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I've noticed that a lot of the threads on this forum are about fitness... well, no surprise there, I suppose. But I haven't noticed any so far that cover the other word in the forum name. What nerd things are you into?

For me, I've been computer-mad since I discovered them at around age 10. My first computer was an Atari 65XE with a whopping 64K of memory! I first learned programming in Atari BASIC. I've also been a maths geek since forever.

Cultural interests include Doctor Who, which I was introduced to by my partner and have quickly absorbed, the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett, all manner of science fiction books and films, the delightful comedy songs of Tim Minchin and I've even been known to admit to watching Star Trek. I'm fascinated by space and things like the solar system and black holes. I like philosophy and I'm always interested in articles on psychology, particularly knowing how I and others think.

Okay, your turn. Go!

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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Ha! I've wanted to ask this for a looooong time.

My nerd-cred: a wicked obsession with Mystery Science Theater 3000. When Joel was still on, I was too young to know why it was even funny, just liked the robots and that he was in space. Still watched when it went to SciFi. And now that it's on YouTube...I'm still watching. Lifetime obsession.

Also: Star Wars. X-Wing pilots made me want to be an astronaut until I was 18. And yesterday at work I had a little boy convinced I could work the grocery store conveyor belt with my awesome Jedi mind skills. He wanted me to teach them to him.

And the original Star Trek series.

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Got my own peasant costume to go to the Renassiance Fair. But -1 in nerd cred, I didn't make it myself.

I really, REALLY want to fly around space ;)

Harry Potter.

<--<< Daughter of Artemis >>-->


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Oh yes, Harry Potter. I read all the books but have only seen the first six films so far.

I like Star Wars, but I don't understand the obsession that some people have with it.

Loren, I found that thread this morning - it's just typical that I wait a week and then one turns up after I stop looking!

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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From Wikipedia, for what it's worth:


The stereotypical nerd is commonly seen as intelligent but socially and physically awkward.[14] They would typically be perceived as either lacking confidence or being indifferent or oblivious to the negative perceptions held of them by others, with the result that they become frequent objects of scorn, ridicule, bullying, and social isolation.

A nerd is often typified as having pronounced interest in subjects which others tend to find dull or boring, too complex and difficult to comprehend, or overly mature for their age, especially topics related to science, mathematics and technology or by showing an interest in activities that are described as obsessive, such as trading cards, comic books, television programs, films, role-playing games, video games, and other things relating to fantasy and science fiction. Sometimes, heavy interest in art, music, hobbies, or other non-mainstream, "obscure" interests are perceived to fit the stereotype. Nerds are often portrayed as physically unfit, and either obese or very thin. They are also sometimes displayed as having symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder such as showing extreme interest in rules. Comparisons to Asperger syndrome are common, due to the tendency to engage in intense, specific interests and to experience difficulty in social situations.[15]

Particularly in the case of males, nerds may be perceived as being uninterested in traditionally masculine activities such as sports (either participating in or following) or "locker room talk". While nerds are not necessarily asexual, they are typically depicted as having difficulty attracting sexual partners and may actually be experiencing involuntary celibacy. This tends to be more of a problem for male nerds due to traditional gender roles requiring males to "make the first move" as opposed to expecting to be approached by the opposite sex. Reasons may include shyness or lack of conversational skills outside of certain subjects of interest.

In film and television depictions, nerds are disproportionately white males with very large glasses, braces, severe acne and pants highly lifted up.[16][17] It has been suggested by some, such as linguist Mary Bucholtz, that being a nerd may be a state of being "hyperwhite" and rejecting African-American culture and slang that "cool" white children use.[18] However, after the Revenge of the Nerds movie franchise (with multicultural nerds), and the introduction of the Steve Urkel character on the television series Family Matters, nerds have been seen in all races and colors as well as more recently being a frequent young Asian male stereotype in North America. Portrayal of "nerd girls", or Bluestockings, in films such as She's Out of Control, Welcome to the Dollhouse and She's All That depicts that smart but nerdy women might suffer later in life if they do not focus on improving their physical attractiveness.[19]

In United States, one 2010 study indicated that Asian Americans are perceived as most likely to be nerds, followed by White Americans, while Hispanics and African Americans were perceived as least likely to be nerds. This stereotype may be socially damaging due to exclusion from social networks.[20]

Stereotypical nerd qualities have evolved in recent years, going from awkwardness and social ostracism to an allegedly more widespread acceptance and sometimes even celebration of their abilities. This is largely attributable to the rise of the computer industry, which has allowed many "nerdy" people (most notably Bill Gates) to accumulate large fortunes and other measures of social prestige. Some measure of nerdiness is allegedly considered desirable, as, to some, it suggests a person who is intelligent, respectful, interesting, and able to earn a large salary. Such views have arguably effected a waning emphasis on the social awkwardness of nerds, with more attention placed on their intelligence and academic enthusiasm.

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1. A foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious: "one of those nerds who never asked a girl to dance".

2. An intelligent, single-minded expert in a particular technical discipline or profession.

Is your goal the past couple days to prove that people on this site are not according-to-Hoyle nerds or something?


Starting Primal and free weights


Starting LeanGains. Still lifting all the things.


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I guess because I've never been much interested in the things a lot of the girls my age were. Most girls in my year were going out clubbing and to pubs when they were 16 where as I would be at home reading, watching movies or whatever.Part of that probably has to do with looking fairly young for my age so there was no point in even trying to go to these places as I knew I wouldt get in anyway and I was happier doing my own thing at home. Then getting older and developing interests in things like anime, manga, zombie movies, Dr Who etc. Never was into Star Trek though!


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I get irritated when people call apples oranges. That is all, don't care otherwise.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk

I think you need to consider the fact that your actions can easily be interpreted to say that many people on this site don't belong here because they don't fit your narrow definition of the word 'nerd'. Or, that certain subjects perhaps shouldn't be so widely discussed here, or that you are somehow 'a better nerd'. The things that people are using to claim their nerdiness are things that people have used against them to try to make them feel inferior and excluded from the larger group. For you to try to make them feel excluded from here is pretty low, if that is your intent.

Of course, this would be a clear violation of Rule of the Rebellion #1: We don’t care where you came from, only where you’re going.

Having said that, there are a number of 'contemptible' people who have posted here, and therefore could fit that definition quite well. They don't come around anymore.

Secondly, your slavish adherence to this dictionary definition is a violation of yet another rule of the rebellion: #9. We question everything.

The dictionary is famously backward when it comes to recent culture. It's pretty clear that common usage of this word goes far beyond this definition, particularly here.

I sincerely hope that I have misinterpreted your intentions, and if so, I am truly sorry.

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Jeez, Book. I am not trying to exclude anyone. People can be whatever they want.. but nerd is not the word you should be using to describe a pop culture geek =D. Is it such a big deal if you are not one? I don't quite get it.. is the word nerd sacred around here or something?

Let me ask you.. would you be offended if I called you a jock instead of a nerd? because.. that's another stereotype and I'm mixing them up just as bad as you are.

If we're redefining words then I'll gladly take the word doodle and make it mean awesome 'coz I'm feelin' pretty doodle.

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Um, yes, it is? The site is *called* NerdFitness. If you tell people they can't consider themselves nerds, then doesn't that mean their presence here is being suffered, rather than celebrated?

And if anything, I would argue that the dictionary is the one redefining the word. What gives them the right to assign that definition when it's pretty clear that the word has a much larger meaning to a huge number of people. Is the dictionary always right? And if it is, why do they keep coming out with new versions? It's not just because of new words.

Which definition of jock are you using, before I decide whether or not I'm offended.

And if you want to take a word and then redefine it for your own purposes, go for it! If enough people follow your example, then eventually even the dictionary people will take notice. This is what happens over and over and over. What's wrong with it? I'm pretty sure these things I'm typing on won't open any doors, and the thing I'm going to click with wasn't the inspiration for Walt Disney.

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You're wasting a perfectly good word =D what's wrong with Geek anyways?

Isn't a geek one of those circus performers that eats anything and everything (wasps being a common party trick)?

I'd agree that a liking for pop culture doesn't make you a nerd. If anything, nerds are traditionally the opposite - more interested in niche subjects. But similarly, liking pop culture doesn't mean you aren't a nerd. Star Trek is pretty popular, and is a very nerdy interest all the same - because "normal" people enjoy the stories and the drama and the occasional alien beauties, whereas the nerds are more interested in the way the ship works and the backstories of the various alien races. Only nerds would learn to speak Klingon (though it isn't an entrance requirement either).

You can even get nerds in traditionally non-nerd areas. Many of us run a mile at the thought of team sports, but if you keep a record of your team's progress and work out fantasy leagues and statistical analysis... that's not what most sports fans are supposed to do.

Or at least, that's how I see it. My habit of analysing everything like this is probably what makes me a nerd...!

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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Oh yes. A non-nerd fitness fan would go to a gym, do what they're told and either stick with it or give up. The ones that stick it out are those that enjoy fitness - either in itself, or because they like the social aspect, stuff like that. Nerds think about fitness. It's a very rational approach - try stuff out, see what works. This site seems half social support and half giant scientific experiment!

What happens when you play Final Fantasy VII with everyone called Cloud?

It gets quite confusing... https://ff7crowdofclouds.wordpress.com/


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I simply thought the title of this website meant a nerdy attentiveness to fitness. You can be a fitness nerd =) I am pretty sure I've had an appointment with one before.

No, because by that definition, one would be obsessed with fitness, and I'm pretty sure that Steve would want to integrate fitness into our lives in a healthy way, not to have it take over our lives.

I'm pretty sure he meant: fitness for nerds.

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Jeez, Book. I am not trying to exclude anyone. People can be whatever they want.. but nerd is not the word you should be using to describe a pop culture geek =D. Is it such a big deal if you are not one? I don't quite get it.. is the word nerd sacred around here or something?

Let me ask you.. would you be offended if I called you a jock instead of a nerd? because.. that's another stereotype and I'm mixing them up just as bad as you are.

If we're redefining words then I'll gladly take the word doodle and make it mean awesome 'coz I'm feelin' pretty doodle.

I'm pretty sure the name of the site can be taken a few ways, but the heart lies in nerds getting fit first, and people nerding out over fitness second. Not to say that people here never do the latter!

I think a big question would be, do you find Steve to be a nerd? I'd imagine the answer is, "no", so I think the definition of "Nerd" that you and Mr. Webster use is not the same that we as a whole have embraced at NF. It would be a shame if that's too much for you to handle because you seem like a generally nice guy.


Starting Primal and free weights


Starting LeanGains. Still lifting all the things.


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