getting stuff done last minute for deadlines. It was beautiful weather though so I made sure to walk up the shop at lunchtime and buy an ice cream for a bit of a break. I finished work at 6.40pm, and was 10 minutes late for our 7pm Pathfinder game. It was quite a chill roleplaying session, thankfully, as my brain was too fried for anything more than that! Today will be interesting - starting work really early, taking a break around 9 to go and let carpet fitters in to the new house and take delivery of a desk, then back to work on one of the busiest days of the year, then dinner, then back to the house for painting.
  2. I can't see this . When I click on it I get 403: Forbidden Thanks man, fingers crossed! He'd definitely enjoy that And thank you! Can't wait to get in there! Good point, I'll try and make it a good word.
  3. I assume that the cat then looks up at you and conveys, in only the way that a cat can, "yes"
  4. Have a good break, get through all the stuff you have going on, and we'll be here waiting when you get back ❤️
  5. Well at least you're down a big chunk of weight since the start of the year mate. Now onwards and downwards!
  6. Yesterday was a good day. My morning workout was a bit short as I've not quite figured out what my programming should be, but I got in 3 rounds of 5 weighted pullups (+23#), 4+4 single leg elevated ring rows, and 4 bridges. Posted a challenge here, protein was had, teeth were done. In the evening I went over to the house and spent a long time failing to wire in a new ethernet socket for the spare room/office. I did finish off the socket in the bedroom, got a little bit of painting done, and gave away a spare fridge. We got home late so WW made a quick pesto pasta, we ordered some stuff for the house, and went to bed.
  7. Thank you! Good to have you! Thanks! In my defence I did put a bucket under the disconnected pipe. Just not under the gap in the other pipe...
  8. I get that it's not your goal, but a 25 minute weighted walk and 3x10 chinups sounds like a workout man. With that said, I probably wouldn't give myself the points either. Your right that it's not laziness, but you always have enough time to workout if you make it your number one priority. Sometimes something else, like work or a date night, takes priority instead. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, but what to prioritise is always your decision.
  9. I'm moving house at the end of this week. It's also the end of the financial year this week. And some of our lockdown restrictions ended today so small social events are back on the menu. It's going to be a busy month. I can't pretend that I'll have the time or mental space to make a ton of progress this challenge, but I wanted to post something now to just keep me maintaining momentum. I'm wagering £50 on each of my goals. In a move wholly stolen from @deftona my success percentage will go into my savings for fun stuff, and my failure percentage will go into overpaying my mortgage. 1 - Move daily - 15XP This could be a workout, it could be packing and moving boxes of stuff, it could be hanging curtain rails or painting ceilings. Everything counts, but this is important because if I move more I feel better. I'd like as to run as much as possible as part of this, as I'm low on mileage for the year so far. 2 - Protein shake daily - 10XP This is just one of these easy habits which lead to me largely taking care of my nutrition. 3 - Brush teeth daily - 10XP This is something I'm bad at, and much worse when I'm tired or stressed. Having it as a goal and keeping myself accountable may help. 4 - One word daily - 10XP This place is good for me, so I intend to post here every day. I acknowledge that I'll have very little time or energy to do so, so all I need to hit this goal is to post one word on this thread. I'll also be awarding myself 100XP when I'm fully moved in to my new house, because buying my first place fully deserves a level up ?️ If I get round to it I might post my last challenge recap here, and talk about my goals for the year. Challenge starts today - wish me luck!
  10. Goal setting is tricky. I guess I'd stay with looking at where you want to be in 10 years time, and then deciding what the next step is on the journey to that point.
  11. I support any workout schedule that has 3 entries for eating burritos! It's really cool that you've got your weight vest; I'm sure you'll get a lot of use out of it.
  12. Good to have you around man, goals or no. Hope you're back to your regular gif-tastic self soon though.
  13. A wood elf stumbles into the bar, tripping over pots, pans, and what might be a stuffed ferret. Pint of the black stuff, barkeep he calls across the room as he fights his way to take his usual stool by the bar. I see you're redecorating...
  14. I like a good GM call like this - moving on with the story rather than forcing more rolls when there's no major consequence feels like a good way to go. I'm exhausted just reading this man! No wonder you're stressed (not to mention the content of some of those things is very stressful in its own right). I like that you have a plan to tackle this though, so I look forward to seeing how it pans out in your next challenge.
  15. Challenge Wrap-Up Lets start with the goals, and then I'll talk about what actually happened at the end. Run 116 miles - 10XP I hit 61.07/116 miles, so 52.6% of my mileage. That 5XP earned, £26.32 into my new computer fund, and £23.68 into overpaying my mortgage. I didn't really factor in here that I would spend my weekends working on my new house rather than running. I don't regret that choice, the house needs doing, but I wonder if I could have planned around it better. Then again I also got ill (more on that to follow), which is responsible for some of the missed miles. Foam rolling - 10XP (+5XP bonus) Lol no. 3/15 sessions done for the challenge, so 2XP earned, £10 to my new computer fund, and £40 overpayment on my mortgage. More on this to follow. Teeth - 10XP Another lol no. 5/35 days fully done, so only 1XP earned, £7.14 to my new computer fund, and £42.86 overpayment on my mortgage. More on this to follow too. Protein - 5XP Hey, this one went ok! 31/35 days completed, with only a couple where I forgot. That nets me 4XP and £44.29 into my new computer fund, with £5.71 going into mortgage overpayment. Todo List - 10XP Replace locks front and back Fit cat flap Get wall ties checked - agreed quote, booked for June Get roof leak fixed - got a price, booking in for when the weather gets warmer Contact damp proofing people the see if any guarantees in place - e-mailed, apparently they didn't do the work? Contact structural engineer to see if structural works were done - e-mailed, got what little information they had Paint living room - walls done, woodwork in progress Paint bedroom - walls done, woodwork in progress Paint hall and stairs - pushing back until after we move in Paint kitchen - pushing back until after we move in Carpet bedroom - all booked in for 31st March Clean remaining carpets Sort wardrobes (doors and floor storage) Deep clean kitchen - made a start Get gas safety checked Get electrics safety checked - Remedial work also done Fit new lights in living room Replace lightbulbs throughout - bulbs done, want to replace fittings in top room Get internet installed - Booked, happens when we move in Run ethernet cable to top room - parts ordered, doing at the weekend Fit shelves in living room - done, just need to put them back up when painted Sort workout gear storage Buy downstairs sofa Buy upstairs sofa bed - bought it, just got to work out how to get the damn thing up the stairs! Put balustrade in top room Gut outhouse and decide on re-fit plan - some bits ripped out; this will take a while! Fit fire alarms - alarms in house, will fit as ceilings are painted (living room and both bedrooms done) Get woodworm looked at Fix bathroom window - replaced hinges, but they don't fit well; trying to work out solution Install new pullup bar Install curtain rails Install blind in top room So I started with 25 things on this list, and ended up with 32! I have at least done 11.5 of them, so progress is being made. This was a bit less of a SMART goal, but I'll give myself 5XP here. It's been a weird few weeks. Week 3 I was off work to sort the house out, and we spent a solid few days really getting stuff done, which was good. With the sheer amount of work and just general tiredness I didn't really stick with my goals that I had time for, and I really didn't have a great deal of time for my running goal. At the end of week 3/beginning of week 4 I got ill, both physically and mentally. I can't fully define how much of this was me feeling really anxious and awful because I was ill, and how much was me being so anxious that I was making myself physically sick. I do know that after a week of feeling truly awful I realised that the tightness in my chest felt a bit like an allergic reaction, and that it seems to have got a lot better since I started taking hayfever medication. I also know that I'm under a lot of pressure at work as we near the end of the financial year, and I'm really stressed about moving house, and so I feel like stress is a pretty natural reaction to that. I ended up feeling much worse than any natural reaction though, it was cripplingly bad and it's taken me a couple of weeks to feel like I'm coming out the other side. Overall then, this has been a tough challenge, but I'm very happy to say it's one I've got through. I've spent a lot of time in my own head, but I feel like I've grown a little from that, and despite the massive todo list I have achieved quite a lot with the new house. Next challenge I'll be doing only the most basic goals (probably protein and teeth brushing), focussing very much on my house move, and accepting that some parts of my life need to be on hold for just a couple more weeks. Total score: Success - money into computer fund: £87.75 Failures - money into mortgage overpayment: £112.25 As luck would have it I'm getting a £450 bonus from work, so my new computer fund will actually sit at £537.75 despite this not being the best challenge. I'll deal with buying some new stuff when I've got over moving house! The XP from this challenge is also enough for me to level up. I'm not sure if that feels very fitting or very ironic - lets say fitting. And finally, some photos! Just to show what the bedroom and living room look like, now they're not entirely grey!
  16. Sounds like you're doing incredibly, well done Terra! Glad Noom and this challenge are working out for you
  17. I haven't updated the todo list in a while, so here goes... Replace locks front and back Fit cat flap Get wall ties checked - agreed quote, booked for June Get roof leak fixed - got a price, booking in for when the weather gets warmer Contact damp proofing people the see if any guarantees in place - e-mailed, apparently they didn't do the work? Contact structural engineer to see if structural works were done - e-mailed, got what little information they had Paint living room - walls done, woodwork in progress Paint bedroom - walls done, woodwork in progress Paint hall and stairs - pushing back until after we move in Paint kitchen - pushing back until after we move in Carpet bedroom - carpet people coming to give options tomorrow Clean remaining carpets Sort wardrobes (doors and floor storage) Deep clean kitchen - made a start Get gas safety checked Get electrics safety checked - Remedial work also done Fit new lights in living room Replace lightbulbs throughout - bulbs done, want to replace fittings in top room Get internet installed - Booked Run ethernet cable to top room Fit shelves in living room - done, just need to put them back up when painted Sort workout gear storage Buy downstairs sofa Buy upstairs sofa bed - seeing one tomorrow Put balustrade in top room Gut outhouse and decide on re-fit plan - some bits ripped out; this will take a while! Fit fire alarms - alarms in house, will fit as ceilings are painted (living room and bedroom done Get woodworm looked at Fix bathroom window - replaced hinges, but they don't fit well; trying to work out solution Install new pullup bar So still a lot to do, but I'm getting more and more of the opinion that some stuff can wait until after we've moved in!
  18. Yeah, it definitely kept me busy! Nothing too heavy, but I like being active all day rather than spending all day sat at a desk (1st world problem I know!)
  19. Nice one on the weight vest dude! Good luck if you do do Murph at some point, it sounds brutal enough without the weight vest!
  20. This is the reason I vote - there's not really any good options here, but if I vote for the least bad it's a vote against the extremist nutters. Hope you get better soon!
  21. Thanks, I will do. Probably won't get a proper rest for a few weeks unfortunately, but I'm making an effort to keep evenings and weekends relatively free at least
  22. It's been a busy few weeks. Week 3 I was off work, painting the new house and getting stuff sorted. We dealt with it pretty solidly from Friday of week 2 to Sunday of week 3, and we got a lot done. It was a tiring week, but equally a relief to have some time off work and to be leaving the house to do something physical instead of commuting from my bed to my desk at home. We're on the slow bit now - painting awkward woodwork - so that'll take a while. Week 4 I got ill, both physically and mentally. Wednesday was the worst, I had a really bad stomach, I was anxious and shaky and just felt awful. That continued for the rest of the week on various levels. On Monday of this week I had a random thought that the tightness in my chest felt a bit like an allergic reaction, so I took some hayfever medication and within half an hour felt quite a bit better. I'm still feeling a bit anxious and a bit stressed - quite frankly I expect that to last until I get through the end of the financial year and the imminent house move - but it's definitely a lot more manageable. Last weekend I was working for WW's company delivering Mothers' Day flowers. That was a really nice change, which kept me busy all weekend. Also felt a lot better mentally when I was out and about doing things. Then on Monday I had the day off of work as I hadn't really had a weekend, and we got a little more house painting done. So yeah, goals have not really happened. I've had all of my protein shakes for the last couple of weeks, I've done some running but I've missed a lot because I've either been too busy or too ill. Teeth have not been brushed in the evenings, and not a lot of foam rolling has happened either. I'll try and get a few final points before the end of the week, but ultimately I'm happy just to coast through to the end right now.
  23. Thanks Yeti - it's been a big couple of weeks (and it's not over yet. Thanks guys! More pictures will come (I'll see what I've got now actually...) ETA: I've not got much new - will have to take some more at the weekend and get them up here.
  24. Hey man, just been catching up on the narrative (like you I've spent far too little time here in the past couple of weeks). Really enjoying it - I continue to be intrigued by this world. Well done on the weight loss dude, with everything that's going on any progress is a huge win. I hope that things get easier for you soon, and that the situation in your country starts to improve.
  25. Hey Puck, just catching up (I've been away too much this challenge!). How's the week going?
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