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....long enough to write this (The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie, in case you were wondering).

About three years ago, I started a job that required some literal heavy lifting, and thus I finally found my motivation to begin my weight loss, strength gain journey. I lost almost 20 lbs without realizing it, and was still 10 lbs short of my main goal. However, that's where the happy story ends. I haven't been able to lose any more since then, despite changing workouts and diets. My eating habits are my biggest problem; anxiety and depression are quite the will-power killers. After far too many bad days and too few good days, I've finally decided I can't do this alone, and thus here I am, seeking advice, encouragement, a good joke, whatever. My weights loss goal is to lose another ten pounds, burn the fat away from my arms and waist. My strength goals are to FINALLY do a pull-up (we'll start with just one), solid push-ups without the help of my knees, and running a mile in 9 min or under.

So, I have no idea how this site works yet, but hit me with whatever you've got, and I'll figure it out eventually. Thanks for reading.

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Welcome to the rebellion!


Today, as it happenstance marks the first day of the 4-week challenge cycle most members are accustomed to.  I'd recommend getting started with the Rebels here for the first challenge and take Spezzy's walkthrough on setting up your first challenge.  You have some good, clear goals already so you are well on your way.


For more of the lulz most go to The Pub where you can find a bad joke thread, a thread dedicated to things that make you smile, and even things that made you want to smite to vent out all the troubles of real life.


Have fun exploring the site and feel free to ask the Guild Leaders and Ambassadors for any assistance if you find yourself wandering in the general chat threads!

Half-elven Ranger

Current Challenge: Jumpin' back in the fray

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Spoose, great goals to start with. 

1) lose 10 lbs. a small calorie restriction per day will see this gone in 10-12 weeks. I reckon its about 3 cans of coke/2 small scoops of ice cream equivalent u need to cut a day. Fat burn is global, and anybody who tells u otherwise is bs-ing you. 


2) 1 pullup. Challenging! Search youtube for a progression video and stick with the program. Ditto for the pushups. 


3) 9min mile. Now that is not easy either but def doable (prob easier than 1 pullup tbh). 2 Maffetone runs per week for 30min each to start.... u can make big progress just doing this. I always suggest this route to running beginners because it feels good, as opposed to the "i am dying" or "i worked out so hard post XYZ bodypump" feeling - some people like it but u will need prime recovery methods to see results from those. 


P.S. I read all the time too but sometimes the eyes need a break.

my journey to kickass-dom

E1RM: SQ: 130.9kg (Jul18); BP: 103.2kg (Aug18); DL: 150kg (Jun18); 
FSQ: 103.2kg (May18); OHP: 66.9kg (Dec17); PP: 72.5kg (Jul18)
2.4km/Cooper's Test: (10:22, Jun18)
Vitals: 40 yo, 1.7m, 74kg (Jul18)

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Spoose - welcome! I'm new here, too. (Haven't even posted my introduction yet...) Still, I have a little recent experience with some of your goals. So...


(1) I lost 10 lbs earlier this year. My strategy: 3 meals a day (I did lunch, dinner, and a large bedtime snack, so I was also doing a 14ish hour fast), no snacks. No liquid calories (which I really don't drink anyway...). At least 150g of protein a day. I counted calories - eating a small (10%ish) surplus 2 days a week and a largish (20% or so) deficit the other 5 days. Adjusted my calories every 3 weeks if needed to target a loss of 1-2 lb a week. (I only had to adjust after the first 3 weeks - apparently I overestimated my calorie requirements by a bit.) I was hungry for just the first 2 days. After that my appetite adjusted quickly. The high calorie days were actually a challenge, since I was so accustomed to eating a deficit... Anyway, 12 weeks later, 10 lbs were gone.


(2) Getting to the pullup: I highly recommend a site called "start bodyweight". He has bodyweight routines and progressions that hit basically any ability level. The biggest trick to getting my first pullup: negative pullups. Basically, you stand on a chair to get into the upper pull-up position, step off the chair, and slowly lower yourself into a hang. The other trick: horizontal pulls. These are both less demanding than a pull-up, but work a lot of the same muscles. Another pull-up specific program I tried earlier this year: 50 pullups. They would start you on negatives, too, and gradually work you toward doing pullups. (I eventually got stuck, as there was a day that I just couldn't complete, so I set that program aside for now.)

The Professor sat in his office, books piled around him. He set down a tome on an empty spot on his desk - leading clouds of dust to drift about the poorly lit room.


"So, the Paths of the Mind are... insufficient... for Full Enlightenment," he said - mostly trying to convince himself.


He stood from his desk, threw some books in his pack, tossed it over his shoulder, and walked out. A New Path had to be explored - and it was not possible to explore it from a cramped dusty office.


The Paths of the Body awaited.

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Hi Spoose! Welcome to Nerd Fitness!


My job requires a lot of lifting, so one of my motivations starting out was to get stronger so I could do my job better. Or at least not be the weakest person on my team!


I struggle with anxiety and depression too. My will power tends to run pretty low because of it. Focusing on building habits helps me a bit. Just small, manageable changes. Like, no junk food at home. Once I'm okay with that, no junk at work. 


Good luck!

Current Challenge: Zeroh, stick to the routine!

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I can't say I know how you feel, but I do know that depression is a real bastard (and has ruined a quite a few of my Challenges over the years). The good thing is that I've learned to not rely on my willpower for training, and to just take care of business. It works more than half the time. It also taught me to allow myself to have crappy training days.


Anyway, welcome. I see that you already have a battle Log. Good. Good.

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