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Proposal Ideas

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I'm thinking I want to get married in the near future, and I'm looking for proposal ideas from our beloved community.

Backstory: girlfriend and I first started dating about 5.75 years ago, just before senior year of high school. We knew of each other since middle school, actually met in 9th grade (in A Capella choir), and were both in the Show Choir Junior and Senior year. I went off to college, and we had a rough on-and-off patch about a year later. Been together and happy for the last 3.25 years. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, she has a degree in Biology.

She knows I have a ring and her sisters are already planning the wedding (unofficially). I need some ideas to work with. NF Community, GO!

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Guest Gemeaux

This is exciting ! Whatever you do , the main thing is that it should be personal . You know her best , think of things she has told you in the past . Is there something she has always wanted to do ? you can ask her then , like if she always wanted to see a certain band , swim with dolphins .

I hope to get married some day , and I do not ask for a huge proposal . I would be happy lying in bed with him , talking to eachother and then he will tell me why he loves me , and then he will slip a ring on my finger .

It just should come from the heart , going down on bended knee is cliche but still romantic , I would love that .

What does she like ?

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My husband took us out for a walk through the woods near the ocean where we love to go, and stopped to propose along the way :). It was perfect!

Just do it while do something you both love to do. Even if its just laying in bed eating pizza watching movies (my husband and I's next favorite thing), as long as your sincere and your both having a good time it should be easy :).

Anything is possible for him who believes. (Mark 9:23)
"The wise man sees in the misfortune of others what he should avoid." -Marcus Aurelius
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Guest Gemeaux
My husband took us out for a walk through the woods near the ocean where we love to go, and stopped to propose along the way :). It was perfect!

Just do it while do something you both love to do. Even if its just laying in bed eating pizza watching movies (my husband and I's next favorite thing), as long as your sincere and your both having a good time it should be easy :).

That is so cute . I love hearing these stories !

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I don't know your personal stuff, but I can tell you what I did and maybe it will give you some ideas.

My wife and I had dated since senior year of high school and were living together for 2 years at this point, together for 4. She told me she didn't want to get get engaged until she was at least a senior in college. With this rule in mind, I proposed the night after she handed in her last final of junior year.

We live on the east coast and my grandmother has a beach house in south jersey we go to most weekends during the summer. Being on the east coast, neither of us had ever seen a sunset over the water. If you go to the southern most tip of jersey, you can watch it set over the Chesapeake Bay, which is so large you can't see the land on the other side. So I took her to that and that's when I proposed.

For my parents, my mother loves seafood and alaskan king crabs. So he took he rout for a crab dinner and had the waiter put the ring on a crab claw.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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...put the ring on her while she's asleep and let her figure it out when she wakes up. Takes care of the whole awkward conversation ;-)

No. Don't do that. But seriously, if she knows and the wedding planning is already underway, that kind of restricts your options. I recommend going skydiving and proposing during the freefall.

Let me know when the day is and I'll get you a copy of the rule book.



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My wife pretty much knew it was coming. We had been dating for 4.5 years when I proposed (on the spot, not really a coincidence). We had looked at rings together and she saw her dad give me a side hug at another wedding when I asked his permission, but I played that off pretty well. She had bought me season tickets for Michigan football, so we went to see Michigan demolish ND 38-0. After that we went to dinner at the first place we had dinner together. On the walk back to the car, we passed by the place that we first met and I did it there.

Like I said, she pretty much knew that was coming. She was still excited, but I need to have something else planned. So, her parents went over to my parents' house for dinner. Her BFF was busy, so the only place we could go was to my parents' house to show both of our parents. When we got there, all of our friends were there waiting to have a surprise engagement party.

Marsupial Assassin - LVL 3

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If she knows it's coming, you're going to have to get creative to blindside her. Example, I knew mine was coming, so hubby put the box with the ring in the refrigerator, and waited for me to discover it-after returning home from the gym with a 2 hour session. Yup, was all sweaty. But surprised.

just keep on trucking...

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It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

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Guest Gemeaux
It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

Ok , that made me cry a bit . Damn.

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Ahhh maybe get a choir to sing her favorite song ? because that is how you met ? it is super corny ( I love corny ) and then propose ?

I think this would be a GREAT idea for you, man.

Half-Demon Adventurer (Hoping to become an Assassin)Fitocracy |Twitter

"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

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It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

Damn it, thanks for setting the bar so high buddy.

"Pull the bar like you're ripping the head off a god-damned lion" - Donny Shankle

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It has to be personal to the 2 of you, but I'll share mine anyway.

Heard of the Legend of a Thousand Cranes? Short version: fold a thousand cranes, get a wish. So...I folded a thousand of those suckers. It took forever. If I never fold another crane the rest of my life, it's too soon. Anyway, she was still in school at the time, so over a period of a couple months, every time we said good night (over the phone), I stayed up until like 3am folding cranes.

I took her Chicago for a few days, under the guise of a work trip. (I was traveling to Chicago a lot at the time, and she had come with from time to time, so not a reach). Anyway, she totally smelled it coming, until I told her I had loaned my camera to a friend. (In reality, the camera was with the friend that was driving the thousand cranes out there - certainly wasn't going to try and carry them on the plane). Anyway, thinking I couldn't possibly propose without the camera, she was pissed. Like, wouldn't speak to me all night - didn't even want to come. Fortunately, her mom (who knew the plan), talked her off the ledge and convinced her just to try and have a good time.

I send her off shopping for the day, while I go to "work" (really, the restaurant where we are having dinner that night - decorating a room with a shitload of cranes). When we get to dinner, we eat in the normal dining room, and I have the waiter deliver the check with a piece of oragami paper in it. I fold her a crane (which she thinks is neat), and as we are walking out - I ask if she has heard of the legend (she hasn't). I tell her the legend promises the folder of 1000 cranes a wish, and that this one is number 1000. I open up the door to the wine room, revealing the other 999, get down on one knee, and tell her my wish.

Anyway, a lot of work and planning, but a smashing success. (And yeah, tl;dr)

Best one I've seen.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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msuroo - that is AWESOME!!!!!! I love those kinds of stories. How absolutely original!

I had told my hubby that I always wanted to go on a horse-drawn carriage ride downtown Chicago because I had never been. He always told me he never could because of his severe allergies to animals. The day after his best friend's wedding (which was downtown), he told me he had a surprise for me. Did the whole carriage ride thing, and at one point the driver stopped to let us out to "take pictures," we went out and he got down on one knee. I'd never tell him, but the moment I knew we were donig a "surprise" I knew what was going to happen (we also were kind of planning the wedding anyway). BUT I still think it was so so sweet and absolutely loved it.

Has she mentioned "always" wanting to do something like that? Kind of cliche but for me, it was perfect. I also like the choir/people singing idea.

Or you could just do this:

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Hard to follow msuroo's proposal.

She and I had talked about getting married and such. So one day she wanted to go to the ring store so we could get a feel for what kind of rings she liked and such. Well we walked out of there buying the one she wanted, but she still wanted a proper proposal. But she also made three conditions for what she considered the perfect proposal: had to be outside, it had to be night, and it had to be just us (well at least not in front of her friends and family). Being a guy, I wanted it to be a surprise, but obviously that would be hard since she already knew I had the ring.

Well I kept taking her out and made sure it would have those three conditions so she would be wondering if I would pop the proposal multiple times. About two weeks after getting the ring, I took her for a long date (dinner outside, putt-putt, just hanging out outside). When we got home we took the dog out and let her on her chain. While sitting there on the porch (outside, at night, her family inside the house), I proposed. She was surprised since she didn't expect it then and I met her ideal proposal aspects. But to this day she says I proposed to her while her dog was shitting. The dog was already off in the checking out the bushes before I proposed.

Level 26, Primal Ultra Trail Scout, Non-Binary Robot


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I agree. Make it unexpected. Surprise her at work all dressed up. Do it at a family gathering. Choir idea is cute. It doesn't have to be expensive and wildly public. Just do it when it feels right. I'm excited for yall! She's a lucky girl!

Yeah, I was going for the private beach thing and we walked down it a bit to do it. I was giving every person who walked by the stink eye. She noticed but didn't know why I was doing it and always teases me about it now. It's ok, her response to "Will you marry me?" was her bawling and asking "Did you ask my dad?". I said "yes" and had to remind her that I was still on one knee waiting to put the ring on her finger and I needed a yes or no.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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Hard to follow msuroo's proposal.

She and I had talked about getting married and such. So one day she wanted to go to the ring store so we could get a feel for what kind of rings she liked and such. Well we walked out of there buying the one she wanted, but she still wanted a proper proposal. But she also made three conditions for what she considered the perfect proposal: had to be outside, it had to be night, and it had to be just us (well at least not in front of her friends and family). Being a guy, I wanted it to be a surprise, but obviously that would be hard since she already knew I had the ring.

Well I kept taking her out and made sure it would have those three conditions so she would be wondering if I would pop the proposal multiple times. About two weeks after getting the ring, I took her for a long date (dinner outside, putt-putt, just hanging out outside). When we got home we took the dog out and let her on her chain. While sitting there on the porch (outside, at night, her family inside the house), I proposed. She was surprised since she didn't expect it then and I met her ideal proposal aspects. But to this day she says I proposed to her while her dog was shitting. The dog was already off in the checking out the bushes before I proposed.

This happened to a friend of mine and he did the same thing. He went as far as going to romantic places and getting down on one knee, looking up at her, then looking down and tieing his shoe and that was it.

Massrandir, Barkûn, Swolórin, The Whey Pilgrim
500 / 330 / 625
Challenges: 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 36 39 41 42 45 46 47 48 49 Current Challenge
"No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. " ~ Socrates
"Friends don't let friends squat high." ~ Chad Wesley Smith
"It's a dangerous business, Brodo, squatting to the floor. You step into the rack, and if you don't keep your form, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to." ~ Gainsdalf

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I had told my hubby that I always wanted to go on a horse-drawn carriage ride downtown Chicago because I had never been. He always told me he never could because of his severe allergies to animals. The day after his best friend's wedding (which was downtown), he told me he had a surprise for me. Did the whole carriage ride thing, and at one point the driver stopped to let us out to "take pictures," we went out and he got down on one knee. I'd never tell him, but the moment I knew we were donig a "surprise" I knew what was going to happen (we also were kind of planning the wedding anyway). BUT I still think it was so so sweet and absolutely loved it.

Ooh, this reminds me of another one I liked. One of my friends had her fiance take her to New York for the weekend. They were doing the carriage ride in Central Park thing when he gave her a scrapbook. She was flipping through it, and each page was a "remember when." Remember when we graduated? Remember when we went to this football game? Remember when we went to this play? etc etc. Anyway, the last one didn't have any pictures, but just had the words "Remember when I asked you to marry me?" and he awkwardly down on one knee in the carriage.

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just for the sake of generating ideas, my friend Joe proposed to his now-wife Rachel w/ a mariachi band in Grant Park in Chicago:

...we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter. - Tom Robbins


Current Challenge: Life, man.

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